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1、 毕业设计说明书设计(论文)题目:179高炉卷扬上料控制系统软件设计学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级: 学 部:工程教育部指导教师: 2009年06月10日理工大学轻工学院 工程教育 学部 本科生毕业论文(设计)成绩评分表 (指导教师用表)班级: 学生姓名: 1评价内容具 体 要 求分值评 分abcde调查论证能独立查阅文献和从事其他调研;能正确翻译外文资料;能提出并较好地论述课题的实施方案;有收集、加工各种信息及获取新知识的能力。1010 9876实验方案设计与实验技能能正确设计实验方案,独立进行实验工作,如装置安装、调试、操作。202018161412分析与解决问题的能力能运用所学知识和技能

2、去发现与解决实际问题;能正确处理实验数据;能对课题进行理论分析,得出有价值的结论。202018161412工作量、工作态度按期圆满完成规定的任务,工作量饱满,难度较大;工作努力,遵守纪律;工作作风严谨务实。202018161412论文(设计)质量综述简练完整,有见解;立论正确,论述充分,结论严谨合理;实验正确,分析处理科学;文字通顺,技术用语准确,符号统一,编号齐全,书写工整规范,图表完备、整洁、正确;论文结果有应用价值。202018161412创 新工作中有创新意识; 对前人工作有改进或突破,或有独特见解。10109876总 分总分×30%指导教师评语:指导教师签字: 年 月 日理

3、工大学轻工学院 工程教育 学部本科生毕业论文(设计)书面成绩评分表(评阅人用表)班级:05机械1班 学生姓名: 1 评价内容具 体 要 求分值评 分abcde翻译资料综述材料查阅文献有一定广泛性;翻译外文资料质量较好;有综合归纳资料的能力和自己见解。1515131197论文(设计)质量综述简练完整,有见解;立论正确,论述充分,结论严谨合理;实验正确,分析处理科学;文字通顺,技术用语准确,符号统一,编号齐全,书写工整规范,图表完备、整洁、正确;论文结果有应用价值。505045403530工作量、难度工作量饱满,难度较大。252523211917创 新对前人工作有改进或突破,或有独特见解。1010

4、9876总 分总分×30%评阅人评语:评阅人签字: 年 月 日理工大学轻工学院 工程教育 学部本科生毕业论文(设计)答辩成绩评分表(答辩小组用表)班级: 学生姓名; 评价内容具 体 要 求分值评 分abcde报告内容思路清晰;语言表达准确,概念清楚,论点正确;实验方法科学,分析归纳合理;结论严谨;论文结果有应用价值。505045403530创 新对前人工作有改进或突破,或有独特见解。10109876答 辩回答问题有理论根据,基本概念清楚。主要问题回答准确、有深度。303027242118报告时间符合要求。10109876总 分总分×40%答辩小组评语答辩小组签字:年 月 日

5、理工大学轻工学院本科生毕业设计(论文)成绩总评表学部:工程教育部 班级:05机械1班 学生姓名设计(论文)总成绩设计(论文)题目179高炉卷扬上料控制系统软件设计指导教师评定成绩评阅人评定成绩答辩成绩答 辩 委 员 会 评 语答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日注:设计(论文)总成绩=指导教师评定成绩(30%)评阅人评定成绩(30%)答辩成绩(40%)摘 要摘要plc及其网络在工业自动化控制领域越来越受到重视和普及应用,它的应用提高了高炉上料系统的自动化水平和可靠性,实现了上料系统的实时监控和灵活方便的工艺配方。文章主要介绍某钢铁厂高炉上料系统采用plc及其网络控制的软硬件设计方案和方法,介绍了高

6、炉上料的工艺情况和可编程控制器(plc)控制系统他的控制功能。本次设计通过plc程序化的控制仓闸门的开与关,运矿皮带的运行,变频器的调速,大小钟的开与关,完成料从料仓落到运矿皮带,经运矿皮带运往中间仓,再从中间仓落到料车里,由卷扬机拉动料车至炉顶,最后卸料至高炉的整个过程,实现了上料自动化。在系统出现故障时能够及时报警并自动断电抱闸。关键词:plc;高炉;上料系统;自动控制iabstractabstractthere is a growing interest for the application of plc and its networks in the filed of industr

7、ial automation .the automatic function and reliability of the feeding system in blast furnace are improved by the application .the real-time monitoring is realized and the technological composition can be easily made. the design scheme ,methods of the hardware and software of plc and its network ado

8、pted for the feeding system of one blast furnace in a steelworks ,the blast furnace technology and characteristics and programmable logical controller (plc) control system control functions are introduced .the design process through plc control of the warehouse gate opening and closing ,wan ore belt

9、 of operation ,the inverter speed ,size-minute opening and closing complete information from the silo fell on ore belt ,the belt ore shipped to intermediate positions, from the intermediate materials warehouse fell on the vehicle ,winch pull information from the car to top ,the last blast furnace di

10、scharge to the whole process feeding achieve the automation .the system failure to make timely alarm and automatic power-off.keywords:plc ;blast furnace;feeding system ;automationxii详细摘要详细摘要高炉上料是整个高炉冶炼生产的关键环节,担负着为炼铁高炉提供原料的功能,其将来自料仓的各种原料按一定的配料比送到高炉内进行冶炼,整个上料过程大部分是顺序逻辑控制,但没有反馈,不构成闭环过程控制,故而多采用可编程控制器(pl



13、便;系统的设计安装调试工作量少等特点被广泛应用于工业环境。在设计plc控制系统时,应遵循以下基本原则:1. 最大限度满足被控制对象的控制要求2. 保证plc控制系统安全可靠3. 力求简单、经济、使用及维修方便4. 适应发展的需求。在系统整体方案设计中,完成了对系统设备类型和数量的确定,以及各部分对电气控制部分要求和对控制器的要求,其中运矿皮带和返矿皮带要求有集中和机旁两种控制方式,仓阀门要求集中控制,大小钟的开启和关闭要求集中控制,主卷扬机的控制要求有两台变频器,料车的上下行要求有手动、点动、自动三种控制方式。对控制器的要求是:通过plc按指定的程序步骤完成对现场一系列动作如:振筛振动下料,各

14、仓闸门的关和开、变频器的工作及电机调速、料车的上下行、料车倒料装料、大小钟的关闭和打开的自动控制,实现自动化。对变频器的选型:变频器被广泛用来调节电动机的转速,基本原理就是通过改变电流的频率达到改变速度的目的。变频器的正确选择对于控制系统的正常运行是非常那个关键的,选择变频器时必须要充分了解变频器所驱动的负载特性。人们在实践中常将生产机械分为三种类型:恒转矩负载、恒功率负载和风机、水泵负载。考虑与三菱plc的兼容性和较高的性价比,选用三菱公司的变频器,其型号是:fr-a520-3.7k 功率3.7kw软件控制的工艺流程:根据所需料制选择好了相应的工作仓和变频器后,闭合变频器工作开关,一切准备就



17、。在小车从顶部卸完料后下行的同时小钟开始打开(此时大钟必须关到位),料开始漏到中间罐里,小钟开到位还需延时10s以确定到高炉里,当大钟开到位后同时需要延时8s以确保料完全下到高炉里,之后大钟开始关闭。此时料已经全部由料仓经过皮带、料车运送到高炉。实际plc类型的选择:经过对各部分控制系统的要求确定了所需的输入点数为58,输出点数为27,这样经综合考虑选用三菱 fx2nc-96mt 型号plc,输入48输出各48.再有一扩展设备专用于fx2nc系列的输入输出模块,它有输入点32个,输出0个,这样一来输入点个数达到80个,完全满足要求。plc编程软件选用日本三菱公司开发的 gx developer

18、,用此软件可以很直观的编写plc梯形图,还可以以程序的方式进行编程,并且可以注明注释,无论是编写还是阅读都很方便。本设计完成一套使用plc控制的179高炉系统上料的方案。通过plc控制仓闸门的开与关、变频器调速、大小钟的开与关,按照工艺流程完成从料仓经运矿皮带运至中间仓、从中间仓下落至料车、由料车运至高炉顶卸料至高炉进行冶炼的过程,达到全自动控制的目的。通过plc系统工作人员无需在现场就可以操作控制现场设备运行。如果出现故障也能及时报警,并自动采取安全措施。关键词:plc;高炉;上料系统;自动控制detailed abstractdetailed abstractthe blast furna

19、ce high-quality goods is the key link of the entire blast-furnace smelting production, shoulders to provide raw material for the iron-smelting blast furnace, it is carrying on smelting each raw material which according to certain ingredient ratio from the bunker in the blast furnace .the majority pr

20、ocess of the entire high-quality goods is the order logical control, involves to some simulation quantity control, but does not have the feedback and constitute the closed loop process control, therefore uses the programmable controller (plc) to carry on the control. the leading role is each raw mat

21、erial which smelts iron needs continuously delivers to the blast furnace, guaranties the blast furnace iron-smelting the normative need.the application of the blast furnace automatic high-quality goods is common, the length is limited, using the skip hoist in order to transport the material which in

22、 the bunker from the trough to the furnace top .at the same time ,it can raise the production efficiency. indicated after the production practice that this design mentality is correct, the movement is reliable, and can meet the requirement of the application in the actual production. the area of the

23、 skip high-quality goods is small so that the middle and small scale blast furnace high-quality goods mainly use hoist the vehicle high-quality goods. hence the skip obtains the widespread application in the small furnace.materials in order to avoid car lost control, resulting in vehicle accidents,

24、equipment set up the speed of live abnormal lightup detection. when abnormal, immediately send a signal to the plc to control the power supply stop command issued, and parking brake. winch on the expected use of the speed of the closed-loop manner, in the event of vehicle control, gun power supply d

25、evice to the speed signal is sent through the speed of signal identification, in accordance with the procedure set up for power outages.the early blast furnace high-quality goods control system uses the black-white control,mainly has two big flaws。first, the control system is complex,the chain-like

26、link is many, the exterior segment is many, the breakdown is frequent;second, working pattern only have two operating modes: manual and machine side. the manual operation uses in producing, machine side operation uses in the reorganization kgovtk ,cannot realize the automation。along with electronic

27、technology's development and the popularization application, using plc to take the master-control unit to realize the blast furnace high-quality goods system's automatic control into technology advancement necessity。it effective resolve tradition black-white control's flaw, enhanced the

28、blast furnace high-quality goods system's stability, the usability, the reliability and the automation, for blast furnace's stable production, the high production has created the technology and the equipment condition.plc for its strong anti-interference ability and high reliability; high un

29、iversality, variable control procedures and easy to use; function, and to adapt to a wide range; programming simple, easy to grasp; a reduction of the design of control systems that work; small weight light, easy to maintain low power consumption; system installation and debugging of the design char

30、acteristics of the work was less widely used in industrial environments.in the design of plc control systems, should follow the following basic principles: 1. to maximize the target control to meet the control requirements ;2. to ensure safe and reliable plc control system; 3. seek a simple, economi

31、c, easy to use and maintenance; 4. meet the needs of our society.in the systems solutions design, has completed to the system device type and quantity determination, as well as various part to electric control part request and to controller's request,and transports the ore leather belt and retur

32、ns to the ore leather belt to request to have the centralism and machine side two control modes, warehouse valve request common control, big and small clock's opening and closure request common control, the main hoist's control request has two frequency changers, skip's ascending-descend

33、ing request has manual, the spot to move, the automatic three control mode.to controller's request is:according to the program step which assigns completes through plc to scene a series of movements like inspires sieves the vibration yummy treats, various warehouses strobe's pass and opens,

34、frequency changer's work and the electrical machinery velocity modulation, the skip ascending-descending, the skip material feeds the automatic control but actually which, the big and small clock's closure and opens, realizes the automation.to frequency changer's shapingnverter is widely

35、 used to adjust the motor speed, the basic principle is that by changing the current frequency of the purpose of changing the speed. inverter control system for the correct choice for the normal operation is the key, select the inverter when the inverter must be fully aware of the load characteristi

36、cs of the driver. people will often in practice, production machinery is divided into three types: constant torque load, constant power load and the fan, water pump load.the consideration with the mitsubishi plc compatibility and the high performance-to-price ratio, selects mitsubishi corporation

37、9;s frequency changer, its model is: fr-a520-3.7k power 3.7kwsoftware control technical process:after must expect the system chose the good corresponding work warehouse and the frequency changer, closed frequency changer operating switch。all are ready, close inspire sieve the movement/stop switch, w

38、hen the bunker weighing sensor shows the zero “0” (i.e. in bunker not to have material), and corresponds the warehouse valve assumes closes time the arriving condition,plc controls the corresponding bunker to inspire sieves the vibration, the bunker starts the yummy treats, weighing the sensor readi

39、ng is “1” (bunker packs) when inspires sieves the stop vibration, if this time middle warehouse's weighing sensor reading is “0” (i.e. middle warehouse is emptying), and the middle warehouse valve assumes closes time the arriving condition, corresponding bunker valve opening, expects the whereab

40、outs to the transmission leather belt on, and through transmits the skin to take along to the middle warehouse.middle the warehouse weighing sensor reading is “1”, the skip is in the hoist incline bottom position and skip's weighing sensor reading is when “0” (skip has not packed), the middle wa

41、rehouse valve opens to the skip feeds, when skip's weighing sensor reading is “1”, chooses the good frequency changer to start to work, the frequency changer control hoist clockwise (13), draws the skip along the hoist incline base upward, when after the skip bumps into on the hoist incline the

42、upward uniform speed limit switch (downward deceleration switch), the frequency changer shifts gears (23) to control the hoist drawing skip uniform speed upward, when after the skip bumps into on the hoist incline the deceleration limit switch (downward uniform speed limit switch),the frequency chan

43、ger shifts gears (33) to control the hoist drawing skip to decelerate continues upward, when the skip achieves the crown, the frequency changer stops the work, the hoist also along with it stop work, this time the band brake electrical machinery band brake, the skip is at the stopped state, complete

44、s the ex-denning (this time (young zhong to also inevitably be closes arriving condition).after the skip ex-denning finished, skip's weighing sensor reading is “0” (unloads spatially completely), this time the frequency changer starts to work, the frequency changer control hoist reverse, draws t

45、he skip acceleration downward, when the skip bumps into the downward uniform speed limit switch, frequency changer control hoist drawing skip uniform speed downward, when the skip arrives at the hoist incline base, the frequency changer stops the work along with it hoist also stop motion, the band b

46、rake electrical machinery band brake, the skip static. while the car finished unloading the material after the crown downward young zhong starts to turn on (this time bell to close arriving), the material starts to leak to the middle pot, young zhong opens the arriving also to need time delay 10s by

47、 to determine in the blast furnace, when after the bell opens the arriving, simultaneously needs time delay 8s to guarantee the material completely under to the blast furnace, afterward the bell starts to shut down. this time the material already all from the bunker after the leather belt, the skip

48、shipped the blast furnace.actual plc type choice:passed through had determined to the part control system's request needed the input points were 58, the output points were 27,like this passes through the overall evaluation to select mitsubishi fx2nc-96mt model plc, inputs 48 to output each 48som

49、e expansion equipment uses in the fx2nc series specially again the input output module, it has entrance point 32, outputs 0, as the matter stands the entrance point integer achieves 80, satisfies completely requests.the plc programming software selects gx developer which japan mitsubishi corporation

50、 developswith this software may the very direct-viewing compilation plc trapezoidal chart, but may also carry on the programming by the procedure way, and may indicate the annotation, regardless of being the compilation or reads is very convenient.this design completes a set to use 179 blast furnace

51、 system high-quality goods plan which plc controls. through plc control warehouse strobe's opening with the pass, the frequency changer velocity modulation, big and small clock's opening with the pass, completes according to the technical process from the bunker after transports the ore leat

52、her belt to transport to the middle warehouse, from the middle warehouse whereabouts to the skip, carries on smelting by the material vehicle transport to the high furnace top exd- enning to the blast furnace the process, achieves the completely automatic control the goal. does not need through the

53、plc system staff in the scene to be possible the work management field apparatus movement. if presents the breakdown also to be able to report to the police promptly, and takes the security measure automatically.keywords:plc ;blast furnace;feeding system ;automation目 录目录摘要iabstractii详细摘要iiidetailed

54、abstractvi1 绪论11.1 高炉上料系统简介11.2 plc简介11.3 plc在高炉上料系统中的应用62 系统整体方案设计72.1 系统功能要求72.1.1 系统设备72.1.2 料制82.1.3 工艺流程82.2 电气控制部分要求102.3 控制器要求102.4 系统方案设计113 电气控制部分方案143.1 仓闸门控制原理143.2 运矿皮带控制原理图153.3 主卷扬控制原理183.4大(小)钟控制原理243.5变频器及其选型274 plc部分设计294.1 plc部分设计294.1.1分析被控对象294.1.2 plc的分类及机型的选择314.2 plc软件部分374.2.

55、1 gx developer 环境简介374.2.2工艺流程374.2.3 软件系统功能384.2.4 梯形图设计40结 论41参考文献42致 谢43附录a系统顺序功能图44附录b梯形图45绪论1 绪论1.1 高炉上料系统简介高炉上料是整个高炉冶炼生产的关键环节,担负着为炼铁高炉提供原料的功能,其将来自料仓的各种原料按一定的配料比送到高炉内进行冶炼,整个上料过程大部分是顺序逻辑控制,但没有反馈,不构成闭环过程控制,故而多采用可编程控制器(plc)进行控制。主要作用是将炼铁所需的各种原料源源不断的送到高炉内,保证高炉炼铁的正常需要。高炉自动上料应用非常普遍,长度是有限的,为把物料从槽下料仓搬运到炉顶上,采用料车升降机,以提高生产效率。经过生产实践表明,该设计思路正确,运行可靠,能达到实际生产应用的要求。中小型高炉上料主要是卷扬车上料,由于料车上料占地面积小,在中小高炉中得到广泛应用。卷扬上料系统的主要过程是:各种原料经过槽下配料后放入中间料斗,料车到料坑后,中间斗把料放入料车,中间斗闸门关到位并且炉顶准备好后,料车启动,经过加速匀速减速1减速到达炉顶。1.2 plc简介plc即可编程控制器(programmable logic controller,是指以计算机技术为基础的新型工业控制装置。在1987年国际电工委员会(international electrical co


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