1、精品文档时态一 典型例题1 My train arrives 五 Reijing a(锂M a' dwk tonighrb The phne I would like !O take from therehyEmA. wquU leaveB. will havp 1 亡ftC* has leftD. had left2, He ought to jitnp workt hu has a headache because hetoo longA” haw been readingK had readC 认 readi ngD. read3” *N1ay 1 sprak to your r
2、rmnagcr Mr. Green at five o'clock iorjght?,h*T*m aurry, Mr” Greento a confereTicr long brfotff then.A” inriH have gone氏 had goneCb wuuM have gunrD. lias 器4. Great «$ Newn Jots of hd izleastoday and are being modified by the work of scieniists oivimE.扎mnr tnrhalleneRmay be chalkngedCthavt he
3、er.challengedD.arc chtlknged5* Bclcre the first non-stop flight made in I9S&, iinecessary for all planes CO land for refuelingsA. wouldbeKha» beenC.hftd beenIXwotild have been& She tame back htti which time all ihe gueM had already IlIYA. e5terKbyC.atDduring7. Until her familyfrom her f
4、or six monlhs,扎 didn't hearB, hasn*t been hearingC hasn*! heardH h胡t heard8. The at period of ihe nineteenth centurythe meady inipruYtment in the 血刚怡 of t«avtKA. tus wime$5td B, was witnessed C, witciMedD is wilntscd9. The white building is where the workers live, acid lhe white ont is whre
5、 th亡 <<pare parts-A, are producingB. are producedC* pirwlucedD.隔吨 produced10. This kind of glasses produced by experienced craftsmen comforfsbly.扎 is warnB. weanC wcanngD” arc womllb The sixth generation computem vnth artificial intf1ligence» perfected ncwH九 developedB hve developedC, are
6、 being developedD. will have brn developed12* Sir WiliiamA. who 张 78* h血 mfide it that much of his wUect诂nto the nation.A. has leftR, is io leaveC leavesD* is to be lehU. As iwcbcrs they should catictrn ourselves with whm is mjlJj mathink -A. ought to be Mid B. mustC have to be saidD- need io sayM,
7、Once environnnent damage+ it tikes many y弹叔 /or this system in r&zaver.A, has AomB. is to doC. doesD. is dmu15, Many years 昭m Jim _ _ in New York with his uncle for a Long period of nme+A. had bc«n living B. had hvedC. Hived0 Ms been living二.专四真题1 . When I arrived at the meeting, the first
8、speaker and the audienee .(TEM4-1992-47)A. had fini shed speak ing, were clapp ingB. had fini shed speak ing, had clappedC. fini shed speak ing, clappedD. fini shed speak ing, were clapp ing2 . The doctor is feeling the little girl ' s pulse. He says itnormal. (TEM4-1992-51)A.feels B. is feeling
9、 C. has felt D. is felt3 . - “ I bought this shirt for 35 Yuan yesterday.”-"It 'son sale today for only 29 Yua n. You should have waited. ” (1993)-"Oh, really? But howI know? !.A. could B. can C. did D. do4 . How can I ever concentrate if you continually me with silly questions?(TEM4-1
10、997-410A. have in terruptedB. had in terrupted C. arein terrupti ngD. werein terrupted5 . Mr. White works with a chemicals import & export compa ny, but hefor the in dustrialfair, since he is on leave. (TEM4-1997-44)A. has worked B. works C.has bee n work ing D. is work ing6. I n his plays Shake
11、spearehis characters live through their Ian guage. (2008-63)A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes7. The committee has an ticipated the problems that in the road con struct ion project.(2007-58)A. arise B. will arise ?C. arose D. have arise n8. The student said there were a few points in the ess
12、ay heimpossible to comprehend.(2006-59)A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find (2007)9. He would have finished his college education, but heto quit and find a job to supporthis family. ( 2007-60)A. had had B. has C. had D. would have10. James has just arrived, but I didn' t know heuntil
13、 yesFday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had bee n coming D. came11. con scious of my moral obligati ons as a citize n. (2005-55)A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had bee n and always will be D. I have bee n and always will be12. Jack _ from home for two days now, and I a
14、m beginning to worry about his safety. 2003-56A. has bee n miss ingB. has bee n missed C. had bee n miss ingD. was missed13. For some time now, world leadersout the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.2002-2a. had bee n pointingb. have bee n pointingc. were pointing d. poin ted14. Come and see
15、 me whenever. (1997)A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you15. AIDS is saidthe nu mber- one killer of both men and wome n over the past few yearsin that regi on. (2002) A. being B. to be C. to have bee n D. havi ng bee n16. That was
16、not the first time heus. I think it_ strdjnhatimionweiga inst him.(2005) A. betrayed; take B. had betrayed; took C. has betrayed; took D. has betrayed; take 一答案:B A A C C B D C B B C D A D C二真题(答案)1 . When I arrived at the meeting, the first speakerand the audience.仃 EM4-1992-47)A. had finished spea
17、king, were clappingB. had finished speaking, had clappedC. finished speaking, clappedD. finished speaking, were clapping2 . The doctor is feeling the little girl ' s pulse. He says itnormal.仃EM4-1992-51)A. feelsB. is feelingC. has feltD. is felt3 .- “ I bought this shirt for 35 Yuan yesterday.”-
18、“It'son sale today for only 29 Yuan. You should have waited.” (1993)-“Oh, really? But howI know?A. could B. can C. did D. do4 . How can I ever concentrate if youcontinuallyme with silly questions? (TEM4-1997-410A. have interruptedB. had interruptedC. are interruptingD. were interrupted5 . Mr. Wh
19、ite works with a chemicals import & export company, but hefor the industrial fair, since he ison leave.仃 EM4-1997-44)A. has workedB. worksC. has been workingD. is working6. In his plays Shakespearehis characters live through their language. (2008)A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes7. The
20、committee has anticipated the problems thatin the road construction project. ( 2007)A. arise B. will arise ?C. arose D. have arisen8. The student said there were a few points in the essay heimpossible to comprehend. (2006)A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find ( 2007)9. He would have finis
21、hed his college education, but heto quit and find a job to support his family. ( 2007)A. had had B. has C. had D. would have10. James has just arrived, but I didn' t know heun(l2Cyesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been coming D. came11. conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005)A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had bee n and always will beD. I have been and always will be12. Jack _ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his saf
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