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1、 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas一、语音:找出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。(  )1A. eat        B. leave       C. head       D. clean (  )2. A. smart      B. card     

2、;     C. hard       D. warm(  )3. A. lazy      B. relax       C. panda      D. Africa (  )  4. A. south      B. these &#

3、160;     C. think       D. throw(  )  5. A. fun         B. ugly       C. mushroom   D. cute二、词汇: A)      根据首字母,填出正确的单词。1.  Do

4、nt s_ in class. Keep awake, please.2.  A g_ has a very long neck. Its a beautiful animal.3.  A dolphin is very i_ because it can act as people do.4.  It has an u_ face. We are afraid of it.5.  The panda is very shy, so please be very q_.B)      用所给单词的正确形式

5、填空。1.      Our teacher is very _ ( friend) to us. We like her very much.2.      He usually sleeps and _ ( relax ) 20 hours every day.3.      Jim went to the Sea World and _ ( enjoy ) his day.4.      T

6、he _ ( leaf ) of the trees are yellow.5.      There are many _ ( kind ) of animals in the zoo.三、单项选择。1. I like pandas _ they are beautiful.   A. so           B. and        

7、60; C. because 2.I am afraid _ tigers because they are scary. A. with        B. of      C. for 3.  You had breakfast, _? A. werent you      B. wasnt you      C. didn

8、t you 4.  Mr. Li is kind _ us.  But sometimes he is kind _ serious. A. to , of        B. with, to        C. of , to 5.  My sister is very quiet. She has _ words. A. a little   

9、0; B. a few      C. little     D. few 6. I got a letter _ Australia last week. A. with      B. in       C. from 7.I like my teacher because he can talk _ us _ our friend. A. to , l

10、ike        B. with , likes     C. to, likes 8.I dont like lions because theyre _. A. strong        B. shy        C. unfriendly 9. Most children like koala bears

11、 because they are _. A. interesting   B. scary  C. cute   D. both A and C 10. Did Sandy go to school _ last Monday? A. on          B. at        C. /     &#

12、160;   D. for 11.   My little cat sleeps _ the day , but _night he begins to work. A. at , at      B. on, in   C. on, at   D. during, at 12.   My watch was lost yesterday. I _ it   everywhere but I di

13、dnt _ it. A. looked for, find         B. found, look for  C. looked for, find out     D. find, look for 13.   I have two books. One is for you, _  is for   her. A. another   &

14、#160; B. other     C. the other    14.   Listen! The boy _ in the room, he often _ English songs. A. sings, is singing          B. is singing, sings C. sings, sings     &

15、#160;         D. singing, sings 15.   There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa. A. a  , The      B. an , The        C. / , An 四、句型转换。1.I like elephants b

16、ecause they are interesting.(就划线部分提问)_ do you _ elephants?2. He usually gets up and eats leaves at night.(就划线部分提问)_ does he usually _ at night?3. My brother eats Macdonald every week. ( 用 last week 替换every week)My brother _  Macdonald _ week.4. Lets see the pandas first.( 完成反义疑问句 ) Lets se

17、e the pandas first, _ _?5.I like dolphins best of all the animals.(同义转换)My _  _ is dolphins. 五、把下列句子按顺序排列好,组成一段对话,把正确的序号写在前面的横线上。 1.  _ A. Because theyre cute. 2. _B. Lets go and see the giraffes and pandas. 3. _C. Why do you like pandas? 4._D. Because they are sma

18、rt. 5._E. Ok., so why do you like giraffes? 六、完型填空。 Is He Only One Day Older than You? Joan and Alice are in Grade One. They _1_  in the same building and theyre good _2_.They go to school and come home together(一起).After _3_ they sing, play, read or do their homework in fro

19、nt of the building. Its Joans birthday today. Joan _4_  Alice to her party. The little girl went there at six. The party _5_ and all the people said, “Happy birthday to you , Joan!” She was very _6_. Joans parents brought some food and the children thought it was very delicious, so they _7

20、_ much. After that they began to play in the room. They _8_ a good time there. “Werent you at home yesterday?” asked Alice. “_9_,”answered the girl. “It was my grandpas birthday and I went there with my _10_.” “What?” the little girl said in surprise(惊讶地). “Is he only one day older th

21、an you?” (   )1.  A. work       B. live        C. walk        D. run (   )2.  A. students     B. teachers    C. classmates

22、60;  D .friends (   )3.  A. class       B. breakfast   C. school      D. meeting (   )4.  A. asked       B. let        C. tol

23、d        D. hoped (   )5.  A. finished     B. started     C. left        D. lifted (   )6.  A. happy       B. sorry 

24、;     C. free       D. busy (   )7.  A. saw         B. carried    C. found      D. ate (   )8.  A. gave    

25、60;   B. got        C. had       D. heard (   )9.  A. Yes, I was   B. No, I wasnt   C. Yes, we were     D. No, we werent       

26、60;  (   )10. A. doctor        B. driver     C. family     D. cleaner 七、阅读理解。 A)     This is my home. I live on a farm. I work here. I work seven days a week. I work five in t

27、he morning to seven at night. Many people work in a factory. I work on a beautiful farm. My farm is like a beautiful painting. I grow rice and different kinds of vegetables such as carrots, onions, tomatoes and potatoes. In the morning I can see many colors and hear the birds sing. I love working he

28、re. I love my rice like my children. I love farming. Read and complete.   I am a _, I work _ hours a day. I like working _ a farm very much, but I dont like working in a _. I think my farm is as beautiful as a _. I _  rice and different _ of vegetables. Every day when I see the c

29、olors and _ the birds _, I feel very happy. I really _ working here.   B)   Mr. Knott not was a teacher. He taught in a big school in London. He lived a long way from the school, so he was usually quite tired when he got home. At nine oclock one evening when he was in bed, t

30、he telephone bell rang in the hall, so he went downstairs, picked up the telephone and said, “ Hello! Whos speaking, please?” “Wattwot” a man answered. “ Whats your name, please?” said Mr. Knott. “Watts my name. ”was the answer. “ Yes, I asked you that whats your name?” Mr. Knott

31、 said again. “ I told you. Watts my name.” said the other man, “ Are you Jack Smith?” “No, Im Knott.” Answered Mr. Knott. Both Mr. Watt and Mr. Knott put their telephones down angrily and thought, “ What a rude, foolish man!” 1. Mr. Knott was usually tired in the evening because _. A.  he was a teacher.              B. he worked very hard in a school C. he lived a long way from school        D. he taught too many


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