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1、美源康富a.b.d活性因子与肺病相关研究美源康富abd活性因子抵抗急性呼吸道和肺部感染雾霾天气会增加空气屮病菌的数朵和活性,从而导致急性呼吸道和肺部感染。abd活性因子能够激活肺粘脱屮的內细胞,促进-m:分化和增生,外促 使艽产生抗体,消灭病毒和细歯,抵抗感染。美源康富abd活性因子抗氧化保护肺部细胞氧化自山基是引起细胞老化甚至癌变的杀手,污染的空气把東多污染物带入肺部,这些污染物会在肺部产斗:大量氧化自山基,对肺部细胞和组织造 成损伤。abd活性因子讨以提成肺部细胞的自我抗氧化能力,w为它能使肺部细胞合成更多谷胱lt肽。谷胱u肽被称为“抗鉍化剂之王”,事所有人体细 胞能自我产生的抗氧化剂,h

2、前科学已知4000多种需外界补充的抗氧化剂都要通过谷胱甘肽才能发挥更好的作用。美源康富abd活性因子帮助肺部细胞排出毒素abd活性因子促进细胞合成谷胱lt肽。众所周知,谷胱u'肽是细胞ft我产生的最强排诲剂。空气中的各种污染物和致癌物,会通过呼吸进入肺部细 胞,而这些毒素都町以通过谷胱廿肽排毒系统排除体外。肺部细胞中的谷胱甘肽n了以迅速与这些毒素结合,将其变为可被身体排出的状态,再通过谷胱 甘肽转移酶排出体外,从而解除这些毒素的伤害。美源康富abd活性因子减少吸烟的危害吸烟是导致慢性支气管炎、肺气肿、慢性阻塞性w病、癌症以及心血管疾病的主要因素,烟草损害人体的方式之一就是使肺部氧化应激

3、反应加剧。 个体患者的肺损伤程度、发病率和死亡率也都与吸烟的氧化性损伤紧密相关。abd活性因子提升肺部细胞的谷胱肽,可增强肺部自我修复能力,清理忠者呼吸道中粘稠分泌物,中和自山基,将吸烟的伤害降到最小。1. improved glutathione status in young adult patients with cystic fibrosis supplemented with whey proteinv grey1, sr mohammed2, aa smountas2, r bahlool2, lc lands2 the department of pathology and mo

4、lecular medicine,mcmaster division, hamilton health sciences,hamilton,ontario, canada,2the department of respiratory medicine,mcgill university medical center, montreal childrens hospital,montreal,quebec, h3h 1p3, canadajournal of cystic fibrosis, vol 2, issue 4, december 2003abstract - background:

5、the lung disease of cystic fibrosis is associated with a chronic inflammatory reaction and an over abundance of oxidants relative to antioxidants. glutathione functions as a major frontline defense against the build-up of oxidants in the lung. this increased demand for glutathione (gsh) in cystic fi

6、brosis may be limiting if nutritional status is compromised. we sought to increase glutathione levels in stable patients with cystic fibrosis by supplementation with a whey-based protein.methods: twenty-one patients who were in stable condition were randomly assigned to take a whey protein isolate (

7、abd bioactive cytokines, 10 g twice a day) or casein placebo for 3 months. peripheral lymphocyte gsh was used as a marker of lung gsh. values were compared with nutritional status and lung parameters. results: at baseline there were no significant differences in age, height, weight, percent ideal bo

8、dy weight or percent body fat. lymphocyte gsh was similar in the two groups. after supplementation, we observed a 46.6% increase from baseline (p < 0.05) in the lymphocyte gsh levels in the supplemented group. no other changes were observed. conclusion: the results show that dietary supplementati

9、on with a whey-based product can increase glutathione levels in cystic fibrosis. this nutritional approach may be useful in maintaining optimal levels of gsh and counteract the deleterious effects of oxidative stress in the lung in cystic fibrosis.研究小:题年轻囊泡型肺部纤维症忠者服用活性美源康富abd活性因子后肺部谷胱y*肽提升研究背景】谷胱甘肽是

10、肺部抵抗自山基的第一道防线,在肺部抗氧化机制中起到至关熏要的作用。囊泡型纤维症患者的肺部貝.有慢性炎症,会产生远远超过正常量 的氧化自由基,因此患者肺部对谷胱甘肽的需求比正常人更人。患者营养不足会使肺部细胞产生谷胱甘肽的能力受到限制。研究r的】本研究选择病情稳定的囊泡型纤维化患者服用活性美源康富abd活性因子,以提高他们自身产生谷胱lt肽的能力。研究内容】21名病情稳定的囊泡型纤维症患者随机分为两组,一组服用abd活性因子,一天两次一次10克,一组以同样方式服用酪蛋白安慰剂作为对照,服用周 期为三个只。研究结果服川周期开始前,两组忠者肺部淋巴细胞屮的谷胱廿肽含量无明显差别,服川周期结束后,ab

11、d活性因子组的肺部淋巴细胞谷胱廿肽含景提岛了 46.6% (p<0.05)。表1是参与病人服用前的生理参数。两组的年龄、身高、体重、体脂,以及淋巴细胞谷胱u*肽含fi在服用前无明显差异-。abd活性因子组酪蛋白组年龄(年)25.5±6.3524.27±3.95身高(cm)165±9.04168±8.24体脂含fi (%)17.7±6.0317.3±7.23体重(kg)57.3±11.7758.2±7.72淋巴细胞gsh (nmol/108细胞)1.62±0.321.91±0.47表2服用三

12、个月后,病人牛.理参数的变化,以tt分比计算。两组病人的体脂、体重在服用后无显著差异;abd活性因子组的淋巴细胞gsh含量在服用后 提升了 46.6% (p<0.06),而酪蛋g组的淋巴细胞gsh含量无明显提升。abd活性因子组酪蛋白组体脂含量5.34±7.071.4±7.23体重0.03±3.20.2±2.84淋巴细胞gsh46.6±55.15.0±28.9研究结论以食物补充剂的形式服用芙源康富abd活性因子,可以提71囊泡型纤维症患者肺部的谷胱廿肽水平,从而抵抗过量的氧化£)由基对肺部细胞造成的毒害 作用。文献來源

13、v grey, sr mohammed, aa smountas, r bahlool, lc lands,囊泡型纤维症,2003 年 12 月第 2 卷第 4 章2. effects of cysteine donor supplement on exercise-induced bronchoconstrictionjm baumann, kw rundell, tm evans, am levineamerican college of sports medicine. marywood university, human performance laboratory,scranton,

14、 pamed. sci. sports exerc” vol 37, no. 9, pp. 1468-1473, 2005abstract purpose: reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ros/rns) in resident airway cells may be important in bronchoconstriction following exercise. glutathione (gsh) is a major lung antioxidant and could influence pathological outcomes in in

15、dividuals with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (eib). this study examined the effects of supplementation with undenatured whey protein (uwp) in subjects exhibiting airway narrowing following eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation (evh), a surrogate challenge for diagnosis of eib. uwp is a cysteine

16、 donor that augments gsh production. methods: in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 18 e旧-positive subjects (age: 25.2 +/ 9.01 yr; weight: 77.3 +/- 18.92 kg; height: 1.7 +/- 0.09 m) with post-evh falls of > or =10% in fev1 received 30 g uwp (tx) or casein placebo (pl)/d. subjec

17、ts performed 6-min evh challenges before and after 4 and 8 wk of supplementation. exhaled nitric oxide (eno) was measured serially before spirometry and at 1-wk intervals. spirometry was performed pre- and 5, 10, and 15 min postchallenge. results: subjects exhibited significant mean improvement in p

18、ostchallenge falls in fev(1) from 0 wk (-22.6 +/ 12.22%) with tx at 4 (-18.9 +/- 12.89%, p < 0.05) and 8 wk (-16.98 +/-11.61%, p < 0.05) and significant mean reduction in post-evh peak falls in fef(25-75) from 0 wk (-40.6 +/ 15.28%) with tx at 4 (-33.1 +/-17.11%, p < 0.01) and 8 (-29.7 +/-1

19、7.42%, p < 0.05) wk. no changes in fev or fef(25-75) were observed in the pl group at any time point. mean eno for pl and tx groups at 0, 4, and 8 wk (46.8 +/- 31.33, 46.5 +/- 35.73, 49.3 +/- 37.12 vs 35.2 +/- 26.87, 29.1 +/- 17.26, 34.7 +/- 21.11 ppb, respectively) was not significantly differen

20、t. conclusions: uwp may augment pulmonary antioxidant capacity and be therapeutically beneficial in individuals exhibiting eib, as postchallenge pulmonary function improved with supplementation. the lack of significant change in eno suggests that the pulmonary function improvements from uwp suppleme

21、ntation are independent of eno.研究主题美源康富abd活性因子对支气管缩小症的治疗作用研究背景谷胱lt肽是肺部的首耍抗轼化剂,对支气管缩小症的病理症状有缓解作用。美源康富abd活性w子作为纯天然来源的半胱氨酸供体,n促进细胞自我产 生谷胱甘肽。研究目的】木研究选择伴随自发性换气过度症状的支气管缩小症患者服川美源康宮abd活性因了,检测它对患者病情的作川。研究内容18名支气管缩小症患者随机分为w组,一组服川美源康富abd活性因子,一天三次一次10克,一组以同样方式服川酪蛋0安慰剂作为对照,服川周期 为8周。在服用0周、4周和8周吋,以运动方式诱导患者发病,并测量他们

22、的肺部功能以衡量病情严東程度。研究结果服用美源康富abd活性因子组的忠者,在服川4周后病情好转16.4%,服用8周后好转25.2%。而对照组的病情无明显变化。研究结论以食物补充剂的方式服用美源康富abd活性因子能提升肺部细胞的抗氧化能力,增强支气管缩小症患者的肺部功能,减轻发病吋的症状,从血对该疾病 起到治疗作用。文献来源jm baumann, kw rundell, tm evans, am levine,运动医学,2005 年 12 月狼 37 卷访 9 章 1468-1473 页3. treatment of obstructive airway disease with a cyste

23、ine donor protein supplement: a case reportbryce lothian, md,vijaylaxmi grey. phdt, r. john kimoff, md本,larry lands, md, phd*§department of pediatrics,/department of biochemistry, §division of respiratory medicine, mcgill university health centre-montreal children's hospital, montreal,

24、 quebec,canada fdivision of respiratory medicine,mcgill university health centre-royal victoria hospita,montreal, quebec, canadaaccepted for publication in "chest"abstract: oxidant/antioxidant imbalance can occur in obstructive airways disease as a result of ongoing inflammation. glutathio

25、ne (gsh) plays a major role in pulmonary antioxidant protection. as an alternative or complement to anti-inflammatory therapy, augmenting antioxidant protection could diminish the effects of inflammation. we describe a case of a patient who had obstructive lung disease responsive to corticosteroids, and low whole blood gsh levels. after 1 month of supplementation with a whey-based oral supplement designed to provide gsh prec


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