



1、4Module6 Unit3(20分钟 50分)I .用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1.It ' s very nice of you(provide)the poror children with so many food andclothes.2.Our pare nts ofte n ask us(eat)more fruit and vegetables.3. The questi on is really difficult for us(un dersta nd).4. We need(pla nt)more trees to make our city beautifu

2、l.5. The teachers send emails(te l)stude nts somethi ng on holidays.n .单项选择(10分)1. is difficult for himread ing the book in two days.B.It;fi nishD.This;fi nishB.to eat;sleepD.eati ng;sleep ingA.This;to finishC.lt;to finish2. What di d the doctor tell you just now?He told meless andmore.A.eat;to slee

3、pC.to eat;sleep ing3. You can ' t stop peoplewhat they think.A.to sayB.from say ingC.to say ingD.said4. My father was very excitedthe good n ews.A. hearB.to hearC.heardD.hearing5.I saw himfootball with Jim just now.A.playB.to playC.playi ngD.played川.完成句子(10分)1. 政府在想办法去拯救所有的野生动物。The gover nment i

4、sways to save ” all the wild ani mals.2. 我们需要捡起地上的垃圾。We neerdthe litter on the gro und.3. 超市里有各种各样的商品。There' regoods in the supermarket.4. 全世界的人们都喜欢住在和平的环境里。The people around the wojld love living.5. 为了找个好位置,她早早到场。She arrived earlya good seat.IV. 补全对话,每空一词(10分)A:What did you do yesterday?B:l wen

5、t to liste n to a_1_about an imals i” n 2 A:It sounds very_3_._B:Yes.Do r you know the Wolo ng Panda_4_?A:Of course I know.W hat' s wrong?B:The 5 thi ng is to hear 67 an imals are in dan ger all over the world.A:lt ' s_8_to think about that.B:We_9_to_10_our tigers,turtles and sn akes.A:Yes,y

6、ou are right.1. 阅读理解(10分)Some in teresti ng an imalsFoodPeople in In dia thi nk the cow( 奶牛)is the mother of the earth .It givesso much but asks nothing in return.Soin many Indian cities,peopledon' teat or sell beef.Cows in India can walk free(免费)with the cars.GrassThe zeb

7、ra belongs to(属于)the horse family.They live in southern andcen tral Africa.Zebrashave excelle nt heari ng and eyesight and are capableof running at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.GrassThe kangaroo is the symbol of Australia.They can' t walk.They use theirstrong back legs to jump.They can Jump

8、 over 56 kilometres each hour.They can go over nine metres in one jump!Gum treesThe polar bear lives in the snow and ice.It is 3 metres long and it weighs450 kilos .Itcan sta nd up on its back legs because it has very wide feet.Itcan use its fron t legs like arms .It can swim well.Sea an imals1.is a

9、 member of the horse family.A.The cowB.The zebraC.The kan garooD.The polar bear2.The kangaroo can ' t walk with its legs,but canA.flyB.swimC.jump3f you walk in the street,you can meet a cow in.A.Chi naB.AustraliaC.AfricaD.ru nD.I ndia4.The polar ” bear lives onA.sea ani malsC.beef5. “ In return ” inreturn. ” meansA.归还the sentence “ It_in Chin ese.B.回报B. grassD.gum treesgive s so much butC. 轮流asks nothing inD.要求答案解析I.答案:1.to provide2.to eat3.to und ersta nd4.to pla nt 5.to tellin.答案:1.thinking ofn.答案:15.CBBBA2. to pic


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