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1、关于牛津初中英语8a第三单元部分教学思考一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析中心话题:外出一天世界著名旅游景点的名称及相应的活动.单元各部分具体内容分析1、welcome to this unit内容:1.eddie和hobo的对话. 2.国外著名城市和景点.作用:热身练习,铺垫,激发兴趣2、reading内容:linda写给妈妈的一篇关于 世界公园的游记.作用:单元核心,阅读能力.3. vocabulary内容: 谈论有关北京的著名旅游景点 和交通工具.作用: 了解北京的著名景点名称和 所需各种交通工具的名称.4、grammar内容:linda旅游途中的感受和 amy发送给linda的有关她 在

2、中国各地的游览情况.作用:在情境中学习连词but, and,or5、integrated skills内容:1.一则学校篮球决赛的广告宣传. 2. 给网友安排一日游提建议.作用:针对性地训练学生的听说读 写的能力.6、study skills内容:linda在阅读一则世界公园 的广告.作用:培养学生能在生活中区分陈述 事实和表达观点.7、main task内容:kitty和daniel为即将回美国 的linda计划一日游,并邀请 全班同学参加.作用:指导学生写作方法,培养学生 的写作能力。8、checkout作用:复习本单元出现的一些主要 语法和重要的语言现象。二、单元目标及要求1. 能够掌握

3、北京和国外著名景点的名称.2. 能够正确了解和谈论常见的交通工具.3. 能够把本单元所学的语法知识正确应用 于实际的语境中,并能正确使用形容词.4. 能够有序地描述一次旅行的经历,并对自己 的感受和观点加以叙说. teaching suggestions:aim: (on tb p34) vuse vocabulary to identify and describe well-know places in beijing and around the world, e.g., we are going to the top of the eiffel tower.vuse nouns/nou

4、n phrases to talk about means of transport, e.g., the trip took two hours by coachvuse and/but/or to join ideas together, e.g., we saw the eiffel tower and liked it very much.vuse verbs and to-infinitives together, e.g., linda wanted to visit the park.vuse reflexive pronouns when the subject and the

5、 object are the same person, e.g., daniel taught himself how to make a home page.vuse formulaic expressions to make suggestions and arrangements for a trip, e.g., im afraid thats not a good idea. difficulties:vuse reflexive pronouns correctly and properly.vuse correct sentence patterns to talk about

6、 means of transport function:vlearn how to plan a trip culture:vknow more about the world, esp. the main building or places of interest in different countries.vlearn to enjoy the traveling.vphrases: some main phrases about countries, buildings, places of interest, and planning a trip. welcome to the

7、 unit:vt: “we all know eddie is a lazy dog. but today he is not lazy. he is going out to exercise. do you know what he is going to do?” (free talk and discuss, listen to the tape)velicit what they know about the countries and their capitals, we can use the pictures on p3 in book 7b. (mount fuji, the

8、 statue of liberty, the eiffel tower, big ben)vwe can use a world map to talk about these countries and connect some famous places with the countriesvwe can use some postcards to talk about some famous places around the world.vt: amy and simon also got some post cards from their friends. do you know

9、 where their friends visited? (the white houseamerica, the opera housesydney, the eiffel towerfrance) vin this part, there are not a lot of new words, so we can teach some new words which may appear in the reading material, e.g., the pyramids, the golden gate bridge reading:vwe can first use some pi

10、cture to introduce some places of interest around the world, then use time or places they visited as a clue to help ss understand the passage. vask ss to rewrite the passage, using first, afterwards, then, next, finally or at the school gate, on the city roads, on the highway, at the gate of the wor

11、ld park, inside the parkvteacher can also ask them some questions. these questions can help them find out the main points in this passage. (what, when, who, where, why, how) for stronger students, we can ask them to ask and answer questions by themselves.vwe can ask them how did linda feel at first?

12、 how did she feel when they arrived at the world park? . (didnt enjoy, boring, felt sick; beautiful, excited, didnt feel sick, enjoy ourselves, wonderful; wonderful, amazing, great, wanted to join in the dancing) these questions and answers can help ss to understand the writers feeling throughout th

13、e trip. this is another way to help them to write a passage about a trip much better. if they can use adjectives correctly, their passages can be more attracting.vsince the grammar in this unit is and, but, or, and there are a lot of such kinds of words in this passage, we can ask ss to match some s

14、entences. in this way, they can not only understand the passage better, but also know a little about the usage of and, but, or, so that they wont feel it hard when they are studying it in the grammar part.vwe can use a map of nanjing and ask them to introduce some places of interest in their hometow

15、n. by using a map, we can also help them understand the means of transport( if needed, we can use a map of china). vwe can ask ss to make some dialogues like this suppose you are daniel, one of your classmates is not going to the world park with you, so you are going to introduce it to him/her. supp

16、ose you are linda. after you go home, your parents ask what you have seen and how do you feel. you need to tell them about your trip.vexx c1 and c2, we can use them during the reading. vocabulary:vsince the places in beijing are too far away from us, we can ask ss to talk about the places of interes

17、t in nanjing first. so we can bring a map of nanjing into the class. by using the map, we can help them to understand more about the means of transport.vfree talk: if you want to go to, how can you go there. vif there is no bus or train, what can you do? grammar:vin this unit, there are three gramma

18、r items: using and, but, or; using verbs to-infinitives; and reflexive pronouns. we know how to set some exercises for ss, but what is difficult is to make it fun and easier to use them correctly.vwe can design some games. write some words or sentences on some cards, or just on the bb. ss can combin

19、e as many sentences as they can. the sentences should be correct and reasonable. e.g.the trip was boring. the trip was great.there was a lot of traffic. they had a wonderful day.some students felt sick on the coach. they were very excited when they saw vwe can also design an interesting topic. e.g.

20、talking about the sports meeting, or the class trip. ask them to make a choice after the discussion. this is their task in the class. they need to do it in groups, using the grammar they have learnt, and, but, or, plan/want/ agree/ decide/ prepare/ choose to do, if possible, they can also use the re

21、flexive pronouns, like enjoy ourselves, hurt oneself there are three parts, before the trip, during the trip, after the trip. design some possible situations for them, ask them to talk or make a report. for able students, we can also ask them to write a report for the school newspaper and so on. int

22、egrated skills: a. the basketball final aims: vto infer general meaning from context and keywords. (对学生要求:这则海报告诉你什么,你能否将内容转告给别人)通过以下手段达到这个目的。vto extract information from a poster . (通过对part a1的阅读来达到,要求学生自己找出海报提供的有关信息,完成部分内容的填空,剩下的通过听力部分来完成。)vto understand special information by listening. (由于阅读对内容已经

23、有初步了解,通过听,让学生将剩下的填空完成。)vto respond to written text and information obtained from listening. (要求学生:能回答出海报和校长讲话中涉及的一些问题)vto check accuracy of written text by identifying true and false sentences . (要求快速完成part a2 ,并将与内容不符的句子改正。)vretell the notes. presentation vtalk about school trips, to the museum, to

24、 go on an outing, to watch sports games in the stadium . talk about school sports meeting, basketball/football competition in school, talk about olympic games in greece. etc. vpresent the keywords and useful expressions from the talking and by using your students own experience: 1.有关比赛的:competition,

25、 match, take place, the first half, the second half, half-time, group matches, go to the final ,be in the final, score points, (教师可出示篮球或足球比赛画面,区别competition, match, go to the final , be in the final 用英语解释half-time, final, 尽量使学生说出这些单词或词组。)2.有关拉拉队的:supporters, audience, support, cheer, (give shouts of

26、 joy to support to sb.)(出示球迷拉拉队画面,并告诉学生拉拉队的口号e.g. come on! hip, hip, class1, class1! sunshine secondary! two-four-six-eight, hip, hip hooray!)3.有关颁奖的:presentation ,come first, win the match, winner, , receive the cup, medals, (gold /silver/bronze medals) etc(出示颁奖典礼画面。)4.其它单词:fare,. (用英语解释. cost of a

27、 journey by car, bus, taxi.) per person(for each person, 在reading 里解释) reading: ask students to read the poster in pairs. ask some questions to find out the main points: (do not focus on the factual details . focus students attention and to create an interest. ) vwhat is the poster about?vwhat about

28、 their basketball team?v which team will they play against?) vwhere will it take place?vwhen will it happen?vwhat does it want the other students in sunshine secondary to do?vhow to cheer for their team?v what about the cost? read aloud the poster. task 1: complete the notes (by reading)vask student

29、s to look at kittys notes and complete as much of the schedule as possible on their won. (find the answers in the poster and underline them.) (教师可以说出一些提示语,如第一行at 9:00 a.m. where will they meet, do you know? if not , it doesnt matter, we will know later.还可以对一些时间上的问题,引起学生们的关注) task 2: complete the not

30、es (by listening)v listen to the principals speech, students complete the rest of the notes. (listen to the tape twice), get one of the students to read the notes to the whole class to check the answers. (教师在第二遍适当的时候暂停,可解释:changing room, go to the seats) check and see: (part a3)vpresent part a3 as a

31、 quiz. read the sentences one by one, students win a point for each correct answer. then ask the students to rewrite the false statements with the correct details. role play:vask students to give questions to these sentences of part a3. check the answers.vask them to make a telephone call (by using

32、these questions) . or role play the conversation in pairs, present their conversations to the class.v(教师可以进行一次示范,一边对学生练习进行指导) homework: make a poster bspeak up aims: vto recognize key expressions for making suggestions and arrangements.vto make suggestions about visiting placesvto respond to suggest

33、ions with new informationvto state disadvantage and express reservations. vto express opinions vhow to organize an eventvsuggestionsresponding with reservations disadvantages opinionsreaching an agreement notice: to focus on students pronunciation intonation and fluency. remind them of the use of th

34、e rising and falling voice. suggested teaching procedures:vrevision: revise the places of interest and places for amusements in beijing,(出示一些名胜照片),and discuss what people can do there.vpresent: temple of heaven, beijing amusement park. presentation:vpresent how to make suggestions and give responds

35、by discussing a day out. vsay: new years day is coming , we will have three days off, what shall we do? vlearn: where shall we shall we ? im afraid. lets why dont we why not what about. play hide and seek listening:vquestion: where do the children plan to go? what will they do there?vlisten again an

36、d repeat, ask students to imitate the tape. (check the imitation) and then read aloud individually.vgroup discussion and performance vgive them some topics to discuss: for example: “golden week is coming ” “a day out in may” “a day out in simmer holiday”vwork in groups discuss about visiting a place

37、 by using the conversation as a model. and put on the performance of discussion in front of the class.(可以让学生选出一位 “group leader”来主持讨论) study skills: vfact or opinion?vto develop understanding of the differences between facts and opinionsvto introduce students to the use of register(为学生介绍语域的用法为学生介绍语域的

38、用法)vto encourage students to state facts and express opinions suggested teaching procedures:vpresentation make students aware of the differences between facts and opinions. on the blackboard write a sentence starting a picture of a place of interest, or a fact about the school. e.g. there is a new t

39、eaching building in our school. write a sentence expressing an opinion about the school, “our school is more beautiful” “students have more places to play” “they are” get students to compare the two sentences which is the fact (something is true) which is peoples opinion (what people think).get stud

40、ents to go through the explanation at the top of the page and read the examples. (这一步的目的仅让学生分清哪一句是事实,哪一句是观点) practice(话题可以利用眼前所见的情景如教室,同学,书本,报纸,天气,学校伙食等就事实,谈观点) 先是教师说一句事实,启发学生谈一句看法做一次示范,再让学生work in pairs. 一个谈事, 一个谈观点,让学生谈在学校的,在校外的所见所闻. 如:i know li ping passed the maths exam! yes, he works harder tha

41、n before. 又如:look at the dining hall, so many people ,it takes a long time to get the meal. yes, its tiring and i cant wait to get to the front. 让其他学生判断哪一个说的是事实,哪一个说的是看法。并让学生相互纠正错误。 a poster: the world park (put a tick in the correct column)vcomplete part 2. ask students to identify and under line t

42、he words /phrases that express opinions rather than factsconclusion v教师指出之所以练习这些是因为写文章用事实谈观点,用观点谈事实,会使你的文章更有说服力,或使别人对你说的事情感兴趣,使你的语言更具有感染力。这种方式常常用在广告语,新闻报导v 教师可以现编一句广告词,如:“my wife had it, she looks younger!”v 启发学生将自己熟悉的广告用英语说说看,让大家猜是什么产品的广告。 main task:vaims:to select organize an present information t

43、o identify and sort out key information in order to plan a day out.to give directionsto write a letter inviting friends to go out on a trip. suggested teaching procedures: 1. introductionvintroduce the topic of planning a day out.vbring in a map of nanjing, say : my cousin from britain will come to nanjing, he will stay in nanjing for only one day, but i have no idea about how to show him around, who would like to help me? v(可以一边和全班学生交谈,提问,一边在黑板上画路线图,如果路线不正确,其他学生会提出不同的路线。)vask stud


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