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1、1Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 波士顿科学波士顿科学脑血管缺血疾病脑血管缺血疾病解决方案解决方案 产品专员产品专员 纪强纪强 Call:186120961902014.8.132Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 波士顿科学波士顿科学脑血管脑血管缺血缺血整体

2、整体解决方案解决方案颈动脉颈动脉颅外颅外血管血管介入介入椎动脉椎动脉锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉导丝导丝 Zipwire PT2导管导管 Imager / Mach 球囊球囊 Sterling MR / USSV支架支架 Carotid Wallstent保护伞保护伞 Filterwire EZ导丝导丝 Zipwire Thruway / V18导管导管 Imager / Mach 球囊球囊 Sterling MR / USSV支架支架 Express SD导丝导丝 Zipwire Amplatz/ V18导管导管 Imager / Mach 球囊球囊 Mustang/ Sterling MR支架支架

3、 Express LD3Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 议程议程 波士顿科学波士顿科学颈动脉狭窄解决方案颈动脉狭窄解决方案 波士顿科学锁骨下动脉狭窄解决方案波士顿科学锁骨下动脉狭窄解决方案 波士顿科学椎动脉狭窄解决方案波士顿科学椎动脉狭窄解决方案4Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute

4、 Externally 波士顿科学颈动脉波士顿科学颈动脉狭窄狭窄解决方案解决方案5Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Carotid Wallstent闭环支架闭环支架 Filterwire EZ保护伞保护伞 Sterling Monorail球囊球囊 闭环闭环支架相关临床研究支架相关临床研究6Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy,

5、 Display or Distribute Externally Carotid Wallstent7Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 临床有效性临床有效性 闭环设计闭环设计 高输送性高输送性 可回收可回收 显影性显影性 血管适应性血管适应性Carotid Wallstent要点要点8Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Di

6、splay or Distribute Externally 支架输送系统支架输送系统Monorail 导管设计,0.014“导丝输送系统;5F (6 & 8 mm) 和 6F (10 mm) 低外廓,高柔顺性; 高输送性高输送性*高柔顺性的支架输送系统,具有良好的跟踪性易于通过迂曲的解剖结构;Image property of BSC.Carotid Stenting性能性能9Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 闭环设

7、计闭环设计 结构更致密,具有优异的病变覆盖能力、保护斑块和血管造影结果,血栓保护装置回收更容易;* 显影性显影性 出色的显影性,在X线下具有比其他支架更佳的可视性,放置准确;* 可回收可回收 支架释放50%时仍可被回收后重新定位再次释放,支架放置更准确;*Image property of BSC.Carotid Stenting性能性能10Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 尺寸尺寸CarotidWallstent完全展开直径

8、完全展开长度植入血管植入长度血管直径植入长度SCH-647016 mm22 mm5 mm30 mm4 mm36 mmSCH-647078 mm21 mm7 mm30 mm6 mm36 mmSCH-647088 mm29 mm7 mm40 mm6 mm48 mmSCH-647098 mm36 mm7 mm50 mm6 mm62 mmSCH-6471210 mm24 mm9 mm30 mm8 mm36 mmSCH-6471310 mm31 mm9 mm40 mm8 mm49 mmSCH-6471410 mm37 mm9 mm50 mm8 mm59 mm11Boston Scientific Con

9、fidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 盒子上的支架尺寸和植盒子上的支架尺寸和植入后的尺寸不同入后的尺寸不同 我有我有些糊涂了些糊涂了! !Carotid Wallstent Monorail 12Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Carotid Wallstent的尺寸选择的尺寸选择选择选择Wallste

10、nt 根据根据: 靶血管的最大直径靶血管的最大直径 支架植入部位的长度支架植入部位的长度13Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Wallstent的完全释放直径的完全释放直径要比靶血管的最大直径要比靶血管的最大直径 至少大至少大1 mm支架覆盖病变两侧的正常组织,支架覆盖病变两侧的正常组织,至少各长至少各长5 mm尺寸选择原则尺寸选择原则14Boston Scientific Confidential - For Interna

11、l Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally SCH-647016 mm22 mm5 mm30 mm4 mm36 mmSCH-647078 mm21 mm7 mm30 mm6 mm36 mmSCH-647088 mm29 mm7 mm40 mm6 mm48 mmSCH-647098 mm36 mm7 mm50 mm6 mm62 mmSCH-6471210 mm24 mm9 mm30 mm8 mm36 mmSCH-6471310 mm31 mm9 mm40 mm8 mm49 mmSCH-6471410 mm37 mm9 mm5

12、0 mm8 mm59 mm30 mm8 mm5.4 mm 应选择何种直径的应选择何种直径的Carotid Wallsetent? 9 mm 40 mm 10 x 31 应选择何种长度的应选择何种长度的Carotid Wallsetent? 应选择哪个型号的应选择哪个型号的Carotid Wallsetent?SCH-6471310 mm31 mm9 mm40 mm8 mm49 mmCarotid Wallstent尺寸选择尺寸选择15Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or D

13、istribute Externally 完全释放的长度完全释放的长度: 24mm植入在植入在8mm血管中的支架长度血管中的支架长度: 36 mm支架释放前的长度支架释放前的长度: 51mm植入在锥形血管中的支架植入在锥形血管中的支架?Carotid Wallstent尺寸选择尺寸选择16Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 16FilterWire EZ 栓子保护系统栓子保护系统17Boston Scientific Confi

14、dential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally FilterWire EZ血栓保护系统血栓保护系统 PEBAX is a registered trademark of Atofina Corporation 无创的3cm、铂金、螺旋线圈包绕柔软头端 不透射线增强可视性 可塑型头端增强操控性 6.0 mm PEBAX鼻锥 从螺旋头端到输送鞘的柔软过渡,提供良好的输送性能 提供外廓平滑过渡,减少在系统输送过程中碎屑栓塞的风险18Boston Scientific Confidential

15、 - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 聚亚胺脂滤网膜网孔为110微米栓子碎屑的高捕获率,降低栓子相关风险血流可持续通过滤网,提高患者安全性和舒适度血流可持续,允许手术过程中的造影剂注射FilterWire EZ血栓保护系统血栓保护系统 19Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 5.5 mm4.5 mm3.5 mm 浮动的含铂金

16、丝的镍钛过滤环 高度可视,保证精确释放及良好的血管贴壁 自动调整以适应血管形态及尺寸 一个尺寸 即可满足3.5mm-5.5mm的血管,手术中不必猜想或估计,同时降低库存/备货负担 独特的浮动设计提供持续和一致的血管贴壁性能,最小化栓子碎屑从保护伞和血管壁间缝隙溜走的可能FilterWire EZ血栓保护系统血栓保护系统 20Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 滤环悬臂滤环悬臂允许滤环可以独立移动以适应血管尺寸,不管在直或弯曲血管

17、中都可达到更好的贴壁在直或弯曲血管中都可以使用,简化对Landing Zone的要求无需从2个角度去评估虑环的贴壁情况FilterWire EZ血栓保护系统血栓保护系统 21Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 旋转管在虑环后面 允许导丝可以在输送鞘独立旋转,使整个系统具有良好的操控性能 0.014”PTFE涂层的不锈钢导丝 190cm和300cm两种长度可选* Note: A 0.013” OD part 5mm proxima

18、l to the catheter stop may also be visible with some equipment. This part keeps the spinner tube in place, but lets catheter tips pass over.FilterWire EZ血栓保护系统血栓保护系统 22Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Sterling MR23Boston Scientific

19、 Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Sterling MonorailSterling MonorailBalloon Dilatation Catheter U.S. 市场上第一个获批用于预扩和后扩治疗颈动脉血管的球囊。 Sterling Over-The-Wire Balloon Dilatation Catheters are not indicated for use in the carotids24Boston Scientific Confiden

20、tial - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 产品规格产品规格Sterling OTWSterling OTWSterling MonorailSterling MonorailSterling SL MonorailSterling SL Monorail球囊直径球囊直径4 - 10 mm3 - 8 mm ( sizes)2-4mm球囊长度球囊长度2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 cm1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6 cm8,10,12,15cm导管长度导管长度40, 80, 13

21、5 cm80, 135 cm90,150cm25Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 产品规格产品规格Sterling OTWSterling OTWSterling MonorailSterling Monorail爆破压爆破压14 ATM14 ATM4 - 7mm3 - 7mm12 ATM12 ATM8mm8mm10 ATM10 ATM9 -10mm命名压命名压6 ATM6 ATM26Boston Scientific Con

22、fidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 通过性通过性跟踪性跟踪性推送性推送性性能优势性能优势27Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 通过性通过性Proximal Mid-BalloonDistal BalloonLesion Entry小外径设计满足最大的病变通过性CSterling Balloon Dila

23、tation Catheter28Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 头端头端Sterling Monorail Balloon CatheterSterling Over-the-Wire Balloon Catheter头端头端激光成型的头端是渐细的外形激光成型的头端是渐细的外形无缝渐细的设计降低通过病变时阻力无缝渐细的设计降低通过病变时阻力超小的超小的 . .020”020”病变进入外径有利于进病变进入外径有利于进入高度狭

24、窄病变入高度狭窄病变*Testing completed by Boston Scientific Corporation. Data on file.Photo is property of Boston Scientific CorporationIllustrations by Boston Scientific Corporation. Illustrations not to scale29Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externa

25、lly 通过性通过性出色的通过性能出色的通过性能Sterling Balloon Dilatation Catheter30Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 激光焊接激光焊接Laser Bonding 球囊的近端和远端均采用激光焊接球囊的近端和远端均采用激光焊接技术,提供平滑的转换和强化的灵技术,提供平滑的转换和强化的灵活性活性Photo is property of Boston Scientific Corporation

26、Illustrations by Boston Scientific Corporation. Illustrations not to scaleSterling Over-the-Wire Balloon CatheterSterling Monorail Balloon Catheter31Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 点焊点焊Tack Weld 距离球囊近端距离球囊近端 4cm 接合内外推送杆接合内外推送杆 增强推

27、送杆支撑力,有利于通过复杂的解增强推送杆支撑力,有利于通过复杂的解剖结构剖结构 标记:标记:80cm/50cmPhoto is property of Boston Scientific CorporationIllustrations by Boston Scientific Corporation. Illustrations not to scaleSterling Over-the-Wire Balloon CatheterSterling Monorail Balloon Catheter32Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal

28、Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 点焊点焊接合内外推送杆接合内外推送杆提供支撑提供支撑33Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 导丝出口导丝出口Guide Wire Port 25 cm 交换长度交换长度 激光成型的出口激光成型的出口 所有的所有的Sterling Monorail Balloon Catheters都有贯都有贯穿全长的渐细的核心丝,穿全

29、长的渐细的核心丝, 强强化支撑,推送和抗折性化支撑,推送和抗折性Photo is property of Boston Scientific CorporationIllustrations by Boston Scientific Corporation. Illustrations not to scaleSterling Monorail Balloon Catheter34Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally Caroti

30、d WallstentCarotid Wallstent闭环设计相关临床研究闭环设计相关临床研究35Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 不同单元结构设计不同单元结构设计开环设计开环设计 支架单元间有连接小杆支架单元间有连接小杆闭环设计闭环设计 CarotidTM WallstentTM PreciseTMAcculinkTM36Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use O

31、nly. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 闭环单元设计的三大要素闭环单元设计的三大要素径向支撑力径向支撑力支架网孔面积支架网孔面积/斑块覆盖能力斑块覆盖能力单元结构设计单元结构设计37Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 38Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Displ

32、ay or Distribute Externally 颈动脉分叉的解剖结构颈动脉分叉的解剖结构颈内动脉具有压力感受器颈内动脉具有压力感受器压力感受器的主要作用是维持动脉血压,以保证组织得到适量的血液供应压力感受器的反应直接与压力范围相关(外部或内部压力)。压力增大会引起压力感受器反射性的降低血压,造成低血压。39Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 径向支撑力与低血压的关系径向支撑力与低血压的关系支架的释放产生向外的径向支架的释

33、放产生向外的径向支撑力,对颈动脉产生压迫支撑力,对颈动脉产生压迫压力感受器感受到压力的变化,并刺激迷走中压力感受器感受到压力的变化,并刺激迷走中枢,反射性的引起血管扩张枢,反射性的引起血管扩张 预扩张预扩张 (PTA)产生对颈产生对颈动脉的压迫动脉的压迫低血压低血压术后术后24 hrs低血压低血压术中术中*Baroreceptors quickly respond to small changes in blood pressure. They fail to respond to higher pressure levels after one or more days. Treatment

34、 of hypotension may cause complications for hypertensive patients. Katzen presentation CIRSE 2006.慢性慢性*急性急性回撤回撤球囊即球囊即可解决可解决低血压问题低血压问题药物控制药物控制40Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 径向支撑力与抗血管回缩能力的区别径向支撑力与抗血管回缩能力的区别“支架自我向外扩张的能力支架自我向外扩张的能力

35、”“支架抵抗管壁回缩的能力支架抵抗管壁回缩的能力”StentLumenLumenStent41Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 径向支撑力径向支撑力 vs vs 抗血管回缩能力抗血管回缩能力理想的颈动脉支架应该具有较低的径理想的颈动脉支架应该具有较低的径向支撑力,较高的抗血管回缩能力向支撑力,较高的抗血管回缩能力 大部分的颈动脉病变都需要进行支架后扩,因此抗血管回缩能力很重要 Carotid Wallstent具有适度的径向支

36、撑力,高抗血管回缩能力 镍钛支架都具有高径向支撑力 高径向支撑力对颈动脉窦产生持续的压力 高径向支撑力的直接后果是低血压42Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 低血压治疗的风险低血压治疗的风险 增加心肌缺血和脑缺血的风险 增加因低血压治疗的住院时间 增加低血压治疗的成本(住院时间延长和药物) 患者通常需要ICU监护43Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only.

37、Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 相关临床研究支持相关临床研究支持结论结论: 与钴铬合金编织与钴铬合金编织支架相比,在支架相比,在CAS中,中,镍钛合金支架引起低血镍钛合金支架引起低血压的风险更高压的风险更高J Vasc Interv Radiol.2008 Jan;19(1):23-30.44Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 闭环单元设计优势闭环单元设计优势 径向支撑

38、力径向支撑力当使用闭环设计支架时,术后低血压的发生率更低当使用闭环设计支架时,术后低血压的发生率更低! !J Vasc Interv Radiol.2008 Jan;19(1):23-30.45Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 支架单元设计如何影响临床结果支架单元设计如何影响临床结果? ?46Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy,

39、 Display or Distribute Externally 闭环与开环支架设计的腔内影像闭环与开环支架设计的腔内影像47Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 闭环单元设计优势闭环单元设计优势- -更光滑平整的内腔更光滑平整的内腔当使用闭环设计支架时,血栓保护装置挂在支架上的发生率更低当使用闭环设计支架时,血栓保护装置挂在支架上的发生率更低48Boston Scientific Confidential - For Inte

40、rnal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 支架网孔面积如何影响临床结果支架网孔面积如何影响临床结果? ?49Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 支架网孔面积支架网孔面积 不同的支架不同不同的支架不同CWS的网孔面积只有的网孔面积只有Acculink的的1/1050Boston Scientific Confidential - For Interna

41、l Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 闭环单元设计优势闭环单元设计优势支架网孔面积支架网孔面积Does Free Cell Area Influence the Outcome in Carotid Artery Stenting? Bosiers et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33:135-141. 51Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distr

42、ibute Externally 四个中心的30天结果回顾性分析 N=3179 CAS patients 对于症状性患者,术后第30天的主要事件发生率差异显著,开环支架设计(7.0%) VS 闭环支架设计(2.2%) (p0.0001) 对于症状性患者,手术30天以后的主要事件发生率差异显著,开环支架设计(6.3%) VS 闭环支架设计(1.3%) (p0.0001)Does Free Cell Area Influence the Outcome in Carotid Artery Stenting? Bosiers et al. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;

43、33:135-141. 52Boston Scientific Confidential - For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally 波士顿科学波士顿科学锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉狭窄狭窄解决方案解决方案Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not c

44、opy or distribute.53 锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉 椎动脉椎动脉Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.54Tandem ArchitectureConfidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy

45、or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.55MicroMacroTandem Architecture Stent DesignConfidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy o

46、r distribute.56MICRO单元单元n柔顺性 n输送性更佳 n顺应性 n释放更容易Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.57MACROMACRO单元单元n 杰出的径向支撑力 n 出色的显影性Confidential information of Boston Scientific Co

47、rporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.58n 卓越的管腔覆盖能力卓越的管腔覆盖能力 n 一致的径向支撑力一致的径向支撑力两者将结合可提供:两者将结合可提供:Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston

48、 Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.60支架直径5-10 mm支架长度5-8mm: 17, 27, 37, 57 mm9-10mm: 25, 37, 57 mm推送杆长度75 & 135 cm标称压力8 ATM额定破裂压12 ATM血管鞘兼容性Up to 8 x 37: 6 Fr8 x57 and up: 7 Fr推送杆涂层远端30cm有Hydropass 涂层球囊涂层None头端长度5 mmConfidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not

49、 copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.两种设计两种设计5-8mm 支柱直径:.0072各结构单元更短后扩张支架直径可至9mm9-10mm支柱直径:.0077各结构单元更长后扩张支架直径可至11mmConfidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Bos

50、ton Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Ultra-thin SDS球囊导管技术球囊导管技术非顺应性球囊出色的跟踪性回抽效率更佳62Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.非顺应性球囊的益处非顺应性球囊的益处Semi-Complia

51、ntNon-CompliantConfidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.非顺应性球囊的益处非顺应性球囊的益处 Coronary IVUS. Both balloons at 14ATMSemi-CompliantNon-CompliantConfidential information of Bost

52、on Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.65非顺应性球囊从4ATM到12ATM,球囊尺寸增加 5%更佳的扩张力,更佳一致的血管壁扩张效果Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of B

53、oston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.66出色的跟踪性出色的跟踪性n高性能的球囊导管具有优异的推送性和抗扭曲性n推送杆远端的30cm有Hydropass 亲水性涂层,易于通过迂曲的解剖结构Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute

54、.支架安全性支架安全性 无涂层的球囊使球囊与支架的结合更稳定 SureGrip 技术保证支架的安全性并提供卓越的外廓 支架的稳定提高释放的精确度Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.68径向支撑力径向支撑力网孔面积网孔面积跟踪性跟踪性Confidential information of Bost

55、on Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.69Express LD管腔直径平均减少百分比管腔直径平均减少百分比为为16.2%,小于,小于OPC的的20%.J ENDOVASC THER 2010;17:633641Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or di

56、stribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.1. 头臂干头臂干动脉开口动脉开口狭窄狭窄2. 右侧颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动脉开口狭窄右侧颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动脉开口狭窄Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporati

57、on. Do not copy or distribute.p性别:男性别:男p年龄:年龄:5252岁岁p诊断:诊断:头臂干动脉开口重度狭窄头臂干动脉开口重度狭窄 1.Express LD1.Express LD头臂干头臂干动脉开口重度狭窄动脉开口重度狭窄Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.1.

58、Express LD1.Express LD头臂干头臂干动脉开口重度狭窄动脉开口重度狭窄BSC Express LD 10mm*37mm 球扩释放球扩释放Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.术后造影术后造影1.Express LD1.Express LD头臂干头臂干动脉开口重度狭窄动脉开口重度狭

59、窄Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.p性别:男性别:男p年龄:年龄:6565岁岁p诊断:诊断: 右侧颈总动脉开口狭窄右侧颈总动脉开口狭窄 左侧锁骨下动脉狭窄左侧锁骨下动脉狭窄 2.Express LD2.Express LD右右侧侧颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动脉狭窄颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动

60、脉狭窄Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.Confidential information of Boston Scientific Corporation. Do not copy or distribute.IIII型弓双导丝技术型弓双导丝技术+ +加硬泥鳅加强支撑加硬泥鳅加强支撑2.Express LD2.Express LD左侧颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动脉狭窄左侧颈总动脉开口合并左侧锁骨下动脉狭窄Confidential information of Boston S


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