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1、投诉申诉晨读背诵相关短语1 make reservations for预订2 a professional tour guide个专业的导游3. famous attractions著名景点4. places of interest风景名胜5. share a room共住一个房间6. a five-star hotel 一间五星级宾馆7. without patience没有耐心8. get punishment受到惩罚9. go wrong B 毛病10. return my money to me退还我钱11. apply for申请12. worse still更糟糕的是13. a f

2、ull refund全额退款14. for the above reasons基于上述理由15. travel agency旅行社16. pay for the postage付邮资17. make mistakes犯错误18. historical attractions历史名胜19. be forced to被迫20. a person with patience 有耐心的人21 make an apology to sb向某人道歉22. to our disappointment让我们失望的是23. order dishes点菜24. made a mistake over my bil

3、l算错账单25. make a charge for对收费26. refuse my requirements拒绝我的要求27. negotiate with sb与某人协商28. at your convenience在你方便的时候29. free of charge免费30. only to find that结果发现(不尽人意 的意外结果)相关句式1.我写信的目的是要向你投诉我最近在你们网站上购买的一双运动鞋。I'm writing to complain about a pair of sneakers I recently purchased from your websit

4、e 2更糟糕的是,交鞋的日期推迟了 10天。Worse still, there was a ten-day delay in delivering my shoes.3我要求要么马上寄给我一双新的黑鞋子,要么全额退款。I dema nd either a new pair of black shoes be posted to me immediately or be given a full refund4.请退还我30%的钱,否则我会被迫采取进步的措施。Please give 30% of my money back, or I shall be forced to take the m

5、atter further.5她是个没有耐心的人,根本不耐心回答我的问题。She was not a person with patience and didn't patiently answer my questions at all.6.我要求她当面向我道歉。I demand that she make an apology to me face to face技巧点拨1 投诉信常用I'm writing to开门见山 点明写信目的。2写信时,要注意写信的对象,运用得 体的语言表达,并可在句中适当增加to one's disappointment, unlucki

6、ly, unfortunately, worse still, to make matters worse等符合投诉信感情色彩的词或短语,以加强语气,使表达更加丰富。典型例题你在某餐厅吃饭,不满意餐厅服务员的态度。 写作内容请向该餐厅写一封投诉信,内容包括:写信目的:投诉名叫李华的服务员的服务态 度不好。具体表现:提前订了位,但他却忘记留座位,导致等了半小时;某些菜式涨价,顾客吃后才知道; 点菜时,不能耐心回答顾客问题;粗心大意,弄错账单。投诉要求:该服务员应意识到错误;得到惩罚;变成更专业。Dear Sir,I am writing to complain about the service

7、 of the clerk called Li Hua of your restaurant. First of all, I did make reservations for a table but he forgot about it, causing us to wait for half an hour. Moreover, I was not told that the prices of some of the dishes had increased i/nf/71 finished my mealWhafs worse, he answered my questions wi

8、thout patience when I ordered dishes and he even made a mistake over my bill because of his carelessness. I demanded that he should realize his mistakes and get punishment to become more professional.Thank you for your consideration.Yours sincerely,Li Ming点点击文中First of alb Moreover, Whafs worse得到很好的

9、使用。另外,最后一 句,表达自己的要求用到demand that sb. should do sth.,義示出j虽硬态嵐 比 较合情合理。课堂练习Dear Sir,I am writing to complain about the two-day trip to Shenzhen organized by your travel agency. It was promised in your advertisement卫回_a professional tour guide from Shenzhen would lead 30 tourists as a team, but actuall

10、y, the tour guide even did not know the exact route and there were 40 people in our teamBesides, it was claimed that we would visit five famous attractions, while infact we only visited 3 places of interest. Worse still, we not only had to pay for our meals except lunch, but also four people were ar

11、ranged to share a roomin a poorly equipped hotel, which was totally different from your promise that two tourists would share a room in a four-star hotel and meals were free.Please give 50% of my money back, or I shall be forced to take the matter further.Thank you for your consideration.Yours since

12、rely,Li Ming亮点点击:本文对比广告宣传和实际情况,用but, while, be different from等, 表达恰到好处;另外,信息点较多,从句的巧妙使用也很关键,如It was claimed/ promised that., your promise that.等。碣SinI am writing to comDlain about the quality of the Sony computer I bought in one of your exclusive shops in Guangzhou last weekI don't really want t

13、o complain but there is something wrong with the mainboard because I tried all my USB flash disks only to find that it has no reaction to them. Therefore, I asked the assistant in the shop to exchange it but he wanted to make a charge for it. worse siiii, noi oniy qiq me assisiani refuse my requirements but he was also rude to me when tried to negotiate with him. For the above reasons, I demand that he (should) make an apology to me and change a new one for me free of


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