1、英语写作经典句型1. the + est + 名词 + (that) + 主语 + have ever done1)海伦是我所见到过的最美丽的女孩。helen is the most beautiful girl than i have ever seen.2)张老师是我曾经遇到的最仁慈的教师。mrs/miss zheng is the kindest teacher that i have ever met.2. nothing/nobody is + er/more than to do1)没有比接受教育更重要的事。nothing is more important than to rec
2、eive education.2)没有人比他更适合做这个工作。nobody is more suitable than he does the work.3)我们找不到比这本书更适合的其他书了。i can' t find a better book than this one.3. there is no denging that(不可否认的)there is no way of doing sth.there is no possible of doing (much,little)it is impossible to do sth.it is important/necessar
3、y for sb. to do sth.1)不可否认的是,我们的生活品质已经越来越好了。there is no denging that our life has become better and better.(that the quality of our life)2)毫不令人怀疑的是,他帮你们是没有任何其它目的的there is no doubt that he helped you out of his kindness but without any ambitions.3)没有可能在短期抑制对环境的污染。但无论如何,我们都应该引起对这个问题的关注。there is no pos
4、sibility of controlling the environmental pollution.anyhow much attention should be paid to the problem.4. the +比较级+主+谓,the +比较级+主+谓1) 大多数父母认为孩子花在电视上的时间越长,就越浪费时 间。most parents do think the longer their children spend in watching tv , the most time they waste.2)有时候,你写的文章越长,你犯的错误可能就越多。sometimes, the l
5、onger you write your composition, the more mistake.3)你与父母沟通越多,你们就能更好地互相理解。the more communication you have with your parents, the better.5.more and more / better and better / easier and easier1) 记下了大量的单词后,我觉得英语越来越容易了。having remembered a great munber of words, i find that english is easier and easier
6、to learn.2)地球上的资源越来越少了。为了保护好地球,我们应该给予地球资源越来越多的重视。the resourses on the earth are less and less. in order to protect the earth well, we should pay more and more attention to them on earth.6.the reason whyisthat(的原因是)1) 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。the reason why we should plant more trees is that they suppl
7、y as much fresh air as possible for us.2)我昨天缺课的原因是我病得很厉害。the reason why i missed the lessons was that i was seriously ill yesterday.3)人们不相信他的原因是他曾经欺骗过无数善良的人。the reason why people don t trust him is that he once cheated them too much.7.as +形/副as 和i样1) 男孩选择在网上购书的人数与女孩是一样的多。the boys who are ordering bo
8、oks on the internet core as many as the girls.(the number of boys who are ordering books on the internet is as much as that of the girls.2)这次社会实践,我们学到的知识与在课堂学到的知识一样 多。by the social practice, we learnt as much konwledge as we do in class.8.by doing sth. can- -(借着能够)1)通过努力学习,我终于赶上班上的其他的同学了。by studying
9、 hard , i catch up with the others of the class.2)通过在网上购物,他们省下了一大笔钱。by shopping on the internet he could save a lot of money.3)通过卖报,他能养活他自己。by selling newspapers, he can support himself.9.be able to =enable + 宾语/to do sth.1)他在5分钟之内能够做由这道算术题。he enables himself to work out the maths problem within 5 m
10、imutes.2)听音乐使我们能够轻松。listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.10.it is time to do sth./for sth./that 从句(从句的动词为过去式 ) 1)一整天在校学习后,现在终于是我们回家的时候了。after the whole day of studying, it is time for us to go back home.(that we went home.)2)该是当地政府采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。it is time that the local government took
11、 proper steps to solve the traffic problems.il.those who(的人)1)违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.2)那些正在灾区帮助灾民,进行灾区重建的人应该得到人们的赞扬。those who are helping the earthquale hit areas must be thought lighly of by the people.3)那些听写不及格的人应该多花时间去记单词。those who fail in the dicta
12、tions must spend more time remembering words.12.in my opinion / as for as i 'm concerned, from my personal point of view(from the point of /view of sb.)依看来一1)据我所知,下列方法对我们有极大的帮助。as for as i am concerned, the following ways are of great help to us.(greatly help.)2)从他的家人看来,他的负伤应该由司机负责任。from the poi
13、nt of view of his family, the driver is to blame for his injury.13.according to my personal experience 根据我个人经验based on my personal experience1) 根据我个人经验,在课堂上做好笔记非常重要。based on my personal experience, making notes well in class is very important.2)根据人们的普遍经验,在太阳底下长时期地看书对眼睛是有害的。based on the people s comm
14、on experience, reading in the sun for a long time does great harmful to our eyes.14. with the rapid imrease /growth of the populationwith the rapid development of modern science and techonology 1) 随着我国经济的飞速发展, 许多社会问题也因此而产生了。with the rapid development of our economy, a lot of social problems have hap
15、pened.2)随着当代科学与技术的飞速发展,计算机在人民的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。with the development of modern science and techonology, computers have been playing a more and more role/part in our life.15. it is necessary that s.+(should)v.是必要的。it is important that s.+(should)v .是重要的。it is proper that s.+(should)v .是适当的。it is wrgent t
16、hat s.+(should)v .是紧迫的。it is suggested that s.+(should)v.有人建议it is advised that s.+(should)v .有人建议it is said /thought 据说;有人认为it is known to all / it is unknown to all that 从句it is reported that 据报道it is expe cted that有人预料it is believed that有人相信1) 一般相信阅读增长我们的知识,拓宽我们的视野。it is believed that reading inc
17、rease our knowledge and broadens our mind.2)据报道,此次地震使许多房屋变成了废墟。 2000 多人失去 了生命,伤了 10000 多人。it is reported that many houses were destroyed in ruins and more than 2000 people lost their lives and the number of injury was 10000.16.for /in the past + 时间, so far, till now, up till now, recently, since用现在完
18、成时.1) 在过去的几年中,他们一直在学习画画。they have been learning to draw in the past few years.2)自从他上高中以来,他一直都很用功学习。he has been studying very hard since he entered the sinicr middle school.17. it pays to是值得的。1)帮助别人是值得的。it pays to help others.2)诚实是做人之本!it pays to be honest.18. due to / owing to / thanks to / because
19、of1)因为老师和父母的豉励,我终于实现了我的梦想。thanks to my teachers' and parents' encouragement, i realized my dream in the end.2)因为一场大火,这个村的村庄变得一无所有。due to / because of / owing to a big fire, there is nothing left in the village.19. what(a/an)+形+n/s.+v.!how adj./adv.+s.+v.!1)在我们面前的是一条多么干净,毫无杂质可言的河流呀!what a cle
20、an river without any wastes there is (befone me)!2)遵守诺言是多么地重要!how important it is to keep our promise!20. do good /bad to do harm to / be harmful. to.(harmless to)1) 学习过度对健康有害。over studying is harmful / does harm to our health.2)忠言对我们无害,假如你能听进去的话。bttler words don t do harm to us, if you can follow t
21、hem.21.have a great influence on (对很大的影响)1) 吸烟对我们的健康大有影响。smoking has a bad influence on our health.2)父母的行为对孩子有很大的影响,难怪人们常说父母是孩子的第一位老师。parents behavers have a great influence on their children. it is no wonder it is generally said that patents are the first teachers of their children.22.have a great
22、effect on (对有效果)1) 大声地朗读英语对提高英语成绩有很大的效果。reading english loudly will have a great effect on improving it.2)服用这种药对头痛有效。taking the medicine will have an effect on your headache.23.spare no effect to / try one s best to / be determined to1) 我们要不遗余力地美化我们的环境。we should spare no effect to beautify our envio
23、rnment.2)我们应该要不遗余力地做好这一次大学的入学考试。we should spare no effect to be well - prepared the entrance exam.24.as time goes / went by随着时间的推移1) 随着时间的流失,找到这个失踪了数月的孩子的可能性越来越小了。as time goes by, there is little /no responsibility of find the boy who has been missing /lost for a few months.2)随着时间的流失,你会慢慢地熟悉这个环境,并且交
24、上更多的朋友。as time goes by, you will be / get familiar with the surroundings and make many friends.25.it is +被强调的部分+that从句,(强调句型)1) 正是今天早晨我上学的时候我遭遇了塞车。it was in the morning when i went to school that i met with a traffic gam.2)是李明为这次错误而该受到责备。it was / is li ming that is blame for the mistake.3)那次会议召开的地点是
25、我出生的城市。it was in the city where the meeting was held that i was born.4)正是那些疲惫不堪的战士救出这个老太太。it was the soldiers who were extremely tived that sccued the old lady.26.do/does/did +v.的确做了一 (强调句)1) 你的确把我的一本字典拿走了。you did take my dictionary away.2)大多父母都倾心关心孩子可他除外。most parents do care about their children ex
26、cept him.27.lack sth. /be lack of sth.(缺乏)1) 一些青少年缺乏自我控制能力。some teenagers lack self- contral /are lack of self - contral.2)许多人缺乏环保意识。many people lack the sense of environmental protection.28 .so/neither +be/do +主.(倒装句)1) 他失去了上大学的机会,他的弟弟也是如此。he lost the chance to go to school, so did his brother.2)我曾
27、经是军队的一名护士,我的朋友小红曾经也是如此。i was a nurse in the army, and so was my friend xiao hong.29 .nor /neither /not untill /never(放句首的倒装句)1) 他即不是我的家人也不是我的朋友。neither is he my family members, ner is he my friend.2)我不知道他去美国的事情,也不关心此事。i didn t know that he had gone to america, nor did i care about it.3)我从来都没有梦想过一夜暴富
28、。never have i dreant of being rich over a night.4)只有亲眼看到小孩这个父亲才可以交出钱给小伙子。not untill saw the child with his own eyes did the father hand the money to the young man.30.hardly when, / no sooner that 倒装句1) 他们一离开房子,房子就倒塌了。hardly had they left the house when it fell down.2)他们一回到家就发现房子被盗了。no sooner had the
29、y come back home then they found their house stolen.31.only +adv.(now , then) 引起的倒装句一+介词短语+状语从句(after , before , when )1) 只有此时此刻,我才能真正地理解你们为我所做的一切。only at the moment do i realize all you have done for me.2)只有用这种办法我才能放松自己。only in this way can i relax myself.32.get into the habit of / form the habit o
30、f (养成的习惯)1) 我们要养成节约资源的好习惯以达到保护好环境的目的。2)你养成了早睡早起的习惯吗?33.at the age of (在年龄时)1) 他在 10 岁时就不得不养活他自己。 因为他很小就成为了孤儿。34.in the end (= at last / finally)at the end of在末尾; 在尽头by the end of到i末尾1) 最终这俩个国家达成了贸易往来的协议。2)这个重建工程将在10 月底完工。3)到今年十一月底,第六届亚运会就圆满完成了。35. as everyone knowsas we all know众所周知 +that 从句as it is known to allas it is unknown to all 没有人知道+that 从句1) 众所周知, 中国近两年以来已经发生了两次可怕的地震了。2)众所周知,计算机已经得到普遍的使用。人民可以利用网络得到信息,上网交友,闲谈及购物等等。36.to one s great de
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