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1、A Handbook of A Handbook of WritingWritingElementary WritingElementary Writing一、课程的性质和目的一、课程的性质和目的 初级写作初级写作课程目的在于培养学生课程目的在于培养学生初步的英语写作能力,包括写作格式、初步的英语写作能力,包括写作格式、选词、造句、布局谋篇、标点符号以选词、造句、布局谋篇、标点符号以及各种文体的写作训练。通过本课程及各种文体的写作训练。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握英语写作的基础的学习,使学生掌握英语写作的基础知识和基本技巧,为学生毕业设计以知识和基本技巧,为学生毕业设计以及三、四年级专业学习提

2、供坚实的英及三、四年级专业学习提供坚实的英语写作基础。语写作基础。二、课程基本要求和课程设置二、课程基本要求和课程设置 通过学习本课程,重点训练用英语进通过学习本课程,重点训练用英语进行写作的能力,使学生掌握英语写作行写作的能力,使学生掌握英语写作的基础知识和基本技巧,以及英论语的基础知识和基本技巧,以及英论语文写作的基本知识。文写作的基本知识。 设在大学二年级,分两个学期,设在大学二年级,分两个学期,初初级写作级写作和和高级写作高级写作各一个学期,各一个学期,每学期每学期3232学时。学时。Status of writingwritingreadingspeakinglisteningtra

3、nslatinginputinputoutputoutputoutputGolden laws to improve writing 1. Input: Extensive readings of various styles; Constant listening; Imitation of classic examples; Accumulation and discrimination of different expression; 2. Output: Long term practice in writingContent Chapter 1 Patterns Chapter 2

4、Wording Chapter 3 Sentence Chapter 4 Paragraph Chapter 5 Composition Chapter 6 Summary and Report Chapter 7 Formal and Informal Styles Chapter 8 Research Paper Chapter 9 Practical Writing Chapter 10 PunctuationChapter 1 Patterns1. Arrangement a. Margin b. Title: location, capitalization, punctuation

5、, 2. Word division3. Capitalization4. Punctuation5. Handwriting Chapter 2 Wording 1. Formal and informal 2. Denotation and connotation 3. General and specific 4. Wordiness 累赘累赘 5. Omission of words 漏词漏词 6. Problems of collocation 搭配问题搭配问题 7. RhetoricChapter 2 WordingDemand: accuracy, distinct, and v

6、ivid 1. Formal and informal Styles of words: formal, general, colloquial, slang formal: Greek, Latin, French general and colloquial: Anglo-Saxon Please compare the following two groups words.Formal approximately inquire ascertain obtain assist participate Informal about ask find out receive help sha

7、re construct purchase contribute sufficient difficult utilize elucidate commence prior to build buy give enough hard use explain begin before 2. Denotation and connotation denotation(外延,本义,指示意义外延,本义,指示意义): the thing that is actually described by a word rather than the feelings or ideas it suggests.

8、connotation (内涵,联想意义,隐含意义内涵,联想意义,隐含意义): a feeling or an idea that a word makes you think of that is not its actual meaning. Pay attention to the difference of synonyms 3. General and specific Clear Exact Vivid Striking Impressive Informative Expressive Colorful Concrete Detailed EffectiveLook at the

9、 following sentences General: John is a good student. Specific: In college, John has been rewarded a scholarship over five years. General: Your relative is nice to me. Specific: Your aunt Betty always stops and talks to me when she meets me in the street. General: He has a big house. Specific: He ha

10、s a two-storeyed house with four bedrooms, two living-rooms, a dining-room and a kitchen.Tips 1. Use the most specific word you can to describe something,instead of a vague or general one eg. use tulips instead of flowers; use Uncle Tom instead of a relative. 2. Using a verb that most vividly descri

11、bes an action can bring a sentence to life. (Page 14)(Page 14) eg. Weak verbs: The body walked into the classroom. Revised: The body staggered into the classroom.Different ways to walk: (50 words at least to express “walk”) creep 蹑手蹑脚地走蹑手蹑脚地走 hobble / limp 一瘸一拐地走一瘸一拐地走 lurch 蹒跚而行蹒跚而行 stumble 踉跄而行踉跄而

12、行 swagger 大摇大摆地走大摇大摆地走 tiptoe 踮着脚尖走踮着脚尖走 totter 跌跌撞撞地走,摇摇晃晃地走跌跌撞撞地走,摇摇晃晃地走 plod 步履艰难地走步履艰难地走 stalk / stride大步走大步走 march 行军,行进行军,行进 parade 庆祝游行,队列表演庆祝游行,队列表演 step 跨步,迈步跨步,迈步 stroll 散步,溜达散步,溜达 ramble 漫步,闲逛漫步,闲逛 trample 踩踏踩踏 paddle 蹚水走蹚水走 trot 小跑,慢跑小跑,慢跑 trek 长途跋涉长途跋涉From: “The Oxford Study Thesaurus”

13、牛津英语同义词词典牛津英语同义词词典thesaurus 分类词典分类词典Practice General: a good man Specific: kind, honest, just, generous, sympathetic, warm-hearted, selfless, brave, honorable, responsible, reliable; General: Very good! Good job, well done, nice, terrific, remarkable, fantastic, outstanding, fabulous, miraculous, ma

14、rvelous, extraordinaryPractice General: House Specific: Apartment/flat公寓,公寓,hotel, Mansion 大大厦,宅邸,厦,宅邸,villa度假别墅,度假别墅,chatteau (法)(法)城堡,庄园,城堡,庄园,cottage 乡村小屋,乡村小屋,bungalow平房,平房,cabin 小木屋,小木屋,hut小屋,小屋,临时营房,临时营房,shack 棚屋,棚屋,shanty 棚屋,棚屋,shed 小屋,棚,小屋,棚,barn 谷仓,畜棚谷仓,畜棚Practice General: laugh Specific: s

15、mile, grin咧嘴笑,咧嘴笑,beam满面笑容,满面笑容,giggle咯咯地笑,咯咯地笑,titter/snigger窃笑,窃笑,chuckle轻笑,轻笑,guffaw哄笑,大笑,哄笑,大笑,chortle哈哈大笑哈哈大笑 sneer冷笑,冷笑,smirk 假笑,假笑,simper 傻笑,傻笑,deride嘲笑嘲笑, tease取笑,取笑,leer 挑逗地笑挑逗地笑 artificial smile With delight Cry, weep, sob, wail, blubber, moan,. 3. Whenever possible, show the readers somet

16、hing instead of telling them about it. eg: Telling: We had fun at the beach. Revised: Last Sunday night we barbecued hamburgers at Sagamore Beach, played volleyball, and then sat around singing and telling ghost stories. 4. Use specific and concrete words when giving details; use general or abstract

17、 words when making summaries; 5. Extensive reading and accumulation of synonyms4. Wordiness 累赘累赘 In writing, we should try every means to make a sentence concise and avoid repetition. For example, “We must study, study, and study.” or “We must study harder and harder.” Revision: “We must keep studyi

18、ng. /We must study persistently.”Exercise 1.Cross out the unnecessary words in the sentence: 1) Rachel Carson was a woman who pioneered in ecological studies. 2) In the book it tells about a spring when no birds sang. 3) Robins eat many earthworms a day, and they eat as many as earthworms a minute.

19、Keys: 1) Rachel Carson pioneered in ecological studies. 2) The book tells about a spring when no birds sang. 3) Robins eat many earthworms a day. 2.Improve the following sentences and try to shorten them: 1) Speech is silver, and silence is gold. 2) Since he could not meet his brother at the airport

20、, he sent his secretary to replace him. 3) After he has graduated, Tom will work in his fathers company. Keys: 1) Speech is silver and silence gold. 2) Unable to meet his brother at the airport, he sent his secretary instead. 3) After graduation, Tom will work in his fathers company. 3. Translate th

21、e following sentences into English without unnecessary repetition and wordiness. 1) 你觉得合适就干,不合适就别干。你觉得合适就干,不合适就别干。 2)你要是接受这些条件就在合同上签名,)你要是接受这些条件就在合同上签名,要是不接受就不要签名。要是不接受就不要签名。 3)小红不喜欢小王,小王也不喜欢小红。)小红不喜欢小王,小王也不喜欢小红。 4)非信徒又成为信徒的自由,信徒也有成)非信徒又成为信徒的自由,信徒也有成为非信徒的自由。为非信徒的自由。 5)狗总爱追猫,但是很少有猫去追狗的。)狗总爱追猫,但是很少有猫去

22、追狗的。 6)这种制度,条件成熟的可以实行,条件)这种制度,条件成熟的可以实行,条件不成熟的不要实行。不成熟的不要实行。key 1) Go ahead if you think the job suits you and dont if not. 2) Sign the contract if you accept the terms and dont if not. 3) Xiao Hong dislikes Xiao Wang and vice versa. 4) Non-believers are free to become believers and vice versa. 5) D

23、ogs often chase cats and not usually vice versa. 6) This system can be adopted where conditions are ripe and not otherwise.5. Omission of words 漏词漏词 If you omit a preposition or an adverb in a sentence, then you may make it change into a faulty one 1.Please find out the omitted parts of each sentenc

24、e and complete them: 1) She is remembered not only for her warning about the dangers of insecticide poisoning but for her charming studies of the sea. 2) Clearly a malfunction of a nuclear reactor is more serious than a steam engine. 3) Barry Commoner does not call for a halt to scientific progress

25、but rather evaluation of the risks involved in a scientific development before action is taken. Keys:1)but also 2)than that of 3)rather for 2.Please try to modify the paragraph and fill in the words at the appropriate places: It is said that a persons childhood are the most important years in a pers

26、ons life. I dare say most people agree the above statement. They may give reasons like “Children are most receptive”, “Children are curious about everything” and so on. In my opinion, however, most important years in a persons life are early adulthood. In this period, a person experiences the most i

27、mportant stages in his life: higher education, love, marriage. Key: childhood years, agree with, the most important , are those of early childhood, and marriage Assignment Fill in the omitted words.Fill in the omitted words. 1. Rachels The Sea Around Us is as famous or perhaps even more famous than

28、her Silent Spring. 2. Some ecology-minded readers appreciate Rachel better than any writer because of her fine style. 3. Her death from cancer in 1964, perhaps as a result of her experiments with insecticides, was both a tragedy and irony. 4. People have and probably will say for many years to come

29、that Commoners Science and Survival should be read by anyone concerned about ecology. 5.The world people live in the future is determined by what we do to it today. 6. An explosion involving nuclear power may affect people in other countries as well as the United States. 7. Barry Commoner does not c

30、all for a halt to scientific progress but rather evaluation of the risks involved in a scientific development before action is taken.Key 1. as famous as; 2. than any other; 3. and an irony; 4. have said and; 5. live in in the future; 6. as in the United States; 7. but rather for the evaluation Pleas

31、e try to modify the paragraph and fill in the Please try to modify the paragraph and fill in the words at the appropriate places:words at the appropriate places: Some teachers seem to be good teachers, but not, even though their students have no special fault to find them. They are not good teachers

32、 because they have no special vision, social urge, fight. They know their respective fields very well. They have orderly minds. Yet something keeps them from a great teacher like Socrates. This kind of teacher is more interested in the subject being taught than students or social progress. A good te

33、acher never ceases to think the fates and sorrows of fellow beings. A good teacher is always eager to bring about social structure which people will be free to be themselves. Key: but they are not, find with them, no social urge, no fight, from being a great teacher, think about the fates, a social

34、structure in which /writing/student_resources.htmlhttp:/(中国英语学习网中国英语学习网)6. Problems of collocation 搭配问题搭配问题 Collocation mainly involves with verb and prepositions or adverbs, which are called phrasal verbs. 1.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs: 1) The

35、plan was well conceived, but it broke _ because people were unwilling to cooperate. 2) A rash broke _ on her hands, so she went to see a doctor. 3) As the famous movie star appeared, the waiting crowds broke _ loud cheers. 4) Dr. Salk failed many times, but he finally broke _ to find a successful po

36、lio vaccine. 5) Sentences can be broken _ clauses, and clauses _ phrases. Keys: down, out, into,through, up into 注意:注意: 1。英语核心动词与介词和副词的搭配使用;。英语核心动词与介词和副词的搭配使用; put, get, turn, take, come, break, let, make, go, set, call, run, give等。等。 2。形容词与介词和副词的搭配使用;。形容词与介词和副词的搭配使用; be interested in, be concerned

37、about, be different from, be critical of, be crazy about, 等。等。7. Rhetoric/Figure of Speech1) simile2) metaphor3) personification4) metonymy 换喻换喻,换喻换喻, 借代借代5) synecdoche 提喻提喻6) euphemism 委婉语委婉语, 婉婉言言7) irony 反语反语8) hyperbole 夸张夸张9) understatement 含蓄含蓄10) hypallage 移位修饰移位修饰11) oxymoron 矛盾修饰矛盾修饰12) par

38、allelism 平行平行13) climax 层递层递14) anticlimax 突降突降15) parody 仿拟仿拟 1) simile Elements:Elements: tenor/subject (本体本体) vehicle/reference (喻体喻体) comparative words/indicator of resemblance (比喻词比喻词) Varieties:Varieties: like型,型,as型型, 虚拟句型虚拟句型, what型型, than型型, and型型Varieties of simileVarieties of simile 1. Ma

39、rriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out. (beleaguered 被围困的被围困的 ) (like型型) 2.Love goes towards love, as schoolboys from their books; but love from love, towards school with heavy looks. - William Shakespeare (as型型) 赴情人的约会,像学童抛开书一样;

40、赴情人的约会,像学童抛开书一样; 和情人分别,像学童板着脸上学堂。和情人分别,像学童板着脸上学堂。Idioms with “as” as firm as a rock as light as a feather as close as oyster as mute as a fish as strong as a horse as cool as a cucumber as sober as a judge as sure as a gun 坚如磐石坚如磐石 轻如鸿毛轻如鸿毛 守口如瓶守口如瓶 噤若寒蝉噤若寒蝉 强壮如牛强壮如牛 泰然自若泰然自若 十分清醒十分清醒 千真万确千真万确 3. He

41、 had given me the impression of absolute rigidity, as though he had swallowed a poker. - Joseph Conrad 他给我的印象是,态度非常呆板僵硬,好他给我的印象是,态度非常呆板僵硬,好像肚子里吞下了一根拨火棍。像肚子里吞下了一根拨火棍。(虚拟句型虚拟句型) 4. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Richard Steele (what型型) 阅读之于思想,如同锻炼之于身体。阅读之于思想,如同锻炼之于身体。 5. A fool

42、 can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. (than 型型) - William M. Thackeray 愚人之不能自知其愚,犹如其不能自见其耳。愚人之不能自知其愚,犹如其不能自见其耳。 6. Truth and roses have thorns about them. (and 型型) 真理如玫瑰,全身都带刺。真理如玫瑰,全身都带刺。Kings and bears often worry their keepers. 国王跟熊一样,总使照料者坐立不安。国王跟熊一样,总使照料者坐立不安。 2) metaphor Edu

43、cation is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William B. Yeats (名词型名词型) 教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。 Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. (动词型动词型) 书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。消化。2) metaphor Ive got one of my

44、Sahara thirsts on tonight. - O. Henry: The Clarion Call (形容词型形容词型) 今天晚上我又发作了一次撒哈拉大沙漠式的口渴。今天晚上我又发作了一次撒哈拉大沙漠式的口渴。 The mountainous waves swallowed up the ship. 山一般的巨浪吞没了那艘航船。山一般的巨浪吞没了那艘航船。 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural

45、manure. - Thomas Jefferson (-of- 短语型短语型) 自由之树需要爱国者和暴君的鲜血来浇灌。自由之树需要爱国者和暴君的鲜血来浇灌。 鲜血鲜血是养育自由之树的天然基肥。是养育自由之树的天然基肥。 3) personification Laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him. - Benjamin Franklin 懒惰缓缓而行,贫穷迎头赶上。懒惰缓缓而行,贫穷迎头赶上。 Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hand

46、s, and goes to work. - Carl Sandburg 俚语就是脱下上衣,吐一口唾沫在掌上,跟俚语就是脱下上衣,吐一口唾沫在掌上,跟着就开始干活的语言。着就开始干活的语言。 It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion. 当狼依然持有不同意见,群羊要通过赞成素当狼依然持有不同意见,群羊要通过赞成素食主义的决议案也是无济于事的。食主义的决议案也是无济于事的。More examples

47、1) Flowers peeped us from among the leaves 2) The buffalo comes down to the bank and subsides with a groan of satisfaction into the mud. 3) Actions speak louder than words. 4) I watched the moonlight dancing on the ripples of the lake. 5) Words pay no debts.4) Metonymy 借喻,转喻,借代借喻,转喻,借代 a. 部分和整体互代部分和

48、整体互代 (又称又称提喻提喻synecdoche); b. 以材料代替事物;以材料代替事物; c. 抽象和具体互代;抽象和具体互代; d. 以个体代替整类。以个体代替整类。Samples for metonymy1.Outside, there is a sea of faces. (以人体的局部代全体,即以(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces faces 表示表示peoplepeople 外面街上,是人的海洋。外面街上,是人的海洋。2.Have you any coppers? (以材料代事物,即以(以材料代事物,即以copper copper 铜喻指铜喻指coin coin moneymo

49、ney铜币)铜币) 你有钱吗?你有钱吗? 3.They share the same roof. (以部分代全体,即用(以部分代全体,即用roofroof屋顶,表示屋顶,表示househouse屋子、住宅)屋子、住宅) 他们住在一起。他们住在一起。 4. Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword. (以形象事物代替抽象事物)(以形象事物代替抽象事物) 在伟人的治理下,笔杆子比刀剑更有力。在伟人的治理下,笔杆子比刀剑更有力。 5. She has the eye for the fair

50、and the beautiful. (以形象事物代替抽象事物)(以形象事物代替抽象事物) 她有审美眼光。她有审美眼光。 6. There is still much of the scholar in him. (以形象事物代替抽象事物)(以形象事物代替抽象事物) 他身上还有许多学者的气质。他身上还有许多学者的气质。 7.What is learnt in the cradle is carried to the grave. cradle: baby - very youngcradle: baby - very young grave: death grave: death 8.Many

51、 people like rosy cheeks. rosy cheeks: healthy and lovely peoplerosy cheeks: healthy and lovely people 9.The tourists are exhausted and took a rest under the shade. shade: cool placesshade: cool places 10. His purse would not allow him to live a luxurious life. purse: incomepurse: income5) synecdoch

52、e 提喻提喻 We use “deck” for _. ship We use “brains” for _. talents We use “great minds” for _. persons with great mind. We use “wheels” for _. cars We use “hands” for _. people/labor the White House is for _ the government of United States the Pentagon is for _ the Ministry of National Defence of the U

53、.S.A. Downing Street is for _ the British government Buckingham Palace is for _ the royalty or monarch of the U.K. Capital Hill is for _ the U.S. Congress Hollywood is for _ the movie industry in Hollywood of Californiasynecdoche 1. The farms were short of hands during the harvest season. 2. He had

54、to earn his daily bread by doing odd jobs. 3. Argentina beat Brazil 4 to 0 in the football final in the Beijing Olympic. 4. Our neighbor just bought a new motor . 5. You are a noble heart. 6. I doubt if there was an eye in England who wept for his death. 7. Then he cut me and took an appendix and st

55、itches me up again. 6) euphemism 委婉语委婉语, 婉言婉言Other names: sweet talk 甜言蜜语甜言蜜语 gilded words 镀金字眼镀金字眼 cosmetic words 化妆词化妆词 (1) 有关疾病、残疾、衰老、死亡;有关疾病、残疾、衰老、死亡; (2) 有关人体、排泄、性爱、生育;有关人体、排泄、性爱、生育; (3) 有关社会职业、社会问题;有关社会职业、社会问题; (4) 有关政治、经济、军事、外交有关政治、经济、军事、外交 a. 疾病疾病常用以替代常用以替代illness 或或sickness 婉称疾病的词有:婉称疾病的词有:

56、condition, disorder, problem, trouble等。等。 under the weather 身体欠佳身体欠佳 look off color 气色不好气色不好 long illness 久病,实指癌症久病,实指癌症 social disease 社会病,实指艾滋病社会病,实指艾滋病 b. 残疾残疾 常用表达方式:常用表达方式: disabled, handicapped, inconvenienced Other expressions:Other expressions: hard of hearing 听觉困难的;听觉困难的; auditory-impaired

57、听觉损伤的;听觉损伤的; sight-deprived 被剥夺视力的;被剥夺视力的; visually retarded 视力有障碍的;视力有障碍的; Paralympic Games 残奥会残奥会 paraplegic(截瘫患者截瘫患者)+Olympic c. 衰老衰老 advanced in age, past ones prime, feel ones age, golden age, sunset years, senior citizens, the longer living d.死亡死亡 go west, pass away, be at rest, go the way of

58、all flesh, join ones ancestors, return to dust, breathe ones last, run ones race, be no longer with us, be asleep in the Arms of God7) irony 反语反语 The public is wonderfully tolerant - it forgives everything except genius - Oscar Wilde 世人是宽大得惊人的世人是宽大得惊人的-除天才之外,他们宽恕一切。除天才之外,他们宽恕一切。 What a noble illustr

59、ation of the tender laws of his favoured country! - they let the paupers go to sleep! 他们竟允许穷人睡觉!他们竟允许穷人睡觉!-这是多么高尚的例证,说这是多么高尚的例证,说明他那行善的国家的法律是多么仁慈!明他那行善的国家的法律是多么仁慈! He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, would vote for nothing but a supply of toothpicks. 他是当饥荒之际只会建议供应牙签的那一类

60、他是当饥荒之际只会建议供应牙签的那一类聪明的慈善家之一。聪明的慈善家之一。 His designs were strictly honourable; that is to rob a lady of her fortune by way of marriage. 他的企图是完全高贵的:那就是,以结婚为他的企图是完全高贵的:那就是,以结婚为手段来夺取贵妇人的财产。手段来夺取贵妇人的财产。8) hyperbole 夸张夸张 Another name: overstatement 言过其实言过其实 Two kinds: extended hyperbole 扩大夸张;扩大夸张; reduced h


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