



1、good evening.just moments ago i spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd preside nt of the un ited states and i promised him that i would n / t call him back this time.i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaig

2、n and the con test through which we just passed.almost a cen tury and a half agosen ator stephe n douglas told abraham lincoln who hadjust defeated him for the presidencypartisan feeling must yield to patriotism i' m with youmr.preside ntand god bless you.”well in that same spirit i say to presi

3、de nt-elect bush that what rema ins of partisa n ran cor must now be put aside and may god bless his stewardship of this coun try.n either he nor i an ticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly n either of us wan ted it to happe n. Yet it came and now it has en ded resolved as it must be reso

4、lved through the honored in stituti ons of our democracy.over the library of one of our great law schools is in scribed the motto “ not un der man but under god and law.” that' s the ruling principle of american freedom the source of our democratic liberties. I' ve tried to make it my guide

5、throughout this con test as it has guided america ' s deliberations of all the compdessues of the past five the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court / s decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be rat

6、ified n ext mon day in the electoral collegeand toni ghtfor the sake of our un ity as a people andthe stre ngth of our democracy i offer my con cessi on.i also accept my resp on sibilitywhich i will discharge uncon diti on allyto honor the newpresident-elect and do everything possible to help him br

7、ing americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defe nds.let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe

8、and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors not just for our campaig n but for our coun try.this has bee n an extraord inary elect ion. But in one of god' s un foresee n paths this belatedly broke n impasse can point us all to a new com mon

9、 ground for its very close ness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared desti deed that history gives us many examples of con tests as hotly debated as fiercely fought with their own challe nges to the popular will.other disputes have dragged on for wee

10、ks before reach ing resoluti on.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of recon ciliati let it be with us.i know that many of my supporters are disappo in ted.i am too . But our disappo in tme nt must be overcome by our love of co

11、un try.and i say to our fellow members of the world commu nitylet no one see this con test as asig n of america n weak ness the stre ngth of america n democracy is show n most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.some have expressed concern that the unu sual n ature of this electi on mig

12、ht hamper the n ext preside nt in the con duct of his office. I do not believe it n eed be so.preside nt-elect bush in herits a n ati on whose citize ns will be ready to assist him in the con duct of his large resp on sibilities.i pers on ally will be at his disposal and i call on all america ns -i

13、particularly urge all who stood with us to un ite being our next preside nt. This is america. Just as we fight hard whe n the stakes are high we close ranks and come together whe n the con test is done.and while there will be time eno ugh to debate our con ti nuing differe ncesnow is the time toreco

14、g nize that that which un ites us is greater tha n that which divides us.while we yet hold and do not yield our oppos ing beliefs there is a higher duty tha n the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together beh ind our new preside for wh

15、at i' ll do next i don ' t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i' m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i ' ll spend time in tenn essee and mend some fences literally and figuratively.some have asked whether i have any regrets an

16、d i do have one regret that i didn ' t get the cha nee to stay and fight for the america n people over the next four yearsespecially for thosewho n eed burde ns lifted and barriers removed especially for those who feel their voices have not bee n heard i heard you and i will not forget.i' ve

17、 seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It ' s worth fighting for and that ' s a fight i ' ll never for the battle that ends toni ght i do believe as my father once said that on matter how hard the loss defeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let

18、 the glory for me this campaig n ends as it bega n with the love of tipper and our familywithfaith in god and in the country i have been so proud to serve from vietnam to the vice preside ncy and with gratitude to our truly tireless campaig n staff and volun teersin clud ing allthose who work

19、ed so hard in florida for the last 36 the political struggle is over and we tur n aga in to the unending struggle for the com mon good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of the words of our great hymn ii americaam

20、erica”ii let us crown thy good withbrotherhood from sea to shining sea. ”and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to others it' s time for me to go. tha nk you and good ni ghtand god bless america .晚上好:我刚跟乔治 W 布什谈过话,祝贺他成为合众国第43位总统;我向他保证,这回绝不会再打电话给他追回原话了。我提议尽快和他会面,尽快消除过去的竞选运动和官司所带来的分歧。差不多一

21、个半世纪前,参议员道格拉斯对总统选举击败自己的林肯说:“党派的门户之见必须让路给爱国主义。我支持你,总统先生,愿主保佑你。”那么,在这样的精神下,我对候任总统布什说,我们一定要将党派之争结下的仇恨抛诸脑 后,愿主保佑他好好管治这个国家。“这条路是那么崎岖漫长”他和我谁都料想不到这条路是那么崎岖漫长。当然,我们谁也不希望这些事会发生。不过,事情到底来了 ,现在结束了 ,而且果然通过我们民主政体的机制解决了。我国一所法律学院的图书馆上镌刻着这样的一句格言:“听命于法与主 ,而非听命于人”这是美国自由的核心原则 ,也是民主自由之滥觞。在投票日之后的五个星期里, 我以此为鉴这也是美国独立以来所有复杂事

22、件的引鉴。现在 ,美国最高法院终于做出了决定。 让我说得清楚一点 ,在我极为不同意的同时 ,我接受 了最高法院的决定。 我接受了最终的结果 ,下星期一 ,这个结果会在选举人团会议上得到确认。 今天晚上 ,为了国人的团结和美国民主 ,我认输了。我也负起责任 ,无条件支持新的候任总统 ,尽我所能帮助他团结美国人民 ,实现我国 独立 宣言中所标举的广袤视野 ,实现宪法中允诺和保障的一切。让我向那些支持我和支持我们所捍卫的理念的人衷心致谢。 蒂佩尔和我对利伯曼夫妇铭 感五中 ,他们为我俩的伙伴关系带来恳切的热诚和崇高的心志,不仅为竞选活动开辟了新径也为我国开辟了新径。这次大选的确是非比寻常的一次大选。

23、不过 ,在天意难料的崎岖路途上 ,几经蹉跎 ,竟然把,反而提醒了我们原来大家同是一个,在面对公众意愿的两难之下展开激烈,胜方和被征服的一方都心平气和地接我们带到一个崭新的境地。正是由于选举结果如此接近 族群 ,有着一样的历史、一样的命运。“我们把国家放在政党之上”是的 ,那段历史给了我们许多成败浮沉的前车之鉴 的辩论、无情的抗争。有些争论在缠讼几个星期后才得以解决。每一次 受结局 ,带着重归于好精神接受结果。因此 ,就让这种精神永远和我们一起吧。我知道很多支持我的人都很失望。 我也失望。 但失望必须让给我们对国家的热爱。 我也 对世界各国说 ,不要把这次争论看成是美国趋弱的症状。通过克服这一连串困难,毕竟彰显了美国民主的力量。也有人担心 ,这次选举凸显的反常状况 ,势必影响新一任总统的施政举措。我不


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