



1、短 文 改 错 考 点 总 结一、分值分配:先说一下改错的基本规则,全篇一共10处错误,每句做多改_处,并严格按照要求改错,否则不给分一般来说,这10个题里包括_个改正题、_个少词、_个多词改错是一个起点很高,落点很低的题。起点高的意思是它考察的是我们对文章整体的感知能力,说白了,光语法好是不够的;落点低是指它的语法点非常简单,初中语法就可以秒杀改错题。所以改错的特点就是这样,答案大家一看就懂,但是如果不熟悉它的规律,做题的时候死活就是改不出来。所以现在先把这张图背下来。二、八大词第一组(名代冠,以名词为中心):1,【_】就是表示“人、物、事”的词;2,【_】就是代替名词的词; 3,【_】像是

2、个跟班,总是和名词在一起;第二组(形副,总是混着出题):4,【_】必须且只能修饰名词(代词);5,【_】不可以修饰名词(代词),但是可以修饰名词之外的任何东西哦,包括修饰动词、形容词、副词、整个句子。第三组(动介连)6,【_】动词可以做谓语(主、谓、宾里面那个谓语),也可以做非谓语(不能充当谓语动词时,就是非谓语动词)。其中,谓语动词考点就是时态和语态(被动语态);7,【_】比如in,on,at这种小词,介词后面一定要加_!8,【_】(1)并列句连词and but or等、(2)从属连词,也叫从句连词that when who which等。再来重复一遍这8个词性,_、_、_。常考点总结一、【

3、名词】名词考点:_。(以下这些词,擦亮眼睛,基本上看见文章里出现了,单数改复数,复数改单数)_(工作不可数;作品可数), _(可数)_(时间不可数;次数可数), 小时_, 年_, 月_,日_,学生_, 同学_, 朋友_(别忘了+s)side, place(这俩都是可数名词)eyes, parents, feet, cheeks, shoes,shoulders(这些都是一定+s的,parent是单亲,cheek是一个脸蛋,想想用单数有多诡异)_(年级不可数;分数可数 +s)people(这是个复数名词,单数 person), family(表示家人时,单复数写法相同,都是family), ki

4、nd(种类,可数名词)thanks, regards, wishes, congratulations(感谢类名词永远都要+s)二、【代词】下面这些代词也是,看见了就注意吧he - sheme mine we i 单复改点one it 泛指/特指 改点(不定代词/指代词)some any 肯定/ 否定句little few 不可数-可数the other others the others (另一个【特指】,其他的【泛指】,另外那些【特指】)each / every+ 单数n三、【冠词】(一)考点规律:the和 same 要连用,比如,this is the same present.形容词最

5、高级前the/a 均可(意思有差别“最/非常”)the most disgusting affair 最恶心的事儿a most disgusting affair 非常恶心的事儿(二)再给大家三个万能公式:a/an + adj + 抽象名词,比如 have a good time, have a drink/ rest/ walkthe + n + of ,(有限定的名词要用the)the + n + that 限定性从句(和上句同理)(三)超高频考点,注意有没有冠词,以及用哪个冠词get into _ 惹麻烦at an early _ 小时候have a _t 休息一下catch _ of

6、看见go for a _ 去散步in _ 事实上_ sb. on the head/face/leg 击打某人的头/脸/腿 on 后跟部位once upon _ time 很久很久以前四、【形容词、副词】(一)考点规律:1、形容词与副词的混用,形容词只可以修饰_,放在_之(前/后) _;副词只能修饰_,放在_之(前/后) _!2、形容词/副词,比较级/最高级问题(1)搭配问题比较级中than 与_或_配套;最高级中-est或most与_ 配套。(2)more与-er不共存(3)as adj / adv as 同级比较结构中adj/adv用_。(二)超高频考点1、形容词的so 与such 结构s

7、o + adj + (a/an) + n such + (a/an) + adj + n so that/ so that2、do-ing和do-ed两类形容词用法,doing转换done done转换doing以下动词特别容易出v-ing 和v-ed类形容词乱用的考点。surprise/interest/disappoint/excite/encourage/ frighten 比如,i am suprised/ intetested/ disappointed/ excited/ encouraged/ frightenedit is surprising/ interesting/ di

8、sappointing/ exciting/ encouraging/ frightening五、【动词】(一)考点规律分析及解题套路:1、时态“现在时”和“过去时”互换并列句中,连词(and/but/or)前后动词时态一致! 简单句中的动词和前后两句话动词时态一致。2、语态“主动”和“被动”(1) sth做主语,常改为被动!(2)被动语态的2种改法:be + 原型改法:v原型改为 v-ed v-ed 改法:v-ed前添加be3、需要添加be的情况:(1)介词前,(2)助动词后then i will (be) ready for the test.he (is) against the sug

9、gestion that he keeps silent at the meeting. (二)超高频考点1、固定搭配中的动词【注意是to do还是do】youd better + do 最好做某事have/let/make sb. do 让某人做某事would rather + do 宁愿做某事want + to do; come + to do; would like + to do used to +do (过去常常,曾经的习惯,已结束)be(was/were/is/are) used to + doing(习惯做某事,表示习惯的持续)2、以下这些词要加 动词-ing形式做宾语的(1)动

10、词类avoid, enjoy, understand, risk, appreciate, image, look forward to, spend on, insist on 这些动词或动词词组后+doing(2)介词 + doing3、see sb do变被动后 sb is seen to do 类型【考点在于感官动词做宾补,主动不要to,被动的to要还原。】六、【介词】(一)考点规律分析:1、及物动词后不能加介词,常错点enter into;return back;reach at(这几个介词看见请通通划掉)2、介词+ 动词-ing形式3、特殊结构介词(1)it is + adj +

11、for + sb to do 修饰事物的adj: easy, hard, difficult, important, safe, impossible, necessary(2)it is + adj + of +sb to do修饰人的adj: kind, good, nice, polite, clever, brave, wise, right, wrong, strong, foolish, stupid, honest(二)超高频考点beside-besidesv+ with/about/ toamong-betweeninsist on; catch sight of; spend

12、 (in) +v-ingbecause (of)缺词考点【练习】the world health organization is working improve health all over the world. when i have free time, i go a long walk.charles said,” as soon i see a really tall building, i want to climb it.” i had always wanted return to the village after moving away.there is public li

13、brary in every town in britain.and let you know when the book you want has returned.【总结】1.丢_:单数可数名词,必须有_2.丢_:“不及物动词”后接宾语时,漏加必要的_。3.丢_ :want to do ; come to do4.丢 be :(1)漏掉be done 被动结构中的be(2)漏掉will be 系表结构中的be5.漏掉常用结构中的介词: a lot of , because of , insist on 刷题找感觉,多读多练,熟能生巧!my parents live in the count

14、ry. they keep a dog calling ah fu. one day my parent went to work in the fields taking my little sister with ah fu along. while they working, my sister walked to the river nearby. ah fu followed her there. she was trying to pick a flower while she fell into the river. ah fu barked and jumped to the

15、water immediate. when my parents heard ah fu barking they ran to the river. they saw ah fu swimming towards the bank carried my little sister. my parents praised ah fu warm. it was our brave ah fu who had saved my little sister.may i have your attention, please? i have an announcement make.the student union is going to hold a party in saturday evening, august 15, to welcome my friends from the united states. the party will be hold in the roof garden of the main building. it will begin at 7:30 p.m. there will have music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gi


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