



1、大连理工大学硕士学位论文nay分子筛合成的研究姓名:陈红梅中请学位级别:硕士专业:无机化学指导教师:孟长功20071217nay分子筛以及近几十年来开发的新型分子筛型无机微孔材料,由于它们结构与性 能的特点,被广泛地应用在催化、吸附及离子交换等各个领域。用化学原料合成分子筛 具有成本高、母液排放量大且污染环境等诸多弊端。用无机非金属矿物原料(如高岭土. 硅靈土等)合成分子筛,矿物原料均需要经高温锻烧活化,能耗及设备投入较大。本文在综合分析国内外有关沸石分子筛的合成与应用的大量文献的基础上,研究探 讨了 nay分子筛收率与各影响因素间的关系,同时探讨了相应各条件对分子筛结晶度、 粒径、热稳定性.

2、结构等性能的影响。在保证产物良好性能的基础上得到高的收率,对 提高原料利用率,降低分子筛的合成成本,对扩大分子筛的应用及减少能耗等将起到积 极的作用.本论文主要内容如下:用工业原料采用直接晶化法合成nay分子筛,通过xrd> dr、sem等测试手段对 合成产品进行测试与表征,系统考察了合成过程中的影响因素,如反应体系配比、晶化 温度.晶化时间及添加化合物(种类,量)等对产物性能、收率的影响。研究发现:在固定硅铝比(si/仙)为7.0的情况t,nay型分子筛的结晶度随着sioi/na2o 比和jfco/nazo比的增加,结晶度逐渐降低;随着晶化时间的延长,结晶度先提高后降 低;加入蔗糖可以

3、明显提高分子筛的结晶度。在固定硅铝比(sioi/afco?)为7.0的情况下,随着sioz/na?。比的增加,收率逐渐 升高,sioz/naio (movmol)增加0.04,收率平均增加0.8个百分点;随着晶化时间的 延长,收率逐渐增加,但增加趋势趋于平缓;加入2.91%的四硼酸钠与不加四硼酸钠相 比,收率增加率为5.51%。另外考察分子筛的热稳定性。热分析结果表明,分子筛的失重主要发生在300-cx 前,在2009附近有吸热峰,分析为分子筛内部水的脱除,900c以下再无其他热反应, 表明合成产品的热稳定性较好。关键词:水热合成;nny分子停;结晶度;收率exploratory study

4、on synthesis ofnay molecular sieveabstracty-zeolite and new synthesized inorganic porous materials in recent years have been 聊plied in many fields including catalysis, adsorption, ion-exchange and so on. tlfere are some disadvantages for synthesizing zeolite from chemi闌 octants, such as the high cos

5、t, the excessive waste and unfriendly to the environment while zeolites are synthesized from inorganic non-metallic mineral materials, such as kaoline, diatomite etc, but the mineral materials in those research needed to be calcined at high temperature, which costs more in energy and equipment-in th

6、is paper we hav&i 监rnljze缶p】ey of republications about the synthesis and application of y-zeolite, studied the relationships between the yield ofntiy zeolite and other influence factors and discussed the different effects on the crystallinity, size, thermal stability, structure of zeolite by dif

7、ferent conditions.the nay zeolite crystal had been synthesized from industrial materials by direct crystallization. the crystal synthesized had been characterized by xrd, r sem and etc. the different influences on the properties and yield of zeolite crystal, such as molar ratio of reactants, tempera

8、ture, react timand additives, had been discussed systematically.the results indicate that when s1o2/m2o3 is 7.0 , a low degree crystallinity of nay zeolite achieved when increased the sioio orthe crystallinity ofnay zeolitefirst became higher gradually and then lower when prolonging the react time;

9、adding sucrose would obtain a relatively high crystallinity.when s1o2/ai2o3 is 7.0, the yield increases about 0.8% averagely when sio2/na2o(mol/mol) plus 0.04; the yield increases with prolonging crystallizing time but the scale of increase tends to little; adding sodium tetraborate would increase t

10、he yield and the ratio of increase is about 5.5 %the thermal stability of zeolite also has been disclosed. the thennal analysis indicatesk at about 200*c,that the main weight losses occur under 3061 there is a endothermic diich ascribes to the dehydration in zeolite. there is no other thermal reacti

11、ons under 900v, wbich means the product has a favorable thermal stability.hydrothermal synthesis; nay zeolite; crystallinity; yieldif独创性说明作者郑重声明:本硕士学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得研究成果.尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得大连理 工大学或者其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料与我一同工作的同志 对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意.作者签名:霍日期:


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