



1、b soccerd. tomato次绝密浪 第十届abc全国青少年英语口语大赛广东赛区初赛试题英语笔试试题年级考试时间页数试题数目满分得分小学二年级60分钟共3页英语44题100分淤注意事项:1、答卷前请考生务必将自己的姓名、学校、年级、联系电话写在密封线内。2、答案写在试卷匕写在草稿纸上无效。第一题 根据图片选择正确的单词。本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分。a. sunnv.第二题 选择题。本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。 ()5. this is mya. sisterb. motherc. grandpaft)6. -who are they?theymy brothers.a

2、. isb. amc. are)7. how are you? .a. fine, thanks. b. i am 7.)8.is a girl.a. heb. she)9. -i go to school by.a. busb. bike)10. my father is not (all. he is.a. coldb. short)11. how many ants arc there? .a. twob. onec. ybu*re welcome.c. itc. carc. hotc. (bur)12. do you like oranges?a. yes, i don't.)

3、13. -what can you see?a. zebra-i can see ab. crocodilec. tiger()15. fbxa.箱子b.狐狸()16. cara.小汽车b.吉普车()17. nursea.医生b.护士()18. teachera.教师b.学生()19. farmera.农民b.司机()20. bikea.风筝b自行车()21. glassa.班级b.玻璃()22. shipa轮船b.小船第四题将下列句中的汉语译为英语,选择正确的选项° (10分)()23.(这)is a pencil.a. thisb. that()24. this is (我的)b

4、ook.a. myb. i()25.(她is an english girl. (她的)name is lucy.a. she. herb. wc. me()26.(什么)is your name?a. this b. what()27.(我的)name is belly.a. ib. my第三题)14. -are you a student?a. tin a student.根据所给英文单词,b. yes, tm a student. 选择正确的翻译o (16分)c. no, i'm a student.第五题28.将左边动词与右边的相应部分连起来。 watch本大题共4小题,每小题

5、2分,共8分.29.read30.sing31.playbookstvfootballa song第六题根据英文解释看图选择单词。本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分。a. winterd. teacherb.snakec. cat()32. it likes fish.()33. it is cold in this season.()34. the animal is soft and long.()35. she leaches english in our school.第七题 完成下面的对话。本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。a. four b. thank you c. by

6、e d. pearsa. hello! can i help you?b. i want some36.a. how many pears do you want?b. i want37pears.a. here you are.a. 38.b. you are welcome.a. goodbye.b. 39.第八题 圈出正确的答案。本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。40. do you have (some, any ) toy cars?41. this stamp (have, has) a goldfish on it.42. (is. arc) these british postcards?43. (who, who's) the old man over there? (he's, his) david s uncle.第九题清根据短文内容,为你的好朋友ann画一张画像。(10分)。this is my friend, ann. she is seven years oldo she has long hair and a round face<> her eyes arc big* and she has a small nose an


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