1、最新资料推荐系统工具(System tools )系统工具(System tools ) l.ipad ios4.2.1 固件系统工具 the fate of 4.2 将 和iphone ipod touch上的多任务处理带到ipad.让你的工作更高效、娱乐更尽兴,还能两者同时进行.一切都运 行得高效、流畅,却不会让前台应用程序变慢,或不必要地消耗过多 电量2.如今,你的ipad有更多空间来容纳更多应用程 2.windows上简单的ipad和ipone模拟器安装版系统工具 终于见到pc上用的ipad模拟器了,之前百度了百度,毫不容易发现 了模拟器,结果发现,一,体积2个多g, 2,那也是苹果机
2、才能用的惊喜的发现了这个.下载使用,发现,恩,果然不错,果然是 简单的模拟器,真的很简单,简单到很像山寨手机.3.ifiles(ipad文件管理软件)v1.7 系统工具最新版本为1.7版,修复 了某些时候因内存不足而导致崩溃等问题.ipad 的越狱之后怎么样 才能折腾尽兴?如果想取得更多的文件权限呢?这款ifiles 软件简直就是对ipad进行文件管理的必备工具.4. documents that it (office 办公软 件)v4.0 系统工具documents that it(office办公软件)是现在最好最全面的office 办公软件,完美支持doc、xls、ppt的编辑.不仅可以
3、阅读 word文档和excel表格, 也可以新建文档,对文档作复制、粘贴、插入等各种编辑动作.你可 以直接在ipad 上编写文档,随时随地5.photospread ( 照片传输 工具)v1.5 系统工具photospread是一款用于ipad上的不可 多得的照片传输工具软件,它可以把你的照片和视频简单、快速的在iphone, ipod touch, ipad和电脑上相互传递,并且支持无线网络和蓝牙.6.ifiles (ipad文件管理软件)v1.5 系统工具ipad的越狱之后怎么样才能折腾尽兴?如果想取得更多的文件权限呢?这款ifiles软件简直就是对ipad进行文件管理的必备工具.7.文档
4、管理air sharing v1.0.2 系统工具 借助air sharing,您可:- 安装 或者ipad ipod touch 作为你计算机 (mac, windows, or linux)上的高保真驱动器或者从计算机的韦伯浏览器连接,和连接到韦伯浏览器上.-在或ipad ipod touch与计算机之前拖放文件.-查看和电邮多种格式 8.filebrowser (资源管理器)v1.6系统工具filebrowser ( 资源管理器)是一款类似于 windows 的资源管理器或者是 mac fin der的文件浏览器的管理软件.filebrowser (资源管理器)可以直接调用ipad上的其
5、它程序查看或编辑文件你可以坐在沙发上,咖啡厅里,公园长椅上,或办 公室里就能直接查 9.battery (电量监控)v1.2 系统工具 电量监控工具是一个小而优雅的实用软件,可帮助你监控你的ipad目前 的电池百分比你可以清晰的判断你的电池是否充分,让你能够在长 时间的看电影或玩游戏的过程中度过一个漫长的旅程.10.文件加密stash pro v1.3 系统工具stash pro 是ipad 上另外一款用来保存私密视频和图片,这款软件甚至支持网页浏览,大家懂的11.随身文档管理 mobilestudio v1.6.2系统工具 前身为mobilefinder, ipad上一款很强大的文件管理软件
6、,拥有对系统的最新资料推荐完全控制.到app store 上之后,由于apple的审核机制和条款所 限,mobilestudio 去掉了部分功能,比如系统完全控制权限,Read, write, control, and so on for different user groups, but add the direct open / edit tone 12.1Password Pro (iPad password Pro) V3.5.2system tools 1Password Pro (iPad password Pro) is a well-known password manage
7、ment program developed by Agile WebSoluti ons. The in terface desig n is cool!The latestvers ionis:V3.5.2versio n!13.picturetran smissi onPhotoTran sfer v1.1systemtoolsPhotoTransfer isa iPad softwarethat allows you toeasilytra nsferpictures and photos, support iPad, iPhone and iPod, these devices an
8、d computers mutual photos. 14. file en crypti on,Private, Media, Folders, v1.2system tools Worried iPad anyone can see, no privacy, in security? Use this tool, Private Media Folders, to fix your troubles right away. A docume nt, video, picture en crypti on tool. 15. file en crypti on SecureFilessyst
9、em tools Encrypt your files in iPad, protect your privacy, and support audio, video, and document encryption in a variety of commorformats. With this software, you do not have to worry about their iPad sensitivecontent was peeping.16.QQInput (QQinput method) v1.0b1system tools QQInput (QQ in put met
10、hod) vl.Obl on ly supports iPad, not in the iPh oneupload, because the author did not add more than 3.22 firmware user limit, so 4.1-4.0 friends can in stall. 17.My Frame (my photo frame) v1.3system tools My Frame (my photo frame) this in teresti ng software allows you to display your own photos on
11、iPad. You can store your photos in this software, and you can set these photos in the background of iPad. 18. video en crypti on, Video, Locker, HD, v1.3system tools Worried about the video and pictures you saw in iPad? Now with this software, all Video Locker HD smoothly done or easily solved, this
12、 can give you a iPad in the video and pictures set a password, this is the iPad to a friend playing again for a long time, can be assured of it? 19.encryption software DataVault, Password,Managersystem tools This is a comprehensive encryption software 20. program code editor Mon key, Wren ch, Source
13、, Code, Edisystem tools For a iPad code edit ing software Mon key Wrench is a flexible tool that gives the ability to edit code on your iPad. Loads of people happily use Mon key Wrench every day You can conn ect to an! FTP server to dow nl oad files or 21.1Passwordsystem tools 1Password, a well-k no
14、wn password manager developed by Agile WebSolutions. 22.DataBase Viewer Plussystem tools Database Viewer Plus is an enhanced最新资料推荐version of Database Viewer, in addition to all functions withDatabase Viewer (so you can use the desktop DBViewer.exe Microsoft program will Access, Excel, Oracle, Foxpro
15、, dBase or ODBC database into.Pdb data format of iPad, iPad in the end 23.1Password Pro (iPad password Pro) v3.5system tools 1Password is a well-k nown password man ager developed by Agile Web Soluti ons. The in terface is cool, you' re using iPad, youmight as well try out this software! 24. doc
16、ument management Files2 _HDsystem tools Great filemanagementsoftware. 25.password settingsPasswords v1.0.1system tools Stillworried about sett ing up a strong password? Password sett ings Passwords can gen erate ran dom passwords for you, you just select the complexity of the password, this software
17、 will automaticallygen erate the password you n eed. 26.FileMaker Go(databasemanagement) v1.0system tools FileMaker Go(database management) allows users to browse, edit, and search FileMaker Pro content remotely at iPad. FileMaker Go (database management)also allows browsing and sorting in forms, tables, and checklists, and can be compatible with some of the most popular database software FileMaker Pro, such as Tab Con tro
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