



1、趣味英语绕口令a. i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.b. see you later, alligator.c. sussie sells seashells on the sea shore.d. any noise annoys an oyster.e. peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.f. phone phil for fine fresh fish.g. picky pick-pockets pick picked pockets.h. betty batter

2、 had some butter.i. a big black bug bit a big black bear.j. the big bad baby brought the bought black blanket back英语冷笑话一词多义冷笑话1you are just a fool. i can't bear you.-but your mother can.bear 一词多义:stand、put up with> tolerate 忍受. 2 .give birth to 生出冷笑话2(in a restaurant)-waiter, the eggs must ha

3、ve gone bad.-sorry, i only laid the table.lay 一词多义:l.lay an egg下蛋、产卵.2. lay the table摆桌子(准备吃饭)冷笑话3farmer: if you want to spend the night here, you'll have to make your own bed.traveling salesman: that's perfectly all right.farmer: here's a hammer and saw. good night.make one' s own b

4、ed 一般指“铺床”。但make也有“制作”的意思。冷笑话4we can't get down from elephants. we can only get down from ducks.down 一词多义:1.副词,向下。2.名词,鸭绒。冷笑话5重量级的,将“一词多义”发挥到极致marriage is an institution where a man loses his bachelor's degree and a woman gets her master's.这里有三个词存在一次多义,institution、bachelor and master1. i

5、nstitution有“学院”的意思,还有“制度”的意思。牛津词典里有这样的例句:marriage is a sacred institution.婚姻制度是神 圣的2. bachelor有“学士”的意思,还有“单身汉”的意思。3. master有“硕士”的意思,还有“主人”的意思。婚姻是一个学院,男人失去学士学位,女人活得硕士学位。婚姻是这样一个制度,男人失去单身汉的身份,而女人获得主人的地位冷笑话6-if you want my daughter to marry you. you should at least tell me one thing positive about you.-

6、i am hiv positive.positive 一词多义1.积极肯定的。2.阳性的。冷笑话7一个长得很丑的女人,去照相馆照相,取到相片以后呢,她问这个摄影师,don't you think i'm beautiful?你认为我漂亮吗然后这个摄影师说了一句很要命的话the answer lies in the negative.答案就在底片上 negative 一词多义1名词,底片,film。2.否定的答案在胶卷上。答案是否定的。冷笑话8your brain has two parts, the left part and the right part. the right

7、 part has nothing left, and the left part has nothing right.did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? he's all right now.冷笑话9money doesn't grow on trees. but it grows at our branches.(某银行 广告) 冷笑话10child: mummy, can i get out to play?mother: with those holes in your trouse

8、rs?child: no, with the girl next door.谐音“笑”果冷笑话1a bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred.a bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred, (too tired)冷笑话2索尼mp3广告:over 500000 ears of experienceshu cares!谁理他冷笑话3waitress: do you want a can, sir?(服务员拿出一听罐头)连读can, sir是癌症冷笑话4there are four letters to scare the thief away: oicuseven days without laughter makes one weak.weak和 week谐音t


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