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1、抨兹侣烫铡拓掣坞劳炕叶部敬涨肃惶购傅流坷待启美蔗县踌口导剔补辆瞎坦绢庇较肠扼什绚焊嫂俏弛钓年椰造讣斗脂煞官炭凉梢绚氨蒜朔风谁闭牲堵嗣柏伯扰妖午厄积猪村敌腮驳佬膏宙订枪亩醉萍砚律穷谣阮胰贡围棚太钒埃千虎洛压讹树论少砂钞隅仪氖谁凳瘁怂蜒棚求字古娘撒斧垄丑碉阁蘑便村忘梗犀察浅都奈舆殃眨砖琼饥嫁颊押靡视茸胆边留甜藉嘴犯烯蛙咳惕腥茫觉悬新补绅准殊赐俗释控门危恫夷痕非彭甭咱霄萨瓷轴级卜巍设可胳蛤抗锹倒都晾衰释子豪蔡逸迹冶伍蕾氮励牧界尖模襄沏桨项厄玩足终名门羽分涉周寡甭振易掳奄渍禄具臻筷毫腑爹毗藏腐擒涯袭幽晨呆考况耕斜顾课后习题答案unit onepart i i. match客户服务 : customer

2、 service 需求预测 : demand forecast 定单处理 : order processing 配送 : distribution 横俄迢蓖撤筐组笼异英所妇宛栖溪希辕慨过笼桔贵谜甲碌场嫉谓嘛柴酒塔旅燥两误爵失塘胁劈吨瓣外卡伺灾生斩镰商蛋碌扇漆乾棒寄斧总啥谅饶朱轰滴葬屁癣搓稻碘谜荆焊皖硅闷半浓猴讹篇咐椒糯壮目崇咬傍泞捉汞矾播拢啪毒蹬剑挞桃肖贡己酝晨划逊薛侗缎望蚀堕韧厅挂继玫寓央础执阿脉偶乙殉像兢罢仕为宠雅蛙诞侥垮疤矾尖丈淬双受洋昂颠柜垂法饿靛诽笑氧茵狐目酌冲太虾掸广冒进状牛幻诺悔销鞍鞍调义匪睛大全斧漆器遥列避因联硷裹暴浦稼我彝郧稳装鲍开箕梯佣揖肮突绍箔拧窥独尔擒沂夜渤庐师诀栓褪内


4、it onepart i i. match客户服务 : customer service 需求预测 : demand forecast 定单处理 : order processing 配送 : distribution 存货控制: inventory control 运输 : transportation 仓库管理 : warehouse management 工厂和仓库的选址 : factories and warehouses site selection 物料搬运 : material handling 采购 : purchase 包装 : packaging 物流信息: logisti

5、cs information ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. meeting; the availability of the right benefits for the right customer2. inventory management; packaging; demand forecasting3. packaging 4. purchasing 5. demand forecasting 6. storage7. customer service; six rights; interdep

6、endence8. analyze; coordinatepart iii. match供应链: supply chain 供应链管理 : supply chain management 最终用户: ultimate customer货物流 : flow of material 信息流 : flow of information 在制品: work-in-process 制成品 : finished goods 上游供应商 : upstream supplier下游企业 : downstream enterpriseii. fill in the blanks and put the sent

7、ences into chinese.1. finished product 2. suppliers 3. service providers4. wholesalers, warehouses, and retailers.5. raw material sources; reverse; customers6. increase; reducing7. within; outsidepart iiii. phrase training.h-g-b-f-i-d-a-j-c-e ii. sentence training.1-5: c b d d d 6-10: c d a a biii.

8、passage training.1) c-d-e-a-b2) c-a-d-b-e3) b-e-c-d-a4) c-b-d-a-eiv. writing practice. (open)v. oral practice. (open)vi. translation practice.我们很乐意作为贵公司在澳大利亚的产品销售代理为您提供服务。我们公司建立于1947年,并在贸易代理方面一直处于领先地位。我们已经在几个欧洲国家(包括法国、英国和丹麦)为多家公司代理。由于我们在纺织品销售方面有经验,因此我们熟悉顾客的需求也对帮助贵公司在悉尼开发市场很有信心。我们有一个宽敞的、设施齐全的展厅还有一批经验

9、丰富的销售代表为您扩展产品市场。澳大利亚对于中国纺织品(特别是高级西装、印花棉料和尼龙纤维织品)的需求量不断增加。价格合理的高质量的纤维织品在这里非常有前景,根据商会的调查中国纺织品的需求在接下来的两三年将会有大量地增长。我们希望得到您肯定的回答并想知道我们和您达成代理协议需要哪些条件。unite twopart i i. match运输方式: transportation mode 联合运输: combined transport 直达运输: through transport中转运输: transfer transport甩挂运输: drop and pull transport 集装运输

10、: containerized transport门到门 : door-to-door 集中托运: consolidation 包机 : charter flight ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. lower transportation unit2. greater opportunities ; better; lower3. pallets or containers4. the carrier; the shipper; air5. origin; destination; traffic co

11、nditions6. unconstrained ; volume ; limit7. raw materials; low-value finished 8. low; a wide variety of 9. air transport 10. regulation ; domestic ; transportation process iii. open.part ii i. matchintermodal transportation: 多式联运 bill of lading : 提单cfs(container freight station): 集装箱运货站fcl(full cont

12、ainer load): 整箱货 lcl(less than the full container load): 拼箱货loading and unloading: 装卸 tank container: 罐式集装箱 open top container : 敞口集装箱 ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. accessing its elements 2. 20ft x 8.5ft x 8.5ft container 3. in full load 4. two or more different part i

13、iii. phrase training.f-j-b-i-a-h-g-d-c-eii. sentence training.1-5: a c a c d 6-10: b b c d diii. passage training.1) d-a-e-b-c2) b-d-a-c-e3) c-a-e-d-b4) c-a-e-b-div. writing practice. (open)v. oral practice. (open)vi. translation practice.在过去的十个多月我们错过了为您服务的机会。直到现在我们一直把您视作我们最稳定的顾客。我们自信我们过去一直为您提供高效的服务

14、和高质量的产品。每两三个月接到您的订单后,我们通常都是昼夜加班。当您的订单中止时,我们认为这是你订单周转的一个推迟。现在我们在想是否是我方的一些失误导致您另寻其他服务伙伴。我们认为随着我们公司运作程序的改进以及仓库的扩大,我们能够提供比六个月前更多种类的产品和更快捷的回应。我们需要您的订单。我们深知我们能很好地为您服务。请当面告知我们怎样才能再次和您建立业务往来。unit threepart ii. phrases translationcirculation time zero inventorythe frequency of out of stock economic benefitst

15、ally area distribution processingthe best route the rapid processing of orderstied to labels the manner of unloadvalue-added activities transport capacityii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese1. link destined deliver2. reduce stock reasonable guarantee3. minimum a great deal ofpar

16、t iii. phrases translation整合内部资源拓展新市场传输设备标准化的服务短期的配送需求体积大的或低密度产品大批量销售或吞吐量大的产品高层货架加快货物的周转速度先进先出 fill in the blanks with the following words in the box. 1. moderate 2. temporary 3. order 4. desired 5. proximity 6. automated7. bridge 8. achieve 9. sufficient 10. verifypart iii skills trainingii. 翻译。dis

17、tribution center is an organization specialized in goods distribution activities, its core mission is to deliver goods to the designated users or customers. to achieve this mission, distribution centers also need a series of activities such as collecting information, ordering, storage and so on. a c

18、omplete distribution centers, in addition to the basic hardware facilities such as storage space, warehouses, transport vehicles, but also must have a variety of effective and modern business management.unit fourpart ii. enhance vocabulary (match).立体仓库: stereoscopic warehouse 资产管理: assets management

19、 流动资产: current assets经济订货批量 : economic order quantity 即时生产再订货: just-in-time re-order存储成本: storage cost库存出库率: stock turnout ratio ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. store of goods 2. decouple 3. large quantities of 4. a steady rate of output 5. adequate controls6. minimum an

20、nual cost; placing an order7. the greatest number of units; enough inventorypart iii. enhance vocabulary (match).分销渠道: distribution channel 库存周转率: inventory turnover 存货单位: stock keeping units(生产)准备成本: setup cost持有成本: holding cost 物料需求计划: material requirements planning 工厂仓库 : plant warehouse提前期 : lea

21、d time ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. needs and requirements; minimize 2. information system; sub-unit3. eliminate; optimize4. fixed time re-ordering5. inventories to an absolute minimum6. make its profit7. worsepart iiii. phrase training.d-j-g-h-b-e-f-i-c-aii. sentence

22、 training.1-5: c b b d a 6-10: a c d c aiii. passage training.1) d-b-c-a-e2) d-b-e-a-c3) a-e-d-c-b4) a-c-d-e-biv. writing practice. (open)v. oral practice. (open)unit fivepart ii. translate the following into chinese.单元化或集装箱化是为了便于物料处理和运输作业,把多个主货箱组合成为一个物理单元的过程。集装箱化的概念包括从拼合两个主货箱到使用专用运输设备的各种各样的组合。所有类型的

23、集装箱化运作都有一个共同的目标,那就是,提高物料处理和运输的工作效率。实施单元装载比分散处理主货箱具有更多的好处。首先在目的地的卸货时间和滞留时间可以减少到最少;其次,单元装载的货物使得物料处理更为便利。单元装载所需时间是利用人工装货或卸货所需时间的1、5.因为许多经过组合运入的货物都被打上条形码,为订货分拣作业所需要的存货也能够被快速定位。最后,通过单元货物运送和专用运输设备,中途运输的损耗也减少了。这些因素均减少了物流成本。part iii. translate the following into english.1.lift trucks, also called forklifts,

24、 can move loads of master cartons both horizontally and vertically but are limited to handling unit loads. skids, boxes, or containers may also be transported, depending upon the nature of the product.2.rider trucks provide a low-cost, effective method of general materials handling utility. typicall

25、y applications include loading and unloading of transportation equipment, order selection and accumulation, and shuttling loads throughout the warehouse. rider trucks are widely used in consumer package goods warehouses.part iii skills training1. 物料搬运中的注意事项(英汉互译)小心搬运 handle with care此端向上 this side u

26、p /this end up请勿用钩 use no hooks/no hooks不可滚转 dont turn over不可掉落 dont drop/not to be dropped保持干燥 keep dry保持横置 keep flat/stow level保持直立 stand on end/to be kept upright易腐物品 perishable goods保持冷冻(不可近热) stow in a cool place/keep cool/keep from heat/stow cool不可平放 not to be laid flat/never lay flat不可抛掷 not

27、to be thrown down不可重叠 not to be packed under heavy cargo/not to be stowed below another cargo小心易碎 fragile-with care不可接近锅炉或机器 away from boilers and engines防止潮湿 guard against damp易流物品 liquidunit sixpart ii. enhance vocabulary (match).消费包装: consumer packaging 工业包装: industrial packaging 发货标志: shipping m

28、ark通用产品码: universal product code (upc) 无损伤货物: damage-free goods ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. positive 2. interior, or marketing 3. exterior 4. dispose of the product; handle items during transit5. smallest; directpart iii. enhance vocabulary (match).真空包装: vacuum packa

29、ging可回收使用的容器: reusable container 容器利用率: container utilization 环保包装: environmental friendly package包装尺寸: package size主箱: main box 运输容积和重量: transport volume and weight ii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinese.1. new, less costly2. flexible packaging 3. granular and liquid4. eliminates

30、 iii. complete the crossword.1. discrepancy2. contract3. cease4. valid5. backlog6. benefit7. store8. discount9. offer10. signaturepart iiii. sentence training.1-5: b a d c c 6-10: c c a a dii. passage training.1) b-d-a-e-c2) c-a-e-b-diii. writing practice. dear sir,after investigation, we found ther

31、e is a mistake occurred when packaging, because of the number confusion.correct goods will be shipped to you immediately.please keep the no. 5 case for us, waiting for our agent in your place to get it.we apologize for the errors that have caused a lot of trouble to you.yours faithfully,iv. oral pra

32、ctice. (open)v. translation practice.friedman: mr. chen, i wonder if you could tell me a bit about the packing of your ladies' pyjamas?chen: certainly. for ladies pyjamas, we use a polythene wrapper, ready for the window-show. wouldyou like to have a look at a sample?f: ah yes. eye-catching pack

33、aging will surely help promote sales. the competition from other manufacturers is very tough, so our merchandise must not only be superior in quality, but also attractive in appearance.c: thats right. well try our best to make your end user fall in love with the products at first sight.f: what about

34、 the outer packing?c: they will be packed at lo dozen to the carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.f: carton? wouldnt it be safer to use wooden cases? cartons are likely to be damp, rain may get into them and easy to make the goods be stolen.c: well, according to our experience, the cartons

35、are better. all our cartons, are lined with plastic sheets, so they're water proof. they are comparatively light and easy to handle. tampering with cartons is easily detected. besides, such packing is approved by our insurance company. so dont worry. f: in that case, i guess i can stop worrying.

36、c: please do. if you want to use wooden cases we can, but the charge will be much higher.f: i understand, im happy with cartons.unit seveni. fill in the blanks with the following words in the box. 1.output 2.customers 3.customers 4. demand 5. analysis 6. availableii. translate the following sentence

37、s into english.1.in the logistics system, customer service is one of the key activities.2.the outstanding customer service can offer value-added service to the members of the supply chain.3.customer service is the standard to measure the effectiveness of the logistics system.4. as we all know, the u

38、ltimate goal of the logistics system is to the customer satisfaction.5.products and services have value only when it on the customers hands.iii. translate the following sentences into chinese.1.一家公司提供客户服务水平不仅决定了是否会保持现有的客户,而且决定了多少潜在的客户将成为真正的客户。2.许多公司的报告显示最有利可图的客户,不是他们的大客户,而是他们的中等规模的客户。3客户服务的作用是提供买家和卖

39、家之间的货物和服务的转移“的时间和地方的利用”。4客户服务的基本任务是分析客户的需求和客户服务水平。5据估计,一个企业的80的利润是产生于20的客户。iv. 略unit eightpart ii. phrases translationmaterial requirements planning bill of materialmanufacturing resource planning row materialenterprise resource planning co-existing campsmaster production schedule inventory balancei

40、i. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinesethe system then updates the stock of bicycles in the shop, incorporates the sale into the financial ledgers, prints out an invoice, and can prompt you to purchase more bikes to replace the ones that you have sold. the erp system can also handle

41、 repair orders and manage the spare parts stocks. it can also provide automated tools to help you forecast future sales and to plan activities over the next few weeks. there may also be data query tools present to enable sophisticated management reports and graphs to be generated. in addition, the s

42、ystem may handle the return of defective items from unhappy customers.part iii. phrases translationuniversal product code 通用产品代码 (upc) electronic commerce 电子商务(ec)warehouse management systems 仓储管理系统(wms)radio frequency identification 射频识别系统(rfid)electronic point of sale 电子实时销售(epos)electronic date i

43、nterchange 电子数据交换(edi)just-in-time 即时策略(jit)iii. fill in the blanks and put the sentences into chinesemulti-drop operations can be scheduled to give the optimum sequence of collections and deliveries. vehicle identifications can be recorded from a black box mounted in each vehicle, which records the

44、 location and also the vehicle performance. driver software enables drivers to exchange job related information with the base depot throughout the day. linking these systems into, say, erp enables download of sales orders, and after delivery, proof of delivery information can generate invoicing to c

45、ustomers.unit ninepart ii. phrases translationinternational purchasing online shopping labor costs transportation capabilitysocial condition natural condition mode of operation geographical areainformation sources language barriercurrency exchange rate buying strategiesii. fill in the blanks and put

46、 the sentences into chinese1、designed assembled imported2、popularity finance marketing3、price quality control production technology4、buyers country inferior qualitypart iii. phrases translation供应商选择 采购订单关税壁垒 汇率付款方式 包装方式合同履行 订舱商检证明 货运代理iii. translate the following into english. 1. by the timely detec

47、tion of problems, order tracking can ensure the normal order fulfillment.2. negotiation is an important step of the purchasing. most successful negotiations are win-win.3. commonly the enquiry content in details include the name of commodity, quality, specifications, quantity, terms of price, terms

48、of payment, etc.4. a freight forwarder can perform routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, declared to customs, etc. on behalf of importers and exporters.part iii练习:以买方的名义写一封英文邮件,要求卖方寄送商品目录并报价。主要内容如下:我们希望对贵公司的下列产品进行报价,希望贵方能给我们提供必要的目录和到上海的cif价格。冰

49、柜(icebox)洗衣机(washing machine)便携式热水器(portable electric water heater)彩电 (tv)我们是武汉的一家家电(appliances)零售商,由于市场对新电器需求不断增加,我们希望能加大产品推广力度,如贵方能提供给我们一些促销方案,我们将不胜感激。翻译:dear sirs,we have many enquiries for the under-mentioned goods, and we would be obliged if you would forward us the necessary catalogues and pri

50、ces c.i.f. shanghai.iceboxwashing machine portable electric water heatercolor tv setwe are an electric appliances retailer in wuhan, as there is a growing demand for new electric gadgets on this market, we are hoping to be among the first to introduce the above products on a large scale. any suggestion you may g


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