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1、response to intervention:getting startedtraci seilsliteracy/dyslexia/mrtno child left behindscientifically based reading instruction programs in the early grades will reduce identification of children for special education services. (the no child left behind act of 2001 executivesummary) rti: idea 2

2、004 in december 2004, the individuals with disabilities act of 2004 provided response to intervention as a practice for identifying students with learning disabilities.rti: idea 2004 urges screening and intervention recommends a multi-tiered intervention strategy review monitoring and instructional

3、practicesrti: idea 2004 integrate services between general and special education3 tier model activityiiiiii3 tier model of intervention(vaughn, 2002)iiiiiicore classroom instructionsupplemental instructioninstruction for intensive interventionall students, 90 minutes (k-3), flexible groupsapproximat

4、ely 20 30%, 30 minutes, 10-12 weeks, 3-5 students per groupapproximately 5 10%, 30 minutes, 2 times per day, 10-12 weeks, no more than 3 students per groupdyslexia may be tier ii or iiiimplementationgetting started establish buy-in form leadership team conduct needs assessment develop action planest

5、ablish buy-in ensure strong leadership at all levels promote rti convey support & enthusiasm communicate expectationsform leadership team principal or ap counselor special education curriculum/general education reading & math coach/specialist dyslexia specialist iss/aep or behavior specialis

6、t other (title i, bilingual)conduct needs assessment where are we, compared with “ideal” rti implementation? where do we want to be? what do we need to do to get there?locate your campus needs assessment tool handoutneeds assessment1. campus leadership2. management, planning, & evaluation3. asse

7、ssment4. instructional framework: general5. instructional framework: core6. instructional framework: interventioncampus leadership campus goals & objectives effective communication hiring hq personnel ensuring hq personnel providing support: rti facilitator monitoring instruction: principal moni

8、toring assessment: principalmanagement, planning & evaluation planning for sustainability focusing on campus action plan using data for planning at the school level using data to monitor grade level progress using data to establish entry & exit criteria ensuring hq professional development c

9、oordinating rti with other programs using data for budget decisionsassessment selecting assessments adhering to a schedule administering with integrity managing data using data to inform core instruction discussing data to adjust plans using data to inform pdinstructional framework: general describi

10、ng rti scheduling to implement rti selecting scientifically based materials ensuring nonlayering of programs & materials increasing access to print/math manipulatives, etc. addressing all students needs addressing individual students needsinstructional framework: core evaluating the core program

11、 implementing with fidelity promoting effective implementation incorporating flexible grouping differentiating instructioninstructional framework: intervention differentiating instruction describing intervention programs & effectiveness linking interventions to core defining criteria identifying

12、 interventionists for all grade levels accounting for student mobilityneeds assessment procedure read each statement for all items in elements i-iv choose a statement that, from your perspective, best describes your campus/district for each section, add the numbers that correspond to the statements.

13、 divide the total by the number of items in the section to obtain an average.needs assessment procedure enter the average scores for each element in the “individual summary of scores” table transfer each individuals score to the “summary of schoolwide scores” table begin action planningneeds assessm

14、ent activity select one of the 6 areas in which you have an interest choose one of the sub-items consider a school you support and rate the item based on that particular school think about evidence you have to support your rating ask yourself, “have we done all we can do to improve in this area?”dev

15、elop action plan develop action steps assign responsibility determine timeline arrange for follow-uplocate “the 3-tier reading model action plan” handoutaction plan procedures rate your current status best ok ni begin with tier 1 (core) then move to tiers 2 & 3 use guiding questions to facilitat

16、e your thinkinglink needs assessment to action plan review average scores for each element on the needs assessment. identify areas of strength identify areas in need of attention develop specific action plan steps to address the needs designate person responsible & target date for completion or

17、revisiting identify common action steps from the campus needs assessment tool & the action planimplement action plan student assessment core program interventions professional developmentstudent assessment screening of all students 3 times a year (beginning, middle, & end of year) progress m

18、onitoring of students at risk for reading/math/behavior difficulties using data to inform grouping & target instruction & interventioncore program evaluating core instruction scheduling common intervention time, or other plan protected instruction block (eliminate interruptions) differentiat

19、ing instructioninterventions types of interventions materials entry/exit criteria progress monitoring features of effective instructionprofessional development goals: strengthen the knowledge of scientifically based practices & the features of effective instruction on-going pd in a variety of formats quality pd providers (think esc 6!)monitoring implementation review progress revise action plan on-going suggested: twice a semesterscheduling


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