



1、英语赖秀珍教学设计基本信息八年级教学形式新课大埔县华侨第二中学课题名称unitl will people have robots? reading学情分析本单元通过引导学生回顾过去、了解现在、预测未来而发表个人的观点,重点是学习用will构成一般将来时态来预测未来的情形。因为本单元的教学内容贴近学生的生活实际,符合青少年爱幻想的心理,能激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,学生会积极参与,主动学习。教学目标1 .知识目标:理解文章大意,掌握重点词汇和句型。2. 能力目标:培养学生自主阅读的能力,提高学生的阅读理解能力。3. 情感态度与价值观:本课主要使用任务型语言教学,为使课堂生动活泼,学生易于接 受,使用

2、多媒体辅助教学。教学过程教学环节教学内 容教师活动学生活动设计意图1. ask students toanswer some questions: 1 .what do you know abut robots?students work in pairs to answer them.通过回答问 题了解机器 人,从而引出 新课文。lead-inbefore you read2.what does it look like and what can it do?read the title of the passage.students circle the words and thephra

3、ses . they think they will read. compare their predictions引导学生进 行预测,帮助 学生做好接 受新信息的 准备。with their partners.presentationwhile you readteacher plays the tape .then ask students to read the passage and finish the exercises.finish the exercises quickly then check the answers.通过练习时 检查学生略 读的能力。new lessonex

4、plain the articleteacher explains the article.students take notesandfinishtheexercises.通过多媒体 辅助教学,讲 练结合,精读 文章。practiceafter you readhelpstudentsfinish 3a, 3b and 3c.ask students to complete the blank in the article.students work in pairs to finish them.通过这些练 习加深学生 对文章的印 象。summarysummaryteacher sums

5、up.students take notes.通过总结,让 学生进一步 巩固本节所 学内容。homeworkwhat ways do you think a robot will help us in the future ? write your ideas .blackboarddesigndo you think you will have your own robot?1 - people in the future have their own robots.2. the help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.

6、3. there will be such robots in the future.4. the kind of robot will also be fun to watch.5. it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.6. there are already robots working in factories.板书设计unitl will people have robots?1 . predicting the future can be difficult.2. there are m

7、any famous predictions that never came true.3. there was no sound in movies.4. no one would want to see actors talk.5. computers are used by most people now.作业或预习ask students to prepare the words and the passages of reading.自我评价这节课所学的内容是对第一单元的总结和训练。第一部分训练学生对词的区 分和使用。通过练习可看到学生做得不够认真,有些学生填完就没事儿了,出现 了很


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