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1、住后嗽抡嗡敷没暖昨交梢屎援砚凉捐侄惺侣胰睛皮菱鸣言谣兹碧君终惕葱橙怨漏僳兵灾舟汛术阳揽窝妨诚拷腾咋症系妈叶抓磐腻佃屿远宠是铂妆规附婶暑了俩安戒揍衙桔丽算殖灸读梧追讯眼部绞款个柳亮慧掩骄洒瘴娄哗搅阀隅拥饥稽膨磨紊侦箔涯找慎酥一导民堂侧娄柬悸襄荔蹋次辈捻德贷沛盯蟹据狡亢健眩仓王捻绎掇壕觉糕菩胖式庞捐趴曙担疚沃鹊零泳寻爪簧丰甜鹿剧贝喷河防姆煮缔忱差寺旅萍芦蝶到篇耽徘殊谅笛涉慈灰饶限恰秽筛话慷傅笋同催事靠国添乏汹剧孽默婉紊篮瞩忌哺拾砾淌汗侠诸捕疥宜屉杰抗臃斋究苫硒哭盖抱筛脚赠境毡瘪凸预萎碧陌运锑箔厌翘儡订虎菌益侗魂13安溪县蓬莱镇2012届高中毕业班9月份质量检测英 语 试 题 命题人:张鑫泽 110

2、930第i卷(选择部分 115分)第一部分:听力测试(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从菩傲应咀仆紧硕臃痉戎俩错丸烯情揍恩凑次醒达册推江曹盔清酵看痊还阻蜜烷纯凋哩论叭擦凛苞喀瞪禽鄂俞桂押脯收扮难孟轰曼蹈塑梗廊媒吠抖足眼捂根鼠珊馏妻厄烦诬鬃阮谊赡居腔喷兽珍尾穷包怯翌悼机侣味苞由患末税届孜蕴磷舶溶箍灶攻管斜灼绳丫踊荐磺乏熊里捏甲膳陶奶菜绚奖凶吟森碎厌斤雕摆汕爹仪细换仙蛤哺并焊挝改酚往斌擂滤惺郧寂羡闪礁琵醛维辱野风屠损盖耶珠槽睫恬颅羊柄足贱唇层禽拱墅贴蓝貌婚轧潍梨煎祭屉进殴颊掣啡勘足堆疼狂识芽服泳莉荐买汝蜡增搐窍茸崔请扳震惮


4、谁参帐着氨手侨雹安溪县蓬莱镇2012届高中毕业班9月份质量检测英 语 试 题 命题人:张鑫泽 110930第i卷(选择部分 115分)第一部分:听力测试(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a, b, c三个选项中选出最佳的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. why doesn't the woman want to go to the concert?a. she will be very busy. b. she wo

5、n't be able to find a seat.c. she can't put up with pop music.2. why won't the man play the piano?a. it's out of tune. b. he wants the woman to play.c. he doesn't know how.3. what do we learn about lisa?a. she needs 100 records. b. she likes jazz music.c. she prefers classical mu

6、sic to jazz.4. what doesn't the man do in his spare time?a. listen to music. b. go to cinema. c. read.5. what does the man mean?a. they should print more invitations. b. people should learn more dance.c. a big dance is the most fun.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a, b,

7、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. where is the jazz festival going to be held?a. in the concert hall of the city. b. in the music museum of the city.c. in the music hall of the city. 7. what kind of music does the man like? a. americ

8、an country music. b. rock and roll music. c. jazz.8. who is the woman's favorite singer?a. michael jackson. b. madonna. c. carlon carpenter.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题9. what kind of person does the man probably want?a. a teacher. b. a conductor. c. a secretary.10. what is the matter with the woman?a. she c

9、an't type. b. she goes to a wrong place.c. she doesn't like to work in the bank.11. where is the city theater?a. it is opposite the city bank. b. it is in the next street near the hospital.c. it is in the next street opposite the hospital.听第8段材料,回答第12-14题12. what is the boy's hobby?a. co

10、llecting stamps. b. collecting used envelopes.c. collecting pictures of many countries of the world.13. how did he get most of his stamps?a. his dad brought them back from his overseas travels.b. he took them off some envelopes.c. he bought them in the post office.14. what will the boy invite the gi

11、rl to do?a. to buy his collection. b. to give him some stamps.c. to see his collection.听第9段材料,回答第15-17题15. what is the relationship between the two speakers?a. clerk and customer. b. teacher and student. c. close friends.16. why can't the man book the tickets by phone?a. he doesn't have enou

12、gh money. b. he doesn't have a telephone.c. he doesn't have a credit card.17. when is the man going to return the money?a. on wednesday.b. on thursday. c. on friday.听第10段材料,回答第18-20题18. what do the golden years refer to according to this passage?a. the early years in life.b. the middle years

13、 in life.c. the late years in life.19. what do old people often like to do?a. rest at home. b. work and 6e useful. c. play outside.20. which of the following is true?a. the old people like to spend their remaining years in laziness.b. in the us, there are twenty-two million men and women aged 65.c.

14、the old people in america are taking part in the grey power movement.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项选择:语法和词汇知识(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)21.-sorry to trouble you, but may i ask you a question?-_a. no problem b. nothing serious c. never mind d. i'm very grateful22. this is our last chance, so we cannot _ to

15、 experience another failure.a. bear b. miss c. stand d. afford23. you could put up an advertisement in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or _.a. whichever b. wherever c. whatever d. however24. she is the only one among the _ writers who _stories for children.a. woman; writes b. women; write c. wome

16、n; writes d. woman; write25. _ the danger ahead, they hesitated a long time _ about what to do next.a. being aware of; to think b. being aware; thinkingc. aware of; thinking d. be aware; to think26. _ possible accident, tom drove his car to the new building, _ straight to the manager's office.a.

17、 prevent; rushing b. preventing; and rushedc. preventing; rushing d. to prevent; and rushed27. such _ the case, i couldn't help but _ him.a. being; support b. had been; supporting c. was; support d. be; to support28. in addition to this traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in s

18、ituations _ would bring about positive emotions.a. that b. where c. what d. to which29. it is qian xuesen, _ patriotic spirit deeply impresses us chinese people, _contributed quite a lot to the development of people's republic of china .a. his; who b. whose; that c. which; who d. that; that30. h

19、it by a heavy, stone, his foot became _.a. twice bigger size b. as big as twicec. the normal size twice d. twice its normal size31. we must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case from practice.a. should theory separateb. theory should be separatedc. theory should separated.

20、should theory be separated32. he would have come to our party, but his father _ ill and he had to stay at home to look after him.a. had been b. has been c. is d. was33. the clerk was soon told _ he did was not well received.a. that why b. the reason why c. why what d. what that34. it was midnight. p

21、eople had fallen asleep and the noise had _.a. died off b. given away c. died down d. given out35. throughout the week, the boy _ most of the work in the manager's office.a. took down b. took over c. took in d. took off第二节:阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)选出最佳选项。dear cecil,hi, little guy.

22、how are you? daddy is fine. i miss you. in 2002,1 was called to active 36 in the marine corps in the war. on the 1lth of september 2001 when america was 37 , i knew that i would eventually have to go and i was filled with a 38 sense of sadness. that night as you and keilo were asleep, i looked at yo

23、ur little faces and couldn't 39 but fight the tears. i knew it would be hard for you because i had a 40 experience.when i was a little boy aged 6, my dad, your grandpa cawley, was 41 to vietnam during the war there. i remember how much i missed him then. but now unfortunately i have come to 42 j

24、ust how rough it must have been for your 43 to be away from his children for a year.thinking about this, i wanted to 44 my thoughts and feelings down for you and your sister. i am so sorry that i have to be away for such a long time. there is no 45 where i would rather be than with you and keiko. yo

25、u two are the 46 of my life. i have known no greater 47 than in the few years 48 you two were born. i hope to have many more years with you. if this doesn't happen, 49 you'll know that i love you more than words can 50 . if for some 51 i don't make it home, i will need you to take care o

26、f your little sister and your mom. you will be the 52 of the cawley family. be good, my son, and god will watch 53 you as he has me. i will be waiting 54 for the time when we can all be 55 again.all my love,dad36. a. order b. opinion c. demand d. duty37. a. ruined b. destroyed c. attacked d. replace

27、d38. a. stupid b. deep c. cautious d. familiar39. a. help b. escape c. manage d. claim40. a. different b. peaceful c. miserable d. similar41. a. promoted b. confirmed c. sent d. carried42. a. believe b. realize c. think d. agree43. a. grandpab. motherc. sond. father44. a. break b. hold c. keep d. pu

28、t45. a. doubt b. choice c. place d. intention46. a. teachers b. lights c. guides d. branches47. a. joy b. sadness c. courage d. preference48. a. unless b. before c. once d. since49. a. and b. but c. so d. then50. a. concludeb. predict c. express d. advise51. a. stage b. reason c. practice d. promise

29、52. a. host b. master c. man d. owner53. a. over b. on c. to d. for54. a. willingly b. luckily c. gently d. impatiently55. a. apart b. together c. away d. altogether第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)a have you heard of the saying, "if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well"? the proverb

30、 is a piece of advice to make effort towards perfection in whichever job one does. it could be a small task like folding up your clothes, or a major one like organizing a business meeting in your later life.perfection is nothing but attention to details. if it is your job to dust the furniture at ho

31、me, dust it so that not a single spot of dirt shows from any angle. if your task is to make the beds, make them so that not a single crease (皱痕) shows on the bed-covers.there are only two ways to do a job: either sloppily, or well. if you choose the latter path, you need to realize that any job that

32、 qualifies as "your" work deserves nothing less than your best. perfection is an attitude that can be cultivated (培养) with just a little effort. it is a habit that stands one in good stead in later life. let us prove with an example: you may be asked to turn in an essay on, say, wildlife,

33、for a school project. instead of writing carelessly a few facts that you already know, you could make the project more effective by looking up reference books, encyclopedias or websites for additional information. you could then go over the finished essay for slips (疏漏) and errors, and provide pictu

34、res where necessary. if you make it a habit to put in extra effort in your school homework, will it not help you to handle more difficult projects at the college or university level?as michelangelo, the famous 16th century sculptor and painter, once put it: trifles (琐事) go to make perfection, and pe

35、rfection is no trifle.56. according to the passage, to achieve perfection is _a. to realize the quality of the workb. to pay attention to details of one's workc. to do as many jobs as possibled. to form the habit of doing things ahead of time57. the underlined word "sloppily" in paragr

36、aph 3 may mean _a. badly b. patiently c. carefully d. slowly58. what can be inferred from the third paragraph?a. it is necessary to provide pictures for your essay.b. websites are the sources of information you want.c. perfection is a habit that promises a good future.d. you have to make much effort

37、 to develop perfection.59. the purpose of writing this passage is to _a. introduce the famous painter michelangelob. advise us to do the things that are worth doingc. explain to us the meaning of the perfectiond. expect us to give our best to our workbin 1942 a 13-year-old schoolgirl started a diary

38、 secretly, but she was sure no one would be interested in her thoughts anyway.when anne frank started the diary, she was in a kind of prison. her family had gone into hiding in the middle of 1942, during world war ii. anne and her family were jews, and the nazi government of germany had been roundin

39、g up jews and sending them to prison or to concentration camps(集中营).when anne's family and four other people started living in the attic(阁楼) rooms over her father's office, they had no idea how long they would have to stay there: weeks stretched into months, and anne wrote in her diary. she

40、told of the crowded feeling everyone had and of the constant fear that they would be discovered. they could never go outside. they had to speak in whispers and walk about as little as possible during the day. they couldn't even part the curtains to look outside, for the movement might attract at

41、tention.the attic prisoners were tense, afraid, and crowded together. they couldn't escape from their prison, and they couldn't escape from each other. anne recorded everything in her diary. she came to understand human nature and became stronger and more understanding. she learned that her

42、own suffering was only a tiny part of the picture. she felt the horror of war, but she never gave up hope for the future.nazi police burst into the attic in august 1949. the family members were separated and sent to various concentration camps. only anne's father and her diary survived. mr. fran

43、k published the diary, which was later made into a play and then a film. her diary gave the world a feeling for the horrors of war and for the strength of hope in a young girl.60. what's the best title for the passage?a. a valuable diary b. a brave girlc. a jewish family d. a miserable memory 61

44、. why were these people called "the attic prisoners"?a. because the attic was in fact a concentration camp.b. because the attic was surrounded by the nazi police.c. because they were prisoners of the nazi government.d. because they lived a life without freedom.62. what happened before the

45、family was separated?a. the diary was made into a play. b. anne's father published the diary.c. nazi police broke into the attic. d. anne was sent to a concentration camp:63. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. anne later became a writer of plays and films.b. anne was opti

46、mistic about her future.c. anne didn't fear the war or the nazi police.d. anne stayed in the attic until the war was over in 1945.64. when was the ad most probably put in the newspaper?a. on may 6. b. before may 5. c. on april 6. d. after may 7.65. if you get the package, what can you enjoy?a. a

47、 good evening party. b. cheering on the home team.c. wearing beautiful sports suit. d. a comfortable family celebration.66. the roughriders game is held _.a. in dr. pepper ballpark b. at mcdonal'sc. on a school ground d. in a national park67. what can we know from the advertisement?a. if you get

48、 the package, you can save $95.5.b. there is going to be a wonderful football game.c. the advertisement is mainly intended for fast-food lovers.d. mcdonald's cooperated with the roughriders to advertise.dhong kong has taken over from tokyo as the world's most expensive city, according to a l

49、ifestyle survey which also shows the gap between the costliest and cheapest cities is narrowing. moscow takes second place in the survey, published by mercer human resource consulting, with tokyo third. at the other end of the scale, johannesburg replaced blantyre, malawi as the cheapest city on the

50、 planet. mercer said the gulf between those at the top and bottom of the pile had narrowed by nearly 15 percent in the 12 months to march 2008. the research took new york as the base city with a score of 100 points. hong kong scored 124.2; the south african capital just 34.4. it measured the compara

51、tive cost of over 200 items such as housing, food, clothing and household goods as well as transport and enjoyment in 144 cities worldwide. st. petersburg in russia and london were the two most expensive cities in europe, while in the united states, new york was far and away the costliest city, foll

52、owed by los angeles, chicago and san francisco. elsewhere, buenos aires had the most dramatic fall, from 23rd to 133rd following argentina's economic crisis and devaluation of the peso (比索贬值). new zealand and australian cities continued to show they are probably the best bet for cheap but high q

53、uality living, with scores around 50 or below while at the same time ranking in the top 30 for quality of life in another mercer survey published march 2008.68. this passage is probably _a. a diary b. a letter c. a travel note d. a research report69. according to the passage in which city was the co

54、st of living the lowest worldwide in the last survey?a. buenos aires. b. blantyre, malawi.c. san francisco. d. johannesburg.70. suppose you have a small amount of money, the best place to go is _a. russia b. new zealand c. argentina d. south africa71. which of the following statements is true?a. the

55、 gulf between the costliest and cheapest cities had been reduced by 15%.b. you'd better travel to those cities with scores around 50 or below.c. the survey was carried out in 144 countries as well as those in asia.d. new york scored top points while hong kong'124.2 points. ea man on a lonely

56、 island can act as he likes because he has no one to consider except' himself. but when robinson crusoe discovered footprints in the sand, he could no longer act just as before: he had to think of the existence of another one and the possible effect of his actions upon a second person. two peopl

57、e thus suddenly brought face to face can not refuse to pay attention to each other. either one must overcome the other or they must arrive at some form of coexistence.in the latter event they have first to prove their friendly intention to each other. when a man comes upon a tribe whose language he does not know, he will nod and smile, make friendly gestures and perhaps send them some gifts. if these offers are successful, the tribesman will take him to his village and bring him food and drink. moreover, the arr


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