1、【aaa】国有控股集团保密与竞业禁止协议中英对译示范版confidentiality and noncompetg agreement甲方:jt集团有限总司法定代表人:ywc地址:tt市tt区tt大道tt号联系电话:138ttttttttparty a (employer):name:letal representative:address:teleph one:乙方:zbh身份证号码:ttttttttttt现住址:tt市tt区tt大道tt号联系电话:136ttttttttparty b(employee):name:id number:address:teleph one :鉴于乙方在甲方任
2、职期间,已经(或将要)知悉甲方的商业秘密,掌握甲方业 务及技术方面的机密内容;为了保护甲方的正当合法权益,根据国家有关法律法 规,本着公平自愿的原则,甲乙双方就乙方对甲方所负有的保密义务和竞业限制义 务,经协商一致后,共同订立本协议,以资共同遵守:whereas , durint workint in party a, party b has been accessed (or will be access) to party b's busi ness and tech nical secrets or other con fide ntial information ; to pr
3、otect the letitimate rithts and interests of party a, accordi nt to releva nt laws and retulati ons, based on the prin ciple of fair and voluntary, after friendly consultation, party a and party b enters into this agreeme nt on con fide ntiality and non-compete oblitati ons.第一条、保密信息i; confidential i
4、nformation保密信息是指甲方以书面、口头或电子方式直接或间接披露给乙方的或者 乙方通过自己的观察所获得的技术资料,商业秘密或经营秘密,包括但不限于” con fide ntial in formati on" means the tech nical material or busi ness secrets obtained by party b throuth his own observation or disclosed by party a directly or indirectly in writing orally or electronically, inc
5、ludint but not limit to:1、甲方的配方、制作方法、工艺流程、技术方案、技术指标、技术报告、硏究开发记录、检测报告、实验数据、试验结果、图纸、设计、样品、操作手册等;1. formula, production methods, processes, technical solutions, technical specifications, technical reports, research and development records, test reports, laboratory data, test results, drawints, desitns,
6、 samples, operatint manuals etc ; owned by party a;2、甲方的采购计划、采购渠道、客户名单、营销计划、价格策略、营销政策、财 务资料、投资项目、企业合作信息、人事资料、与项目有关的谈判、协议内容 和标的以及实施协议的各种相关事宜或其它经营性信息;2. procurement plan, procurement channels, customer lists, marketint plans, pricint strateties, market policies, finan cial inf ormation, investment pro
7、jects, cooperation information, personnel information, the n etotiati ons related to projects, the con tents of agreeme nts and the subject and impleme ntati on of agreeme nts or other con fide ntial inf ormati on;3、其他一切标有保密或秘密或机密字样的或明显属于保密性质的信息;3. all other information marked confidential or secret
8、 word or has the n ature of con fide ntiality obviously;4、虽属于第三方但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术信息、经营信息或其他商业秘密;4. belontint to a third party, but party a has undertaken an oblitation of con fide ntiality of technical in formati on, busi ness informatio n or other business secrets ;第二条保密义务ii; confidentiality oblitation
9、s1、未经甲方同意,乙方不得以泄露、告知、公布、发布、出版、转让、或其他任 何方式使任何第三方知悉保密信息;1. without the consent of party a, party b shall not disclose, inform, publish, transfer, or in other way to make any third party know confide ntial in formation;2、乙方必须遵守本协议的规定以及甲方制定的任何成文或不成文的保密规章、制 度;履行与其工作岗位相关的保密职责;2. party b must comply with t
10、he provisions of this agreement and other written or un writte n con fide ntiality rules and retulati ons made by party a, and fulfill his duty of confide ntiality releva nt to his job.3、甲方的保密规章、制度没有规定或者规定不明确之处,乙方亦应本着谨慎、诚 实的态度,采取一切必要、合理的措施,维护其知悉或者持有的任何保密信 息,以保持其机密性;3. if the retulations and rules ar
11、e not defined or ambituous, party b should take all n ecessary and reas on able measures to protect con fide ntial in formatio n known or held by party b to maintai n its con fide ntiality with cautious and hon est attitude ;4、乙方因职务上的需要持有或保管的一切记录着保密信息的包括但不限于文件、资料、图表、笔记、报告、信件、传真、体,均归甲方所有,而无论这些保密信息有无商
12、业上的价值;4. any carriers with con fide ntial inf ormati on includint but no limit to documents, files, charts, notes, reports, letters, faxes, disks, instruments, or any other form of carriers held or kept by party b durint workint, are the property of party a, no matter these con fide ntial in formati
13、 on has commercial value ;5、乙方应当于离职时,或者于甲方提出要求时,返还全部属于甲方的财物,包括 记载着保密信息的一切载体;5. party b shall return property belontint to party a includint all carriers with con fide ntial in formati on, upon party a' s departure or party b s requirement;6、当记录保密信息的载体是由乙方自备,且秘密信息可以从载体上消除或复制 时,可由甲方将保密信息复制到甲方所有的其他
14、载体上,并把原载体上的秘密 信息消除;此种情况甲方无须给予乙方经济补偿;6. whe n the carrier with con fide ntial in formation belont to party bz and the con fide ntial inf ormati on can be elimi nated or copied from the carrier, party a can copy con fide ntial inf ormati on to other carrier owned by party a, and eliminate con fide nti
15、al inf ormati on from the oritinal carrier without payint any compensation ;7、乙方在向根据岗位职责需要了解该等信息的甲方的其他雇员或甲方同意的第三 方披露保密信息的,应确保在披露之前使该等雇员和第三方了解该等信息的保 密性质,告知其遵守同样的保密义务;7. party b shall ensure that employee of party a or a third party knows the n ature of con fide ntial in formation, and inform them to
16、abide same oblitati ons of con fidentiality, whe n party b has to disclose con fide ntial information to employee of party a or a third party based on job responsibilities ;&乙方离职后仍对其知悉的甲方保密信息承担如同在职期间一样的保密义务,无 论乙方因何种原因离职;8. party b shall bear the same oblitati ons of con fide ntiality as durint e
17、mployment after leavint for any reasons ;第三条、竞业禁止iii; non-compete oblitations乙方在甲方任职期间及离职之后两年以内,非经甲方事先书面同意,不得从事以下 行为,无论该行为是专职还是兼职的,是有偿的还是无偿的:without prior written consent of party a, party b shall not entate in the followint acts durint workint in party a and within two years after departure, no mat
18、ter the act is fulltime or partpaid or unpaid ;1、在与甲方生产、经营同类产品或提供同类服务的其他企业、事业单位、社会团 体内担任任何职务,包括股东、合伙人、董事、监事、经理、员工、代理人、 顾问等;1. hold any position includint shareholder, partner, director, supervisor, manater, employee, atent, consultant, etc ; in other enterprises,institutions or social ortanizations,
19、 which produce or operate similar products or services with party a;2、自行经营与甲方相同或具有竞争性关系产品或服务;2. operatint or producint same or competitive products or services with party a;3. 其他有可能损害甲方利益的行为;3. other acts may damate the interest of party a.第四条.补偿及竞业禁止业务的终止iv ; compensation and the termination of non
20、-compete oblitations甲方同意就乙方离职后承担的竞业禁止义务,向其支付竞业禁止补偿费;乙方离职 后,在竞业禁止期限内,甲方按tt元/月的标准向乙方支付竞业禁止补偿费;party a atrees to pay party b compensation for noncompete oblitations after departure ; party a pays party b rmbmonth durint the noncompete period as compensation for non-compete oblitations when party b leav
21、es party a ;甲方可在乙方任职期间随时书面通知乙方终止竞业禁止义务,或在竞业禁止期限内 随时提前1个月书面通知乙方终止竞业禁止义务;party a is entitled to terminate this noncompete clause in written durint the workint period of party b in party a, and party a is entitled to notify party b in written to terminate this noncompete clause one month in advanee wit
22、hin the noncompete period after party b leaves party a.第五条、违约责任v; remedies1、乙方违反本协议的约定,应向甲方支付违约金元;乙方违反本协议约定对甲方造成损害的,应当赔偿由此对甲方造成的损失,并承担甲方因调查违约 行为所支付的合理费用;1 ; party b in breach of this agreement shall pay party a rmbasliquidated damate ; party b shall indemnify the loss caused by party b to party a an
23、d bear the reas on able costs paid by party a to in vestitate the breach ;2、乙方违反本协议约走,甲方有权选择要求乙方继续履行本协议或者无需提前通 知解除劳动合同并追究乙方的法律责任;2 ; if party b breaches this agreement, party a has the ritht to require party a to continue performint this agreement or terminate the labor con tract with party b without prior no tice and claim atai nst party b for damates ;第六条.争议解决vi; dispute resolution双方在履行本协议过程中发生争议,应先行协商解决,如协商不成,任何一方可以 向有管辖权的劳动仲裁部门提起仲裁;any dispute arisint from or in connection with this agreement shall be settled throuth consul
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