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1、EEC九年级(下)unit 6 lesson 2教学设计 贾玉娟 一教学分析(一)学习内容分析(教材分析):本课是一篇写人的记叙文,讲述的是美国著名女运动员威尔玛鲁道尔夫自强不息,克服疾病并最终赢得奥运金牌,创造历史的故事。篇幅适中,生词较少,学生较易理解。(二)学习者特征分析(学情分析):进入初四阶段的学生具备一定的词汇量,能够进行较长篇幅的阅读,能初步掌握如猜词,寻读,略读的阅读技巧,能在教师指导下进行阅读,写作技巧的训练,学习并总结。二、教学目标1.知识与技能:认识生词,知道词义;能住文章大意和具体细节信息,熟悉文章主要内容,了解记叙文的写作顺序,人称及时态,掌握写人记叙文的主要内容。2

2、.过程与方法:运用预测,寻读,略读,方法提高阅读能力,体验小组合作学习策略,用仿写手法学习描写人的记叙文的写法。 3.情感态度价值观:体验永不放弃,克服困难,获得成功的喜悦,并能受到鼓舞,激励。三教学重难点1.重点:强化学生的阅读技巧,使之形成自己的策略,自然运用。2.难点:将所学记叙文的写作技巧运用到自己的文章中去四、课型:阅读写作结合课五、教学方法:自上而下阅读教学,体裁写作教学,先口头后书面。合作教学六、教学准备:网上搜集背景资料,图片,制作简明扼要的课件,提供可供学生参考的写作素材。七、教学过程 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Pre-reading1.warm up:in

3、troduce myself2.To show pictures about Wilma, talk about it.2. Ask students to look at the pictures on their own book continue talking more about Wilma3To teach the new wordsAnswer teachers questions and guess the content of the text.Learn the new words.用图片导入,要学生猜测她的工作,以此开始学习生词和预测文章主要内容。使其产生浓厚学习兴趣。并

4、渗透情感教育,减轻学习新课的困难。Step2 While-reading1. let student listen to the tape and answer one questions.2. work with the partner and finish the formRead after the tape if they likeAnswer the questions。Fill in the form.Say general points according to the form.听读,了解文章大意,设置一题训练略读技巧。小组合作完成表格,训练寻读技巧及合作学习的能力。Step3

5、After-reading1. Ask questions like: In what order/tense/person did the writer organize this passage? Then sum up.2.To show an exercise 3.Let students fill in the blank by using the suitable words.Answer the questions, learn the ways of writing skillDo exercises步骤1在于通过提问总结本文的写法,让学生了解记叙文的顺序,人称,时态。教师边提

6、问,边板书,加深学生的了解。步骤2像学生展示写人记叙文的提纲,即写作内容。步骤3在于让学生了解过渡性词汇的运用可以使文章连贯,可读性强。Step4Guided writingTo show some information about LiuXiangWork in groups and organize the information then make an oral composition。学以致用,考虑到时间的限制,用所给信息口头作文,体现运用所学即可。Step5HomeworkWrite a passage in 80 words about Liu Xiang by using t

7、he information that was given.Finish the homework.将课堂所学运用到作文中去Hand-writing Order(time,space,logical)Narrative Person(1st,2nd,3rd) Tense (past)附:课堂活动材料Students activitiesI.Work with your teammates and fill in the blank( in three minutes)Name Time 1944-194919561960What Was born Had a po

8、lio  She could walk without a brace  The reason to be remembered :。Some information about LiuXiang.1983, was born. Shanghai. 188cm high, 75kg heavy.2000, join the National Youth Team.2001, set a record for Youth Sports. Since then, he has won many races. 2003, win a bronze medal

9、at the world championship. Be not supposed to win gold medal. Win it at the 2004 Olympic Games in 12.91 seconds. Tie the world record.2008, quit 2008 Olympices because of the injury.When he was young, show great interest in sports. Go into sports school. Like singing and computer.supposed to be a good jumper- be told to give up high jump- a bone test showed that he would not grow tall enough to become a best jumper.Put his whole heart into training.Is very confident and faces the difficulties bravely. A handsome boy and very warmheated, lov


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