1、GRE 填空真题详解: 96 年 10 月96 年 10 月 section 21. 【中文释义】 由于被研究的猴子习惯了人的存在,所以他们通常会忽略人 的观察而我行我素。【解题分析】 第二个空格后第三个单词 and 是个小连接, and 后的 go about their business 是“旁假设无 人 , 我行我素 的意思,所以 and 前应为同样的含义, 答案 b 为 disregard human observers, 即为旁 假设无人之意。【重点词条】am.biv.a.lence n 1: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or f
2、eelings (as attraction andrepulsion) toward an object, person, or action 2 a: continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b: uncertainty as to which approach to follow adj am.biv.a.lent.ly adv vb. 1: to prohibit from doing something 2 a: to hold in check: restrain b: to discourage
3、from free or spontaneous activity esp. through the operation of innerpsychological impediments or of social controls vi: to cause inhibition syn see forbid in.hib.i.tive adj in.hib.i.to.ry adj2. 【中文释义】 考虑到她以前表达过的兴趣以及最近演讲中的雄心勃勃的语 调,这位议员试图使公众确信她对第二届连任不感兴趣的企图就徒劳无功。【解题分析】Given 在句首表原因,此句的因果关系非常的明显。如果 giv
4、en 在句尾,那么往往表示条件,请参照 93 年 4 月 section4 的 2【重点词条】Ambitious 1 a: having or controlled by ambition b:having a desire to achieve a particular goal: aspiring 2: resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition am.bi.tious.ly adv am.bi.tious.ness nFutile 1: serving no useful purpose: completelyineffec
5、tive 2: occupied with trifles: frivolous fu.tile.ly adv fu.tile.ness nsyn futile, vain, fruitless mean producing no result.futile may connote completeness of failure or unwisdom of undertaking . vain usu. implies simple failure to achieve a desired result . fruitless comes close to vain but often su
6、ggests long and arduous effort or severe disappointment .Authentic 1 obs: authoritative 2 a: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact b: conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features c: made or done the same way as an original 3: not false or imitation: real
7、, actual 4 a of a church mode: ranging upward from the keynote compare plagal 1 b of a cadence: progressing from the dominant chord to the tonic compareplagal 2 5: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character au.then.ti.cal.ly adv au.then.tic.i.ty nsyn authentic, genuine, bona fide mean b
8、eing actually and exactly what is claimed. authentic implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact ; it can also stress painstaking or faithful imitation of an original . genuine implies actual character not counterfeited, imitated, or adulterated ; it also connotes definite origin from a s
9、ource . bona fide implies good faith and sincerity of intention .3. 【中文释义】很多她的支持者继续忠实于她,即使是那些反对她的领导的 人也不敢肯定在现在的混乱中替换她是否正确。解题分析】Remain 是主体词,该题是 remain 两种考法中的第二种, 在 remain 前找一词填到其后即可,在其前面的四个单词 many, of, her, followers 中当然选 followers. 此处只不过需要词性变化一下而 已。与支持者 followers 最吻合的形容词是 c 的 loyal.4. 【中文释义】 和许多最近对贝
10、多芬钢琴奏鸣曲的演绎不一样,这位独奏家 的表演是欢快自由和内省的风格;但是,看起来似乎矛盾的是,他的演绎却一点没有失 控。【解题分析】分号上半句中很明显判断词 free and introspective 是主体 词,所以下半句转折就应针对 free and introspective 来进行。 free 的反义词为 e 的 controlled. 解题时不必拘泥于 introspective 这个 音乐专业词汇,既然 introspective 和 free 为并列的小连接,那么只 需找 free 的反义词即可。事实上 introspective 的专业词意即为内心 独白的,自由奔放的,即兴
11、发挥的。需要强调的是 b 的 exuberant 也有类似的专业词义。【重点词条】introspective : a reflective looking inward: an examination of one's own thoughts and feelingsin.tro.spect vb in.tro.spec.tion.al adj adjin.tro.spec.tive.ly advin.tro.spec.tive.ness nappealing 1: marked by earnest entreaty: imploring 2: having appealexube
12、rant 1: extreme or excessive in degree, size, or extent 2 a: joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic b: unrestrained or elaborate esp. in style: flamboyant 3: produced in extreme abundance: plentiful syn see profuseex.u.ber.ant.ly adv5. 【中文释义】代谢速度相比照拟慢的物种,包括有冬眠习性的动物,通常 会比那些代谢速度更快的物种长寿。【解题分析】显然是一套比拟结构
13、的题目。比拟双方应互相比照, with relatively 加空格这一段和 whose metabolic rates are more rapid 比照。和 rapid 比照的是 c 的 sluggish.【重点词条】prolific 1: producing young or fruit esp. freely: fruitful 2 archaic: causing abundant growth, generation, or reproduction 3: marked by abundant inventiveness or productivity syn see fertil
14、e pro.lif.i.ca.cy n pro.lif.i.cal.ly adv pro.lif.ic.ness nsedentary1: not migratory: settled 2: doing or requiring much sitting 3: permanently attachedsluggish 1: averse to activity or exertion: indolent; also:torpid 2: slow to respond (as to stimulation or treatment) 3 a: markedly slow in movement,
15、 flow, or growth b: economically inactive or slow sl ug.gish.ly adv slug.gish.ness n measured 1: marked by due proportion 2 a: marked by rhythm: regularly recurrent b: metrical 3: deliberate, calculated mea.sured.ly advrestive 1: stubbornly resisting control: balky 2: marked by impatience: fidgety s
16、yn see contrary res.tive.ly adv res.tive.ness n6. 【中文释义】 与他早期的毫不妥协的谈判者的声誉截然相反,摩根现在采 取了一种更利于和解的态度,他的早期的批评者们因此而赞扬他。【解题分析】earlier reputation 与后文的 recently 显然在提示时间比照。 并且同时又是一个空对空的题型 (虽然知道两个空格之间的逻辑关系, 但是由于两个均为空格,无法一步推断答案,但这种情况下通常句中 会在第二空格后有进一步的提示) ,在第二个空格后有限定, 由这两点 可以知道两空格为反义词,并且后面的空格为褒义,前面为贬义,满 足这两个条件的为
17、 a.conciliatory 1: to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts 2: to make compatible: reconcile 3: appease vi: to become friendly or agreeable syn see pacify con.cil.i.a.tion n con.cil.i.a.tive adj con.cil.i.a.tor n con.cil.ia.to.ry adjimpropriety 1: an improper or indecorous act orremark; esp: an unacce
18、ptable use of a word or of language 2: the quality or state of being improper7. 【中文释义】尽管爱尔兰口头文学在十六世纪后继续兴旺,但一个类似的 流传却没有在视图艺术领域发生:所以我们现在是通过(他们的)语言文字而不是用视觉图象 来认识爱尔兰文化。【解题分析】冒号表示重复,该句的冒号后出现的 words 即重复前文的 literature, 而 pictorial imagines 显然是重复 visual arts. 所以冒号 后肯定了 words ,对应的前文应肯定 literature, 那么由冒号后否认了
19、pictorial images 可以推断出前文应否认 visual arts, 第二空格可选 的表否认的词只有 absent.【重点词条】tradition 1: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) 2: the handing down of information, beliefs,and customs by word of mouth or by example from
20、one generation to another without written instruction 3: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions 4: characteristic manner, method, or style tra.di.tion.al adj tra.di.tion.al.ly adv tra.di.tion.less adjlively 1 obs: living 2: briskly alert and energetic: vigorous, animated
21、3: active, intense 4: brilliant, fresh 5: imparting spirit or vivacity: stimulating 6: quick to rebound: resilient 7: responding readily to the helm 8: full of life, movement, or incident live.li.ly adv live.li.ness n lively advcomparable 1: capable of or suitable for comparison 2: similar, like com
22、.pa.ra.ble.ness n com.pa.ra.bly advabsent 1: not present or attending: missing 2: not existing: lacking 3: inattentive, preoccupied ab.sent.ly adv 2ab.sent vt (15c): to keep (oneself) away 3ab.sent prep (1945): in the absence of: without96 年 10 月 section 41. 【中文释义】 尽管销售自从去年开始一直持续增长,使人遗憾的是,增长 速度放慢了。c
23、apitulate 1 archaic: parley, negotiate 2 a: to surrender often after negotiation of terms b: to cease resisting: acquiesce syn see yieldretaliate : to repay (as an injury) in kind vi: to return like for like; esp: to get revenge. retaliate usu. implies a paying back of injury in exact kind, often ve
24、ngefully reciprocate implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received .2. 【中文释义】 尽管创作有新意并且独特的诗和戏剧的思维与创立和解释科 学创造的思维毫无疑问地类似,但是这他们的创造者之间却有显著的差异。【解题分析】 很巧妙的比拟结构,请注意短语 a discernible difference between 它说明的是差级比拟, 而上半句有是同样的比拟双方, 根据 两套比拟结构的出题规律:比拟双方不变,比拟结果一定改变可以得 出结论,上半句的比拟结
25、果应为没有 difference, d 的 analogous 吻 合。ETS越来越倾向于用隐含的比拟结构(beyond, different, compared with)禾口同级比拟(to the same degree, as as, similarto, analogous) 来出题 , 请记住这几个短语。 参照:94 年 2 月 section2 7th , 94 年 4 月 section1 5th, 95 年 10 月 section6 2nd.【重点词条】periphery or surface part 2: of, relating to, or being part of
26、 the peripheral nervous system 3: of, relating to, or being the outer part of the field of vision 4: auxiliary, supplementary ; also: of or relating to computer peripherals pe.riph.er.al.ly adv2peripheral n (1966): a device connected to a computer to provide communication (as input and output) or au
27、xiliary functions (as additional storage)contiguous 1: being in actual contact: touching along a boundary or at a point 2 of angles: adjacent 2 3: next or near in time or sequence 4: touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence syn see adjacent con.tig.u.ous.ly adv con.tig.u.ous.ness nan
28、alogous 1: showing an analogy or a likeness that permits one to draw an analogy 2: being or related to as an analogue syn see similar anal.o.gous.ly adv anal.o.gous.ness ninconsistent a: not compatible with another fact or claim b: containing incompatible elements c: incoherent or illogical in thoug
29、ht or actions: changeable d: not satisfiable by the same set of values for the unknowns in.con.sis.tent.ly adv3. 【中文释义】令人失望的是,这个最新版的文献目录辜负了它长期的大全 的声誉,因为它遗漏了一些有关最新出版物的条目。【解题分析】 又是一道现在的动作证明了过去的某声誉为假的老题,类似 的题目出现在科学家身上( No.8 section3 3rd ), 出现在文学评论家 身上( 93 年 10 月 section5 7th ), 现在又到了文献目录学身上。我 很同情 ETS,
30、他已经很难玩出什么新把戏了。此题中第二空格是伤害 过去声誉的动作, a 和 e 侯选,又需要时间比照前后反义词, e 正确【重点词条】imprecise not precise: inexact, vague "IIim.pre.cise.ly adv im.pre.cise.ness n im.pre.ci.sion nrelevance 1 a: relation to the matter at hand b: practical and esp. social applicability: pertinence 2: the ability (as of an informa
31、tion retrieval system) to retrieve material that satisfies the needs of the usertimeliness 1time.ly adv (bef. 12c) 1 archaic: early, soon 2: in time: opportunely 2timely adj time.li.er ; -est (13c) 1: coming early or at the right time: opportune 2: appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion
32、 time.li.ness nmeticulousness : marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details syn see careful me.tic.u.los.i.ty n me.tic.u.lous.ly adv me.tic.u.lous.ness nexhaustiveness : testing all possibilities or considering all elements: thorough ex.haus.tive.ly adv ex.haus.t
33、ive.ness n ex.haus.tiv.i.ty n4. 【中文释义】 尽管辛普森擅长于以做戏来表现自然而富有创造力,但在这 骗术得背后,他对问题的解决方案却是僵化无灵气的。【解题分析】能大致构成转折的只有 a 和 b ,如果知道 contrive 的词义 的话,没有人会做错。而 contrive 与spontaneous 这两个词居然就是 93 年 4 月 section3 3rd 的主考词。【重点词条】spontaneous 1: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constrain
34、t 2: arising from a momentary impulse 3: controlled and directed internally: self-acting 4: produced without being planted or without human labor: indigenous 5: developing without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment 6: not apparentlyspon.ta.ne.ous.ly advcontrived or manipulated:
35、natural spon.ta.ne.ous.ness nsyn spontaneous, impulsive, instinctive, automatic, mechanical mean acting or activated without deliberation. spontaneous implies lack of prompting and connotes naturalness . impulsive implies acting under stress of emotion or spirit of the moment . instinctive stresses
36、spontaneous action involving neither judgment nor will . automatic implies action engaging neither the mind nor the emotions and connotes a predictable response . mechanical stresses the lifeless, often perfunctory character of the response .contrive 1 a: devise, plan b: to form or create in an arti
37、stic or ingenious manner 2: to bring about by stratagem or with difficulty: manage vi: to make schemes ndecline 1 archaic: to turn from a straight course: stray 2 a: to slope downward: descend b: to bend down: droop c: to stoop to what is unworthy 3 a of a celestial body: to sink toward setting b: t
38、o draw toward a close: wane 4: to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition 5: to withhold consent 6: to become less in amount vt 1: to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a noun, pronoun,or adjective) 2 obs a: avert b: avoid 3: to cause to bend or bow downward 4 a: to refuse
39、to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with b: to refuse esp. courteously de.clin.able adj de.clin.er nsyn decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering. decline often implies courteous refusal esp. of offers or invitations . refuse sugg
40、ests more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of something asked for . reject implies a peremptory refusal by sending away or discarding . repudiate implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized, or unworthy of acceptance . spurn stresses contempt or disdain in r
41、ejection or repudiation . 2decline n (14c) 1: the process of declining: a: a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away b: a change to a lower state or level 2: the period during which something is deteriorating or approaching its end 3: a downward slope: declivity 4: a wasting disease; esp
42、: pulmonary tuberculosis syn see deterioration5. 【中文释义】 她被律师同行们批评,并不是因为她不勤奋,而是因为她如 此详尽的准备案例以至于她不能将大家期待的数量的案例提交法庭审理。解题分析】最有效的推理总是最直接的那个推理,此句中的so that结构中包含了一个空格,所以这一个逻辑关系最直接, 可由此逻辑直接推理得 minutely. d 正确【重点词条】minutely 1: into very small pieces 2: in a minutemanner or degree 2min.ute.ly adjversed :to fami
43、liarize by close association, study, or experienceknowledgeable :having or exhibiting knowledge or intelligence: keen knowl.edge.abil.i.ty n knowl.edge.able.ness n knowl.edge.ably adv congenial 1: having the same nature, disposition, or tastes: kindred 2 a: existing or associatedtogether harmoniousl
44、y b: pleasant; esp: agreeablysuited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook c: sociable,genial con.ge.nial.i.ty n con.ge.nial.ly advastute : having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity ; also: crafty,wily syn see shrewd as.tute.ly adv as.tute.ness n6. 【中文释义】史莱辛格最近采取了一种更加有利于和解的态度,这种态度不被他的同僚们所称赞,他们继
45、续贬低妥协的态度。【解题分析】有 continue to 这个短语时应该寻找过去的动作或状态, 而 上文又有一明显的提示 recently, 故过去的状态应和 conciliatory 相反,那么应为拒绝妥协和解,这时 第二空格可选 c 和 e, c 的两个空格相矛盾, e 正确。【重点词条】eschew : to avoid habitually esp. on moral or practical grounds: shun syn see escape es.chew.al nshare 1 a: a portion belonging to, due to, or contribute
46、d by an individual or group b: one's full or fair portion 2 a: the part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together property or interest b: any of the equal portions into which property or invested capital is divided; specif: any of the equal interests or rights into which the entire capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is regularly evidenced by one or more certificates c pl, chiefly Brit: stock 7c(1) 3share vb shared ; shar.ing vt (15
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