1、会计学1安全行为观察英文安全行为观察英文第1页/共103页第2页/共103页第3页/共103页第4页/共103页An excellent tool for collecting data on the quality of a companys safety management systemA scientific way to understand why people behave the way they do when it comes to safetyProperly applied, an effective next step towards creating a truly
2、 pro-active safety culture where loss prevention is a core valueConceptually easy to understand but often hard to implement and sustainBehavior Based Safety: What Is It?第5页/共103页Only about observation and feedbackConcerned only about the behaviors of line employeesA substitution for traditional risk
3、 management techniquesAbout cheating & manipulating people & aversive controlA focus on incident rates without a focus on behaviorA process that does not need employee involvementBehavior Based Safety: What It Is Not!第6页/共103页第7页/共103页第8页/共103页第9页/共103页第10页/共103页第11页/共103页第12页/共103页第13页/共103
4、页第14页/共103页第15页/共103页Safe People vs Safe PlacesInjuries EqualManagement ErrorsBehavior ManagementMeasure Behaviorsvs ResultsObservation & FeedbackPositive Reinforcement第16页/共103页Great PerformanceSystemsBehaviorsClimate第17页/共103页Systems Accountability Communication Decision Making Measurement Ori
5、entation Training Employment Auditing第18页/共103页第19页/共103页- Rensis Likert第20页/共103页第21页/共103页 Activators (what needs to be done) Competencies (how it needs to be done) Consequences (what happens if it is done) Human Behavior is a function of :第22页/共103页Human behavior is both: Observable Measurable th
6、ereforeBehavior can be managed !第23页/共103页however第24页/共103页第25页/共103页第26页/共103页Some examples of activators第27页/共103页Behavior: Any directly measurable thing that a person does, including speaking, acting, and performing physical functions. Definitions:第28页/共103页Some examples of behavior:第29页/共103页Def
7、initions:Consequences: Events that follow behaviors.Consequences increase or decrease the probability that the behaviors will occur again in the future.Oh please let it be Bob!If you dont send in that payment well take you to court第30页/共103页B = f (c)AntecedentsBehaviorsConsequences第31页/共103页Some exa
8、mple of Consequences:第32页/共103页Consequences - How would you view them?SunbathingAggressive Drivers第33页/共103页Behavior第34页/共103页w Significance - positive or negativeMagnitude - large or smallImpact - personal or other第35页/共103页Soon vs DelayedCertain vsUncertainPositive vs NegativePersonalvsOrganizatio
9、nal第36页/共103页第37页/共103页39Good safety suggestion Joe! Keep bringing em up!R+R-One more report like this and youre outa here!第38页/共103页40PerformanceTimeR+The effects of positive reinforcement第39页/共103页41PerformanceTimePThe effects of punishment第40页/共103页Why is one sign often ignored, the other one oft
10、en followed?第41页/共103页To create conditions that encourage people to collaborate because they want to not because they have toLets do it!The Behavior Based Safety Challenge:第42页/共103页PerformanceMotivationMotivation Model第43页/共103页PerformanceMotivationSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhow
11、Motivation Model第44页/共103页PerformanceMotivationJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation Model第45页/共103页The Job Itself -Any fun, challengePerformanceMotivationJob Motivational Factors Achievement, Promotion, Recognition,
12、ResponsibilityJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation Model第46页/共103页The Job Itself -Any fun, challengePerformanceMotivationUnion -Norms,PressuresPeer Groups -Norms, PressuresJob Motivational Factors Achievement, Promot
13、ion, Recognition, ResponsibilityJob Climate -Boss & Peer relationships, Work environmentSelection -Can they do itTraining -Do they knowhowMotivation Model第47页/共103页第48页/共103页Logical decision in his/her situationWorkstatn designIncompble displays/ Controls or job designCapacity with Load in a Sta
14、teDecision to errTrapsOverload ormismatchHuman ErrorAcc or incidtInjury or lossSystems FailureCausation ModelD O T SPerceived lowprobability第49页/共103页Peer pressureMeasures of the bossPerceived priorities of mgtOf the incident occurring Of a loss resultingLogical decision in his/her situationPerceive
15、d low probabilityDecision to ErrSCausation ModelDO T S第50页/共103页Natural endowmentPhysical capabilityKnowledge skillDrugs / alcoholInformation processingEnvironmentWorry / stress FatigueLCUsCapacitywithLoadin aStateOverloador aMismatchCausation ModelDOT S第51页/共103页Size, force, feel, repetitionreachSt
16、ereotypes, Human capabilities, Expectations,InconsistenciesWorkstation orJob designIncompatible displays or controlsTrapsCausation ModelD OTS第52页/共103页Systems CausesCausation ModelD O TS第53页/共103页TrapsOverload ormismatchHuman ErrorAcc or incidtInjury or lossSystems FailureDecision to ErrCausation Mo
17、delD O T S第54页/共103页第55页/共103页第56页/共103页第57页/共103页第58页/共103页第59页/共103页第60页/共103页第61页/共103页第62页/共103页第63页/共103页04812LeadershipSystems & ProcessesInvolvementOrganizational StyleMeasurement &AccountabilityThe ESPM Culture Wheel第64页/共103页第65页/共103页level with productivity and quality第66页/共103页Saf
18、e operating procedures and policies are clearly defined and communicated第67页/共103页第68页/共103页第69页/共103页feedback第70页/共103页第71页/共103页第72页/共103页第73页/共103页第74页/共103页第75页/共103页第76页/共103页第77页/共103页第78页/共103页第79页/共103页People?Time?Facilities? Outcome? Perception Survey 100 yes/no opinion oriented questions P
19、encil & paper survey Anonymous responses All Maximize size of group 30 min Lunch room Auditorium Percent positive response in21 safety related categories By location by levelStructured Interviews Facilitated group discussion 2 safety process questions Confidential Focus groups of 10-12people (25
20、% of pop.) Representing the wholeorganization Segregate mgmt &labor 75 min pergroup Privateconference areawith ample roomand table to write Ranked list of improvementrecommendations System strengths System weaknesses Recommendations Next stepsEXECUTIVE SUMMARYDeliverable第80页/共103页T Th he e O Oh
21、hi iO O D Di iv vi is si iO On n O Of f s sa af f e eT T y y & h hy yg gi ie en ne ePERCEPTION SURVEYPART 1A. Enter your work location:B. Enter your shift: _ (Example: production, office, etc.)_C. Circle your job function:D. Enter years with company: _ Line worker, supervisor, or manager_PART 2Y
22、 N1. Do you feel you received adequatejob training?Y N2. Do supervisors discussaccidents and injuries with employeesinvolved?Y N3. Is discipline usually assessed whenoperating procedures are violated?Y N4. Would a safety incentive programcause you to work more safely?Y N5. Do you perceive the major
23、cause ofaccidents to be unsafe conditions?Y N6. Does your company activelyencourage employees to work safely?Y N7. Is safety considered important bymanagement?Y N8. Are supervisors more concernedabout their safety record than aboutaccident prevention?Y N9. Do you think penalties should beassessed fo
24、r safety and health violations?Y N10. Have you used the safetyinvolvement teams to get action on acomplaint or hazard which concernedyou?Y N11. Is high hazard equipmentinspected more thoroughly than otherequipment?Y N12. Is the amount of safety training givento supervisors adequate?Y N13. Have you b
25、een asked to performany operations which you felt wereunsafe?Y N14. Are records kept of potentialhazards found during violations?Y N15. Are employees influenced by yourcompanys efforts to promote safety?Y N16. Are employees providedinformation on such things as cost,frequency, type and cause of acci
26、dents?Y N17. Does your company dealeffectively with problems caused byalcohol or drug abuse?Y N18. Are unscheduled inspections ofoperations made?Y N19. Is off-the-job safety a part of yourcompanys safety program?Y N20. Does management insist uponproper medical attention for injuredemployees?Y N21. Are safe operating proceduresregularly reviewed with employees?Y N22. Are you interested in how yourcompanys safety record compares withother companies in your industry?Y N23. Does your company hireemployees who do not have thephysical ability to safely performassigned duties?Y N24. Do y
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