



1、marketing strict internal cost control,ngthe ning tbusiness a nd innovation performance.-Increa sing electricity access,price increase, electri city supply is guaranteed. In 2012, thecompany withcoal inventory, get rewardsof Jiangsuprovincial g overnmentpow er to 266 million kWh. Throug h the "

2、small" andbilateral trade, acce ss toelectri city 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensati on w hen t he power 50million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Pr ovince ranked first in thesame capacit y, thesame typeunits. Companyclosely trackedcoal linkage policies on July 1 and August 2

3、0 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,Four, insistsprofitability increased significantly.公 .Job grading, remunerationof labour agreements intolong -term contract workers compensati on system, stimulating the enthusia sm of the staff. -Fpsycholurther strengtheposts be promoted. S

4、trehe cultivationof professional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders. To enhance staff skills training, 8 staff technicians.Labor contract law compliance , contractsof up to100%.-Star team-building to advance further. E stablish a "holding

5、system implementation, and promoting the whole" team-buildi ng goals, strengthen group management.Team building into aperformance review, pr omoting the constructi on of the star team depth.This year, respectively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.on "sixcul

6、turalconstruction of" harmonious development, really good jobof party construction and the independent Commission againstcorr uption, strengthe ning the humanisti c care a ndogicalcounseling, the enterpriseintegration,has boosted businesscentre, this year has won the "Chinese cultural mana

7、gement advancedunit", "National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprisecult ure of reform andope ningup 30" and other honorary titles. The liabilityof the company culture: solvi ng management problems of corporate culture project was awarded theCEC nationalelectri c power enterpr

8、iseculture achievement award of excellence.The accident early warning and prevention system was rated asChi na's power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in JiangsuProvince. -Party and the independentCommission against corruption continues to strengthen.

9、 Wascarriedout to "maintain道路交通安全法题库及答案一、单选题1 、制定中华人民共和国道路交通安全法目的是为了(C)A、使车辆按规定的速度行驶B、圆满完成运输任务C、保障道路交通的有序、安全和畅通2 、中华人民共和国道路交通安全法中所称的“道路”是指(B)A、高速公路、普通公路B、公路、城市道路和虽在单位管辖范围但允许社会机动车通行的地方,包括广场、公共停车场等用于公众通行的场所C、沥青公路、水泥公路、沙石公路3 、中华人民共和国道路交通安全法中所称的“车辆”是指(B)A、机动车B、机动车和非机动车C、机动车、非机动车和行人4 、中华人民共和国道路交通安全法

10、中所称的“机动车”是指(C)A、各种客车、货车、三轮车B、各种货运汽车、客运汽车、公共汽车C、以动力装置驱动或者牵引,上道路行驶的供人员乘用或者用于运送物品及进行工程专项作业的轮式车辆5 、凡在道路上通行的车辆驾驶人、行人、乘车人以及在道路上进行与交通有关活动的人员(A)A、都必须遵守中华人民共和国道路交通安全法B、有时可以不遵守中华人民共和国道路交通安全法C、只有车辆必须遵守中华人民共和国道路交通安全法6 、车辆、行人必须各行其道,借道通行的车辆和行人(B)A、具有优先通行权B、应当让在其本道内行驶的车辆或行人优先通行C、不管在其本道行驶的车辆或行人security, profit, mai

11、ntainstability andpromoteharmonious developme nt" as the main content of the "three guarantees" themepractice activities and "stressingparty spirit, to conduct, for example" campaign,party and further improvementof the levelof work. Staff participating in the honestand clean

12、cult ure constr ucti on seminars,staff's sense of probity and e nha nced. Foundedby honest inspectors team composedof 12 employees to broa den thecha nnels of supervision.Adhere to establish "four good" leadership a ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team.-Group work dyna

13、mic.Promoti ng theope nness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vitalinterestsof thestaff Trade Union delegation leader meetingof the 26 system to discuss andsafeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structureof the missicompany employees, to love, to suppo

14、rt the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the "Su . Cuttingcostscan be controlled, money shouldnotbe wasted "management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost controlcapacity and market competitiveness.Innovation of science and technology-s

15、cience and te chnology innovation is toplay the role of science and te chnology as theprimary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes,new e quipment, increa se investment in science and te chnol ogy, strengthening sci entific and te chnological training, spee d

16、ingup transforming scientific and technol ogical achi evements, forming a number of proprietary technol ogy, enha ncing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the -resources savi ng enterprise was to reducecoalconsumption, water consumption, electri city at the core, enha nce tsaving the internal tra

17、nsaction costs.Harmonious developme nt of harmonious development-is toconstruct a "foreign" environment for development. "XING" refers to the "internalsecurity firm and internal managementof the internal management measures are effective,harmonious"."Foreign curren

18、cy" means "Enterprise coordinatingdevelopment of homeopathy, well, get along with the neighbors better." (B)XX 2013 five enterprises buil ding intrinsic safety power com pany goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Classof disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personalinjur

19、y accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution a ccident.Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero.Quality goal is: w hen generating capacity 7.5marketing strict internal cost control,business a nd innovation perfor

20、mance.-Increa sing electricity access,price increase, electri city supply is guaranteed. In 2012, thecompany withcoal inventory, get rewardsof Jiangsuprovincial g overnmentpow er to 266 million kWh. Through the "small" andbilateral trade, acce ss toelectri city 1.695 billion kWh, seeking r

21、emoval compensati on w hen t he power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Pr ovince ranked first in thesame capacit y, thesame typeunits. Companyclosely trackedcoal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,Four, insistsprofitabil

22、ity increased significantly.公 .Job grading, remunerationof labour agreements intolong -term contract workers compensati on system, stimulating the enthusia sm of the staff. -Fpsycholurther strengtheposts be promoted. Strengthe ning t he cultivationof professional technical leaders, selected coverage

23、 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders. To enhance staff skills training, 8 staff technicians.Labor contract law compliance , contractsof up to100%.-Star team-building to advance further. E stablish a "holding system implementation, and promoting the whole" team-buildi ng g

24、oals, strengthen group management.Team building into aperformance review, pr omoting the constructi on of the star team depth.This year, respectively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.on "sixculturalconstruction of" harmonious development, really good jobof

25、party construction and the independent Commission againstcorr uption, strengthe ning the humanisti c care a ndogicalcounseling, the enterprisecult ure constrintegration,has boosted business centre, this year has won the "Chinese cultural management advancedunit", "National Advance d U

26、nit in the building of enterprisecult ure of reform andope ningup 30" and other honorary titles. The liabilityof the company culture: solvi ng management problems of corporate culture project was awarded theCEC nationalelectri c power enterpriseculture achievement award of excellence.The accide

27、nt early warning and prevention system was rated asChi na's power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in JiangsuProvince. -Party and the independentCommission against corruption continues to strengthen. Wascarriedout to "maintain7 、下列(A)属于非机动车A、自行车、人

28、力车、畜力车、残疾人专用车B、三轮车C、轻便摩托车8 、对违反中华人民共和国道路交通安全法的行为(B)A、交通管理人员都可以进行处罚B、公安机关交通管理部门及其交通警察应当及时纠正C、都应该被从重处罚9 、驾驶车辆,必须遵守(A)A、右侧通行原则B、左侧通行原则C、中间通行原则10 、道路交通工作,应当遵守的原则是(B)A、严厉处罚的原则B、依法管理、方便群众的原则C、处罚与教育想结合的原则11 、交通信号包括(A)A、交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线和交通警察的指挥黄灯信号 C、直行信号、左转弯信号、停止信号B、绿灯、红灯和12 、交通信号灯绿灯亮时, (C)A、车辆可随意通行B、准许车辆通行

29、,但直行车辆须注意避让转弯车辆C、准许车辆通行,但转弯车辆须不得妨碍被放行的直行车辆和行人通行13 、交通信号灯红灯亮时,在不妨碍被放行的车辆和行人通行的情况下(A)A、右转弯的车辆可以通行B、T 形路口的直行车辆可以通行C、各方行驶的车辆禁止通行14 、交通信号灯红灯亮时,车辆应(C)A、停在人行横道线上B、停在交叉路口以内C、停在停止线以外security, profit, maintainstability andpromoteharmonious developme nt" as the main content of the "three guarantees&q

30、uot; themepractice activities and "stressingparty spirit, to conduct, for example" campaign,party and further improvementof the levelof work. Staff participating in the honest and cleancult ure constr ucti on seminars,staff's sense of probity and e nha nced. Foundedby honest inspectors

31、 team composedof 12 employees to broa den thecha nnels of supervision.Adhere to establish "four good" leadership a ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team.-Group work dynamic.Promoti ng theope nness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vitalinterestsof t

32、he staff Trade Union delegation leader meetingof the 26 system to discuss andsafeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structureof the mission, the wcompany employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the "Su . Cuttingcostscan be control

33、led, money shouldnotbe wasted "management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost controlcapacity and market competitiveness.Innovation of science and technology-science and te chnology innovation is toplay the role of science and te chnology as theprimary p

34、roductive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes,new e quipment, increa se investment in science and te chnol ogy, strengthening sci entific and te chnological training,spee ding up transforming scientific and technol ogical a chi evements, forming a number of proprietar

35、y teo casechnol ogy, enha ncing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the -resources savi ng enterprise was to reducecoalconsumption, water consumption, electri city at the core, esaving the internal transaction costs.Harmonious developme nt of harmonious development-is toconstruct a "foreign&q

36、uot; environment for development. "XING" refers to the "internalsecurity firm and internal managementof the internal management measures are effective,harmonious"."Foreign currency" means "Enterprise coordinatingdevelopment of homeopathy, well, get along with the n

37、eighbors better." (B)XX 2013 five enterprises buil ding intrinsic safety power com pany goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Classof disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution a

38、 ccident.Enterprise integrated to achieve zers of violation, zero accidents, zero.Quality goal is: w hen generating capacity 7.5marketing strict internal cost control,business a nd innovation performance.-Increa sing electricity access,price increase, electri city supply is guaranteed. In 2012, thec

39、ompany withcoal inventory, get rewardsof Jiangsuprovincial g overnmentpow er to 266 million kWh. Throug h the "small" andbilateral trade, acce ss toelectri city 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensati on w hen the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Pr ovince rank

40、ed first in thesame capacit y, thesame typeunits. Companyclosely trackedcoal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increase prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points,Four, insistsprofitability increased significantly.公 .Job grading, remunerationof labour agreements intolong -term contract w

41、orkers compensati on system, stimulating the enthusia sm of the staff. -Fpsycholurther strengtheningposts be promoted. Strengthe ning t he cultivationof professional technical leaders , selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders. To enhance staff skills training, 8 staff

42、 technicians.Labor contract law compliance , contractsof up to100%.-Star team-building to advance further. E stablish a "holding system implementation, and promoting the whole" team-building goals, strengthen group management.Team building into aperformance review, pr omoting the construct

43、i on of the star team depth.This year, respectively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team.on "sixculturalconstruction of" harmonious development, really good jobof party construction and the independent Commission againstcorr uption, strengthe ning the humanisti

44、 c care a ndogicalcounseling, the enterprisecult ure construction t o a new lintegration,has boosted business centre, this year has won the "Chinese cultural management advancedunit", "National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprisecult ure of reform andope ningup 30" and o

45、ther honorary titles. The liabilityof the company culture: solvi ng management problems of corporate culture project was awarded theCEC nationalelectri c power enterprisecultur e achievement award of excellence.The accident early warning and prevention system was rated asChi na's power of innova

46、tion management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in JiangsuProvince. -Party and the independentCommission against corruption continues to strengthen. Wascarriedout to "maintain15 、交通信号灯黄灯闪烁时,车辆、行人应(B)A、不准通行,但已越过停止线的车辆和已进入人行横道的行人可以继续通行B、在确保安全的原则下通行 C、加速通行16 、造成交通事故后逃逸的,由公安机关交通

47、管理部门吊销机动车驾驶证,且( C )不得重新取得机动驾驶证A、两年B、十年C、终生17 、交通信号灯黄灯亮时, (C)A、车辆、行人迅速通行 B、车辆、行人在确保安全的情况下可以通行C、不准车辆、行人通行、但越过停止线的车辆和行人可以继续通行18 、红色叉形灯或者箭头灯亮时, (A)A、禁止本车道车辆通行B、禁止其他车道车辆通行C、准许本车道车辆通行19 、机动车所有人、 管理人未按照国家规定投保机动车第三者责任强制保险的,由公安机关交通管理部门扣留车辆至依照规定投保后,并处依照规定投保最低责任限额应缴纳的保险费的(B)罚款。A、1 倍B、2 倍C、3 倍20 、将机动车交由未取得机动车驾驶

48、证或者机动车驾驶证被吊销、暂扣的人驾驶的,由公安交通管理部门处(C)A、100元以上 200 元以下罚款B、200 元罚款C、200元以上 2000 元以下罚款21 、交通警察发出左转弯信号时, (A)A、准许左方的左转弯和直行的车辆通行B、准许右方的左转弯和直行的车辆通行C、左右方左转弯车辆和直行车辆都可以通行security, profit, maintainstability andpromoteharmonious developme nt" as the main content of the "three guarantees" theme pract

49、ice activities and "stressingparty spirit, to conduct, for example" campaign,party and further improvementof the levelof work. Staff participating in the honest and cleancult ure constr ucti on seminars,staff's sense of probity and e nha nced. Foundedby honest inspectors team composedo

50、f 12 employees to broa den thecha nnels of supervision.Adhere to establish "four good" leadership a ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team.-Group work dynamic.Promoti ng theope nness of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vitalinterestsof thestaff Trade U

51、nion delegation leader meetingof the 26 system to discuss andsafeguard their democratic rights. Improve the organizational structureof the mission, the wcompany employees, to love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the "Su . Cuttingcostscan be controlled, money shoul

52、dnotbe wasted "management philosoph y, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost controlcapacity and market competitiveness.Innovation of science and technology-science and te chnology innovation is toplay the role of science and te chnology as theprimary productive force, active use of new


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