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1、    实验主义与科学主义美国教育研究取向之争    在教育学术职业化初期科学主义取向与实验主义取向论争过程中,科学主义研究传统牢牢确立了教育学术研究的话语权,成为规制美国教育研究整体取向的主导力量。自然科学与教育科学之间应有所区别的讨论被教育科学应在科学体系中获得合法地位的讨论所替代。拉格曼指出这种狭隘的实证主义传统是人为的,事实上,在教育学术职业化的前提条件下,这不仅是不可避免的,也是必要的。桑代克、贾德及其门生所追求的科学主义取向的教育学术研究在20世纪初期确有泛滥之嫌,这种努力对教育学科制度化和学术职业化本身是不可或缺的。教育学术职业化条件下,对


3、济学科及经济学家本身提出了界定,认为“科学的”经济学家和其他一切对经济课题进行思考、谈论和著述的人们的区别,在于掌握了“技巧”或“技术”,这些技术可分为三类:历史、统计和理论。三者结合起来,构成所谓的经济分析。50另外,社会学家也对社会学科及其理论做出了三种诊断:一是罗伯特·默顿(robert k. merton)提出的追求宏大理论。默顿认为社会学在还没有学会走路时就总想要跑了。二是杰弗里·亚历山大(jeffery c. alexander)提出的实证主义蛮荒状态。认为社会学陷入了“实证主义的执信”中,使社会学家放弃了追求真理的理论努力,将理论化约为经验的概括。三是霍姆伍德

4、(john holmwood)和斯图尔特(alexander stewart)所做的诊断,二人认为社会学理论处于制造矛盾的二元论中。51不同取向教育学术派别做出了类似的理想主义尝试,或者说陷入了类似的研究模式困境中。实验主义取向试图将教育研究融合到大学各学科领域,融合到教育活动中;科学主义取向则试图用自然科学的测量方法确立一种不受主观干扰的教育知识模型。教育学科初创期,教育理论家们试图确立一种独特的学术身份,把研究重心主要放在学科自主性方面。这一时期,部分教育学术界精英如贾德,可能在开始时急于获得实际成果,以证明他们活动的正当性,因此在教育研究中专注于实际问题,而摈弃了杜威的哲学式理论建构模式


6、基本的工作模式。注释:沃尔夫(norman woelfel)在美国思想的开拓者:对美国17位知名教育家社会态度的批判性回顾(molders of the american mind: a critical review of the social attitudes of seventeen leaders in american education)一书中曾根据美国知名教育家的社会思想分为三个流派:推崇传统价值的教育家(educators stressing values inherent in american historic tradition):赫尔曼·霍恩(herman

7、h horne)、亨利·莫里森(henry c. morrison)、威廉·巴格莱(william c. bagley)、克伯莱(ellwood p. cubberley)、托马斯·布里格斯(thomas h. briggs)、罗斯·芬尼(ross l. finney);信仰科学研究方法的教育家(educators stressing the ultimacy of science):查尔斯·贾德、大卫·斯奈登(david snedden)、爱德华·桑代克、厄内斯特·霍恩(erbest horn)、威利特·

8、;查特斯(werrett w. charters)、弗兰克林·博比特(franklin bobbitt);现代实验自然主义教育家(educators stressing the implications of modern experimental naturalism):约翰·杜威、乔治·康茨(george s. counts)、威廉·克伯屈(william h. kilpatrick)、哈罗德·拉格(harold rugg)、博伊德·伯德(boyd h. bode)。“巴特勒奖章”设立于1914年,每五年颁发一次,分金质、银质和铜

9、质奖章,用于表彰在哲学或教育理论、实践和管理等方面做出突出贡献的学者。1915年第一位金质奖章获得者是英国哲学家伯臣·拉塞尔(bertrand russell),银质奖章获得者是克伯莱(ellwood p. cubberley)。熊彼特认为“技术”一词必须从非常广泛的意义上加以理解:只要系统掌握某一学科的事实,在范围上超过了这个领域的实际工作者所能获得的知识,就足以构成科学的水平,即使对这一学科的研究并不需要超过外行人理解程度的精确方法。参考文献:1soltis j f. dewey and thorndike: the persistence of paradigms in edu

10、cational scholarshipj. canadian journal of education/revue canadienne de l'education, 1988, 13(1): 39-40.23610dewey j. the sources of a science of educationm/ boydston j a. the later works of john dewey, 1925-1953 (vol. 5). carbondale and edwardsville: southern illinois university press, 1984: 7

11、, 8, 16, 3-4.4white w t. the study of education at the university of chicago, 1892-1958d. university of chicago, 1977: 36.5the university of chicago. annual register, july, 1901-july, 1902 with announcements for1902-1903r. 1902, (3): 188-189.7williams j. dewey and the idea of a science of educationj

12、. the school review, dewey centennial issue, 1959, 67(2): 186-194.817284049woelfel n. molders of the american mind: a critical review of the social attitudes of seventeen leaders in american educationm. new york: columbia university press, 1933: 119-127, 95-100, 87, 45, 60-64.9rugg h o. curriculum-m

13、aking and the scientific study of education since 1910j. curriculum theory network, 1975, 4(4): 295-308.1112dewey j. current tendencies in educationm/ boydston j a. the middle works of john dewey, 1899-1924 (vol. 10). carbondale and edwardsville: southern illinois university press, 1984: 118,119.13d

14、ewey j. experiment in educationm/ boydston j a. the middle works of john dewey, 1899-1924 (vol. 10). carbondale and edwardsville: southern illinois university press, 1984: 122.142425joncich g m. the sane positivist: a biography of edward l. thorndikem. middletown, conn: wesleyan university press, 19

15、68: 3, 483, 489.15murchison c. a history of psychology in autobiography: volume m. mass: clark university press, 1936: 263.1618thorndike e l. quantitive investigations in education: with special reference to cooperation within this associationm/ cubberley e p, et al. in research within the field of

16、education, its organization and encouragement. chicago: university of chicago press, 1911: 35, 33-53.19thorndike e l. the nature, purposes, and general methods of measurements of educational productsm/whipple g m. the seventeenth yearbook of national society for the study of education. part , bloomi

17、ngton: public school publishing company, 1918: 16.20cubberley e p, et al. research within the field of education, its organization and encouragementm. chicago: university of chicago press, 1911: 9.21cremin l, shannon d, townsend m. a history of teachers college, columbia universitym. new york: colum

18、bia university press, 1954: 44-45.22boring m d, boring e g. masters and pupils among the american psychologistsj. the american journal of psychology, 1948, 61(4): 527-534.2337444547埃伦·康德利夫·拉格曼.一门捉摸不定的科学:困扰不断的教育研究的历史m.花海燕,等译.北京:教育科学出版社,2006:64,68,42,22,英文版序言7-8.26thorndike e l. measurement

19、in educationj. teachers college record, 1921, 22(5): 371-379.27katz m b. from theory to survey in graduate schools of educationj. the journal of higher education, 1966, 37(6): 325-334.29freeman f n. charles hubbard judd, 1873-1946j. psychological review, 1947, 54(2): 64.30333536judd c h. introductio

20、n to the scientific study of educationm. new york: ginn and company, 1918: 3, iii, 29 9, 305-306.31the university of chicago. bulletin of information, school of education general announcement 1910-1911r. chicago: university of chicago press, 1910.32the university of chicago. the president's repo

21、rt, 1909-1910r. chicago: university of chicago press, 1911: 68.34scates d e. judd and the scientific study of educationj. the school review, seventy-fifth anniversary issue, 1967, 75(1): 12.38ayres l p. measuring educational processes through educational resultsj. school review, 1912, 20(5): 300-301.39monroe w s, engelhart m d. the scientific study of educational problemsm. new york, macmillan, 1936: 457.41counts g s. the american road to culture


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