江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar学案无答案新版牛津版_第1页
江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar学案无答案新版牛津版_第2页
江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar学案无答案新版牛津版_第3页
江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar学案无答案新版牛津版_第4页
江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar学案无答案新版牛津版_第5页
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1、九年级上 unit 8 grammar学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【板块要点】【学习目标】1. 学会运用限制性定语从句2. 学会运用关系代词重点、难点1. 学会运用限制性定语从句2. 学会运用关系代词二、词汇、短语 1couple n.夫妇,两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物 a couple of 一对;几个,几件2probably adv.大概,或许 probable adj.3criminal adj.犯罪的,违法的;n. 罪犯,犯罪份子 crime n.犯罪活动,罪行4hurry n.急忙,赶快 in a hurry v. 急忙,赶快 hurry up5turn out 原

2、来是,结果是6have nothing to do with 与.无关 have something to do with 与.有关三、句型(语法) 1.the person who/that killed the young man was his boss.2.it turned out that he had nothing to do with this case.3.he was in a hurry to catch a bus.6edbc3191f2351dd815ff33d4435f3756edbc3191f2351dd815ff33d4435f3756edbc3191f235

3、1dd815ff33d4435f3756edbc3191f2351dd815ff33d4435f3756edbc3191f2351dd815ff33d4435f3756edbc3191f2351dd815ff33d4435f375九年级上 unit 8 grammar学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【课前导学】一、预习p112-114,翻译下列短语1. 一对老年夫妇_ 2. 在现场寻找指纹_3. 与.有关_ 4. 检查每一个细节以获得可能的信息_5. 破案大师_ 6. 原来是,结果是_7. 与无关_ 8. 急忙,赶快_二、回答下列问题1. what is a detective?_

4、_2. who are we asking to contact us?_3. which clues are we checking for?_4. what information have the victims offered a reward of 50,000?_【课堂学习】step 1 revision check their homework定语从句:在复合句中作定语用修饰句子中某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。sbp112.underline the defining relative clauses.step 2 presentationso far, the only su

5、spect is a short thin man who was seen running down corn street at 10 p.m last night. 被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词(relative pronouns)。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词引出。 常见的关系代词有who、which和that 。指人指物主语宾语that   which whowhom小结:that 既可指人,也可指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略。which指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略.who 指人,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略,(常用w

6、hom)注:当关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词形式由先行词定。step3 practice:1. 用恰当的关系代词(which /who/ whom/ that)填空,可有多选答案。 the boy _ is standing under the tree is my friend tom. he lives in a house _ stands on a hill. that little girl_ tom often helps is his sister mary. the bird _ is singing in the cage is toms too. bob

7、is his dog _ tom and mary2. do the exercises of sbp113. 只能用that 的情况1)当先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 this is the first book _ he has read.2)当先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。i am sure she has something _ you can borrow.3)当先行词被the only, the last,one of, just, the same,修饰时。this

8、is the very book _ belongs to him.4) 当先行词同时指人和物时:ive never heard of the people and things_ that you talked about just now.5) 当主句以who或者 which开头的特殊疑问句时:who is the man _ is running?step 3 presentationsbp114,partb2-b3【课后拓展】一、根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1. i must tell him the _ (true) about this business becau

9、se he will leave here in a minute.2. he wrote dozens of books, but this is _ (probable) his best-known novel.3. he was put into prison because he was one of the main _ (crime) in this case.4. it is well-known that no _ (指纹) are the same in the world.5. didnt your teacher tell you that sound _ (trave

10、l) more slowly than light?6. i saw li ming _ (play) near the river on my way home yesterday. 7. i will do everything that i can _ (help) the poor children. 8. the doctor has warned him not to move, or his cut _ (blood). 9. the (夫妻) who live in this house have lived here for 40 years.10. the policema

11、n found that the thief had (犯罪) records of theft.二、单项选择( ) 1. what are you looking for? im looking for the watch _ i bought yesterday.a. which b. who c. whosed. where( ) 2. dont throw away pens and erasers _ you havent used up. a. where b. which c. whod. what( ) 3. do you know the little boy _ is he

12、lping the old man cross the road?. a. which b. who c. whom d. whose( ) 4. do you want to watch a film _ may make you _ happy? a. which; to feel b. that; to feel c. whose; feeling d. which; feel( ) 5. being blind is something _ most people cant imagine. a. who b. what c. that d. whom( ) 6. the letter

13、 _ i received from him yesterday is very important.a. who b. where c. what d. that( ) 7. most students _ do not study hard will not pass the coming examination a. / b. who c. which d. they( ) 8. the book _ he bought yesterday is very interesting. a. / b. why c. when d. what( ) 9. the computer_ last

14、week has gone wrong. a. which i bought it b. i bought c. what i bought d. i bought it( ) 10. being deaf is something most people can't imagine.a who b. which c. that d. whom( ) 11. linda said that she _ the summer palace.a. will visit b. was going to visitc. is going to visit d. has visited( ) 1

15、2. _ who wants to join the tree-planting club is popular.a. someoneb. no onec. anyoned. none( ) 13. youd better _ alone at nighta. not to go outb. to not go outc. not go outd. to not to go out( ) 14. the strange man never spoke to anyone, so nobody knew _ he did for a living.a. howb. wherec. why d.

16、what( ) 15. ill remember the old buildings _ i visited in the village.a. where b. whichc. whod. when三、翻译句子1. 受害者想要向警方汇报他老板所犯的罪行。the victim wanted to report the crime _ _ _ _ _ to the police.2. 一个单身的年轻人昨天被谋杀了。a young man _ _ _ _ _ yesterday.3. 有可能不止两个人与这起谋杀有关。there were probably _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t

17、he murder.4. 衬衫上沾着血的那个年轻人正在匆忙赶公交车。the young man _ _ _ _ _ _ was in a hurry to catch a bus.5. sherlock holmes被认为是破案大师。sherlock holmes is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.四、阅读理解detectives are very important because they help the police with their investigations (调查). when the police arrive at a crime scene, it is not of

18、ten obvious (明显的、明确的) what happened and who did the crime. it is normal for the police to search for fingerprints and other clues so that they can understand what happened and whether there is a criminal that needs to be arrested. however, they must be careful to wear gloves when they check the scen

19、e for evidence so that they do not leave their own fingerprints there. if they were not careful, it could cause problems for detectives. the detectives might think that the police are suspects. the detectives job is to look at the clues and to try to understand how they are connected and what story

20、they tell. often, detectives are experts at seeing unusual patterns in the clues that other people might not see. by speaking to witnesses, detectives can discover new clues that will hopefully lead to the missing person or criminal. sometimes detectives will expect to get more information about the

21、 evidence they have. for example, an expert on blood can tell the detective how old the blood is. if a witness says that he saw mr. brown at the crime scene at the same time, the detectives know that they need to speak with mr. brown. without detectives, there would be many crimes that remained unso

22、lved and many people who would remain missing.( ) 1. the police search for clues so that _.a. they have something to dob. they can understand what happenedc. they can tell the detective who the criminal isd. the detective can go home early( ) 2. the job of the detective is _.a. to meet the police fo

23、r lunchb. to make sure the police wear gloves all the timec. to understand what the evidence meansd. to leave their fingerprints at the crime scene( ) 3. detectives speak to the witnesses of a crime _.a. in order not to feel lonely b. in order not to miss any important cluesc. in order to have more

24、to dod. to tell if the witnesses lie( ) 4. if a detective knew that blood found at the crime scene was 10 hours old, _.a. he would know they needed to speak to witnessesb. he would know they needed to find witnesses who were there 10 hours agoc. he would know the blood was more than a day oldd. he w

25、ould know where to find the suspect五、短文首字母填空policemen were called by a shop early one christmas morning. when they arrived, they found two burglars were kept in a lift w 1 a heavy box of money. the two men were in their twenties. they b 2 into an office in the shop and t 3 the money box and ran into the lift. they were in such a h 4 that they did not see the s 5 on the door saying that it carried no more than two people.“they were trapped b 6 the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said. “they w 7 there for six hours, sitting on what they hoped


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