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1、Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?ILearning objectives SkillFocusTalk about places you would like to visitTalk about intentionsTalk about reasons why you do sth. or dont do sth.Listen and talk about places of interestLearn to write a letter asking for information and helpLearn to deal with new pr

2、oblems we face on a vacationLanguageFocus 功能句式Talk about places you would like to visit (P52) Where would you like to go .?Id like to trek / travel / drive to .I like exciting / fascinating . places.Talk about intentions and suggestions(P53、54)I hope to see .I hope to visit .Id love to go to .Why no

3、t consider visiting .?Talk about reasons why you (dont) visit some places (P54)It doesnt have any beaches or mountains .The traffic is heavy in some parts of the city, and . is very hot / crowded / dangerous / expensive .But its also beautiful, and .词汇1. educational, fall, lively, church, wine, tran

4、slate, light, wonderful, provide, sail, Pacific, programming2. tiring, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, Florida, trek, Amazon, Niagara Falls, touristy, spotlight, consider, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, convenient, underground, general, unless, pack, firm, spot, Confucius, typical, finding, c

5、ontinue, sportspeople, translator, conclusion, attitude3. take it easy, in general, provide with, as soon as possible, come true语法Would and hope to for expressing desiresId like to go somewhere relaxing.I hope to go to France some day.Id love to visit Mexico.StrategyFocus1. 1. Classifying informatio

6、n by filling in forms2. 2. Role playingCulture FocusScenery spots around the world.III. Teaching plans for each periodPeriod 1 Language goals 1. Words && expressions tiring, relaxing, educational, peaceful, jungle2. Key sentences (P52)Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam?Ability goals

7、 Enable the Ss to talk about places they would like to visit.Emotion && attitude goals Enable the Ss to love the nature.Strategy goals Listening for key words.Culture awareness goalsLearn about some scenery spots around the world. Teaching important points Talk about places you would like to

8、 visit and the intentions.Teaching procedures and ways Step I Lead-in (1a:P52)T: Have you ever been to the Great Wall? S1: Yes, I have been to. S2: No, I have never been to.T: I have been to the Great Wall. Last summer I visited it. I like the Great Wall very much. Besides, I would like to visit the

9、 Summer Palace. How about you?S3: Id like to visit Qingdao next summer vacation.S4: I would like to pay a visit to Xian.T: Id like to visit the Summer Palace, because its exciting. Write the word “exciting” on the blackboard. T: Do you know what this word really means? Can you think of something els

10、e that is exciting? I will give you some clues. For example, it was an exciting day when I went swimming with my friends.S5: Yes, I guess it means something that makes us happy. We can say that collecting stamps, going swimming and going shopping are all exciting. T: Good. Thats right. Do you know w

11、hich words have the opposite meaning?S6: “Boring” is just the opposite of “exciting”, I think. T: Yes, Good. Can you make a sentence with these two words?S6: Yes, let me try. Having a vacation is exciting while playing chess is boring.T: You did a good job. Can you give me some words to describe a v

12、acation? Then list the words “tiring”, “educational”, “peaceful”, “relaxing”, “thrilling” and “fascinating” on the blackboard. T: Most of you have been to different places for your vacations. Some places are relaxing, while some may be thrilling and dangerous, so we must be careful on our trip. Now

13、please open your books to page 52 and look at the posters in the picture, what can you see in the posters?S7: In the first poster I can see a beach and a man lying on it. T: Can you read the words?S7: Yes. Take it easy on a Florida Beach!T: Then if you are asked to give a brief description of the be

14、ach, which words would you like to use?S7: I think the beach is fascinating, peaceful and exciting. T: Very good, sit down. And who would like to say something about the second poster?S8: Let me try. In the second poster we can see a man holding a knife. This is a poster for a travel to Brazil. I th

15、ink trekking through the Amazon jungle is dangerous and thrilling, but at the same time, it is exciting. Step II Listening (1b: P52)Ask the Ss what they should do before listening.T: What should you do if you are going to do some listening practice? S9: I think we should know, first, what we are ask

16、ed to do.T: Then what you are asked to do according to the instruction in 1b?S10: To fill in the chart with the places that Sam and Gina would like to go to on vacation and the reasons.T: Good. From the chart we can see Sam wants to go to Brazil because he likes exciting vacations. Do you know where

17、 Gina wants to visit? And why? Whats more, sometimes youd better write some key words on the paper while you are listening.Ask the Ss to listen to the tape, finish the exx. and then check the answers.Step III Pairwork (1c: P52)T: Now please work in pairs. Suppose you two are the persons in the pictu

18、re in 1a. Make conversations to tell your partners the place you would like to visit, the Florida beach or the Amazon jungle of Brazil? Why?S2: Id like to trek through the jungle. I think it must be very exciting to trek through the jungle, though it is to some extent dangerous and thrilling. What a

19、bout you?Step IV HomeworkAsk the Ss to:1. do more practice as required in 1c on page 52. 2. prepare for the next period: Think about a good place you want to travel to.Period 2 PracticeLanguage goals 1. Words && expressions Niagara Falls, touristy, consider, lively, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame

20、Cathedral, church, convenient, underground, general, in general, wine, unless, translate, pack2. Key sentences I love places where the people are really friendly. I hope to visit Hawaii one day. Ability goals Enable the Ss to talk about intentions.Emotion && attitude goals Enable the Ss to k

21、now some places of interest.Strategy goalsListening for key words; Role playing.Culture awareness goals What makes a city great.Teaching important points Talk about places you would like to visit and the intentions.Teaching procedures and ways Step I Lead-inAsk the Ss to share their ideas about thei

22、r travel plans with the whole class. T: Last period we heard some people talking about their plans for a future vacation. Then tell me your travel plans. S1: If I had an opportunity, Id like to visit the Great Wall. It has a long history. Its a symbol of China. Long, long ago, ancient Chinese built

23、it to protect against the enemy in the north. To visit the Great Wall is my dream. Its also an educational, fascinating and exciting place to visit. S2: Id prefer the West Lake. It s a beautiful scenery spot. I think it will be interesting. And I like to visit places that can make me relaxed. .Step

24、II Listening Practice (2a, 2b: P53) T: Now lets listen to some students talking about going on a vacation together. Please open your books to page 53 and read the four sentences in 2a. They are in the wrong order. After listening to the tape, write the numbers in front of the sentences to show the c

25、orrect order.Ask the Ss to listen again to finish 2b and check the answers.Step III Pairwork (2c: P53)T: After listening, we know that the people decide not to visit the three places because of some reasons mentioned in the listening material. I want to know what your opinions are if you can choose

26、the above three places. Now make dialogues with your partners using the patterns on the screen. Show the following on the screen.I hope to visit . some day.I do, too. I like places where .Step IV Reading (3a: P54)T: Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I think you have known about

27、 it a lot. Then how much do you know about it? Who would like to say something about it? S3: Paris is the capital of France. There are many famous tourist attractions in Paris.S4: I know the world-famous Eiffel Tower is in Paris.S5: And Arch of Triumph.T: Good. Please turn to page 54. Here is a shor

28、t passage about Paris from a newspaper. It gives us more information about Paris. Read it quickly. Circle the things you like and underline the things you dont like. Step V Role Play (3b: P54)T: In general, Paris has a lot of interesting places. And there are other places in the world which are wort

29、h visiting. Now Ill suggest you some other cities, such as Hong Kong, Mexico City, New York and Sydney. In 3b, much information has been provided about these cities. Please work in pairs to make conversations using the information. First, who would like to read the model dialogue for us? Volunteer?A

30、fter the Ss read the model dialogue, ask the Ss to make conversations and then act them out. Step VI HomeworkT: In this class, weve heard about some teenagers talk about “where they would like to go on vacation”. After class please do 4 on page 54. Period 3 Vocabulary buildingLanguage goals 1. Words

31、 && expressions convenient, wonderful, consider2. Key sentences What else can you tell me? (P55)Ability goals Enable the Ss to describe a scenery spot. Emotion && attitude goals The Ss are ready to enjoy beautiful sights in the world.Strategy goals Brainstorming; Listening for specif

32、ic information. Culture awareness goalsKnow about different places of interest around the world.Teaching important points Learn how to talk about a travel spot. Teaching procedures and ways Step I Revision (4: P54)T: As we all know, in China there are many cities that have a long history, such as Xi

33、an and Luoyang. Do you know any other city which has a long history or has beautiful sights?S1: Yes, I live near Shenyang. It has a long history. It used to be a capital. It also has some beautiful sights. S2: Yes, my hometown is Hangzhou. It is one of the most beautiful cities in China. T: Very goo

34、d. Thanks. Can you think of some cities which are famous for their beautiful sights? Ss: Yes. T: Who would like to list some of the cities?S3: Let me try. Guilin, Kunming, Xiamen, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi .S4: Kaifeng, Luoyang, Xian, Taiyuan, Tianjin, Datong .T: Good. In the last period I asked you to

35、do Pairwork on page 54. Have you finished?Step II Word Study (1: P55)T: If you visit a city on vacation, what kind of things you should take into consideration? Try your best to think of as many as you can.Ss: Are there any buses there? What if I dont understand the language? Is it difficult to know

36、 the culture of this city? Do I like the food of the city? .T: Yes. There are a lot of things to think about. Now please list as many things that are important to you when you go on vacation as you can. That is, the things you must consider when you want to go on vacation.Step III Listening (2a, 2b:

37、 P55) T: Now please open your books to page 55. Lets listen to the story about Jeff who has a summer job at a travel agency. Play the tape for the first time, let the Ss do 2a. Then play the tape for the second time, let them do 2b. At last, play again and check the answers.Step IV Pairwork (2c: P55

38、) T: Just now we have listened to the conversations between Jeff and the customers. Now suppose you are a customer of Jeffs and your partner is Jeff, please work in pairs to make conversations. You can refer to the chart in 2b.Step V HomeworkThink of more famous cities in Europe or Asia. Write a sho

39、rt passage to introduce one of them. Period 4 Integrating skillsLanguage goals 1. Words && expressions light, wonderful, provide, provide with, firm, spot, Confucius 2. Key sentences (P56)It has to be a place where we can do lots of exercise. The room needs to be big enough for three people.

40、 Ability goals Enable the Ss to ask for and give advice for a trip. Emotion && attitude goals Enable the Ss to learn how to get others help and help others.Strategy goals Using context; Transforming.Culture awareness goalsLearn more about world scenery spots.Teaching important points Enable

41、the Ss to learn more about traveling.Teaching procedures and ways Step I RevisionT: In the last period, I asked you to write something about a famous city and give a brief introduction to it. Have you finished it? Step II Reading and Writing (3a, 3b: P56)T: Weve heard conversations about travel last

42、 period. We know if we have problems in planning a trip, we can ask a travel agency for help. You can telephone them, write a letter to them, or write an e-mail to them. Now please read an e-mail written by S.T.Zhang on page 56. Lets see what he wants to do. After reading, judge the statements in 3a

43、.A few minutes later, check the answers. T: From your answers to 3a, I can see that you have understood the e-mail. Now imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency, please write a reply to S.T. Zhang.Step III Groupwork (4: P56)T: Since everyone has his own taste for travel, its difficult for us to agree

44、with each other. Now Id like you to make a survey. Please read the instructions in 4 and after you finish the survey, make conversations with your partners using the model dialogue in the box.Sample answers:An ideal place for a school tripYoubeautifulLi MeiHu JiaQufu in Shandongeducationalinterestin

45、gcoldexcitingThe Great Wall in BeijingeducationalbeautifulcrowdedcoldThe Stone Forest in YunnanbeautifulhotrelaxingexpensiveStep IV HomeworkT: Write a short passage to introduce a recent dream you had.Period 5 WritingLanguage goals 1. Words && expressions hope, pack, save, provide, cook2. Ke

46、y sentences (P57)Which of these places would you like to visit most? Id like to go to a beautiful places. I think it would be Paris. Ability goals Enable the Ss to talk about the reasons why they would like to visit some places. Emotion && attitude goals Enable the Ss to share their ideas wh

47、y they would like to visit some places.Strategy goals Enable the Ss to write with the help of pictures. Culture awareness goalsWhat makes a place of interest famous.Teaching important points How to talk about the reasons of visiting some places.Teaching procedures and ways Step I RevisionCheck the h

48、omework.but my father said it was good for teenagers to have experiences in such places. Step II Word Study (Self check 1: P57)Let the Ss do Exercise 1 in Self check. First choose the correct words to fill in the blanks, then ask some Ss to make sentences with the words given.Sample answers:hope:We

49、havent heard from him for weeks but were still hoping for his letter.Allison is hoping to be a high-school teacher.pack:Dont forget to pack your toothbrush!He takes a packed lunch to work every day.save:(v.储存,储蓄)Were trying to save money for a trip to Evide:Please put your litter in the bin

50、 provided.The boss provided me with a car.cook: (v.烹饪)I like to cook Chinese dishes for my family.Step III Writing Practice (Self check 2: P57)T: Now please look at the pictures in Exercise 2. Can you tell me the names of the four places? S: From the left to the right: the Golden Gate Bridge in San

51、Francisco, the Sydney Opera House, the Big Ben in London and the Eiffel Tower in France. T: Good. These places are very famous in the world. They are well worth visiting. Which place is your favorite?S1: I like the Eiffel Tower best. S2: I prefer the Sydney Opera House. T: From your choices, I can s

52、ee that you have different tastes. Now please tell me the reasons why you make such a decision. Step IV HomeworkAsk the Ss to preview the Reading.Period 6 ReadingLanguage goals1. Words && expressionstypical, sail, Pacific, finding, as soon as possible, continue, programming, sportspeople, tr

53、anslator, conclusion, come true, attitude2. Key sentencesHere are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams. (P58)And quite a few said they dream of going to the moon one day. (P58)It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes. (P59)Ability goalsEnable the Ss to talk a

54、bout hopes and dreams.Emotion && attitude goals Enable the Ss to help others to achieve dreams. Strategy goals Read with focus.Culture awareness goalsDifferent hopes and dreams in different cultures.Teaching important pointsHow to describe hopes and dreams. Teaching procedures and waysStep I

55、 Lead-inT: Nowadays, many people have various kinds of beautiful dreams. Do you have any dreams? Today well learn a new passage about dreams.Step II Before you read (Section 1: P58)Ask the Ss to look at the cartoon on P58.T: Please open your books and turn to page 58. Look at the short dialogue in t

56、he cartoon. Who would like to read it to us? Volunteer?Ask two Ss to read the two sentences. T: Their wishes are not bad and easy to come true. Do you think so?Ss: Yes.T: Here I have two important words that both describe the things you wish to realize in the future. Do you know what the two words a

57、re? Ss: Dream and hope.T: Then whats your hope? And whats your dream? Write them down in the chart. Step III Reading (Section 2; 3a, 3b: P58-59 )T: I find some of your hopes and dreams are the same, while others are quite different. But I still think most teenagers have a lot of dreams generally. Lets read the following passage and find out the general idea of this passage? S1: It is about our hopes and dreams. S2: It


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