




1、.外文翻译:居室色彩译文正文:居室作为居住的空间,是人们最常接触的环境;色彩的表现意义丰富,不同的用色会带来不同的审美效果。色彩在装修中的设计尤为重要。本文从家装用色流程、要求、原则及技巧等方面做一些探讨,希望给人们一点借鉴。 色彩是居室装修的灵魂。色彩是最易出效果、最能表达个性的元素,运用恰当、搭配合理,可以使居家变得靓丽、动人;搭配失调、运用不当,也会给居家生活带来诸多不快。色彩设计也是家装中最难的部分,很少有人能够掌握色彩改造空间的技巧和相应的敏锐度,很少有人能够准确预测家居色彩的流行趋势等,因此家装用色问题仍需重视。 1 居室装修用色流程 要在装修过程中正确合理的运用色彩,首先要掌握用
2、色流程。这是很多人忽略的问题,人们往往凭感觉、据喜好选择、使用色彩,如此用色难免盲目,从而带来家装隐患。 1.1 明确用色对象要求 不同的人,由于其喜好、职业、年龄等不同,对房间会有不同的功能性的要求,而且居室用色除墙面外,还有窗帘、阳台、吊棚、装饰线、各种配饰等,因此在用色之前一定要对用色对象做到心中有数,这些对象的功能各异,配色应分别加以考虑。 1.2 事先摸底,掌握条件 施工前要事先摸底,做到心中有数。比如居室所处地理位置和周围环境条件、居室房间的功能、朝向、空间等、墙壁的光面或毛面、居室使用者对颜色的喜好及民俗、风水等都会对用色有影响。 1.3 确定颜色 首先确定基本色。一般先确定在人
3、的视野中面积最大、视看时间最长部分的颜色,也就是基本色;其次确定辅助色。为了防止颜色紊乱,保持简洁明快和统一,色调不宜过多,以2-3种为宜;同时尽量使颜色调和,包括色调、明度和彩度的调和;最后点缀色的确定。居室的入口、墙面的配饰和窗帘、沙发罩等部位重点加以点缀,可以起到点睛效果。 2 居室装修用色基本要求 居室装修用色,有以下三个基本要求: (1)实用功能要求:不同房间有不同的实用功能,色彩不同会给人情绪、心理带来不同的影响。人的生活习惯对房间的功能属性要求较高,如客厅要宽敞明亮,适合家庭聚会;卧室是休息的场所、书房是学习的场所等,用色要适合这种功能要求,满足人的实用需要。 (2)装饰审美要求
4、:室内色彩对视觉环境产生巨大影响,创造和谐或强烈的视觉审美效果是设计师梦寐以求的追求。色彩视觉审美符合普遍的审美规律,色彩秩序、比例、均衡、呼应等要遵循艺术规律的审美要求,只有把握这些规律才能产生良好的审美效果。 (3)整体环境要求:所谓“一方水土养一方人”,一个地区特有的环境因素形成了人各自的生活方式和审美习惯,那么以人为本的室内用色除了要从功能上考虑符合人的实用需求以及从审美上考虑精神需求外,还应从心理上进行不同文化背景下的人文关照,其风格的表现应从大环境整体的高度,反映室内设计的地域文化内涵和时代特征。室内设计的“里”和大环境的“外”是相辅相成的,作为大环境系列“链中一环”的室内设计,不
5、可脱离环境中的自然、文化与社会特征,力争满足人的情感愉悦。 色彩搭配不同的人还有不同的要求,如档次要求、个性要求、民俗要求、风水要求等,要根据不同情况,灵活对待。 3 居室装修用色总体原则 没有难看的颜色,只有不和谐的配色,把握总体原则,家装用色并不难。 3.1 整体布局 协调统一 家装用色首先要从整体布局上考量。营造一个统一和谐又不失个性的家居,建议用色不能过多,且色彩搭配上要有主次之分。整个居室,颜色反差大的色彩不能超过三种,主色中,以一种色彩为主,其他为辅。例如在一个居室中,如果墙壁、天花板、家俱等颜色各不相同,整个居室就会显得杂乱无章,没有主次。如相近色调的颜色搭配,如蓝、绿或灰色,可
6、产生精巧安静的效果。红、粉红、棕色使人感到“温暖兴奋”的效果等。 3.2 局部渲染 不失个性 局部的色彩点缀不可忽视,恰如其分的色彩装点,可以形成视觉焦点,彰显个性,在居室整体布局中产生点睛效应。操作时确定主色调后,可用一种比其更亮或更暗的颜色以示渲染,如线角处。色彩装点用于有装饰线的小房间或公寓,更能相映成趣。也可以大胆选用具有强烈对比效果的色彩,如亮对暗、暖色对冷色,可以达到个性鲜明、生机盎然的效果。4 居室装修用色技巧 一种色彩,就是一种心情。家居布置,应尽量选择“快乐”的色彩。这样,不管你在外面心情怎样,只要一踏进家门,心情就会好起来。 当然,遵循用色原则,首先要确立居室用色的总体风格
8、空间像海天一色的大自然一样开阔自在 其次在进行局部色彩点缀时,要注意色彩亮点设计。色彩亮点可以产生视觉焦点,便于形成总体协调、重点突出、层次分明、节奏感强、彰显个性的色系风格:比如轻快玲珑色调,中心色为黄、橙色,沙发、天花板可用灰色调,加一些绿色植物衬托,气氛别致;再如轻柔浪漫色调,中心色为柔和的粉红色,家具可用白色,房间局部点缀淡蓝、有浪温气氛;典雅优美色调,中心色为玫瑰色和淡紫色,窗帘可选淡紫印花的,放些盆栽植物点缀,可取得雅致优美的效果等。 4 居室装修用色技巧 一种色彩,就是一种心情。家居布置,应尽量选择“快乐”的色彩。这样,不管你在外面心情怎样,只要一踏进家门,心情就会好起来。 当然
10、感到十分的自由,好像是大自然的一部分,让居家空间像海天一色的大自然一样开阔自在 其次在进行局部色彩点缀时,要注意色彩亮点设计。色彩亮点可以产生视觉焦点,便于形成总体协调、重点突出、层次分明、节奏感强、彰显个性的色系风格:比如轻快玲珑色调,中心色为黄、橙色,沙发、天花板可用灰色调,加一些绿色植物衬托,气氛别致;再如轻柔浪漫色调,中心色为柔和的粉红色,家具可用白色,房间局部点缀淡蓝、有浪温气氛;典雅优美色调,中心色为玫瑰色和淡紫色,窗帘可选淡紫印花的,放些盆栽植物点缀,可取得雅致优美的效果等。 5 不同区域色彩设计 居室的不同区域有各自功能性要求,因此在用色设计上要与其功能相适应: (1)客厅是展
11、示性最强的部位,色彩运用最为丰富,客厅的色彩要以反映热情好客的暖色调为基调,并可有较大的色彩跳跃和强烈的对比,突出各个重点装饰部位。 (2)卧室是休息的地方,对色彩要求较高,不同年龄的人对卧室色彩要求差异较大。浅绿色或浅桃红色会使人产生春天的温暖感觉,适用于较寒冷的环境;浅蓝色则令人联想到海洋,使人镇静,身心舒畅。 (3)书房是学习思考的空间,一般应以蓝、绿等冷色调的设计为主,便于创造安静的气氛。棕色、金色或天然本色,都会给人温和舒服的感觉,加上少许绿色点缀,会觉得更放松。 (4)餐厅是进餐场所,也是全家人汇聚的空间,在色彩运用上,一般应选择暖色调,突出温馨、祥和的气氛,同时要便于清理,如棕、
12、棕黄或杏色等为最适合。 (5)厨房应以清洁、卫生为主。厨房需要经常清洗,因此应以白、灰色为主。鲜黄、鲜红、鲜蓝及鲜绿色都是快乐的厨房颜色,但是别让带绿的黄色出现。 (6)卫生间清洁卫生要求较高,在色彩上有两种形式供选择。一种是以白色为主的浅色调,地面及墙面均以白色、浅灰等颜色做装饰;另一种是以黑色为主的深色调,地面、墙面以黑色、深灰色做装饰。但注意不要选择绿色,以避免从墙上反射光线,会使人觉得自己面如菜色而心情不快。 (7)儿童房多采用鲜艳的颜色。尤其是在婴幼儿时期,因为这个阶段只能识别四种颜色:红、黄、蓝、绿。明亮、鲜艳的色彩,有利儿童的身心健康。 总之不同颜色刺激人的大脑皮层,使人产生冷、
13、热、深、浅、明、暗的感觉,产生安静、兴奋、紧张、轻松的情绪反应。在居室的不同区域,利用这种情绪效应调节“兴奋灶”,可以减少或消除疲劳,提高生活质量,增加生活幸福感。 6 家装用色注意事项 错误的家装用色,可使情绪恶化,给生活带来不悦,因此家装用色需注意: (1)尽量回避大面积的黑、白色块,特别避免黑白等比出现。黑白配的房间很有现代感,但如果在房间内把黑白等比使用就显得太过花哨,会使人眼花缭乱,紧张、烦躁、无所适从。大面积的黑色会使人感觉到沮丧、压抑;大面积的白色让人感觉被动、缺乏乐趣和生气,甚至会产生无望情绪。最好以白色为主,局部以其他色彩点缀,空间变得明亮舒畅,同时兼具品位与趣味。 (2)红
14、色不能长时间作为主色调。尽管中国人认为红色是吉祥色,如新房、各种庆典等都爱用红色,但居室红色过多会让眼睛负担过重,产生头晕目眩的感觉。建议选择红色在软装饰上使用,比如窗帘、床品等,用淡淡的米色或清新的白色搭配,可以使人神清气爽,更能突出红色的喜庆气氛。 (3)大面积的紫色会给空间压抑感。紫色,总给人无限浪漫的联想,追求时尚的人最推崇紫色。但大面积的紫色会使空间整体色调变深,从而产生压抑感。因此需要欢快气氛的居室或孩子的房间要慎用紫色,那样有无奈的感觉。如果真的很喜欢,可以在局部作为装饰亮点,比如卧房的一角、卫浴间的帷帘等小地方使用。 (4)利用色彩错视现象,调节空间感觉。如当室内空间过于空旷时
15、,可采用暖色、明度低的色彩显得紧凑集中;反之当空间过于狭小时,可采用冷色、高明度的色彩使其显得宽敞。还可以根据周围环境进行选择。如果住宅周围有红色涂料墙的光线反射,就不宜选用绿或蓝色,而宜用奶黄色。若窗外有大片树木等绿色光线反射,墙面宜用浅黄或米黄色等。 总之,家装用色人人都很重视。而且随着人们不断深化对色彩的认识、理解及运用,相信色彩会在家装过程中焕发出更为神奇的艺术魅力。 原文正文:Abstract: room as living space, a performance of the color meaning rich people the most common exposure t
16、o environmental; different colors will bring a different aesthetic effect. The color design is particularly important in the decoration. The use of color flow from the home improvement, requirements, principles and skills to do some research, I hope to people that draw. Key words: home improvement c
17、olor aesthetic embellishment Color is the soul of the home decoration. The color is most vulnerable to the effect, the best expression of the elements of personality, the use of appropriate, with reasonable, you can make the home beautiful, moving; with imbalance, improper use, also bring a lot of u
18、nhappy home life. The color design is the hardest part in the home improvement, few people can master the skills of the color transformation of space and the corresponding sensitivity, very few people can accurately predict the home color trends, so the home improvement use of color issues still nee
19、d to attach importance to.1. bedroom decoration color processTo the right use of color in the renovation process, one must master the use of color process. This is a lot of people ignore the problem, often the seat of your pants, according to preferences, the use of color, so color is inevitably bli
20、nd, to bring home improvement problems.1.1 explicit requirements of the use of color objectsDifferent people, different preferences, occupation, age, etc., the room will have different functional requirements of the room and use of color in addition to the wall outside, as well as curtains, balcony,
21、 hanging shelf, decorative lines, a variety of accessories use of color objects, before the use of color must be aware of the different functions of these objects, the color should be considered separately1.2 prior thoroughly to master the conditionsPre-construction prior thoroughly, and be aware of
22、. The room in which the geographic location and environmental conditions around the bedroom room features, orientation, space, smooth or rough surface of the walls, the room users' color preferences and folk, feng shui and so will affect the use of color.1.3 determine the colorFirst, determine t
23、he basic color. Generally determine the largest area in the human field of vision, as the longest part of the color, which is the basic color; followed to determine the secondary color. In order to prevent the color disorder, simple and neat and unified tone should not be too much to 2-3 is appropri
24、ate; at the same time try to make the color mix, including the harmony of hue, lightness and saturation; dotted with color. The entrance of the room, wall accessories, curtains, sofa cover and other parts of the focus to be decorated, you can play the effect of the eye-dotting2. bedroom decoration b
25、asic requirements for the use of colorBedroom decoration with color, there are three basic requirements:(1) utility function requirements: different rooms have different utility functions, different colors will give people emotional, psychological have different impacts. The life habits of the peopl
26、e demanding the functional properties of the room, such as living room is bright and spacious, suitable for family gatherings; bedroom is a place to rest, study, learning places for this feature requires the use of color, to meet the practical needs of people .(2) decorative aesthetic requirements:
27、Indoor color a huge impact on the visual environment, to create harmony or a strong visual aesthetic effect is a designers dream to pursue. Aesthetic in line with the universal aesthetic laws of color vision, color order, proportion, balance, echoes and other aesthetic requirements to follow the law
28、s of art, only to grasp these laws in order to produce good aesthetic effect.(3) The requirements of the overall environment: the so-called "side soil support", a region-specific environmental factors to the formation of the respective lifestyle and aesthetic habits, then the indoor people
29、-oriented from the functional use of color in addition to consider the practical needs and to consider the spiritual needs of the aesthetic, humanistic care from different cultural backgrounds but also from the psychological, the performance of its style from the environment overall height, to refle
30、ct the geographical and cultural connotation of the interior design and characteristics of the times. Interior design "environment" outside "are complementary, as the environment series" chain link "interior design, not from the natural environment, cultural and social chara
31、cteristics, and strive to meet people's emotional pleasure.Color with different people have different requirements, such as grade requirements, individual requirements, folk customs requirements, feng shui requirements, etc., under different circumstances, be treated with flexibility.3. bedroom
32、renovated the general principles of the use of colorNo ugly colors, only discordant color, to grasp the general principles of home improvement is not difficult to color. 3.1 the overall layout of the harmonization ofHome improvement from the overall layout of the first use of color considerations. T
33、o create a unified harmony without losing the personality of the home, it is recommended that not too much use of color and color matching should be primary or secondary. The entire room, the color contrast color can not be more than three, the main color, a color-based and other supplemented. For e
34、xample, in a room, if the color of the walls, ceilings, furniture, etc. of the same, the entire room will look cluttered, there is no primary and secondary. Such as the colors of similar hue, such as blue, green or gray, can produce a compact and quiet effect. Red, pink, brown, makes people feel war
35、m and excited, "effects.3.2 The local rendering without losing individualityLocal color embellishment can not be ignored, just the right color decorating, form the visual focus, individuality, and eye in the room overall layout effects. After the operation to determine the main colors available
36、 than their lighter or darker color to show the rendering, such as at the angle of the line. Color decorate for a decorative line of small rooms or apartments, and more side by side. Bold choice of color with strong contrast, such as bright on the dark, warm, cool, distinctive and vitality of the ef
37、fect can be achieved. 4 bedroom decoration techniques the use of colorA color, a mood. Home Furnishings, should try to choose a "happy" color. So, whether you are on the outside feel how, by just entering a house, the mood will be better.Of course, follow the principle of the use of color,
38、 first to establish the room's overall style of the use of color, to highlight their own tastes. For example, black and white can create a strong visual effect, while if in recent years, the popular gray into which ease the black and white conflict, you can create another different effects. Three colors with no color space, full of the Cool modern and futuristic, resulting in a rational, orderly and professional sense; can also be used with the blue line and orange line, these two strong contrast color, on both sides of the chroma change, these two
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