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1、2017年12月丨四级听力听力第一套听力原文:A 9-year-old girl in New Mexico has raised more tha n $500 for her little brother who n eeds heart surgery in Houst on, Texas this July. Addis on Witulski's gran dmother Kim Allred, said Addis on probably overheard a con versatio n betwee n family members talk ing about th

2、e funds n eeded to get her little brother to treatme nt. "I guess she overheard her gra ndfather and me talk ing about how we're worried about how we're going to get to Houston, for my grandson's heart surgery," said Allred. She decided to go outside and have a lemonade stand a

3、nd make some drawings and pictures and sell them. ” That's whe n Addis on and her friends Erika and Emily Borde n decided to sell lem on ade for 50 cents a cup and sell pictures for 25 cents each.Before Allred knew it, New Mexico State Police Officers were among the many stopping by helpi ng the

4、m reach a total of $568. The family turned to social media express ing their gratitude say ing, "From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to deeply tha nk each and every pers on that stopped by!"1: Who did Addis on raise the money for?2: How did Addis on raise the mon ey?News Report 2:

5、Last week, France announ ced that the country will pave 621 miles of road with solar pan els over the next five years with the goal of providing cheap, renewable energy to five million people. Called the Ward Way, the roads will be built through joint efforts with the French road buildi ng compa ny

6、Colas and the Nati onal In stitute of Solar En ergy. The compa ny spe nt the last five years develop ing solar pan els that are only about a quarter of inch thick and are strong eno ugh to sta nd up to heavy highway traffic without break ing or maki ng the roads more slippery. The pan els are also d

7、esig ned so that they can be in stalled directly on top of the exist ing roadways, making them relatively cheap and easy to in stall. France is the first country to kick around the idea of pavi ng its roads with solar pan els. In November 2015, the Netherla nds completed a 229-foot long bike path pa

8、ved with solar pan els as a test for future projects. However, this is the first time a panel has bee n desig ned to be laid directly on top existi ng roads and the first project to in stall the pan els on public highways.3: What was France' s purpose of con struct ing the Ward Way?4: What is sp

9、ecial about the solar pan els used in the Ward Way?News Report 3Lions have disappeared from much of Africa, but for the past few years scie ntists have won dered if the big cats were hanging on in remote parts of Suda n and Ethiopia. Con ti nu ous fight ing in the regi on has made surveys difficult.

10、 But scie ntists released a report Mon day docume nting with hard evidenee the discovery of "lost lions." A team with Oxford University ' s Wildlife Conservation Research Un it, supported by a charity orga ni zati on, spe nt two ni ghts in November camp ing in a national park in northw

11、est Ethiopia on the Ethiopia-Sudan border. The researchers set out six camera traps, capturing images of lions, and the identified lion tracks. The scientists concluded that lions are also likely to live in a neighboring national park across the border in Sudan. The International Union for Conservat

12、ion of Nature had previously considered the area a "possible ran ge" for the species, and local people had reported see ing lions in the area, but no one prese nted convincing evide nee.5: What has made it difficult to survey lio ns in remote parts of Suda n and Ethiopia?6: What was the ma

13、i n purpose of the research?7: What did the researchers find in the n ati onal park?Con versatio n OneM: I beg you ' re look ing forward to the end of this mon th. Aren ' t you?W: Yes, I am. How did you know?M: David told me you had a special birthday coming up.W: Oh, yes. That' s right.

14、 This year would be my golden birthday.M: What does that mean? I' ve never heard of a golden birthday.W: I' ve actually just learned of this concept myself. Fortunately, just in time to celebrate. A golden or lucky birthday is when one turns the age of their birth date. So, for example, my s

15、ister ' s birthday is December 9th and her golde n birthday would have bee n the year she turns 9 years old. Come to think of it , my pare nts did throw her a surprise party that year.M: Interesting. Too bad I missed mine. My golden birthday would ' ve been four years ago. I assumedly got a

16、big pla n the n.W: Actually yes. My husba nd is pla nning a surprise holiday for the two of us n ext week. I have no idea what he' s gotten in mind, but I ' m excited to find out. Has he mentioned anything to you?M: He might have.W: Anything you ' d like to share? I' m dying to know

17、what kind of trip he has planned where we ' re going.M: Yeah, no thi ng at all.W: Not a clue. Hard to imagine, isn' t it! Though I must say, I think it has been even more funkeep ing the secret for me the past few weeks.M: I ' m sure both of you will have a fantastic time. Happy golden b

18、irthday! I can ' t wait to hear all about it whe n you get back.8. What does the woma n look ing forward to?9. What did the woman ' s parents do on her sister' s lucky birthday?10. What is the woma n eager to find out about?11. What does the man say at the end of the con versati on?Con v

19、ersatio n TwoW: Mr. Gree n, What do you think makes a successful n egotiator?M: Well, It does hard to defi ne, but I think successful n egotiators have several things in com mon.They are always polite and ratio nal people, they are firm, but flexible. They can recog nize power and know how to use it

20、. They are sen sitive to the dyn amics in the n egotiati on, the way it raises and falls, and how may cha nge the directi on. They project the image of con fide nee, and perhaps most importa ntly, they know whe n to stop.W: And what about an un successful n egotiator?M: Well, this probably all of us

21、 whe n we start out. We are probably immature and over-trust ing, too emoti onal or aggressive. We are un sure of ourselves and want to be liked by every one. Good n egotiators lear n fast, pool n egotiators rema in like that and go on los ing n egotiati ons,W: In your opinion, can the skills of n e

22、gotiati on be taught?M: Well, you can teach some one how to prepare for n egotiati on. There perhaps six stages in every negotiation, get to know the other side, stay your goals, start the process, clarify there is a disagreeme nt or con flict, reassess your positi on, making acceptable compromise,

23、and fin ally reach some agreeme nts and prin cipals. These stages can be studied, and strategies to be used in each can be pla nned before-ha nd. But I think the really successful n egotiator is probably born with the sixth sense that may resp ond properly to the situati on at hand.W: The artistic s

24、ense you just described?M: Yes, that' s right12. What' s the man say about good negotiators?13. What does the man say, maybe the most importa nt thi ng to a successful n egotiator?14. How is a good n egotiator differe nt from a poor one?15. What' s the first stage of a negation according

25、 to the man?Passage OneSome people wonder why countries spend millions of dollars on space projects. They want to know how space research helps people on earth. Actually, space tech no logy helps people on earth every day. This is called spin-off tech no logy. Spi n-off tech no logy is space tech no

26、 logy that is now used on earth. In early space programs, such as the Apollo missi ons of the 1960s and 1970s and in the space shuttle missi ons today, scie ntists developed objects for the astr on auts to use on the moon and in space. We now use some of these objects every day. For example, we have

27、 quartz crystal clocks and watches accurate to within one mi nute a year. We purify the water we drink with the water filter desig ned for the astro nauts to use in space. The cordless hand held tools we use in our homes, such as vacuum clea ners, flashlights, drills came from the tech no logy of th

28、ese early space programs. On cold winter days, we can stay warm with battery-operated gloves and socks, especially made coats and jackets. All the clothes are similar to the space suits desig ns that kept astr on auts comfortable in the temperatures of the moon, in our spin offs from space tech no l

29、ogy. These products are on ly a few examples of the many ways space tech no logy helps us in our everyday lives. No one knows how new spin off tech no logy from the intern ati onal space statio n will help us in the future.16. What do some people want to know about space exploratio n?17. What did sc

30、ie ntist do for the space shuttle missi ons?18. What does the speaker say about the quartz crystal clocks and watches?Passage TwoWell, if I could get back in history and live, I'd like to get back to the 18th cen tury and perhaps in colonial America in Yankee new England where one of my ancestor

31、s lived, because it was the begi nning of someth ing. By the 18th cen tury, there was a feeli ng of com munity that had grow n.My an cestor was the preacher traveli ng around coun tryside. People lived in small com mun ities. It was fisherma n and farmers who provided fresh food that tasted and look

32、ed like food. Un like today' s supermarkets, and there were small tow ns and New York was n't that far away. I'm deeply attached to the puritan tradition not in a religious sense. But they believed in working for someth ing, work ing for goals. And I like that. They worked hard at whatev

33、er they did, but they had a sense of achieveme nt. They believed in good ness, in com muni ty, and help ing one ano ther. I love the colo nial fabrics or the silver works, the furni shi ngs, the comb in ati on of elega nee simplicity. I'd love it. The printing, the books, I ' m very attached

34、 to all that kind of thing. That may not all be very en terta ining in the moder n sense of the world, but I would have enjoyed spe nding my evenings in that environment, discussing new ideas, building a new world, and I can see myself sitt ing on a small chair by the fire doing n eedle work.19. Why

35、 does the speaker say she would like to go back and live in the 18th cen tury America?20. What does the speaker say about the Purita ns?21. What would the speaker like doing if she could go back to the past?Passage threeIf you are lost in the woods, a little kno wledge concerned with some people cal

36、led a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of moder n society. When you think you're lost,sit dow n on the log or rock, or lea n aga inst the tree, and recite someth ing you are memorized to bring your mind to the point where is under control. Don ' t run blindly if you mus

37、t move, don't follow stream uni ess you know it, and in that case you're n ot lost. Streams n ormally flow through wide land before they reach a lake or river though there are more eatable pla nts, there may also be wild ani mals, pois onous sn akes, and other hazards. Many experts feel it i

38、s the wisest to walk up hill. At the top of most hills and mountains are trails livi ng back to civilizatio ns. If there are no trails, you're much easier to be see n on top of the hill. And you may even spot the highway or railroad from this point. Nowadays, the first way some of you search for

39、 you is by air. I n the wide lands or in dense grass, we're very hard to spot. Any time you are going to the woods, somebody should know where you're going, and whe n you are expected to retur n, also whe n some one comes to look ing, you should be able to sig nal to them.22. What does the s

40、peaker advise you to do first if you are lost in the woods?23. What will happe n if you follow an unknown stream in the woods?24. What do many experts think is the wisest thing to do if you're lost in the woods?25. What should you do before you go into the woods?参考答案:1. D) Her little brother.2.

41、B) By selli ng lem on ade and pictures.3. B) Provid ing clea n en ergy to five milli on people.4. C) They can be laid right on top of exist ing highways.5. C) En dless figh ing in the regi on.6. D) To find evide nee of the lion s'disappeara nee.7. A) Lion s'tracks.8. D) Her "lucky brith

42、day".9. A) Threw her a superise party.10. C) The trip her husba nd has pla nn ed.11. B)He is eager to lear n how the couple's holiday turns out.12. D)They are sen sitive to the dyn amics of a n egotiati on.13. A)They know whe n to stop.14. B)They lear n quickly.15. C)Get to ko nw the other side.16. A)How space research ben efits people on Earth17. C)They dev


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