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1、Catering CultureDictation and ReviewDictationReview ExerciseObjectives1234Learning important words and phrasesLearning crucial sentences structureLearning how to interpret cuisines.Practicing interpreting skillsBanquet Service 1. Words and Phrases敬业敬业 dedicatedcontribute to ones share尽了自己的责任尽了自己的责任m

2、aneuver成功成功大自然所赐予的大自然所赐予的nature grants us cuisine菜系菜系color, aroma, taste, appearanceseasoningquality texture色,香,味,形色,香,味,形调料调料质地质地 原汁原味原汁原味original flavorsappetizing 开胃的开胃的特色点心特色点心 special snack皮薄汁醇皮薄汁醇 with thin and translucent wrappers and rich tasty soup皮脆肉嫩皮脆肉嫩have crispy skin and tender meat 酸甜

3、适口酸甜适口 with a sweet and sour sourcefigure out 想出想出好戏还在后头好戏还在后头 we have more surprise to expect祝酒祝酒 toast to干杯干杯Cheers!/ Bottoms up!庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功。庆贺我们的会谈取得圆满成功。Celebrate the successful conclusion of our talks. 没有凯兰女士的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎样没有凯兰女士的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎样呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中。呢,恐怕我们还在谈判之中。 Without her last-minut

4、e effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, Im afraid. 2. Difficult SentencesAre we carrying out another round of talk over the dinner?难道我们在晚宴上还要谈判吗?难道我们在晚宴上还要谈判吗? 今天不谈生意,我建议今晚我们只叙友情,当然,今天不谈生意,我建议今晚我们只叙友情,当然,我们要尽情享受大自然赐予我们的食物。我们要尽情享受大自然赐予我们的食物。No mor

5、e business talks today. Weve already put an end to it. I propose we limit our talk to friendship tonight. And of course, well delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us. Yes, eat in Shanghai as Shanghai people eat. 在上海就应该吃上海人之所吃。在上海就应该吃上海人之所吃。 “本帮菜本帮菜”具有具有“色、香、味色、香、味”三大要素

6、,特点三大要素,特点是注重调料的使用、食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。是注重调料的使用、食物的质地和菜的原汁原味。 Benbang cuisine takes “ color, aroma and taste” as its essential quality elements. It emphasizes in particular the expert use of seasonings, the selection of raw materials with quality texture, and original flavors. 我推荐一道特色点心我推荐一道特色点心“南翔小笼南翔小笼”和

7、一道特和一道特色菜色菜“松鼠桂鱼松鼠桂鱼”。Id like to recommend a special snack known as Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings and a special dish called “ Squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish”. “南翔小笼南翔小笼”是猪肉馅,个小味美,皮薄汁是猪肉馅,个小味美,皮薄汁醇。醇。“松鼠桂鱼松鼠桂鱼”色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外色泽黄亮,形如松鼠,外皮脆而内肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。皮脆而内肉嫩,汤汁酸甜适口。 Nanxiang Steamed Meat Dumplings are sma

8、ll in size, with thin and translucent wrappers, filled inside with ground pork and rich tasty soup. The squirrel-Shaped Mandarin Fish is yellow-colored and squirrel-shaped, with a crispy skin and tender meat, all covered with a sweet and sour sauce. 菜上来了,别客气,请随意。菜上来了,别客气,请随意。 Ok, here we are. Please

9、 help yourselves to the dishes. 晚宴才开场,好戏还在后头呢。晚宴才开场,好戏还在后头呢。 But this is just the beginning of the dinner. We have more surprises to expect.让我们共同举杯,为我们永久的友谊与合作,让我们共同举杯,为我们永久的友谊与合作,干杯!干杯! Let us drink to our lasting friendship and cooperation, cheers!Please join me in a toast to our lasting friendshi

10、p and cooperation, cheers!I would like you to join me in a toast to our lasting friendship and cooperation, cheers!烹饪艺术烹饪艺术 culinary art民以食为天民以食为天 Food is the paramount necessity of the people.推陈出新推陈出新 creative efforts摆放摆放 layoutChinese Cuisine1. Words and Phrases冷盘冷盘 cold dishes原料原料 raw material作料调

11、配作料调配 the blending of seasoning调味艺术调味艺术 the art of proper seasoning食物质地食物质地 the texture of food刀功刀功 slicing technique乳猪乳猪 suckling pig点心点心 pastries黄酒黄酒 yellow rice wine烈性白酒烈性白酒 strong white liquor敬酒敬酒 toast小啜小啜 take a sip馒头馒头 steamed bread热卡热卡 calories主食主食 staple food中餐烹调所用的天然配料,品种繁多,几无穷尽;中餐烹调所用的天然配

12、料,品种繁多,几无穷尽;烹调方法,亦层出不烹调方法,亦层出不 穷,不可悉数。足以说穷,不可悉数。足以说明了中餐馆以及中餐烹调之所以名扬海外的缘明了中餐馆以及中餐烹调之所以名扬海外的缘由。由。The nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled in the world, which may very well account for the universal popularity of Chines

13、e restaurants and Chinese cooking oversea.2. Difficult Sentences“色色”作为作为“色、香、味色、香、味”三要素中的首要标准,三要素中的首要标准,充分体现在宴会菜肴充分体现在宴会菜肴 的装盘、摆放和图案上。的装盘、摆放和图案上。最能显示色彩的是首先上桌的那道煞费苦心而最能显示色彩的是首先上桌的那道煞费苦心而精心精心 制作的冷盘。制作的冷盘。The “color” of Chinese food, the first of these elements which is so evident in a Chinese banquet,

14、 includes the layout and design of dishes, best exemplified in particular by the large elaborately-prepared cold dish served at the beginning of the dinner.“香香”不仅是指鼻子对食物的直接感受,它还包括不仅是指鼻子对食物的直接感受,它还包括所选原料的新鲜程度所选原料的新鲜程度 以及佐料的合理调配。以及佐料的合理调配。“Aroma” implies more than what ones nose can detect directly; i

15、t also includes the freshness of the raw materials used and the blending of seasonings.“味味”则体现了恰到好处的调味艺术,当然它也包则体现了恰到好处的调味艺术,当然它也包括食物的质地,以及括食物的质地,以及 切菜的刀工。切菜的刀工。“Taste” is the art of proper seasoning, though it also involves the texture of food and fine slicing techniques.色、香、味这三要素的高品质,只有通过选料、色、香、味这三

16、要素的高品质,只有通过选料、调料、适时烹调、把握调料、适时烹调、把握 火候、装盘上桌这些微火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调,才能取得。妙步骤的细心协调,才能取得。These three essential elements, “color”, “aroma”, “taste”, are achieved by the careful coordination of a series of delicate activities: selecting ingredients, mixing flavor, timing the cooking, controlling the heat an

17、d finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table.在中国,一桌标准宴席包括四至八个事先制作好在中国,一桌标准宴席包括四至八个事先制作好的冷盘,八道现做的热的冷盘,八道现做的热 炒、两道观赏性大菜炒、两道观赏性大菜(如全鱼、乳猪、全鸡等),此外还有汤、米(如全鱼、乳猪、全鸡等),此外还有汤、米饭和点饭和点 心。心。In china, a standard banquet will consist of four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishes served one a

18、t a time, two to four whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a whole suckling pig or a whole chicken), in addition to soups, steamed rice and pastries.来华访问的海外宾客应记住,赴宴不可贪吃,来华访问的海外宾客应记住,赴宴不可贪吃,每道菜浅尝即止。每道菜浅尝即止。Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a

19、 single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet.干杯的意思是一口喝干杯中酒。干杯的意思是一口喝干杯中酒。“Gan Bei” means to raise up ones wine glass or liquor cup and drink it all the way down so that the glass or cup is “dried up to the last drop”.当然,外国宾客与中国东道主敬酒时,小啜当然,外国宾客与中国东道主敬酒时,小啜一口也未尝不可。一口也未尝不可。It is quite acceptable for

20、 a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass when toasting with his or her Chinese host一个成年人平时在家就餐时,通常只吃两小碗米一个成年人平时在家就餐时,通常只吃两小碗米饭,或一大碗面条,或饭,或一大碗面条,或 几只馒头,外加几个荤几只馒头,外加几个荤素炒菜,而非以菜为主,以米饭或面食为辅。素炒菜,而非以菜为主,以米饭或面食为辅。At an everyday home meal, an adult may consume two small bowls of steamed

21、rice, or a large bowel of noodles, or several pieces of steamed bread, accompanied by several meat or vegetable dishes, but not the other way round.当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们在共食放在餐桌中央的菜肴在共食放在餐桌中央的菜肴 时,必须使用时,必须使用“公筷公筷”或或“公用公用”汤匙,以防疾病传染。汤匙,以防疾病传染。In more health conscious environments, however, only “public” chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in the middle of the dining-table, so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases.不过,中国人民与世界各族人民都有一个相不过,中国人民与世界各族人民都有


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