



1、几乎不的英文短语精选合集它的脾气很好,你几乎不能够看到它发火的样子。下面是给大家整理的几乎不的英文短语,供大家参阅!几乎不 的英文短语篇 11. Unfortunately,there is littleprospect of see ing these big questi ons an swered.不幸的是,几乎不可能看到这些重大问题得到回复。2. The governmentitself has little informationon theexte nt of in dustrial polluti on.政府本身几乎不了解工业污染的程度。3. Such measures woul

2、d be highly impracticable and almost impossible to apply.这样的措施非常不切实际,几乎不可能付诸实施。4. As an exercise in stati ng the obvious, this could scarcely be faulted.这说的都是些显而易见的事情,几乎不可能出错。5. People had very low expectati ons.人们几乎不抱什么期望。6. Sometimes I hardly dare ope n my mouth.有时我几乎不敢开口说话。7. I can scarcely belie

3、ve it.我几乎不敢相信8. a thi nly veiled threat几乎不加掩饰的威胁9. We spoke to little purpose ; his mind was clearly madeup already.我们说的话几乎不起作用,他显然已下定决心了 .10. Tina is as quiet as a mouse ; you hardly know she 's there.蒂娜很文静;;你几乎不知道她在那儿.11. She started a new relati on shipwith almost in dece nthaste.她又开始谈情说爱

4、,速度快得让人几乎不能接受.12. Victoria n wome n were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己的性兴趣.13. She an swered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.她几乎不为人察觉地点了一下头作为回答.14. I did n& #39;t feel half as cold once they 'd put theheati ng on.他们一打开暖气,我就几乎不觉得冷了 .15. It hardly

5、falls within the area under the police stati on& #39;s jurisdicti on.它几乎不在该派出所的辖区之内.几乎不的英文短语篇2我几乎不认是我的母亲。I hardly knew my mother.他几乎不知道如何去应付这个局面。He was scarcely able to cope with the situati on.这个荷兰人说法语几乎不带任何口音。The Dutch man spoke French with hardly any acce nt.人类几乎不需插手-所有的建设将由机器人在宇航员的监督 下进行。Hum

6、ans will barely be invoIved–allconstructionwill be take n care of by robots with oversightfrom astr on auts.一个新型的投资者的到来对于创业公司来说是个大消息,因为过去只有两种而且他们几乎不与彼此发生竞争。The arrival of a new type of investor is big news for startups, because there used to be only twoand they rarely competed with one ano

7、 ther.这个过程可以不断的重复,所以电池几乎不需要更换。That process can repeat over and over, so the cells rarelyn eed replac ing.这个过程可以不断的重复,所以电池几乎不需要更换。That process can repeat over and over, so the cells rarelyn eed replac ing.几乎不的英文短语篇3我几乎不认识你。I hardly know you.这个建议几乎不值得认真考虑。This proposal is hardly worth of serious con s

8、iderati on.你怎么会为一个你几乎不认识的人哭泣,我为什么要哭,是为S还是为她的故事而哭?How do you cry for some one you hardly know? And forwhat was I cry ing? S or her story?他只看到一位母亲和蔼的抱着她的孩子把脸转向他;许多生活工 作忙碌的父亲几乎不认识他们的孩子。He saw only one mother hug her child warmly and bringher face close to his; many of the busyfathers hardly knew their

9、childre n.我几乎不认识这个人。I hardly knew this pers on.我几乎不认得她了 !I barely recog nize her!事实上,他几乎不记得那次旅行了 ;是他的父亲写了那封瓶中信。In fact, he barely remembered the trip at all; his father actually wrote the letter.现在有一种动议;当然受到大的游说活动的鼓动;;要提供一种赦免,在这一赦免下公司可以转回资金,但几乎不交纳任何税。Now there’s a move afoot ; drive n, of

10、course, by amajor lobbying campaign ; to offer anamnesty under which companies could move funds back while paying hardly any taxes.我们纵观整个文学史,显然几乎不可能发生。We looked through the literature. It hardly ever happe ns, obviously.在现在的经济气候中,财政保守主义几乎不需要提及;;但这是有效领导者的特征之一,因此它必须在清单中。In our curre ntecono mic climate, fiscal con servatismhardly n eeds men tio ning- but it is one ofthe sig ns of theeffective leader, so it must be in this list.我们现在几乎不怎么敢说两个人相爱是因为他们彼此望了一眼。One hardly dares to say, no wadays, that two beings fell inlove because they lo


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