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1、-1 -辽宁省葫芦岛市六校协作体2019-2020学年高一上学期第一次考试英语试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共16小题;每小题2.5分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项 .As our listThere' s so much to see and do in the coolest little capital. Hereof the top 5 must dos whe n you visit Welli ngton.Erjo y 360 ° views from the top of Mount Victo

2、riaGet a full view of the city and a great photo at the Mountia Lookout. Watch the ships sail ing in and pla neoff from Welli ngton Airport.Ride the historic Wellington Cable CarThe Cable Car is a Wellington mark. It runs from Lambton a.Quay up to Kelburn. At its top, there ' s a lookout, the Ca

3、bler Museum, and Space Place at Carter Observatory.Check out our world famous movie-maki ng magicGet i nto the imagi natio n and the skills of artistsmoviesomeof the world ' s most wonderful movies at the WetaThe Lord ofthe Rings.mini-museum, where you can find yourself in the worldHave a close

4、touch at Welli ngton ZooDo you want to han d-feed a giraffe, play with a groupof meerkats ( 猫鼬)or touch a cheetah ' s (猜豹)fur? All are possible at WellingtonZoo. the best lit- tle zoo in theworld.Discover our stories at Te PapaThe n ati onal museum of New Zeala nd, Te Papa, isfascinating and fun

5、 for any age. The exhibits (展览)tellstories about each side of New Zeala nd in new and excit ing ways. By the way, you can enter the Te papa museumfor free.1. Where can visitors have a full view of Welli ngto n?A. At the Weta Cave min i-museum.B. At the Mou nt Victoria Lookout.C. At Welli ngt on Zoo.

6、D. At Te Papa.2. Which tourist attract ion can be en tered for free?A. The Te Papa museum.B. The Cable Car Museum.C. Welli ngton Zoo.D. The Weta Cave mi ni-museum.3. Who will probably be in terested in the Wata Cave mi ni-museum?A. People who love n ature.B. People who love history.C. People who lov

7、e moviesD. Pelple who love an imals.4. Where does this text probably come from?.A. A health n ewspaper.B. A scie nee textbook.C. A travel website.D. A fashi on magaz ine.【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C本文是一篇应用文,向读者介绍冬天新西兰首都惠灵顿的前五名的游览之地。【1题详解】细节理解题。攻略中图一"Get a full view of the city and a great photo at t

8、he MountVictoria Lookout. "the city就是指首都惠灵顿,故在the Mou nt Victoria Lookout 可以看到首都惠灵顿的全貌。故答案选B。【2题详解】细节理解题。攻略中图五“ you can enter the Te papa museumfor fr ee. ”明确指明 Te papa museum可以免费进入。故答案选A。【3 题详解】 推理判断题。攻略中图三介绍了一个关于电影技巧和艺术的迷你博物馆,对此感兴趣的当然 是热爱电影的人,题中 nature, history, animals 都未曾涉及。故答案选C。【4 题详解】推理判

9、断题。 本文是惠灵顿的游览攻略, 推理可知, 文章出处应来自于旅游网站。 故答案选 C。BIt has been a year since I found out my friend had passed away. I still storehis phone number, even though I know calling the number will never reach him again.I feel like if I deleted (删除 ) his phone number, it would mean he was really gone.Over the past

10、 few years, we have planned to travel together just to see the dolphinsi n the sea. However, for some reasons it didn't happen, yet I always took his callsover the years. We shared a lot of interests.When I knew that he had been diagnosed (诊断) with a very serious illness andwas in hospital, I re

11、membered sending messages to him. I did not receive a message back, so I left a voicemail. A week later, I sent him a message once again. However, I still didn 't get a reply. I thought he was busy. During the next several months I was very busy, too. Suddenly, in that mid-summer, I rec eived a

12、short message: “Sorry, Marlynn, He has passed away. ”I was vey sad and surprised at the words. I was very sad and regretful.I regrettedthat I let the months pass without trying again. I worked with many people who had also lost their best friends. The sadness is often unspeakable. There is guilt (内疚

13、 ), helplessness and sadness that is difficult to put into words.Now I try to be grateful for the times and memories we have. I realize the best thing that we can do is value the ones we love.5. What d o we know about the writer 's friend?A. He lived by himself.B. He deleted the writer's pho

14、ne number.C. He has gone to a far-away city.D He has been dead for a year.6. What did the writer do when he didn't receive her friend' s message?A. She telephoned him.B. She left a voice message to him.C. She wrote to him a week later.D. She visited him right away.7. What does the author wan

15、t to express in paragraph 4?A. Her hard working experience.B. People ' s attitude towards life.C. Her sadness of losing friends.D. Her surprise at her friend' s illness.8. What can be the best title for the text?A. Never Regret B. Value the Ones We LoveC. A Friend with Illness D. Be Grateful

16、 for the Future Time 【答案】 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 本文是一篇记叙文,叙述了作者于朋友的约定和没有得到回复的联系,以及后来得知朋友去 世后的心理变化,最后作者领悟到我们能做的就是珍惜我们爱的人。【5 题详解】细节理解题。本题在文中第一句“ It has been a year since I found out myfriend had passed away. ”可以看出作者的朋友去世一年了。故答案选0【6 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句,“ I did not receive a message back, so I left a voice

17、 message. ”得知作者的短信没有得到回复之后,他给朋友留言了。故答案选B。【7 题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段中“ I was vey sad and surprised at the words. I was very sad and regretful. I regretted that I let the months pass without trying again.”不难看出,作者对于好朋友的离世很伤心,故答案选C。【8 题详解】 主旨大意题。本文讲述的是作者对于朋友的离开产生的一些情绪和领悟,最重要的是作者最- 3 -后的领悟:珍惜你所爱的人,所以作为本文的标题,应选此较

18、为深刻,故答案选B。We are the CEOs. We are the head designers. We are the top engineers. We are thesenior creators. We are the inventors. We are the only maker of our own happiness.However, we still have learned that peoples views on happiness often changewith many outside things. Some people smilehappily be

19、side their new cars and homes.Students feel excited when they getbetter grades. Babies laughloudly when they getnew toys. Maybe true happiness has been lost in these things.How could we have allowed ourselves to be cheated for so long? Something outside may give us happiness, but what directs us to

20、real happiness is inner ( 内在的 ) spirit.Our spirit is so easily broken, yet it is the single strongest thing we own. Why do people with terrible diseases still smile? Why do those with a broken heart still find joy? The inner spirit is powerful, and it is the only thing on earth that can be broken in

21、to pieces but can perfectly mend itself with time. Think about those who suffer a lot but still feel happy. Their inner spirit is very strong.Our inner spirit will be the greatest gift that we give ourselves. It is our compass ( 指南针 ) to happiness, but we are the tour guides.9. What is the author &#

22、39; s view about happiness?A. It can be bought from others.B. It has been lost.C. We create it ourselves.D. It belongs to successful persons.10. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?A. Babies want to buy more toys.B. People like smiling beside their new cars.C. Students feel happy after getting g

23、ood grades.D. People ' s views on happiness change with outside things.11. What is the guide to getting happiness according to the author?A. A compass.B. People ' s inner spirit.C. Other people ' s views.D. Things people can buy.12. Why does the author mention those who suffer a lot but

24、still feel happy?A. To stress the power of inner spirit.- 5 -B. To in troduce the directi on of happ in ess.C. To expla in the importa nee of happ in ess.D. To tell readers the meaning of the joy.【答案】9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A本文是篇议论文,论述了快乐的真正所在内心的精神。【9题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“W e are the only maker of our ow

25、n happ in ess.”得知作者认为,快乐只能由我们自己创造,符合C项我们自己创造快乐。故选C项。【10题详解】主旨大意题。本题抓住第二段中心句,即第一句"we still have learned that people' sviews on happ in ess ofte n cha nge with many outside thin gs.”可知,我们知道人们对于快乐的看法会被许多外界事物改变。故D项正确。【11题详解】细节理解题。本题根据文章最后一段"It is our compass ( 指南针 )to happ in ess, but we a

26、re the tour guides. ”中it指代前句中"Our inner spirit ”,因此我们内在的精神是我 们快乐的指南针。所以 B项正确。【12题详解】推理判断题。本文论述了快乐来源于内在的精神,举那些身体上残疾却仍然快乐的人为例就是为了强调论证快乐来自于内在,而不是外在。故选A项。DOn Tuesday. Google announced a new feature (特点)for the Google Assistant. People can send reminders to friends and family on their phone or their

27、 Google Homeequipment.Google has named the new feature Assignable Reminders. Here ' s how the newAssig nable Remi nders feature works with Google Assista nt.You st art off by simply starting the Google Assistant by saying“ Hey Google”or by whatever shortcut (快捷键)you have set on your phone. After

28、 this, you can tell Google Assista nt to remi nd some one of someth ing at a certa in time.This feature will also be feasible on the Google Home smart speaker, or a smartdisplay which works with Google Assistant.The person receivingthe reminder can also replay the reminder by asking Google Assistant

29、 to show them a list of all their reminders.These reminders can only be sent to people who are already listed as family inyour Google account ( 账户 ) or people who are linked (连接 ) and voice-matched to thesame Google Home equipmentAnother feature built within Assignable Reminders is the ability to se

30、t reminders based on someone' s place. For example, you can set a reminder for friends to buy you something from a store as soon as they reach there.Assignable Reminders will be put into use in the next few weeks in the U.S. ,the U.K, and Australia.13. What ' s the new feature for the Google

31、 Assistant?A. Linking to more people.B. Sending pictures to the family.C. Reminding someone of something on the phone.D. Answering a phone call for people.14. What can replace the und erlined word “ feasible ” in paragraph 4?A. freeB. lostC. madeD. used15. Who can receive your reminders besides thos

32、e listed in your Google account?A. Those who have ever sent reminders.B. Those who know the Google Assistant.C. Those who are using Google Home equipment.D. Those who are linked to the same Google Home equipment.16. What ' s the text mainly about?A. A feature of Google Assistant.B. Reminders wil

33、l be put into use soon.C. Reminding someone to do something in time.D. Using the “ Voice Match ” to recognize the voice. 【答案】 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. A【分析】 本文是一片说明文,介绍了谷歌助手的新特点和它的工作原理。【13题详解】纟田节理解题。根据第一段第二句"People can send reminders to friends and family on their pho ne or their Google Home equip

34、me nt.”得出谷歌助手的新特点就是可以给朋友发送提醒,故选C项。【14题详解】词义猜测题。抓住此句中连词also,前文讲谷歌助手可以在手机上使用,所以后文讲在家庭设备上使用,因此猜测“feasible ”与“ used ”具有相同含义,意为“使用”。故选D项。【15题详解】纟田节理解题。根据第五段“ These reminders can only be sent to people who are alreadylisted as family in your Google account (账户)or people who are linked (连接)andvoice-matched

35、 to the same Google Homeequipment. ”可知只有当列入家庭清单的谷歌账户或者连接上同一个谷歌家用设备才能发送提醒,故选D项。【16题详解】主旨大意题。结合本文主旨,文章主要讲谷歌助手的新特点和新用法,故选A项。【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心 的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。例如第四小题。该文是介绍一个新产品的,该类文章的中心一般就在第一段。因此,考生直接抓住第

36、一段中的“On Tuesday. Google announeed a new feature(特点)for the Google Assista nt.”可知本文主要讲谷歌助手的新特点和新用法,故选A项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Teenagers do not always agree with adults. 17 But in a program in NewYork, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.Each su

37、mmer200 teenagers and 50 adults are invited to join the program. 18Every- one in the group works for seven hours a day. They not only keep busy but also find mea ning and happ in ess in work. Some tee nagers work in the forest or on the farm.- 7 -Some learn to make things like tables and chairs.19Th

38、ere are a few free hours each day, and weeke nds are free, too. During the free hours, some of the tee nagers lear n to take photos or paint pictures. Some sit aroundand talk, sing or dan ce. All in all, each tee nager has his own way to spe nd his freetime.20In this pro- gram the teenagersand the a

39、dultsmake the rules together.If some one breaks a rule, they will talk aboutit and ask:“ What should we do aboutit?Oneteenager talks about his experienee."You stop thinking only about yourself.21A. You lear n to thi nk about the group.B. They at times, have their own opinions.C. Teenagers and a

40、dults talk with each other.D. The adults will teach them to make other things too.E. Proper rules are n ecessary while people live together.F. Some teenagers don ' t know how to spend their free time.G. They live together for two mon ths as members of a work group.【答案】17. B 18. G19. D 20. E 21.

41、A【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了关于成年人和青年人相处情况的研究。【17题详解】后文提至U" But in a program in New York, adults and teenagers live together in afriendly way.” ,讲纽约的成年人和青年人相处很好,且后句与前句为转折关系,则前句应该是讲他们有时候相处得不融洽,B项“他们有时有自己的想法。”符合语境。故选B项。【18题详解】前文提到每年暑假有 200名青少年和50名成年人加入这个项目。后文提到每一个小组每天需 要工作七个小时, 推测此句与项目中的小组有关。选G项“他们组成一个小组生活两个

42、月。承上启下。故选G项【19题详解】Someteenagers work in the forest or on the farm. Somelearn to makethings like tables and chairs.前文提到青少年在森林和农场里工作,他们制作桌子和椅子,D项"The adultswill teach them to make other things too.",成年人还会教他们制作其他东西与前文相呼应。故选D项。【20题详解】E 项“ Proper rules aren ecessary while people live together.”

43、人们生活在一起时正确规则是必要的,与上文rule对应中。故选E项。【21题详解】前文提到青少年不应该只为自己着想,A 项“ You lear n to think about the group.应该为集体着想与之对应。故选A项。【点睛】七选五的解题技巧之一是根据上下文词汇来锁定线索。即:要关注空白前后的名词动词,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等,其次是一些专有比如数词、代词、时间、名称、地点等。在本文中,第一题中的到纽约的成年人和青年人相处很好,且后句与前句为转折关系,则前句应该是讲他们有相处得不融洽,B项“他们有时有自己的想法。”符合语境。故选B项。第二部分 语言知识

44、运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空选项。I was a young n ewspaper reporter, and I wan ted to succeed. My first22but有转折的”你也的最佳in Lati n America. It was almost my last job.I had not 23 to stay in the village of Zacate, 24 it hadbee n raininghard for a whole day. So

45、I had to stay there.I found people there full of 25. This village was at the footof a volcano(火山).It was becoming more26. Men, women and children came to the square.A few helped each other and went out of tow n to get as far away from the volca no aspossible, with large and full27in their han ds. Su

46、dde nly, I felt a strong28. The villagers in the square29 as soon as they felt the earthquake.后文提到“在这个项目中,青少年和成年人需要制定一些规则”,Sudde nly, I saw black smoke30dow n the side of the mountain towards thevillage. Trees and grass31up in a sec ond. The volca no was coming so32that in less tha n a mi nute the r

47、oads to the villages were33. All I could dowas watch and _34_ . Suddenly, my landlord (房东)cri ed out, "Look!”He _35_to a small hill. The lava (岩浆)was not coming over it but36_ on each sideof the _37_ _, leavi ng the village cen ter38. For a time, at least, we were39, uni ess the lava grew much

48、and bigger.My Ian dlord gave me a wet bla nket to cover myself to avoid the40and wepoured water over our heads to cool ourselves. Wecould hardly breathe (呼吸)becauseof the heat and the41of the burninghouses. Thanks to my Iandlord,I survivedthe volca no.22. A. friendB. JobC. voyageD. shopp ing23. A. p

49、la nn edB. disagreedC. hatedD. refused24.A. soB. ifC. orD. but25. A. happ in essB. fearC. determ in ati onD. power26. A. comfortableB. weakC. activeD. calm27. A. flowersB. umbrellasC. booksD. packs28. A. floodB. earthquakeC. coldD. fire29. A. ran awayB. laughedC. stoppedD. sat dow n30. A. rolli ngB.

50、 disappeari ngC. lyi ngD. settl ing31. A. grewB. gaveC. burnedD. came32. A. graduallyB. freque ntlyC. fastD.late33. A. put offB. cut offC. built upD. fixed up34. A. waitB. readC. sleepD. relax35. A. returnedB. addedC. gotD. poin ted36. A. recoveri ngB. rest ingC. seek ingD. flow ing37. A. elevatorB.

51、 farmC. villageD. street38. A. uni mporta ntB. unu sualC. un crowdedD.un damaged39. A. dan gerousB. warmC. safeD. kind-11 -40. A. lightningB. heatC. partnerD. enemy41. A. smoke B. colorC. sizeD. noise答案】 22. B 23.A 24. D 25.B 26. C 27. D 28.B 29. A 30.A 31. C 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. C 38.

52、D 39. C 40. B 41. A本文是一篇记叙文,继续了我作为一名记者在拉丁美洲经历了一场火山爆发,最后幸存下来的故事。【22 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的第一个工作在拉丁美洲。 A. friend朋友;B. job工作;C. voyage 航行;D. shopping购物。根据后文,这是他的第一份工作也几乎是最后一份工作。故选B项。【23 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我本不打算待在村庄中。A. planned 打算; B. disagreed 不同意;C. hated 讨厌; D. refused 拒绝。根据本段最后一句“ So I had to stay there. ”

53、得知我 本不计划待在村庄中,最后不得不待在那里。故选A项。【24 题详解】考查连词辨析。句意:但是大雨下了一整天。 A. so 所以; B. if 如果; C. or 否则; D. but但是。前文为我没打算停留,后文是因为下雨我不得不停留,前后具有明显的转折含义,故选 D 项。【25 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现那的人们充满恐惧。A. happiness 开心; B. fear 害怕;C. determination 决心; D. power 力量。根据后文“ A few helped each other and went out of town to get as far aw

54、ay from the volcano as possible”得知一些人尽可能选择离开火山山脚,推断人们充满了恐惧,十分害怕。故选 B 项。【26 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:火山开始变得越来越活跃。A. comfortable 舒服; B. weak 虚弱; C. active 活跃; D. calm 冷静。根据后文“ Men, womenand children came to the square. ” 得知男人、女人和小孩都来到了广场,推断火山越来越活跃,故选C项。【27 题详解】考查名词词义辨析。 句意:人们互相帮助尽可能地离开村庄, 带着又大又满地包裹。 A. flower

55、s 鲜花; B. umbrellas 伞; C. books 书本; D. packs 包裹。根据语境推断,人们离开时,会带 上包裹,故选 D 项。【28 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,我感觉到一阵剧烈的地震。 A. flood 洪水; B. earthquake 地震; C. cold 寒冷; D. fire 火。根据后文“ they felt the earthquake. ”可知,此处也 是感觉到了地震。故选 B 项。【29 题详解】 考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:地震时,广场上的村民尽可能地逃跑。 A. ran away 逃跑; B. laughed 笑; C. stopped

56、 停止; D. sat down 坐下。结合情境可知,发生地震时,村民会选择 逃跑,故选 A 项。【30 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我看到黑烟从山对面的村庄升起。 A. rolling 升起; B. disappearing 消失; C. lying 躺着; D. settling 安置。 结合句意可知, 黑烟升起, rolling 意为“升起”。故选 A 项。【 31 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 树和草在一秒之内被烧光。 A. grew 生长; B. gave 给予; C. burned 燃烧;D. came来到。结合语境可知,火山山脚发生地震,所以树和草被烧光,故选C

57、项。【32 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:火山爆发来的太快以至于不到一秒钟到村庄的路就被切断了。A. gradually 慢慢地; B. frequently 频繁地; C. fast 快速地; D. late 晚地。结合语境可 知,路被切断,就在一秒钟之内,十分迅速。故选C项。【33 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。 句意:火山爆发来的太快以至于不到一秒钟到村庄的路就被切断了。A. putoff 推迟; B. cut off 间断; C. built up 建立; D. fixed up 解决。结合语境可知,火 山爆发后路被切断,故选 B 项。【34 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:火山爆发后路被切断,人们只能看和等。A. wait 等待; B. read阅读; C. sleep 睡觉; D.


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