1、六级英语议论文范文are mass media good or bad?directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: are mass media good or bad? you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given below in chinese:1. 你认为人众传媒(电视、杂志、广播、网络等)的现实意义何在;2. 分析说明你的观点。m
2、ass media outlets such as television and magazines expose people to the age of information. yet, like many other things, the media are double-edgedas primary channels of information, radio, tv and magazines are convenient and economical sources of knowledge and entertainment. moreover, they also pro
3、vide important information about different products through advertising. however; advertising can be misleading. sometimes advertisements do not provide all the information we need to know about a product, and some even seduce us into buying useless or fake products.nevertheless, it is difficult to
4、weigh the merits and demerits of mass media since they are often closely related to each other. for instance, violent seenes in tv programs are believed to be partially responsible for violence-related crimes. however; these programs show us not only crime, but also the punishment for wrongdoing. th
5、e dark side of society will not disappear just because we do not talk about it. but, it is certain that such information as pornography must be kept away from young people.hence, the media should not be simply judged as good or bad; it lies for us to use information properly we should be careful wit
6、h regard to the content of information and take measures to keep audie nces from the possible harmful in flue nces of the media beijing olympics volunteers in my eyesdirections: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled beijing olympics volunteers in my eyes you shoul
7、d write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 奥运志愿者所需具备的素质2. 为什么参加奥运志愿者活动3. 志愿者工作需要付出,但值得一做as the 2008 beijing olympics draws near, china is also stepping up efforts in the recruitment of volunteers applications soon come from people of all walks of life but apart from enthusiasm a
8、nd patience, a volunteer worker also needs other qualities, such as foreign ianguage proficiency, driving skills, and first-aid knowledge, etc., depending on the nature of specific jobs.being a volunteer worker for the beijing olympic games is very meaningful. for the country, it saves the operating
9、 costs for the organizing committee though pre-event training entails large investme nts, volu nteers con tributi on to the overall huma n resources is in valuable also for the in dividuals, we can broaden our horizons through participati on of this in ter national pagea nt. for university students
10、in particular, olympics volunteer work helps us to gain life experienee and cultivate our sense of social responsibilityto be sure, besides a sense of honour and achievement, volunteer work is both time and en ergy-c on sumi ng. the training and rehearsal alone can last for mon ths, and one may have
11、 to sacrifice leisure time for this unpaid work both before and during the coming olympics. however, for the successful convening of the games, such sacrifice is worthwhile, and i would like to be one of the olympics volunteers then (作者认为做一名奥运志愿者还是很有意义的,因此结尾处话 锋乂通过however引出转折).useful words and expre
12、ssions:志愿者volunteer (n./v.)屮请:apply for, application (n.) 招募:recruit (v.), recruitment (n.) 写作提示:这篇作文的话题貝有较强的吋效性。与许多六级作文不同,本话题没有明显的争 议性。但是根据所给的提纲,写作时也并不能平铺直叙。第一段可以简要介绍事件背景,再 根据常'识简述对奥运会志愿者的要求;第二段可以从社会、个人两个方面來阐述人们参加奥 运志愿者活动的原因;最后一段提出奥运志愿者们可能需要克服的闲难,并可以用自己的立 场作结,契合“我眼中的奥运志愿者”这一主题。as the 2008 beiji
13、ng olympics draws near; china is also stepping up efforts in the recruitment of volunteers. applications soon come from people of all walks of life 简单介绍奥运会临近的背 呆,引出志愿者这一话题;being a volunteer worker for the beijing olympic games is very meaningful.总述作者对奥运志愿者的看法,即奥运志愿者的工作有意义;also for the individuals -与
14、前面for the country相呼应,以相同的结构说明这部分分两方面来ul:; also for the individuals与前面for the country相呼应,以相同的结构说明这部分分两方面来讲;for university students in particular单独列岀大学牛群体,将“个人原因”这部分具体化;to be sure 表示“当然”,有一定的转折关系。下文讲奥运志愿者对能遇到的困难,但并不是与前文对 立,因此不宜用but, however等。do crimes originate in human nature?directions: for this par
15、t, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: do crimes originate in human nature? you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given below in chinese:1. 伤认为“犯罪源于人的本性”这一观点是否匸确?明确阐述你的观点;2. 说明你的观点;3. 提岀有关如何预防犯罪的建议。reasons for committing crimes are v
16、aried and complex we cannot simply say that it is human nature to violate regulations and lawswe are not yet sure what causes people to commit crimes. however, the reasons seem clear in cases in which a thief steals money to make a living. many thieves, when caught and interrogated, reveal that they
17、 come from poor families and have very little education. from these cases, we can establish a relati on ship betwee n crimes and the poor family background together with a low level of education. many people believe that parents can teach their children the harms of wrongdoing by showing them the co
18、nsequences of such actions and the necessity to comply with social norms this method seems to be effective for most childreru on the other hand, sometimes even this method is not effective for example, some high-ranking officials may take bribes or abuse power for their own ben efit such pers ons ha
19、ve both a high in come and a good education; they should know clearly what they are doing and the probable consequences if teachi ng young childre n not to commit crime was in deed an effective method of crime prevention* then these crimes would never have happened.we know that people tend to act fo
20、r their own ben efit, but we do not know whether it is due to human nature or other causes such as ideas learned later in i讦e. therefore, the opinion that human nature causes crimes and that people's tendency to break the law can be stopped whe n they are you ng does not stand well people actual
21、ly become crimi nals for varied reas ons and we should adopt d iff ere nt methods corresp on dingly for crime preve ntion.does in ter natio nal tour cause tension among cultures?directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: does in ter national tour cause
22、 tension among cultures? you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given below in chinese:1. 国际旅行是否会引起文化冲突?阐述你的观点;2. 分析说明你的观点。today international tourism is flourishing as traveling has become a lifestyle. some claim this trend is the cause of tension between diffe
23、rent cultures, but i find such an opinion hard to justify.cultural d iff ere nces do cause misun dersta nding. certai n behaviors that are no rmal and polite in one culture may be regarded as offensive and rude in another. however, it is difficult to interpret or adhere to another culture's norm
24、s without any first-hand experiences to guide you. luckily, traveli ng gives people the opport unity to access a d iff ere nt land, interact with local people, and experienee a different culture in persona far better solution than merely reading about another culture this type of face-to-face intera
25、ction will actually help promote mutual understanding, rather than hinder it.in addition, tourism is foremost a form of economic development which has cultural resources at its foundations. cultural and natural heritage, which attracts so many tourists, is distributi ng throughout the world, thus pr
26、ovidi ng an additi onal opport unity for many developi ng countries in a global society in which people travel much more than ever before, tourism represents an important instrument of cultural exchange.as men tioned above, it is clear that in ter national tourism conn ects people rather than separa
27、tes them. it helps people become friends and boosts economic growth far from causing ten sion, in ter national tourism can improve the relati on ships betwee n people from differe nt cultures does television kills children,s creativity ?directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write
28、a composition on the topic: does television kill children's creativity? you should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given below in chinese:1. 你是否认同“电视节目扼杀孩子创造力”这i观点?明确阐述你的观点;2. 分析说明你的观点。nowadays television is becoming unbelievably popular in people's life. ch
29、ildren are especially big television fans; they could easily be glued to their tv set for an entire day. as for television's effect on children, in my opinion, it will not damage children's creativity as is exaggerated.it cannot be denied that television is the most effective means to inform children of the latest news and scientific improvement all over the world television reveals the most recent developme nt of imports nt research, such as new computing tech nology, cloning tech nology, gen etic breakthroughs, and so on, which can in spire the ima
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