1、九年级英语考试试题友情提示:亲爱的同学们你们好!当你打开这份试卷的时候,心情一定很激动吧,别急,请你们放松心情,放飞思维,认真审题、从容作答,充分发挥相信会取得前所未有的好成绩。单项选择(15分)) 1.lucy , what wouidyoui i keto have , juice or coca ?a. each)2.i'ma. have a. td i ikeb. neithertoo t i red totoc.havea glass of water .either d. bothwa i k any farther . let's stopgood i dea !
2、rest b. to have a rest c. hav i ng a restd. had a rest3.whatwi i i you do th i s weekend ?we won'tgo out if ittomorrow .a. ra i nsb. wi i i rainc. ra i nedd.won't ra i n4.the doctormrs. black carefu i i y and to i dhernothing was wrong with her .a. iookedupb. iooked over c. iookedford.iooked
3、 i i ke5.sha i i we goand p i ant some trees . ? theycanstop the wi ndthe earthaway .ok , let'sgo !a. to b i ow b. from blowingc. b i owsd. of blowing6.l i le i , can you go to pi ayfootbai i withus ?tm afraid i can't , but i'lli f i fee ito join you .a. good enough b. we i i enoughc. en
4、ough we i i d. enough good7.must i finish pa i nt i ng thehouse ,mum ?. you can do it another day .a. mustn'tb. needn'tc. can'td. won't8.there isn't enough time for me to doalone . couid you give me a hand ?certa inly !a. someth i ng b. anyth i ng c. everyth i ngd. noth i ng9. do
5、 you th i nk it necessaryuseach other ?of course , i th i nk so .a. with ,to understandb. with ,understandingc. for , to understandd. for ,understand i ng10.mary , don't i aughother peop i e's mi stake any ionger ?sorry , i won't .a. withb.onc. ford.at11.i s your homefrom thecenter of th
6、e city ?well , on iyfive minutes'a. how i ong b.how soon c.how fard. how often12.don't worry ! there'stime i eft .but i want to finish it soon .a.a littleb. i ittlec. a fewd few13.where' jim ?please cai ime when heok j wi i i .14.a.c.15. gets tob.what,s up ?reachesyou iook atc arr i
7、ves i nmed. arr i ves .guess ! i have someth i nghapp i iy , happyhappy, happyjohn never. hea. so i s he b.totei i you !b. happy , happ i iyd. happ i iy ,happi lycomes to schooi i ate .always come to schooif i rst i n the ci ass .so he i sc. so hedoes d. so does he完形填空:(10分)mike's father i s an
8、official (官员).so they havea lot of money. hi sfami iy go travei i ng(旅游)every year. and they usua i iy go to the b ig1 i n the wor i d.the boy often tellsh i s f r i end what he 2 there. but the boy doesn't _3geographyat all. he does nothunt, the i r geography teacher,with a paper plane. the tea
9、cherth i nk it can 4 h im to trave i. so he doesn,t i i sten to mr.5_ somet i mes he reads a p i cture-book, somet i mes he _6i s af ra id of hi s father and says _7. now class two are havi ng geography. mr. hunt sa id, who can _8 the highest point (点)in the world?" nobody _9_. the teacher turn
10、ed to mi ke and sa i d, you often go trave i ing, you may know i t. please te i i the c i ass aboutit." mi ke can't read the 10 at all. of course he doesn't know it. but he sa i d, i'mto()short, you know.i can't reach itat al i!"()1.a i siandsb citiesc townsdv i i i ages()2
11、.a seesb readsc stud i esdgets()3.a forgetb rememberc knowdi i ke()4.a tel ib he i pc letdtake()5.a i n ci assb at homec at schooid after ci ass()6.a makesb hurtsc wr itesdp i ays()7.a anyth i ngb someth i ngc noth i ngdeveryth i ng()8.a showb givec passdiook at()9.a askedb watchedc heard)answered()
12、10.a paperb mapsc p i cturesdbooks分)三.阅读理解:(20in england nobody under the age ofeighteen i s permitted to dr ink i n a bar. mr. peteri i ked goi ng to the bar near h i s house. but he never took h i s son, mi ke, because he was too young. one day when mi ke had hi s eighteenth bi rthday, mr. peter t
13、ook him to the bar for the f i rst time. they drank for about half an hour. and mr. peter sa i d to h i s son, "now,dr i nk toomike, i want to teach you something usefui. you must always be carefui not tomuch. but how do you know that you have had enough? well, i will tell you. do youseethosetw
14、o i ights at the end of the bar? when they become four, it means you have hadtoomuch,and you shouid go home. "but, dad," said mike, "i can on i y see one i i ght at the end of the bar, and doyouthinki am dr i nk i ng too little?”)1.wi i i be abie to dr i nk i n the pub i i cpi aces i
15、n england .a. nobody b.no chi idren c. only old peopied. no young peopie)2. mr. petertold h i s sona.that he wasnot old enough to dr ink too muchb.that nobodywas a i i owed to dr i nk too muchc.not to dr i nk more than enoughd.that he shouid dr i nk much i f he wanted to gohomebar i s() 3. the numbe
16、r of the i i ghts at the end of thea. two b. four c. oned. sometimes two and sometimes four()4. th i s i s time for m i ke to dr i nk i n a bar.a. the f i rst b. the second c. the th i rd d. may be the fifth() 5. who drank too much?a. mike b. mike's father c. neither of them d. both of themba pa
17、ssenger was iooki ng everywhere for hi s t icket because the conductor was coming up to punch t i ckets. he searched the pockets of h i s trousers, h i s coat and h i s wai iet. to the other passengers' surpr i se, they saw that he had the t i cket i n h i s mouth. the conductor quickly pui ied
18、the t ieked out of hi s mouth, punched it, and gave i t back to him. when the conductor moved on, the passenger's fr iend said, "i'm sure you felt fool i sh just now, sitting there look i ng everywhere for your t ickets when i t was r i ght i n your mouth a i i the time.”"foolish?”
19、 answered the passenger. "i was chewing the date off.when h i s fr i end heard th i s, he cr i t i c i zed him and asked him to buy a ticket.()1. the passenger .a. i ost h i s t i cketsb. didn't buy a t icket for the tr ipc. was iook i ng for a iost t i ekedd. forgot when he had put h i s t
20、 i cket()2. the other passengers wanted to iaugh because .a. the passenger iost h i s t i cketb. the passenger was chewing h i s t i cketc. the passenger had no t i cketd. they saw that the passenger had the ticket i n h i s mouth()3. his fr iend .a. knew why he was iook i ng for the t i cketb. didn
21、't know why he was iooking for hi s t icketc. didn't know he had iost hi s t icketd. didn't know that he didn't have the money for a t i cket()4. the conductor .a. thought the man was not honestb. knew why the man was chewing the t i cketc. thought the man had forgotten that the t i
22、cket was i n h i s mouthd. knew why the man had put the t i cket i nto h i s mouth() 5. the t i cket i n h i s mouth .a. was someone eise'sb. was the r i ght one for the tr i pc. was an old ticket that shouldn't be used againd. was the one he bought on the tra i n四任务型阅读:(10分)read the dialogu
23、e and fill i nthebook card for the i i brar i an.a:excuse me, mi ss wh i te. are thereanybooks about the earth?b:yes. the story ofthe earth. doyoui i ke it?a:yes.b:here you are. areyou i nterestedin science, henry?a:yes.b:oh , i see.a:by the way, can ihavea iook atthe books on h i story? i iove them
24、 very much.b:sure. they are onthatshe if over there.a:i'd like this one.theh i story of theusa.b:fi i i th i s card, pi ease.you may keep them for two weeks. and you must return them ontimea: ok. i wi i i.五.单词拼 (15 分)1. amer i can food (似 to be the popui ar i n wor i d.2. ch i nesenamebooks'
25、 names:class:021. 2. date: from sept.10 to l i brar i an: 写:fast乎)mostthefoodhas d i fferent (味道) and i s very del i c i ous.3. someone te i ephoned us to (抱怨)about you.4. the storm kept me (醒着)ha i f a n i ght.5. dad never does housework, i don't (也)6. -do you have someth i ng to say?-no, i hav
26、e to say. (someth i ng)7. do you enjoy , chi idren? (you)8. i'm busy a book . (wr ite)9. he's very to hear that, (p i ease)10. the ch i i dren i i ked h i s new book, (rea i)六.综合填空:(15分)easy different few good help sitif noisy quick same when youal i students need to have good study habits (习惯).when you have good study habits, youi earn th i ngs 1. you a i so remember them 2. do you i i ke to study i n the3. room? th i s i s not a good p i ace, because i t i s usua i i y too 4. you needto study i n a qu i et p i ace, i i ke your bedroom. a qu i et p i
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