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1、短文填空短文填空120篇篇 c.模拟篇模拟篇练习(练习(1)练习(练习(2)练习(练习(3)练习(练习(4)练习(练习(5)练习(练习(6)练习(练习(7)练习(练习(13)练习(练习(19)练习(练习(25)练习(练习(8)练习(练习(9)练习(练习(14)练习(练习(10)练习(练习(11)练习(练习(12)练习(练习(15)练习(练习(20)练习(练习(26)练习(练习(16)练习(练习(17)练习(练习(18)练习(练习(21)练习(练习(27)练习(练习(22)练习(练习(28)练习(练习(23)练习(练习(29)练习(练习(24)练习(练习(30)首页短文填空短文填空120篇篇 c

2、.模拟篇模拟篇练习(练习(31)练习(练习(32)练习(练习(33)练习(练习(34)练习(练习(35)练习(练习(36)练习(练习(37)练习(练习(43)练习(练习(49)练习(练习(55)练习(练习(38)练习(练习(39)练习(练习(44)练习(练习(40)练习(练习(41)练习(练习(42)练习(练习(45)练习(练习(50)练习(练习(56)练习(练习(46)练习(练习(47)练习(练习(48)练习(练习(51)练习(练习(57)练习(练习(52)练习(练习(58)练习(练习(53)练习(练习(59)练习(练习(54)练习(练习(60)首页练习(练习(1) 首页 three tra

3、velers, allan, carl and paul were sitting on the chairs in a train station.they were 1. for a train that was very late.to kill the time, they began talking with each other. at first, they talked 2. the weather and their work.then paul said, “tell me, what would you mostly like to do 3. your doctor t

4、old you that you had only three months to live?” waitingaboutif练习(练习(1) 首页 the other two men thought about this for a while, and then carl spoke. “well,” he said, “if i had only three 4. to live, id like to travel to the places in the world as many as 5. .and i would stay at the best hotels and then

5、 eat the most 6. food.i think i would have a wonderful time.” then paul turned to the other man, saying, “and 7. about you?” monthspossibledeliciouswhat/how练习(练习(1) 首页 “i tell you a secret,” allan said.“i always want to 8. a racing driver.so if i had only three months to live, the first thing id lik

6、e to do is to sell my house, 9. the money i would buy the fastest car in the world.” “now its your turn,” allan went on.“what would you mostly like to do then?” “oh,” said paul with a smile.“i would go and see 10. doctor.”bewithanother练习(练习(1) 首页【语篇解读】本文是个有趣的故事。三个人在等火车的过程中,为了打发时间来了一场对话,大家就“如果医生告诉你你只

7、有三个月的生命的话,你们最想做什么?”这个问题,各自提出了自己的计划和想法。回答得最绝的是谁呢?【答案详解】1.waiting 解析:考查过去进行时(were+ doing)和上下文理解。句意:他们正在等一趟迟来的列车。2.about 解析:考查搭配alk about和上下文理解。 刚开始,他们谈论天气和工作。talk about谈论。3.if 解析:考查上下文理解。 然后paul 说:“告诉我,如果医生告诉你,你只有三个月的生命的话, 你最想做什么?”4.months 解析:考查上下文理解。 句意:如果我只练习(练习(1) 首页有三个月的生命,我想尽可能多地周游世界。5.possible 解

8、析:考查搭配( asas possible意为“尽可能”)和上下文理解。 6.delicious 解析:考查上下文理解。 句意:我会住最好的酒店,吃最好的食物。 7.what/how 解析:考查句型(what/how about you?)和上下文理解。那你呢?8.be 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:我一直想成为赛车手。9.with 解析:考查介词with(意为“用”)和上下文理解。 句意:所以如果我只有三个月的命,我要做的第一件事就是卖掉房子,用这些钱来买世界上最快的车10.another 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:我会去看另一个医生/我会看多个医生。练习(练习(2) 首页 once the

9、re was a king who never ate a meal unless there was a dish of fish with it, but one day a big storm 1. the fishermen from going to catch fish.the king was 2. sad that he ordered his servants to tell everybody in his capital that if anyone brought him a fish, he would give him anything 3. he asked fo

10、r. stopped/preventedsothat练习(练习(2) 首页 at last, a fisherman 4. a big fish and hurried to the kings palace with it.but the kings prime minister (大臣) would not let him in 5. he promised to give him half of whatever the king gave him for the fish. the king was very happy when he saw the fish.he asked th

11、e fisherman what he wanted for his fish.to his 6. , the fisherman said, “i want you to beat me two dozen (十二个) times with a stick.” when the king began to beat him softly, the fisherman said, “ no, please beat me as hard 7. you can.” thatuntil / unlesssurprise as练习(练习(2) 首页 after the king had beaten

12、 him a dozen times, the fisherman jumped away and said, “that is enough for me.i promised the other dozen to your prime minister.” then he told the king what had happened between the prime minister and himself.the king was very 8. .he not only gave the prime minister the dozen hits, but also said, “

13、because you have been dishonest, you will 9. be my prime minister any more.the fisherman will 10. your place.”angrynot/ nevertake练习(练习(2) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲述了一个渔夫如何聪明地对付大臣,也满足了国王吃鱼的故事。【答案详解】1.stopped/prevented 解析:考查搭配(stop/ prevent sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”)和上下文理解。句意:从前,有一个国王,他从未吃过一顿没有一盘鱼的饭,但是有一天,一场大风暴

14、阻止了渔民去打鱼。2.so 解析:考查搭配(soww)that意为“如此以至于”)和上下文理解。句意:国王觉得如此悲伤,以至于他命令仆人告诉首都的每个人,如果谁能给他带来一条鱼,他会给予他任何他想要的(东西)。练习(练习(2) 首页3.that 解析:考查定语从句的关系代词和上下文理解。 that he asked for是定语从句部分,修饰anything。而如果先行词是anything等不定代词的话,关系代词只能用that。 句子意思参考第2题。 4.caught 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:最后,一个渔夫抓了一条大鱼,急忙带着鱼去到国王的宫殿。5.until / unless 解析:考查

15、连接词。句意: 但是国王的大臣不让他进去,除非他答应分给大臣一半他所得到的奖励。6.surprise 解析:考查搭配(to ones surprise意为“令某人惊讶的是”)和上下文理解。句意:令他惊奇的是,渔夫说:“我想要你用棍子打我24次。”练习(练习(2) 首页7.as 解析:考查搭配(asww)as sb.can 意为“尽某人可能像那样”)和上下文理解。句意:当国王开始轻轻地鞭打他时,渔夫说:“不,请尽量大力一点打我。”8.angry 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:国王很生气,他不但鞭打了大臣12次,而且还说:“因为你不诚实, 你将永远都不要做我的大臣了。渔夫会取代你的位置。”9.not

16、/ never 解析:考查上下文理解。句意参考第8题的解释。10.take 解析:考查搭配(take ones place意为“取代,代替”)和上下文理解。练习(练习(3) 首页 this morning i got an email from roy.it seems that my boy really enjoys his new life at harvard university. the e-mail made me 1. of the first day when we moved into this house. little roy ran around the new ho

17、use with great excitement and tried to move his own things into the house 2. as his toys, books and clothes. think such练习(练习(3) 首页suddenly, his little hand knocked over a bottle of 3. on the shelf.the paint made the tidy floor and white wall a 4. mess.“oh, my god!” my wife rushed in angrily.i looked

18、 at my son, and his small face was 5. with fear. i smiled and held his hand.“take it 6. , roy.now lets do something to make it look nice.”i said.i took out a brush.“you see, dad is a magician.i can 7. it into a big tree.”his mother soon helped paint some butterflies and flowers on the wall. paint te

19、rrible/bigfilledeasychange练习(练习(3) 首页 we 8. the whole afternoon painting and laughing.the wall became a beautiful forest with plants, birds and small animals.blue sky and white clouds were also painted by roy.on that day, everybody in the house knew 9. special happened. in this e-mail, he wrote, “si

20、nce then i ve never worried about making 10. .i believe i can always find out ways to solve problems.”spentsomethingmistakes 练习(练习(3) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲述了“我”的儿子roy的故事。他搬入自己新房子的第一天时把架子上的油漆打翻了,作为父母的我们,用神奇的双手带着儿子,把一塌糊涂的家画上了美丽的特别的画,把家变得很漂亮。儿子觉得自那以后,再也没有担心过犯错误,会努力想办法去解决问题。【答案详解】1.think 解析:考查搭配和上下文理解。make + sb.+

21、 do表示“使某人做某事”;本句的意思是“这封邮件让我想起了搬入他新房子的第一天的情景”。2.such 解析:考查搭配such as,表示列举。3.paint 解析:根据图和句意可知,把油漆(涂料)打翻了。练习(练习(3) 首页4.terrible/big 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:这打翻油漆把整洁的地板和白色的墙弄得一团糟。5.filled 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:我看着我的儿子,他的小脸充满了恐惧。6.easy 解析:考查搭配和常用语take it easy,这表示“别紧张”。7.change 解析:考查搭配changeinto,表示“把变成”。8.spent 解析:考查搭配和上下文

22、理解。句意:我们花费了一整个下午画画和大笑。spend sometime doing sth.表示“花费时间做某事”。练习(练习(3) 首页9.something 解析:考查不定代词和上下文理解。句意:在那一天,屋子里的每个人都知道发生了一些特别的事情。something 是不定代词,放在形容词前面,表示“一些特别的事情”。10.mistakes 解析:考查固定搭配。make mistakes表示“犯错误”。练习(练习(4) 首页dear sir/madam, i am writing to tell you about our experience on train 2315 the oth

23、er day.it is a train 1. goes from winston to stenberg. this train was never late before, but last thursday it did not get to the station 2. time and my friends and i had to wait for nearly fifty minutes.the train was supposed to 3. the station at 9:10 am but it was 10:30 am when it set off in thetha

24、t/which on leave 练习(练习(4) 首页end.officials at the station neither said sorry to us 4. gave us any reason for the delay(延误).on our way to stenberg it stopped for another thirty minutes and still nobody told 5. why. what s more, 6. service on the train was also very poor.the trip took more than five ho

25、urs.however, we could buy 7. but some soft drinks on the train.worst of all, something was 8. with the air conditioning (空调)and the temperature reached 38 before we arrived in stenberg. norusthe/your nothingwrong 练习(练习(4) 首页 all the 9. on the train were so angry that they asked me to write this lett

26、er to your company.we hope you can give us some explanations and improve your work later.we are looking forward to 10. from you.yours,john armstrongpassengershearing练习(练习(4) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了写给列车公司的一封投诉信。火车晚点,延误,服务非常糟糕,列车的空调还坏了,而且火车站方面既没有任何的解释也没有道歉。 【答案详解】1.that/which 解析:考查定语从句的关系代词和上下文理解。句意:它是一趟从温斯顿到斯坦

27、伯格的列车。which/that goes from winston to stenberg是定语从句部分,修饰a train,a train是东西,所以关系代词用which或是that。2.on 解析:考查搭配(on time表示“准时”)和上下文理解。句意:这趟列车之前从不迟到,但是上周四它没有准时到达火车站。练习(练习(4) 首页3.leave 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:火车应该在9:10离开火车站的,但是当它最后出发时,已经是10:30了。4.nor 解析:考查搭配(neitherww)nor表示“既不也不”)和上下文理解。句意:车站的工作人员既没有和我们说对不起,也没有给我们任何理

28、由解释为什么延误。5.us 解析:考查代词(动词told 后面的代词用宾格形式us)上下文理解。句意:在去斯坦伯格的路上,它停多了30分钟,依然没有人告诉我们为什么。6.the/your 解析:考查上下文理解。 句意:而且,火车站的服务都很糟糕。7.nothing 解析:考查搭配(nothing but表示“只有”)和上下文理解。然而我们在火车上除了只能买一些软饮料之外没有其他东西可买。练习(练习(4) 首页8.wrong 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:更糟糕的是,空调坏了,在到达斯坦伯格之前,温度升到38度。9.passengers 解析:考查名词复数(all the +名词的复数)和上下文理

29、解。句意:火车上所有的乘客是如此生气,以至于他们叫我写这封信给你的公司。10.hearing 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:很希望收到你的回复。练习(练习(5) 首页 icehotel, 200 kilometers north of the arctic circle (北极圈), is certainly unusual.what makes it unusual is that 1. is made of ice.what makes it even 2. unusual is that the hotel melts(融化) every spring! you will be surpr

30、ised 3. you walk through the gate and look around the hotel because 4. in the hotel is made of ice.for example, there areitmore wheneverything练习(练习(5) 首页ice glasses in the hotel bar.the hotel has a bar, a theatre, a dining room and many 5. .in the hotel even the beds are made of ice.but dont worry,o

31、ur special icehotel sleeping bags will 6. you warm. for a really special vacation, why not book a room? because a different artist designs (设计) each one, no two are ever the 7. .you can also stay in one of our beautiful double rooms, or, if you 8. your family, you will love our super family rooms.pl

32、ease 9. in the worldfamous icehotel restaurant.it serves traditional lapp food, which is 10. !bedroomskeepsame bringeat delicious/tasty 练习(练习(5) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了冰旅馆是相当不寻常的,不仅所有的东西都是冰做的,而且每年春天它就融化。 旅馆里面设施齐全,方便舒适!【答案详解】1.it 解析:考查代词(it是代替前面的icehotel)和上下文理解。句意:不寻常的地方是旅馆是冰做的。2.more 解析:考查比较级(因为空格前面有even,是提示句

33、子用比较级的词,表示“甚至更加”)和上下文理解。句意:更不寻常的是每年春天它就融化了。3.when 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:当你走过大门,环视旅馆时,你会很惊讶,因为旅馆里面所有的东西都是冰做的。练习(练习(5) 首页4.everything 解析:考查上下文理解。句意参考第3题解释。5.bedrooms 解析:考查上下文理解,后面就提到“bed”。句意:旅馆有酒吧,剧院,餐厅和很多客房。6.keep 解析:考查搭配(keep sb.warm意为“保暖,使温暖”)和上下文理解。句意:我们特别的冰旅馆的睡袋会让你保暖。7.same 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:因为每一个都有不同的艺术设计,没

34、有哪两个是相同的。8.bring 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:你也可以待在我们其中一个双人房里,或者,如果你带家里人来,你会爱上我们的超级家庭套房。练习(练习(5) 首页9.eat 解析:考查上下文理解,从后面的restaurant可以看出。句意:请在世界闻名的冰旅馆饭店里就餐吧。10.delicious/tasty 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:它提供传统的美味的拉普兰食物。练习(练习(6) 首页 tom had a very old car.it was 1. old that he wanted to buy a new one.but his father said that he ha

35、d to 2. it before he would buy him a new one. “you have to learn the value 3. money, tom.” his father said, “it doesntgrow on trees, you know.you should learn to be a good businessman.” but 4. seemed to want to buy the car fromso sellofnobody 练习(练习(6) 首页tom.he put an“ 5. sale” sign on the back windo

36、w of the car, but nothing happened. then one day he was 6. to another town, and stopped at the entrance of a toll booth (收费站) where he had to pay 7. being allowed to use the road. the attendant said, “two 8. and fifty cents.” “i accept,” said tom, “its yours.”then he put the car 9. into the surprise

37、d attendant s hand, and held out his other 10. for the two dollars and fifty cents.ondrivingbeforedollarskey(s)hand练习(练习(6) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了汤姆是如何卖他的旧车的。【答案详解】1.so 解析:考查搭配(soww)that意为“如此以至于”)和上下文理解。 句意:车是如此旧,以至于他想要买一部新的。 2.sell 解析:考查上下文理解。 句意:但是他爸爸说在他买新的之前,必须要卖掉旧的。 3.of 解析:考查介词of(意为“ 的”, 表示所属关系)和上下文理解。句

38、意:“你要学会理解钱的价值,汤姆。”4.nobody 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:但是看起来没有人想要从汤姆手中买那部车。 练习(练习(6) 首页5.on 解析:考查搭配(on sale意为“廉价出售”)和上下文理解。句意:他挂了一个“廉价出售”的牌子在车的后窗,但是没人来问。6.driving 解析:考查过去进行时(was + doing)和上下文理解。句意:一天,他正把车开到另一个城镇,他在一个收费站停下。7.before 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:在被同意使用这条路之前要付过路费。 8.dollars 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:收费员说:“两美元五十美分。 ” 9.key(s) 解析

39、:考查上下文理解。句意:然后他把车钥匙交给到这个满脸惊讶的收费员的手中,拿出他的另一只手去拿那两美元五十美分。10.hand 解析:考查上下文理解。解释参考第9题。练习(练习(7) 首页 most people want to be happy, 1. few know how to find happiness.money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.happiness 2. on ourselves.in 3. words, we make our own happiness by ourselves.here are

40、a few ways to help you be happier. the 4. secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.too often, if we spend too 5. butdependsotherfirstmuch练习(练习(7) 首页time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job, we will fail to enjoy the present(现在).you shou

41、ld enjoy life s simple pleasure, 6. as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time 7. close friends.people 8. have several close friends may live a happier and healthier life. another secret of a happy life is to be active and have hobbies.they can help you forget your pr

42、oblems. such withwho/that 练习(练习(7) 首页 finally, many people find happiness in 9. others.according to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to help those in need.if you want to feel 10. , do something nice for someone. helpinghappy/happier 练习(练习(7) 首页【语篇解读】本文介绍了想要变快乐的秘诀。【答案详解】1.but

43、解析:考查常识和上下文理解。句意:但是极少人知道如何找到快乐。2.depends 解析:考查搭配(depend on意为“依靠,依赖”)和上下文理解。句意:快乐在于我们自己。3.other 解析:考查搭配(in other words 意为“换句话说”)和上下文理解。句意:换句话说,我们自己制造属于自己的快乐。4.first 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:快乐的第一个秘密是享受生活中简单的东西。5.much 解析:考查搭配too much和上下文理解。句意:如果我们花费太练习(练习(7) 首页多的时间去想未来的事,例如进入大学,或是找到好工作等,我们就不会享受现在的时光。6.such 解析:考查

44、搭配(too much 意为“太多”,由于后面是不可数名词time,所以用much)。句意:你应该享受生活中简单的快乐例如读一本好书,听你最喜爱的音乐,或是花费时间与亲密的朋友待在一起。7.with 解析:考查上下文理解。句子理解参考第6题。8.who/that 解析:考查定语从句的关系代词和上下文理解。句意:拥有一些亲密朋友的人可能生活得快乐一些,健康一些。who have several close friends 是定语从句部分,修饰people,people是人,所以关系代词用who或是that。9.helping 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:最后一方面,很多人在帮助别人方面找到快乐。

45、10.happy/happier 解析:考查上下文理解。句意:如果你想要觉得快乐,为其他人做一些事情吧!练习(练习(7) 首页练习(练习(8) 首页 tracy would never forget the night when she met a robber (抢劫者) many years ago. that evening, she went to a birthday party which lasted 1. two oclock in the morning.tracy walked in the quiet street alone.suddenly from the back

46、 of a dark building a tall man with a 2. in his right hand ran out at her.“good 3. , lady,” the man said in a low voice, “i dont think you wish to die here!”.until/till knife morning 练习(练习(8) 首页“what do you want?” “your earrings.take 4. off!” tracy suddenly had a good 5. .she tried to cover her neck

47、lace with the collar (衣领) of her coat while using the other hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly 6. them on the ground. “take them and let me go.” she said.the robber thought that the girl didnt like the earrings at 7. ,only trying to protect the necklace.it would cost more, so he

48、8. , “give me your necklace.” .themideathrew threw said 练习(练习(8) 首页 “oh, sir.it doesnt9. much.please let me wear it.” “im not that silly, quick!” with shaking hands tracy took off her necklace.as soon as the robber left, she picked 10. her earrings and ran as fast as she could to one of her friends.

49、 the earrings cost 480 pounds and the the necklace robber had taken away cost only 10 pounds. .costup练习(练习(8) 首页【语篇解读】本文讲述了一个女子在路上遭遇抢劫犯时,机智地留下了耳环,只让其抢走了没那么贵重的项链。【答案详解】1.until/till 解析:考查连词。until表示“直到”。派对直到第二天凌晨两点才结束。2.knife 解析:考查名词。遇到抢劫者,可知他手里拿的是knife(刀子)。3.morning 解析:考查名词。表示第二天凌晨所以要用morning。4.them 解

50、析:考查代词。them代指前文提到的“earrings”,是复数, 故用them。练习(练习(8) 首页5.idea 解析:考查名词。句意:她突然想到了一个好主意。6.threw 解析:考查动词。句意:她脱下耳环快速地把它扔在地上。7.all 解析:考查短语。not.at all表示“一点也不”。8.said 解析:考查动词。说后接具体的内容时用say。9.cost 解析:考查动词。sth.cost much表示“某物值很多钱”。10.up 解析:考查短语。pick up表示“捡起”。练习(练习(9) 首页 in a small town, there lived a doctor.he wa

51、s good and kind.he was ready to go and help people.people always went to him when they were 1. . many years later, the 2. began to be old and forget things.people were afraid and little by little, and they stopped going to him.the doctor saw his business wasnt as 3. asill/sick doctor good练习(练习(9) 首页

52、before.he thought, “well, if i was the patient, id be afraid to go to me, 4. .maybe its time for me to stop being a doctor.5. this town has no doctor.what will the people do when they become ill?” his 6. heard him talking to himself and said, “why dont you find a 7. doctor to take your place? then p

53、eople will have another good doctor to 8. care of them and we can do 9. we like to do together.” toobutwifeyoungtake what练习(练习(9) 首页 the doctor liked what his wife said.he found a very good young doctor to help the people.the doctor and his wife then 10. time to take long walks together, go dancing,

54、 go traveling around the country and spend the rest of their days together.had练习(练习(9) 首页【语篇解读】在一个小村庄里有一个医生,他很善良很热心,总是乐于助人。很多年过去了,医生慢慢地变老了,开始忘记东西,人们渐渐地也不再找他看病了。一天晚上,他和妻子商量,最终决定找一个年轻的医生来代替他,而他则和妻子一起散步、跳舞、旅游,幸福地度过了晚年。【答案详解】1.ill/sick 解析:考查形容词。人们去看医生是因为他们生病了。2.doctor 解析:考查名词。上文有提到,原词重现。3.good 解析:考查副词。因

55、为医生老了记忆力又不行,人们很少去他那里看病,因此他的生意就变得不好了。4.too 解析:考查副词。在肯定句句末表示“也”用too。练习(练习(9) 首页5.but 解析:考查连词。由上下文知其逻辑关系是“但是”。6.wife 解析:考查名词。下文有提到,原词重现。7.young 解析:考查形容词。医生老了,可知要找一个比他年轻的医生。且下文有提到,原词重现。8.take 解析:考查动词。take care of sb.表示“照顾,照看”。9.what 解析:考查连词。do what we like to do表示“做我们自己喜欢做的事”。10.had 解析:考查动词。have time to

56、 do sth.表示“有时间做某事”。练习(练习(10) 首页 mr.smith worked in a company.he had 1. a wife nor a child.and he lived in an old house alone.he liked nothing 2. drinking.he almost spent all of his money 3. drinking wines. one evening, mr.smith met a friend of his in the street.the man asked him to have dinner in a

57、4. .he was happy and drank a lot.whenneither butinrestaurant 练习(练习(10) 首页they finished the meal, mr.smith could 5. walk.his friend had to stop a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. soon the taxi 6. at the door of his home.7. the help of the driver, he got out.“thank you, sir,” said mr.smith.

58、“and i can open the door by 8. .” the taxi driver then went away.but mr.smith couldnt put the key into the keyhole.he tried many times, but failed.at that time, a 9. passed there. hardlynotarrived/stopped withmyselfpoliceman练习(练习(10) 首页 “can i help you open the door, sir?” asked the policeman. “than

59、k you, sir,” said mr.smith, “my house is circling now.if you can 10. it from moving, i can open the door by myself.”stop/keep/prevent 练习(练习(10) 首页【语篇解读】有一个人总是喜欢喝酒,喝得醉醺醺的。一天,他和朋友去餐馆吃饭喝酒,他又喝醉了。朋友拦了一辆出租车送他回家。到达家门口,在司机的帮助下,他下了车,但是他想要自己开门,司机就离开了。那人开门开了很久都没打开,这时有个警察过来了,他跟警察讲话,叫警察阻止房屋晃来晃去。可见这个人已经醉得不行了。【答案详

60、解】1.neither 解析:考查短语。neitherjp8.nor.表示 “既没有也没有”。2.but 解析:考查连词。like nothing but.表示“只喜欢”。练习(练习(10) 首页3.in 解析:考查句型。spend some money in doing sth.表示“花钱做某事”。4.restaurant 解析:考查名词。由上下文知吃晚餐应该是在餐馆里吃。 5.hardlynot 解析:考查副词。hardly表示“几乎不”。not表示“不能”。史密斯先生喝醉了,所以几乎不能或不能行走。6.arrived/stopped 解析:考查动词。司机把他送到家里。arrive at表


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