



1、2021高考英语书面表达强化提高教学案书面表达五大基本原则1 .主题句原则书面表达一定有主题句,否则就会给人造成“群龙无首”的感觉!把主题句写在 文章的开头(保险型),让别人一目了然。如:Now, I want to tell you something about mylife at Senior High school.In the past few years,great changes have taken place in the means of communication. In the past, we usedto write letters*.总说“改变”分说(先写&quo

2、t;过去”,然后写“现在”进行对比)2 . 一二三原则老师阅卷必然会通过关键性的“标志”,来看你的作文是否要点齐全,结构清楚, 条理自然。要点齐全,一目了然,自然会增加“印象分”。方法很简单,选用以 下其中一组,加在要点前。(1) first, second, third, last(2) firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(3) in the first place, in the second place, inthe third place,lastly(4) 4) to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(5

3、) to start with, next, in addition, finally(6) 6) on one hand, on the other hand(7) for one thing, for another thing3 .短语优先,多实少虚原则1)写作时,使用短语有两个好处。其一,为文章增加亮点一一乂可以为作文加 分!其二,字数明显增加。I cannot bear it.可以用短语表达为:I cannot put up with it.I want it.可以用短语表达为:I am looking forward to it.2)写作文应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。比如我

4、们说一个人好的时候, 不应该只说good, nice这样空洞的词,应该使用形象一点,具体一点的词,诸如 generousumorous, interesting, smart,gentle, warm-hearted, etc.常用过渡短语:1)作比较:onthe other hand,on the contrary, in/ by contrast,26) There is no need/good / use to do sth.做某事没有必要/ 好处/ 用处It is no need/good/use doing sth.做某事没有必要/好处/用处There is no point/ s

5、ensein doing sth.做某事没有意义7) An advantage of is that句子(.的优点是) 词组联想:make the most /best of, take advantage of, makefull use of 充分利 用.8) That is the reason why (现$刺i是.的原因)Summer is hot.That is thereason whyl don't like it.9) So形容词be主词that句子(如此以致于)So preciousis time that we can't afford to waste

6、it.10) As everyone knows,./ As isknown to all, (众所周知 ) 词组联想:as far as I know/ am aware , 据我所知,as far as I am concerned/ in myopinion / as for me, 就我而言,11) do good to sb./sth.(对有益) do harm to sb./sth.(对有害)12) have a great influence/ effect on(对.有很大的影响)13)感叹句:Whataadj. NSV!=Howadj.aNV!(多么!)注意事项:1)不能“漏

7、点” 2)紧扣每个要点,不能“废话连篇” 3)禁忌把儿 个要点写在一个句子中。4)打草稿时。,多问自己” 这个句子是否有100% 的把握不会错?能不能把句子换得更高级些? ”高考英语作文拿高分不得不备的78组词汇和短语1. 认为,主张:argue , maintain , hold , believe/ 考 虑:takeinto consideration/account, consider, think over, reflect on / upon think2. 下结论,断定:come to/arrive at/draw the conclusion, conclude, decide,

8、assert, wind upjudge3. 获得:acquire, obtain, attain, reap ;赢得,取得:earn, gainfget4. 支持, 赞成:approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by one's side, agree with, give one's assent/提倡:advocate, recommend -support5. 反对:oppose, object to/抵制:resistsay no to6.意义深远的,重大的:far-reaching, profound, significant,

9、 eventful/重要的,有4决定性的:vital, crucialcriticalj decisive f important7. 充分运用:make the most of, make full use of /使用:employ, utilize /应 用:apply f use8. 当 前, U 前:nowadays, at present, currently, presently f now9. 勤奋的,勤勉的 diligent, studious, industrious f hard-working10. 认真的,谨慎的 conscientious, cautious -&g

10、t;careful,serious11. 表达:voiceconvey, express, deliver; communicate /描绘, 描述, 描写: depict,describe, picture -say, tell12. 聪明的,有才智的 intelligent,bright, wise, brilliant -* clever13. 疲惫不堪的 exhausted ,worn-out, weary tired14. 参力口 participatein, attend, take part in, go in for; engage in - join,enter15. 集中精

11、力于 focus on,center on, concentrate on/专心于 set onemind on - pay one' s attention to16. 沮 丧的, 失意的 frustrated,discouraged, depressed, down-hearted, disheartened,low-spirited 一 sad17. 努力做, 尽力做 attempt to,make efforts to, endeavor to, manage to do f try to, workhard18. 志气,抱负,渴望 aspiration,ambition, y

12、earning, thirst f desire19. 除夕卜 apart from, inaddition to, along with - besides20. 开展,实施,做 practice,carry out, conduct, perform - do21. 优秀的 outstanding,perfect, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent f good22. 实现, 完成 achieve,accomplish, fulfill, complete f finish23. 解释 account for,illustrat

13、e, clarifyexplain24. 证明,证实 testify confirm/Verify, turn out - prove25. 碰至lj, 遇至lj come across,meet with, encounter, confront fmeet26. 粗俗的, 不雅的 vulgaunrefined, improper; foul, crude, coarse, rough bad27. 教育性的,启发性的 instructive,educational, e的ghtening good28. 难以置信的,惊人的,令人震惊的 fantastic,incredible, unusu

14、al, unbelievable,exceptional,extraordinary, marvelous,notable, striking, amazing, shocking,4astonishing f great,surprising29. 迷人的, 吸弓I 人的 enchanting,charming, appealing, appealing, fascinating, attractive - beautiful,pretty30. 请教, 咨询 consult, return to,resort to -*ask31. 有偏见的,偏心的 prejudiced,partial,

15、 discriminative ->unfair32. 等不及, 渴望 cannot wait to, beeager to/for, long for,yearn for/to/after, look forward to f want to33. 事实上 in reality,as a matter of fact, practically, virtually, actually -infact34. 彳氐等的, 次要的 inferiorjunior, minor, secondary, lesser, insignificant lower35. 使信月艮 convince,pe

16、rsuade, assure, confirm 一make.believe36. 有故意的,反对的 hostile,adverse, aggressive not kind37. 唯一的,仅有的 sole,single, unique only38. 显示 point to,indicate, demonstrate, reflect, manifest fshow39. 节约的,节俭的 economicathrifty, frugal, prudent ->saving,sparing40. 迟早, 最终 eventually,sooner or later, at length, u

17、ltimately f finally,atlast41. 在我看来,就我而言 in my view,in my belief, as far as I can see, in mymind,as far as I am concerned fn my opinion42. 想出,想到 come upwith, cross one's mind, occur to sb. -think43. 需要 call for;require, demand -need44. 真诚的,诚实的,正直的 sincere,truthful, genuine, upright honest45. 轻视,蔑

18、视 despiseontempt, belittle, distain hate46. 涌入 flood into,overflow into, crowd into, swarm in -*come into,enter47. 合作 cooperate,join forces, work side by side, make joint efforts 一 worktogether48. 建设性的,有益的 constructive, helpful, valuable, useful fgood49. 遵守 abide bobserve, conform -obey50. 易于,倾向于 be

19、 prone to,be liable to, tend to, incline to, be likely to f bepossible51. 失业的 unemployed,laid-off, jobless, workless -out of work52. 熟悉/ 矢口道 be acquainted with,be familiar with, beinformed of fknow53. 解决, 处理 resolve, settle, dealwith, cope with, manage -soke54. 意识到 be aware of,be conscious of f real

20、ize55. 消费 consume, expend - spend56. 决心做 bedetermined to do, make up one's mind to do f decide to do57. 足口多的,充足的 sufficient,adequate, ample 一 enough,plenty58. 永久地,长期不变地 permanently,enduringly, lastingly, constantly f unchangingly59. 抛弃,放弃 desert,abandon, quit give up60. 巨大的 tremendousjmmense, hu

21、ge, gigantic, giant, enormous f very big61. 不计其数的 countlessndless, unlimited, innumerable.immeasurablejncalculable, numerous-many62. 熟人 acquaintance/'(火伴 associatecompanion/密友, 知己 intimate, confidant f friend63. 有意义的 meaningful 有价值的 valuable -"good64. 提前,在前 ahead oftime, aheadof schedule, i

22、n advance, prior to fbefore65. 迷人的, 吸弓I 人的 enchantingharming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive -beautiful66. 强烈的,激烈的 keenjntense, fierce, violent strong67. 繁荣的,兴旺的 prosperous,flourishing, thriving, booming/ 富裕的 affluenwealthy, well-off ->rich68. 壮丽的,引人注目的 splendid,grand, magnificent,

23、superb, striking, impressive, grand,marvelous wonderful69. 位于 be located,be situated, stand, sit -Hie70. 显示, 反映 demonstrate, reflect,manifest, indicate, pointto show71. 承受, 经历 undergozendure, live with, go through -experience(整体)由组成 be made upof, consist of, be comprised of, be composed of/构成(整体)con

24、stitute form73 .毋庸置疑地,确信地 unquestionably, indisputably, undeniably, out of question, go withoutsayingnsurprisingly, undoubtedly, It is no wonder that. , definitely 一 certainly,surely74 .娱乐,entertainment, amusement 一fun75 . 目击, 观察 witness, observe, view see76 .违反, 违背,侵犯 violate,disobey, infringe f br

25、eak77 . 真诚的,衷心的 hearty, sincere,frank honest78 . 使不安, 扰乱 upset, agitate, bother, disturb, trouble f worry高考英文作文30例活用句型用于文章承转句1 .那就是(说);亦即That is to say,=That isz =Namely,例:我们生活需有规律。也就是说,早睡早起戒除烟酒。We need to live a regularlife. Thatis, we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and drinking inthe

26、 dailyactivities.2 .(A)基于这个理由Forthis reason(B)为了这个目的Forthispurpose,例:基于这个理由,我已决定把行医作为未来的职业。Forthis reason, Ihave decided to take practicing medicine as my future career.3 .我们有理由相信We have reasons tobelieve (that)子句例:我们有理由相信体罚应该严格禁止。Wehave reasons tobelieve that corporal punishment should be strictly

27、prohibited.4 .事实上As amatter off act, =Infact,例:事实上健康才是最重要。As amatter off act, it is health that counts.5 .(A)例如Forexample,(B)拿做例子Takeforexample.例:例如我们盲目地提高生活水准,却降低生活品质。Forexample, weelevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.6 .此外我们不应忽视Besides(lnaddition), we should not negl

28、ect 例:此外,我们不应忽视每个人都想要一个温馨祥和的社会。Inaddition, weshould not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peacefulsociety.7 .相反地onthe contrary, =bycontrast,例:相反地少数学生似乎还在鬼混。Onthe contrary, afew students, it seems, are still fooling around.8 .另一方面onthe other hand-"例:政府应严格执法,另一方面大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。Thegovern

29、mentshould enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public alsoshould developthe good habit of reducing pollution.9 .然而很可惜的是However;it is apity that /句例:然而很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。However;it is apity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.10 .换言之inother words,=toput itdifferently例:换言之我会尽最大的努力达成我的

30、目标。Inother words, Iwill try my best to attain (gain, live up to) my goal.11 .别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为Itmay be true asassumed by others, but I don't. I believe that 子句例:别人可能认为这是事实,但我不是。我认为Itmay be true asassumed by others, but I don't. I believe that if you have strongdeterminationand perseverance

31、, the success will certainly come to you in theend.12 .从此之后我已发现Eversince then, Ihave found that 子句例:从此之后我已发现Eversince then, Ihave found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts inour dailylives.13 .这样说来,假如当然毫无疑问地Inthis light/fj there can surely be no doubt (that) 子句例:这样说来,假如我们能善用时间,当然亳无疑问地

32、我们会成功。Inthis light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt thatwe will getsomewhere.14 .更严重的是Whatis moreserious is (that)子句例:更严重的是我们不珍惜野生动物。Whatis moreserious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.15 .鉴于社会的实际需要Inview of thepractical need of society,例:鉴于社会的实际需要,愈来愈多人对学英语有兴趣。In

33、view of thepractical need of society, there are more and more people interestedinlearning English.9用于文章结论句16 .如果能实践这三点Ifone can reallyput the three points into action (practice), 例:如果能实践这三点。Ifone can reallyput the three points into action(practice), he will surely beable to live ahealthy and happy l

34、ife.17 .做这些简单之事,我们一定可以Bydoing thesesimple things, we surely can .例:做这些简单之事,我们一定可以快乐出门平安回家。Bydoing thesesimple things, we surely can go out of the door happily and comeback home safeevery day.18 .如此我相信Inthis way, I believe (that)子句例:如此,我相信大家能够像我一样享受乘坐公车的乐趣。Inthis way, Ibelieve that all the people may

35、 be able to enjoy the bus ride likeme.19 .实践这些Byputting themfthe above) into practice, .例:实践这些,在智育方面我一直能不断进步。Byputtingthem(the above) into practice, I have been able to make constantprogress inintellectual education.20 .(A)唯有符合此三项要求,我们才能Onlyby living upto the three requirements, can we .(B)唯有通力合作,我们

36、才能Onlywith combinedefforts, can we .例:唯有通力合作,我们才能期望台湾不久有新的面貌。Onlywith combinedefforts, can we expect Taiwanto take a new face in due course.21 .最后,但并非最不重要Lastbut no least/*.例:最后,但并非最不重要,教育上的缺失是助长青少年犯罪的原因。Lastbut no least,the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juveniledelinquency.2

37、2 .这证据显示的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。Thisevidenceshows that the importance of .cannot be overemphasized.例:这证据显示交通安全的重要性在怎么强调都不为过。Thisevidenceshows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.23 .由于这些理由,我Forthese reasons,!.例:由于这些理由,我认为在台湾接受大学教育是明智的。Forthese reasons,! think that receiving college

38、education in Taiwan is wise.24 .总而言之Inconclusion,=Tosum up,例:总而言之,好国民应该遵守交通规则。Inconclusion, agood citizen should abide by traffic regulations.25 .因此我们能下个结论,那就是Wecan, therefore,come to the conclusion (that) f 句例:因此,我们能下个结论,那就是世上自由最珍贵。Wecan, therefore,come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious

39、 as freedom inthe world.26 .如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地If we can do asmentioned above, there can be no doubt (that)子句例:如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问地,我们就能精通英语。If we can do asmentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English.27 .因此,这就是的原因Thus,this is thereason why .例:因此,这就是我重感冒的原因。Thuszthis is thereason why

40、 I caught a bad cold.28 .所以,我们应该了解Therefore,weshould realize (that)广句例:所以,我们应该了解学英文不能没有字典。Therefore,weshould realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.29 .因此,由上列的讨论我们可以明了We,therefore, canmake clear from the above discussion (that)子句 例:因此,由上列的讨论我们可以明了毅力可以克服任何困难。We,therefore,

41、canmake clear from the above discussion that perseverance canovercome anydifficulty.30.1.从观点来看Fromthe point of view, 2.根据的看法Accordingto point of view, .例:从政治的观点来看,这是一个很复杂的问题。From the politicalpoint作文中常用的词组及短句1 .表示原因1) There are three reasons forthis-2) The reasons for this are asfollows.3) The reaso

42、n for this isobvious.4) The reason for this is notfar to seek.5) The reason for this is that-. 6) We have good reason tobelieve that.例如:There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly, people' s living standard has beengreatly improved. Secondly, most people ar

43、e well paid» and they can affordwhat they need or like. Last but not least, more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life.注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两个句子。如: Great changes have taken place in our life.There are three reasons forthis.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。2 .表示好处1) It has the followingadvantages.2) It do

44、es us a lot of good.3) It benefits us quite a lot.4) It is beneficial to us.5) It is of great benefit tous-例如:Books are like friends. They can help us know the world better, and they can open our minds and widen our horizons. Therefore, reading extensively is ofgreat benefit to us.3 .表示坏处1) It has m

45、ore disadvantagesthan advantages.2) It does us much harm.3) It is harmful to us.例如: However, everything divides into two. Television can also beharmful to us. Itcan do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watchingtelevision.4 .表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1) It is important (necessary, d

46、ifficult, convenient, possible) for sb. to do sth.2) We think it necessary to dosth.3) It plays an important rolein our life.例如:Computers are now beingused everywhere, whetherin the government, inschools or in business- Soon, computerswill be found in every home, too. We have good reason to say that

47、 computers are playing an increasingly importantrole in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age.5 .表示措施1) We should take someeffective measures.2) We should try our best toovercome (conquer) thedifficulties.3) We should do our utmost indoing sth.4) We should solve theproblems that we arec

48、onfronted (faced) with.例如:The housing problem that we areconfronted with is becoming more and moreserious. Therefore, we must take some effectivemeasures to solve it.6 .表示变化1) Some changes have takenplace in the pastfive years.2) A great change willcertainly be produced inthe world ' s communica

49、tions.3) The computer has broughtabout many changesin education.例如:Some changes have taken place inpeople' s diet in the past five years. The major reasons for these changes are not far to seek. Nowadays, more and more people areswitching from grainto meat for protein, and from fruit and vegetab

50、le tomilk for vitamins.7 .表示事实、现状1) We cannot ignore the factthat.2) No one can deny the factthat.3) There is no denying thefact that4) This is a phenomenon thatmany people are interested in.5) However, that' s not the case.例如: We cannot ignore the fact thatindustrialization brings with it thepr

51、oblems of pollution. To solve these problems, we can start by educating the public aboutthe hazards of pollution. Thegovernment on its partshould also design stricter laws to promote a cleanerenvironment.8 .表示比较1) Compared with At B.2) I prefer to read ratherthan watch TV.3) There is a strikingcontr

52、ast between them.例如:Compared with cars , bicycles have several advantages besidesbeing affordable. Firstly, they do not consume naturalresources ofpetroleum. Secondly, theydo not cause the pollution problem. Last but not least, they contribute to people' s health by giving them due physical exercise.9 .表示数量1) It has increased (decreased) from. to.2) The population in this cityhas now increased (dec


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