



1、动词的语态姓名:被动语态概述语态是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:和o主动语态表示主语是动作的,被动语态表示主语是动作的o如:he opened the door.他打开了这扇门。(主动语态)the door was opened by him.这扇门被他打开了。(被动语态)要点一、被动语态的构成被动语态由h”构成o要点二、归纳总结被动语态,并填写下表时态结构(主动)结构(被动)一般现在时do/does一般过去时did一般将来时will do现在进行时(拓展)is/am/are doing现在完成时(拓展)have/has done情态动词(拓展)can

2、do要点三、被动语态的用法归纳1. 在日常的英语交流中,较多使用的是主动语态,但在下列情况下,通常使用被动语态: 不知道动作的执行者是谁,或没有必要指出动作的执行者时。如:the glass is broken.玻璃杯破了。 为了强调或突出动作的承受者时。如:the desk was made by mr. wang,这张课桌是王师傅做的。the bag was taken away by his sister.那个袋子是她姐姐提走的。 在上下文中,为了使句子间连接紧密时。如:i have a new motorbike. it was given to me as a birthday pr

3、esent by my father.我有辆新摩托车。它是父亲送给我作为生日礼物的。2. 主动语态变被动语态的方法:分为三步:把原句中的宾语改成主语动词改为变动形式be +done(同时注意时态)原来的主语如果需要的话放在介词by后面,以指明做事的人或物,如果没有必要则省去。 如: the man killed a tiger.> a tiger was killed by the man .3. 主动语态变被动语态应注意的问题把主动语态变为被动语态时,应保留主动语态原来的时态。如: she often cleans the house.=the house is often clean

4、ed by her.课堂巩练习a组:用read的被动语态填空。1. a book2. a book3. a book4. a book5. a bookby tom every weekby tom last week.by tom next week.by tom for a week.by tom while we were visiting him.6. a book canby tom.b组:主动句改为被动句k my mother cleans the house every day.2.1 didn't water the flower last night.3. we ca

5、n keep our classroom clean.4. the teacher will ask you some questions.5. my grandfather is repairing my old bike.6. he has finished his book for a long time.7. they may invite him to the party.8. the teacher will ask you some questions.9. bill looks after a cat carefully.lo.she left some money on th

6、e table.c组:单项选择。)1. our tv setyesterday.a. is repaired b. was repaired c. has been repaired d. repaired)2. a wonderful english talkby mr liu tomorrow.a. has been given b. is given c. is being given d. will be given)3. mr li, youon the phone.a. are wanted b. were wanted c. are being wanted d. will be

7、 wanted)4. this maths problemout by little tom.a. can be easily workb. can easily be workedc. can is easily workedd. can easily worked)5. the monkeysto the zoo tomorrow morning.a. may be send b. may will sent c. may be sentd. is going to send)6. the babywhen mother was out.a. looked after well b. wa

8、s looked well c. is well looked after d. was well looked after)7. in the past ten year, a lot of new buildingsin our city.a. are put upb. have put up c- have been put d. have been put up)8. people have come to know that their health must.a. pay more attentionb. pay more attention toc. be paid more a

9、ttention d. be paid more attention to)9. the childrena beautiful picture by the teacher in the classroom.a. were shownb. were shown toc- was shown)10. a beautiful picturethe children in the classroom.a. were shownb. were shown toc. was shown)11. mr browntake the medicine twicea day.a. told tob. was

10、told toc. toldd. was shown tod. was shown tod. was told)12. the boyscopy the new words ten times before they went home.a. were madeb. were made toc. was maded. was made to)13. marydo morning exercises on the playground.a. saw tob. was saw toc- was seen tod. was seen)14. a mancry for help last night.

11、a. was heard tob. was heardc- was hear tod. heard to)15. tomwatch tv after he finishes his homeworka. will let tob. will be allowedc. will be letd. will be allowed to.b. took place)16. great changesin the village since then.a have been taken placec. have taken placed. were taken placegreatly.)17. in the last few years beijinga. has changedb. has been changed c. changedd. was changed)18. hemuch better today.a. is


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