



1、课   题Module 5 Laoshe TeahouseUnit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.课型Reading and writing授课教师王楠学校汉沽二中备课时间10月12日授课时间10月18日教材分析本课以老舍及老舍茶馆为主题,介绍了作家老舍及老舍茶馆以及话剧茶馆等相关内容,设置了读前,读中,读后三个阶段的教学活动。学生可以通过观看课文flash视频观察短文段落标题及以时间轴梳理文章中心的方法来把握段落大意,学生通过完成教师预设任务对本文进行预设的学习,这是一种非常有效的学习策略。学情分析本课位于外研


3、族自豪感。教学重点不定式做宾语概念的理解和运用。学生们能通过小组合作理解整篇阅读文章,完成思维导图以及任务型习题。教学难点学生们通过小组合作形式共同完成思维导图、时间轴,并最终流畅复述课文。教学方法Top-down approach 教学手段Electronic whiteboard教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图课前2分钟Relaxing time Enjoy the song:前门情思大碗茶Listen to the song, think what it is singing.本活动是课前准备,既可以帮助学生稳定情绪做好上课的准备又可以帮助导入本课话题。一、导入新课Step1 W

4、arming-up 1. Enjoy a play: Lao She Teahouse2. Review the text of Unit 1. 3. Show some pictures.4. Introduce the new words.5. Learn the new words. Look at the pictures, and talk something about the pictures.learn some new words.来2.本活动是阅读前的准备活动,目的是让学生通过提前阅读资料,了解老舍的相关信息。二、新课新课Step 2 Review (温故)Step 3 P

5、re-readingPresentation (知新) Step 4 While-reading(自主学习,合作探究) Step 5 Afterreading(寻找语言点)Step6 Retell the passage1. Show some pictures.Check the studentshomework which is about reviewing. 2.Check their answers.1. Play the video and show some questions about thepassage.2. Ask the students to read throug

6、h the passage.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.1. Help the students to think about the questions.2. Show the language map to the students.3.Show the timeline to the students and explain how to complete it.1. Ask the students to summary the language points.2. Ask the students to make con

7、clusion.3. Show the points of the teacher's1. Help the students to use the information of the passage.2. Help them to find a good way to retell the passage,such as :language map or timeline.1.Look at the pictures in Activity 1 carefully.2. Now match the words with the pictures.3.Talk something a

8、bout the pictures.1. Read the passage by themselves.2. Read the text together.3. Read the passage and answer the questions.4. Check with a partner.1. Check with a partner.2. Call back the answers from the whole class. 3.Complete the language map and timeline.2. Check with a partner.3. Call back the

9、answers from the whole class.1. Students try to find the expression of the unit.2. Read the language points together.3. Explain the points of the finding by teacher.1. Students try their best to retell the passage.2.Students can retell the paragraphy 1 by reading the language map,pa.2 by reading tim

10、elin,pa.3 by answering the questions. 本活动的目的是展示部分图片,让学生猜测,全员参与,调动孩子们探索新知的积极性。本活动为细节信息获取活动,要求学生学生通过听,读,初步了解这篇阅读文章。本活动旨在通过句的理解,帮助孩子们更好的理解全文。启发孩子们补充思维导图、时间轴和选择题,通过小组合作的方式,对这篇文章的理解更加深刻。读后让孩子们通过小组合作寻找语言点,有效的锻炼了孩子们的总结归纳能力。通过自己整理的思维导图以及时间轴,并通过小组合作的形式,复述课文。新课 Step7 Summary Ask students to talk what the

11、y have learnt in this class.Students talk about what they have learnt in this class, for example ,some phrases or sentence structures培养学生的自主学习能力,并与教学目标相呼应。让孩子们做主人,感受自己总结知识的快乐。三、巩固练习 1. My mother wanted _ _ (go) to the park. 2. Lao She _ _ “the Peoples Artist”(被称作)3.翻译句子-他是最伟大的中国作家之一。(one of)四、小结1. a

12、nd was named “Peoples Artist” Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writes of the twentieth century.(他)被誉为“人民艺术家”,老舍是20世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。name在这里是动词,表示“命名”;name还有“任命”的意思。例如: Lili was named as captain of our English studying team. 李丽被任命为我们英语学习小组的组长。2. The play has three acts and shows the lives of common

13、people in China act既可以作名词,也可以作动词。作名词时,可以表示“(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕”;作动词时,可以表示“扮演;演出”。如:The story has five acts. 这个故事有五幕。 In this play Tony acted an old man. 在这部剧里,托尼扮演一个老人。3. If you like the Beijing Opera, traditional music or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse.如果你喜欢京剧、传统音乐或魔术表演,你可以在这家茶馆里欣赏到这些节目。if

14、作连词,意为“如果,若”,可引导条件状语从句。在if引导的条件状语从句 中,如果主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。如: I will go to the park if it is sunny tomorrow. 4. Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world. Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world.老舍茶馆热情地欢迎来自世界各地的人们。give a welcome 意为“ 地欢迎”。例如: Beijing gives a warm welcome to people from all over the world. 北京热情地欢迎来自世界各地的人们。Jim gave her a cold welcome. 吉姆对她冷淡。5. Where does the story take


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