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1、1 .建筑设计资深项目经理senior architectural project manager岗位职责:responsibilities :此管理职位将协助建筑总监开展工作,重点在于领导与协调建筑项目团队,保证设计质量, 完成生产业务并为客户提供后期服务支持及咨询。监督和指导建筑师及助理建筑师工作, 并负责培训。this management position will support the activities of the director and focus primarily on construction design, management of the design pro

2、cess and quality control for a variety of architectural projects. responsible for creative deslgi concepts, consultant coordination and client support. supervise and mentor architects, intern architects and offer trainings.任职要求:qualifications: 建筑学本科或以上学历,具备优良的设计创作及表现能力;.bachelor degree or superior i

3、n architecture, good design ability; 从事建筑设计工作8年以上经验,5年以上大型项目设计全过程,担任过大型建筑工程设计 项目负责人/工程主持人或建筑专业负责人,能独立承担项目的运作,精通国家规范; minimum 8-year experience of architect design; minimum 5-year experience with large-scale projects and having played a significant lead role in more recent large-scale projects indepe

4、ndentiy; thorough technical knowledge and understanding ol nationa building codes and standard architectural practices; 高超的统筹拓展业务与谈判能力,诚信稳重,善于应变,综合素质佳;aexcellent business management expanding and negotiation skills; good communication skill with client and understand clients requirement correctly; 优

5、秀的团队领导及管理能力,能够同时兼顾多个项目及业务; good organizationalt management and interpersonal skills, good ability to manage multiple projects and activities concurrently; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop. 3d max、sketch-up、mkmsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is

6、important; 一级注册建筑师、有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工 作背景者优先-class a registered architect is preferred; strong mandarin-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (oral and written) are preferred; working in an internationa firm and/or oversea education experience is pre

7、ferred.2 .建筑设计项目经理architectural project manager岗位职责:responsibilities :此管理职位将协助建筑总监开展工作,重点在于领导与协调建筑项目团队,保证设计质量, 完成生产业务并为客户提供后期服务支持及咨询。协助监督和指导建筑师及助理建筑师工 作,并负责培训.this management position will support the activities of the director and focus primarily on constructioii design, management of the design pr

8、ocess and quality control for a variety of architectural projects. responsible for creative desigi concepts, consultant coordinatton and client support. supervise and mentor architects, intern architects and offer trainings.任职要求:qualifications: 建筑学本科或以上学历,具备优良的设计创作及表现能力; bachelor degree or superior

9、in architecture> good design ability; 5年以上正规设计院/设计事务所项目全过程工作经验;有参与大型项目设计经验,熟悉国 家规范及项目流程。少工作经验者如俱备卓越建筑设计能力也可作考虑; minimum 5 years of work experience in qualified design institute, design experience with large-scale projects; understanding of national building codes and standard architectural practi

10、ces; candidates who have less working experience but have strong design skill are to be considered; 良好的统筹拓展业务与谈判能力,诚信稳重,善于应变,综合素质佳; good business management9 expanding and negotiation skill; good communication skill with client and understand clients requirement correctly; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop、3d

11、max、sketch-up> microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency tn autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft offley etc. is important; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先. strong mandarin-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (ora and written) are preferred; wor

12、king in an internatioimd firm and/or oversea education experience is preferred.3.建筑师architect岗位职责:responsibilities :建筑师将与项目经理合作,提供有创意的建筑理念及设计展示,完成业务并提供客户支持 及咨询,监督和指导助理建筑师的工作。this position will work with project managers in preparation of creative architecture concepts, graphic presentitions; product

13、ion-oriented tasks and support client and consultant contact; supervise and mentor junior stafil任职要求:qualifications: 建筑学本科或以上学历,2年以上相关工作经验; bachelor degree or superior in architecture; minimum 2 years of work experience in related areas; 富有创造性、主动性,有责任心与团队协作精神,踏实,勤奋,悟性强,能独立完成设计 工作; creative, positive

14、, responsible and coordinative spirits; able to complete the design work independently; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshopx 3d max、sketch-up> microsoft offk。等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max9 sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is mandatory;有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先。-strong mandari

15、n-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (ora) and written) are preferred; working in an international firm and/or ovenea education experience is preferred.4.建筑师(商业和旅游地产方向)architect (focus on commercial and tourism real estate)岗位职责:responsibilities :建筑师将与项目经理合作,提供

16、有创意的建筑理念及设计展示,完成业务并提供客户支持 及咨询,监督和指导助理建筑师的工作.this position will work with project managers in preparation of creative architecture concepts, graphic presentations; productton-oriented tasks and support cment and consultant contact; supervise and mentor junior staff.任职要求:qaaiiflcatloiis: 建筑学本科学历,2年以上商

17、业和旅游地产招商工作经验; bachelor degree or superior in architectlire; minimum 2 years of work experience in commercial and tourism real estate investment;富有创造性、主动性,有责任心与团队协作精神,踏实,勤奋,悟性强,能独立完成设计工作; creative, positive, responsible and coordinative spirits; able to complete the design work independently;熟练掌握 aut

18、ocad、photoshop. 3d max、sketch-up> microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is mandatory; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先。-strong mandarin-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (ora) and writte

19、n) are preferred; working in an international firm and/or ovenea education experience is preferred.,助理建筑师intern architect岗位职责:responsibilities :助理建筑师将与项目经理及建筑师协作,提供有创意的建筑理念及设计展示,完成业务并 提供客户支持及咨询。成功的候选人须有强烈的发展自身专业技术的理想.this position will work with project managers and architects in preparatioii of cre

20、ative architecture concepts, graphic presentatftons> production-oriented tasks and support client and consultant contact. successfta candidates must have a strong desire to learn and develop thdr professional skills.任职要求:quaiiflcatioiis: 建筑学本科或以上学历; bachelor degree or superior in architecture; 富有

21、创造性、主动性,有责任心与团队协作精神,踏实,勤奋,悟性强,能辅助完成设计 工作; creative, positive, responsible and coordinative spirits; able to help complete the design work; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop、3d max、sketch-up> microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshopt 3d max> sketch-up, microsoft office etc. is mandatory

22、; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先.astrong mandarftn-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (oral and written) are preferred; working in an internatloimd firm and/or oversea education experience is preferred.6 .建筑助理岗位职责:1、协助设计任务书、图纸、合同、会议纪要和其它项目文件的翻译,为双语项目团队提

23、供 协调和支持工作;2、协助撰写项目往来传真、信函,并负责项目往来传真、信函的整理和存档;3、协助建筑部市场类工作;4、协助建筑总监做目经理协调建筑部门工作。任职资格:1、全日制本科以上学历,建筑或英语专业优先;2,优秀的英语口语和书写能力,cet4以上3、至少一年以上外资企业部门助理/秘书经验;4、熟悉房地产、建筑、设计行业者优先。position: assistant of architecture departmentresponsibilities:- provide biungual support to project teams, such as proposal transla

24、tion, contract format and translation) meeting memos.- coordinate and facilitate daily operation with arch department- documentation and filing- support marketing jobqualificatiodsbachelor degree, prefer in arch or english majorexcellent oral and written englisht cet-6 is a mastat least one-year exp

25、erience in assistant/secretary in mnc company familiar with rea estate, arch and design industry.7 .生产运营经理production operation manager岗位职责:responsibilities:此管理职位将协助建筑总监开展工作,重点在于组织制定和下达项目、工作和人员计划, 监控和推进项目工作,对项目进度和完成情况进行评估,发现和分析问题,及时预警和汇 报.提出奖罚和绩效考核建议,研究提升项目管理水平的理论和方法,并付诸实现。this management position wi

26、ll support the activities of the director and focus primarily on organizing and issuing projects, work and personnel plans, monitoring and promoting the project work9 progress and completion of the project detecting and analyzing problem providing timely early warning and reporting. this positfton w

27、ill be responsible for suggestions of reward punishment and performance appraisals. should study theories and methods to enhance the level of project management and put into practice.任职要求:qualifications: 大学本科或以上学历,建筑、工程、房地产相关技术、经济、管理专业;-bachelor degree or superior in architecture, engineering, real

28、estate-related technology, economics, management; 具有5年以上设计或项目管理相关工作经验,熟悉本行业建筑方案、竞标、报批、初设、施 工图等各阶段实际工作特点和人员结构要求; minimum 5 years of work experience in design or project management-related work; familiar with actual work and personnel structure of various stages, including design 擅于与人沟通,具有较强的处理问题解决矛盾的

29、能力; good communication skills; strong problem-solving ability; 接受过财务、项目管理方面教育或培训者优先考虑。 education or training about finance, project management is preferre<l8 .室内设计师岗位职责:1、服从并按时完成上级下达的设计任务及要求;2、负责设计项目的概念、方案、扩初、施工图设计;3、负责设计项目的现场跟踪及协调,传达设计意图,落实设计效果的实施情况;4、规范图纸的绘制工作,出图前做好自检工作,确保图纸质量。任职要求:1、室内设计相关专业毕业

30、,本科以上学历优先2、挈6年以上室内设计经验;3、对工艺、施工、材料具有相当经验,具有沟通客户的能力;4、有独立从事方案创意设计经验,设计理念新颖;5、能独立完成别嬖、公寓房、会所、办公楼、商业等设计,并有扩初设计及施工图基础 设计能力,有现场管理监造经验者优先;6、熟悉制图规范、熟练操作专业相关软件autocad, photoshop, powerpoint. 3d max 等;7、工作认真、踏实、责任心强、为人正直、诚信,具有良好的团队合作能力以及良好的 学习能力。8、有较强的沟通能力,能快速手绘效果图。interior designerresponsibilities:be respon

31、sible for all the process of interior design, including concept proposal, on-site monitoring upon client's and company1! requirement.qualifications:1、bachelor degree, major in interior design2、minimum 3-5year experience of interior design3、good communication skill, solid experience in relevant p

32、rocess6、proficiency in autocad, photosbp, powerpoint1 3d max, etc.7、innovative, independently, good teamwork8、good in hand-drawing9 .助理室内设计师岗位职责:1、负责项目助理设计;2、cad绘图;3、协助主管交办的工作;4、主要承担公司项目的方案及深化设计工作,按照上级的安排及时完成相应的任务.任职要求:1、室内设计相关专业毕业,本科以上学历优先2、3年左右设计公司相关工作经历,有大型公建(酒店、商业等)项目经历更佳;3、优秀的方案创作能力;4、敬业负责、良好的职

33、业素养.assistant interior designerresponsibilities:assist to project manager to complete design and other assignment.qualifications:1、bachelor degree, major in interior design2、3-year experience of interior design4、responsible, professional市场部1 .地产策划经理real estate planning manager岗位职责:responsibilities :

34、此管理职位将负责公司项目可行性研究、项目策划总体思路、销售策略制订和执行工作. 负责地产项目洽淡及策划报告的撰写,文字功底深厚、语言通顺严谨.制定可行的客户维 护和开拓方案,维护与相关媒体的联系和沟通,确保完成团队既定目标。this management position wid be responsible for project feasibility studies, project planning general idea, marketing strategy formalation and implementation. be responsible for negotiatio

35、ns for real estate projects and pkuming report writing. develop viable customer maintenance and development programs. maintain the good relationship and commanication with relevant medias. ensure the completion of team goals.任职要求:qualifications:专科及以上学历,房地产、建筑设计、市场营销,经济管理.新闻广告等相关专业,-college degree or

36、 superior in real estate, architectural design, marketing, economicmanagement press advertising etc.; 具有3年以上房地产市场策划工作经验,有独立负责操作的案例; minimum 3 years of work experience in real estate marketing and planning, ability to manage project independently; 策划思路清晰、沟通能力强、文字功底深厚,熟悉microsoft office,图文表达能力强;aclear

37、 planning ideas> strong commonicatioii skills and rich writing experience; familiar with microsoft office, excellent presentation skills; 具有广泛的社会资源,良好的市场洞察力、策划能力、应变能力及内外部协调能力. with a wide range of soda resources, good market insight, planning and response ability, good internal and external coord

38、inatioii.2.地产策划师real estate planner岗位职责:responsibilities :此职位将协助地产策划经理开展工作,重点在于地产行业与市场分析,产品定位,参与项 目执行,负责相关营销报告的撰写。this position will support the activities of the manager and focus primarily on real estate industry and market analysis, product positioning, project implementation and responsible fbr

39、writing marketing report.任职要求:qualifications: 专科及以上学历,房地产、建筑设计、市场营销、经济管理、新闻广告等相关专业; college degree or superior in real estate, architectural designt marketing, economic management, press advertising etc.; 具有2年以上房地产市场策划工作经验;minimum 2 years of work experience in real estate marketing and planning; 具备较

40、高的悟性以及良好的学习态度,对房地产开发具有一定的基础知识; with a high aptitude and good learning attitude, have basic knowledge of real estate development; 富有激情和创意,具备优秀的文案功底、文字组织能力及资料收集能力.passionate and creative; excellent writing skills and information collection ability城市规划部l规划设计项目经理planning project manager岗位职责:responsibili

41、ties:此管理职位将协助规划总监开展工作,着重于领导规划团队,管理及协调各项目进程并保 证其质量,监督和指导规划师及助理规划师的日常工作,并负责培训规划团队的专业技能 等。this management position will support the activities of tbe director and focus primarily on the leadership of project teams, management of the design process and quality control for a variety of planning projects.

42、 supervise and mentor planners, intern planners and offer trainings.任职要求:qualifications: 大学规划、建筑、景观或相关专业本科及以上学历; bachelor degree or superior in planning, architecture design? landscape architecture or related design field; 5年以上相关工作经验,其中担任管理职务2年以上,熟练掌握中国相关设计规范及业务实 践; minimum 5 yean of planning or rel

43、ated experience> over 2 years in management role; strong technical knowledge ol national design codes and astandard planning practices, extensive built work experience; 良好的统筹拓展业务与谈判能力,诚信稳重,善于应变,综合素质佳; good business management expanding and negotiatioii skill; good communicatioii skill with client

44、 and understand client's requirement correctly; 优秀的团队领导及管理能力,能够同时兼顾多个项目及业务; good organizational management and interpersonal skills, good ability to manage multiple projects and activities concurrently; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop> 3d max. sketch-up. microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autoca

45、d, photoshop, 3d maxt sketch-up, microsoft offiy etc. is important; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先.-strong mandarin-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (oral and written) are preferred; working in an international firm and/or oversea2.规划师planner岗位职责:-res

46、ponsibilities :此职位将与项目经理合作,提供有创意的规划理念及设计展示,完成业务并提供客户支持 及咨询,监督和指导助理规划师的工作。this position will work with project managers in preparation of creative planning concepts, graphic presentations, production-oriented tasks and support client and consultant contact. supervise and mentor junior staff.任职要求:qual

47、ifications: 大学规划、建筑、景观或相关专业本科及以上学历; bachelor degree or superior in planning, architecture designt landscape architecture or related design field; 3年以上不同类型、规模和深度的规划项目工作经验,熟悉中国规范,能独立承担项目; minimum 3 years of planning or related experience on a variety of project types, functional knowledge of national

48、design codes and planning practices, ability to manage design project independently; 优秀的概念设计及表现能力、大型项目设计组织管理及沟通协调能力; creative concept design and presentation skills, strong organizatftoiial, management and interpersonal skills for large-scale projects; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop% 3d max、sketch-up. micro

49、soft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is mandatory; 主持设计过多项大型规划项目、能力突出的优秀设计师优先、注册规划师优先,有优秀的 中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先。-excedent planners or registered planners who have hosted large-scale planning projects are preferred; strong mand

50、arin-english communication skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (oral and written) are preferred; working in an international firm and/or oversea education experience is preferred.3 .助理规划师intern planner岗位职责:responsibilities:此职位将与项目经理及规划师协作,提供有创意的规划理念及设计展示,完成业务并提供 客户支持及咨询.成功的候选人须有强烈的发

51、展自身专业技术的理想this position will work with project managers and planners in preparation of creative planning concepts, graphic presentations, productton-orlented tasks and support client and consultant contact successful candidates must have a strong desire to learn and develop their professional skills

52、.任职要求:qaallficatioiis: 大学规划、建筑、景观或相关专业本科及以上学历; bachelor degree or superior in planning, architecture designt landscape architecture or related design field; 1年以上相关工作经验,较强的方案构思及表现能力,熟悉国家规范,有一定的项目设计经 验; minimum 1 year ol planning or relevant experience, creative concept design and presentation skills,

53、加ncdonal knowledge of national design codes and planning practices; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop、3d max、sketch-up、microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is mandatory; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司工作背景者优先。-strong mandarin-english communicatio

54、n skills and proficiency in technical terms in english (oral and written) are preferred; working in an international firm and/or oversea education experience is preferred.4 .资深景观建筑师/项目经理seniorlandscape architect/ project manager岗位职责:responsibilities :此管理职位将协助规划总监开展工作,着重于领导项目团队,管理及协调各项目进程并保 证其质量,监督和指

55、导团队成员的日常工作,并负责培训团队的专业技能等.this management position will support the activities of the director and focus primarily on the leadership of project teams, management of the planning process and quality control oi variety of projects. supervise and mentor project team members and offer trainings.任职要求:qual

56、ifications: 大学景观、规划、建筑或相关专业本科及以上学历; bachelor degree or superior in landscape architecture9 plannings architecture design or related design field; 5年以上相关工作经验,其中担任管理职务2年以上,熟练掌握中国相关设计规范及业务实 践; minimum 5 years of related experience over 2 years in management role; strong technical knowledge ol national

57、design codes and standard plinning practices, extensive built work experience; 良好的统筹拓展业务与谈判能力,诚信稳重,善于应变,综合素质佳; good business management, expanding and negotiation skill; good communication skill with client and understand event's requirement correctly; 优秀的团队领导及管理能力,能够同时兼顾多个项目及业务; good organizati

58、onal, management and interpersonal skills, good ability to manage multiple projects and activities concurrently; 熟练掌握 autocad、photoshop. 3d max、sketch up、microsoft office 等相关专业软件; proficiency in autocad, photoshop, 3d max, sketch-up, microsoft office, etc. is important; 有优秀的中英双语口语及写作能力者,有境外学习、工作或外资公司


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