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1、武汉二中 2016 2017 学年度上学期期末考试高二英语试卷试卷满分: 150 分第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分 , 满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题 , 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后 , 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much did the government give the university?A. $20,000.B. $30,000.C. $40,000.2. What will th

2、e man do after lunch?A. See a doctor.B. Go to the gym.C. Have a music lesson.3. What makes the man upset?A. The children. B. The ugly walls.C. The business.4. How did the man learn about the time change of the piano lesson?A. Mr. Thomas left him a note.B. Mr. Thomas told him face to face.C. Mr. Thom

3、as telephoned him.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Which play to see.B. How to celebrate their mother s birthday.C. Where to buy a family ticket.第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分 , 满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题 , 从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题 , 每小题5 秒钟;听完后 , 各小题将给出

4、 5 秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料 , 回答第 6、 7 题。6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Guide and visitor.B. Waiter and customer.10 / 18C. Husband and wife.7. What can the man do?A. Swim in the sea.C. Go fishing.听第 7 段材料 , 回答第 8、 9 题。B. Drive along the coastline.8. What does the wom

5、an think of shopping online?A. Dangerous. B. Convenient. C. Time-wasting.9. Where has the woman just been?A. To a police station.C. To a supermarket.听第 8 段材料 , 回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What is the last document the woman asks for?B. To an Internet caf e.A. The license.B. The car registration.C. The insuran

6、ce.11. What does the woman do?A. A police officer.B. A driver.C. A clerk.12. What caused the accident?A. The brake failed.B. A car in front stoppedsuddenly.C. The man was speeding.听第 9 段材料 , 回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Where does the woman know the strange houses?A. From a magazine.C. From a newspaper.B. From

7、 a TV programme.14. What does “ The House in the Clouds ” look like?A. A house on top of a tower.C. A house on top of a block of flats.15. Where is the shark?A. In the water around the house.B. A house on top of a five-storey building.B. In the garden of the house.C. In the roof of the house.16. Wha

8、t is the woman ' s favourite house?A. The little rock house.B. The funny-looking cottage.C. The House in the Clouds.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20小题。17. What surprised Jack and Betty?A. Fewer job openings.B. Their joblessness at the same time.C. Bad performance of their companies.18. What does the speaker sa

9、y about Jack and Betty?A. They know little about computers.B. They hate to work at night.C. They have received some professional training.19. How do Jack and Betty feel about their present situation?A. Hopeless.B. Excited.C. Optimistic.20. What does Betty decide to do?A. Do some gardening.B. Learn h

10、ow to use a computer.C. Get a part-time job at the weekends.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最彳t选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。rfprtprOr4.uk北AttractionsDo you: Love the National Park, value it and hope to safeguard its future? Wish to see the beautiful landscape of the Park pr

11、otected? Like to enjoy peaceful, informal recreation within the Park?AimsThe Friends organization aims are to help protect and improve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for all to enjoy. We are a voluntary organization and registered charity without financial links to the National ParkAuthority.

12、ActivitiesWe encourage everyone to enjoy the National Park through regular talks and visits to interesting places in the Park with expert guides.We keep an eye on planning applications, Park Authority policies and threats to the National Park such as massive leisure complexes. We work with like-mind

13、ed organizations such as the Campaign for National Parks to make our voice more effective.We help children to understand the National Park by sponsoring publications such as an adventure booklet and projects in local schools. Benefits Guided visits to places of interest which may not always be avail

14、able to the general public. All members receive our regular News and Views. Talks by experts in their fields on current issues. A discount is available on Friends items for sale. Satisfaction of participation in work parties, for, those willing and able to be involved.If interested, please complete

15、the Application Form at www. fpnp. org. uk.21. Which of the following isdiscouraged by the Friends organization?A. To build massive complexes for public amusement.B. To prevent possible damages to the National Park.C. To help protect and improve the Park for all to enjoy.D. To sponsor publications a

16、nd projects in local schools.22. One of the benefits for members of Friends is to . A. have Friends' goods free of chargeB. visit any place not open to the publicD. give talks in theirC. take part in work parties if they want tofields on current issues23. The purpose of this poster is to invite

17、more people toA. raise money for the Friends organizationB. join the Friends organization and be members of itC. work as managers for Pembrokeshire National ParkD. enjoy the landscape of Pembrokeshire National ParkChinese writer Mo Yan ' s Nobel Prize for Literature mightignite anexplosion of gl

18、obal interest in Chinese literature and lead to more titles translated into English, European experts say.“Hopefully, the award means more people will read Chinese literature and more works will get translated," says Michel Hockx, professor of theLanguages and Cultures of China and Inner Asia f

19、rom the University of London." Manyvery good Chinese writers have been accepted globally for a long time already. At least five of Mo Yan ' s novels have been made available in English over the past 20 ” years.Jonathan Ruppin, Web editor of bookseller Foyles, says Mo' s win coincides wi

20、th growing interest in Chinese literature and recognizes the talents of a distinctive andvisionary (有创 见的) writer. "We are very excited by the fact that English translations of more of his books should now become available," Ruppin says. He madethe comment after Mo became the first Chinese

21、 citizen to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in its century-long history.As East-West cultural exchange has been booming, Chinese literature has been attracting growing attention in recent years. Hockx explains, " It ' s mainly because there are much more opportunities for Chinese writers

22、 to visit other countries, to publish their works outside China and to interact with readers abroad.At the same time,more and more people globally are learning Chinese and taking an interest in the Chinese language and culture. ”University of Oxford lecturer in modern Chinese literature Margaret Hil

23、lenbrand says, “The obvious reason for the growing global presence of Chinese literature is the growing global presence of China itself. People have come to realize that there isa serious knowledge deficit ( 缺少)between China and its international counterpartsin particular, China knows incomparably (

24、无 可比 拟地) more about Europe and America than the other way round - and reading Chinese literature is an effective, simple means of solving that gap. ”24. The underlined word “ignite " in Paragraph 1 probably means "”.A. start outB. burn upC. appeal toD. set off25. Chinese literature has bee

25、n attracting growing attention mainly because. A. Chinese writers have been writing more and more books in EnglishB. the Chinese language has become the most widely used language in the worldC. the cultural communication between China and western countries has developedD. the Chinese government atta

26、ches great importance to literature26. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The Nobel Prize for Literature has a history of hundreds of years.B. Chinese literature has spread with the development of China.C. In the past, no Chinese writers were accepted outside China.D. Foreign

27、ers know about China mainly by reading Mo Yan' s works.27. How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?A. China knows more about Europe and America than they know about China.B. China knows more about Europe and America than before.C. China, Europe and America know one an

28、other more than before.D. Compared with America, China knows more about Europe.CAs the demand for power and fuel grows steadily in the coming dec ades, we must consider every possible energy source on hand if we' re to meet the world ' s needs. And because the clean natural gas is found in g

29、reat plenty, there is no doubt that itwill play a major role on the world energy stage in this century, much like what oil did in the last century. But, like oil, gas reserves are concentrated in just a fewplacesin theworld,usually farfromwhere they 're needed most. And that ' sonlypart ofth

30、echallenge.The worldhasspent over100 years searching for oilandbuildingthenecessaryfacilitiestobring it tomarket. However, the naturalgasfacilities, particularly when it comes to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), are not nearly as developed.So what needs to be done? On the supply side, producing nations

31、need policies thatallow for better development of their natural gas in an open, stable business environment, not one in which the rules of the game change without warning. The governments of consuming nations, on the other hand, must make policies for sustainable (可持续的)development to ensure they 

32、9; ll have enough supplies in the future. That means building the related facilities, including LNG stations. This, in turn, will require coastal areas to allow these necessary, but not necessarily pretty,facilities to be built in their backyards. And energy companies have a responsibilityto be good

33、 neighbors in those areas by operating these facilities responsibly and safely. They must also continue to put in the billions of dollars needed to build the complex transport and storage facilities required to bring more gas to market.Expanding and diversifying energy sources by using more natural

34、gas could lead to lower fuel prices and to greater energy security. We ve taken some of the steps to get started, but we need your help to get the rest of the way.28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Gas played a major part in the 20th century.B. Natural gas facilities are

35、far from satisfactory.C. Gas reserves are widely spread around the world.D. Necessary facilities are ready to bring gas to market.29. The underlined word "one" (in Paragraph 2) refers to . A. a business environmentB. a policy for gas developmentC. a gas consuming nationD. a gas supply side

36、30. Consuming nations of natural gas need toA. build pretty facilities along the coastB. open markets in theirbackyardsC. have long-term policies for gas supplyD. change the rules of thegame31. The passage might be followed by a paragraph about . A. which countries are in great need of gasB. where e

37、nergy sources are concentratedC. what problems of energy sources we may faceD. what kind of help you can offerDParents say that outside of programmed activities like music lessons there is actually very littlethat New York' s preteens and young teenagers can do. But thespaces in new buildings ca

38、lled tween rooms appeal to parents who want their children to have something to do and gain a sense of independence in a secure, nearby place.Barbara Russo, a senior vice president of the Corcoran Group who handles sales for the condominium ( 公寓 )building 170 East End Avenue, said she recalled what

39、her own daughter, who is now 21, did for entertainment when growing up."She and her friendswere hanging out in coffee houses or just walking around the streets of Manhattan ; that was what they did unless they were going to a movie," she said. However, at 170East End Avenue, besides an exe

40、rcise studio, there is a video room too.Buyers looking for tween rooms can decide, too, what type of emphasis they want.At the Aldyn, a building at 60 Riverside Boulevard, said Beth Fisher,the seniormarketing director at the Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group, there is a preference for the physical.“

41、The trick is , to me as a parent:How do I get my kid out of the environment that' s in front of a screen?” said Ms . Fisher , who is the mother of a 17-year-old girl. "How do I get her interacting with other people?” As the Aldyn has table tennis, a bowling alley and a pool, she added, the

42、atmosphere is less basement entertainment room and more upscale ( 高档的)summer camp.At the Laureate, a condominium at 2150 Broadway, about 90 perc ent of the 70 units are three-bed-rooms and larger. The Laureate s tween room, though, puts particular stress on learning.One of them, Meera Ratnesar, says

43、 the tween room has a library, computers equippedwith potentially educational programs, and, importantly, comfortable furniture for relaxation. Many children in Manhattan, said Ms. Ratnesar, tend to be overscheduled with school and after-class activities."After finishing their work, they come h

44、ere.They just like the idea of sitting next to a friend, and they may not even be talkingto each other, but just that companionship is important,“ she said .32. When Ms. Russo' s daughter was young , she .A. enjoyed watching movies very muchB. had few relaxationactivitiesC. often took part in sp

45、ortsD. loved drinking coffee33. According to Ms. Fisher, an advantage of the tween room at the Aldyn is that A. it gives kids more screen timeB. it offers a high-quality exercise studioC. it provides more entertainment activitiesD. it allows kids to spend more time with others34. Compared with the A

46、ldyn ' s tween room , the Laureate ' s A. focuses more on educationB. offers free college coursesC. aims to teach marketing skillsD. can help kids get more exercise35. What do the children think of the atmosphere of the Laureate' s tween room?A. Too silent.B. Rather cold. C. Quite busy.

47、D. Very pleasant.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible forus to recognize people? 36 Yet a very young child, or even an animal, such as a pigeon, can learn to recognize faces. We all take this for gr

48、anted.37 When we talk about someone ' s personality, we mean the ways in which he orshe acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.Like the human face, human personality isvery complex. But describing someone13 / 18personality in words is somewhat easier than

49、describing his face. 38 . But if youwere asked to describea "nice " person, you might begin to think aboutsomeone whowas kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. GordonAllport, an American psychologist,found nearl

50、y 18,000 English words characterizingdifferences in people ' s behavior.39 Bookworms, conservatives, military typespeople are described with such terms.People have always tried totype each other.Actors inearly Greekdrama woremasks to show the audience whether they played the villains orthe heros

51、 role. Infact, the words “person“ and a personality ”come fromthe Latin« _ _ ”persona ,meaning "mask' . Today, most televisionand movie actors do not wear masks. 40A. Experts say that actors differ in their behavioral and physical characteristicsin acting.B. Even a skilled writer proba

52、bly couldnot describe all the featuresthat makeone face different from another.C. If you were asked to describe what a"nice" face looked like, you probablywould have a difficult time doing so.D. People have difficulty in describing the features of fingerprints.E. We tell people apart by ho

53、w they behave.F. But we can easily tellthe "good" guys from the"bad" guys, because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.G. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing onepersonality.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)

54、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Here' s a funny story.The new headmaster decided that he ' d better first take a secret inspection before doing something about Class 5, which was the 41 class in Hill Valley High School.He didn ' t need to be informed 42 the clas

55、s was, for noises were leading the way.The door was shut inside. The lock it had was 43 , or rather knocked off, just leaving a 44 for the headmaster.Though the headmaster had 45 badly-behaved classes before, what appeared through the hole was still a 46 for him. It was a scene that was 47 seen in a

56、ction films. 48 he knew what to do. He would go into the classroom, take hold of the shouting boy and 49 him. This would be an example to the others.He took a deep breath and then 50 open the classroom door. He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of 51 , but few treated hi_m

57、 asan important 52 , and some even paid little attention to his existence.“Silence! ” he shouted at the top of his voice. This time it was really53 .They stopped what they were doing and 54 him. Quickly he walked up to the 55 boy in the room, who he 56 had been playing an important part and also had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice.He seized the boy by the ear and 57 him to the front of


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