1、刀海培训.半高级语用法运用三大从句 -运用改句练习,重视运用状语从句定语从句名词性从句经典台词: 逃离德黑兰We are responsible for these people.what we are is required to follow orders. 运用状语从句运用状语从句是一种应该掌握的一般用法,但是很多基础差的人,没有逻辑思维,也没有运用状语从句意识,总是一个简单句一个简单句的说,在写作中还将两个简单句用逗号连成一句,不用逻辑连接词,给了老师减分的充分理由。还有就是一些特殊一点的重要状语从句不会用。如表方式和比较的状语从句,很多人不会用。运用状语从句咋们就从这两个方面进行专攻
2、。练习一:改正下面的错句。(尽量用高级一点的逻辑连接词)1. I am standing there, there the brook and the river meet. ( ) 2. He cant come with us, hes ill. ( ) 3. He took the gun, there might be wild animals. ( ) 4. She was exhausted, she slept at once. ( ) 5. Sleep is inadequate, no one feels like exercising. ( ) 6. It was rain
3、ing, he went out.( ) 7. He has not finished his homework yet, he can not leave now.( ) 练习二:将下列句子用比较状语从句(than, as/soas)或方式状语从句(as, as if, as though, like)翻译出来。1. 他喜欢丹妮胜过喜欢我。(than) 2. 他跑的比我快。(than ) 3. 它没有你想的那么困难。(as/soas) 4这使他比以前古怪。(as/soas) 5. 你和天使一样漂亮。(as/soas) 8. 他可以想做什么就做什么。(as) 9. 我希望我能像我想的那样生活。
4、(as) 10. 她表现的好像她是这里的主人。(as if/ as though) 11. 你讲起话来就像你的爸爸。(like) 12. 她把他像亲儿子一样对待。(like/as if) l 注意上面那些连词后的省略现象。 树立逻辑思维(3) 学会用从属连词和连接代词,连接副词来表两个句子之间的逻辑关系l 从属连词的归纳:(尽可能全面)1. 时间:when, whenever, while, as, after, before, until, till, since, now that, once, as soon as, every time, the moment, instantly.2
5、. 地点:3. 原因:4. 结果:5. 条件:6. 目的:7. 让步:8. 方式和比较:运用定语从句l 当前后两句出现相同的词或东西时,这时绝对可以运用到定语从句将其连接。l 基础差的会用两个相同的词在两个句子中表示,好一点的会在第二句子用代词,而最牛逼的会用定语从句。呵呵!你现在是哪一种呢?例:1. I like playing basketball every weekend after my courses. Playing basketball makes me feel relax and happy.高级一点:2. I like playing basketball every w
6、eekend after my courses. It makes me feel relax and happy.再高级一点:3. I like playing basketball every weekend after my courses, which makes me feel relax and happy.例:我要推荐湘南学院,我曾在那里度过了我美好而又充实的大学时光。1. I want to introduce XiangNanXueYuan. I had a nice and fruitful college time in XiangNanXueYuan.高级一点: 2.
7、I want to introduce XiangNanXueYuan. I had a nice and fruitful college time there.再高级一点:3. I want to introduce XiangNanXueYuan,where I had a nice and fruitful college time.例:那个女孩打动了我,她有美丽的长发和无尽的才华,我对才华这东西基本没有抵抗力。1. The girl impressed me deeply. She has beautiful long hair and strikingly exhaustless
8、brilliance. I cant especially resist the brilliance.变高级:The girl impressed me deeply,who has beautiful long hair and strikingly exhaustless brilliance, which is irresistible to me.相同东西为人时,用that, who, whom, whose, 引导。相同东西为物时,用that, which, as.相同内容为时间,地点,原因时,用when, where, why, 或 介词which 结构代替他们。l 还有就是当起
9、修饰作用的定语很长,为一件有自己主谓的事时,或需要一个句子才能表达玩所有的修饰意思时,用定语从句。例:1. 劳拉是他去年认识的一个朋友 Laura was an friend whom she got to know lat year.2. 在林中扔垃圾的人会受到惩罚。 Those who have left litter in the woods are to be punished3. 所有你要做的就是寄张画给他们。All you have to do is to send a painting to them. 练习:整合成定语从句或翻译。1. There are eight forei
10、gn teachers in our school. They come from Australia. 2. I graduated from the Oxford last year. I met my girl friend there. 3. Let me show you the novel. I borrowed the novel from the library and its newly open to us. 4. Why is she unhappy today? I dont know the reason. 5. He hadnt finished his work
11、on time. It made his boss so mad as to fire him. 6. 谁能先到达山顶,谁就能得到这面红旗。 7. 这家书店没有你可以看的书。 8. 昨天我帮了一个迷路的老人。 9. 汤姆昨天回来了,他已经离家十年了,这使我们非常高兴。 10. 在选举时我投了我认为最合适的那个人的票。 l 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴。(专八翻译)One spring evening, my parents were holding a dinner party in the garden, where hundreds of flowers were burs
12、ting into full bloom.l 用下面一个句子造出7个不相似的定语从句He met his last girlfriend in a street yesterday.运用名词性从句l 名词性从句是最简单的,在三大从句中,然而却是最少被中国学生用到的。好像汉语中无类似习惯表达,所以在英语中也被漏掉或别的表达掩盖了。所以中国英语学习者运用名词性从句可以说是一种高级用法了。所以要培养这种表达习惯,将思维转换纠正过来,形成语感。得到我想要的东西: 找到解决问题的办法: 查出失败的原因: 偷东西的人坦白了: l .表“的东西”, 汉语思维喜欢用“ thing/things” 或 “thi
13、ng/things that” 这种定语从句形式。将其改成 “what ” 引导的名词性从句就地道和高级了。如:things I want what I wantThings I know what I know1. Things you heard werent things I mean.What you heard werent what I mean.2. Things he left behind in the dorm were stolen.What he left behind in the dorm was stolen.2. 下一步我们该干什么还不知道。Things we
14、should do next remain unknown.What we should do next remains unknown.l 同样表达“的人”不要总说 “people who”, 应该直接用 “who ” 形式的名词性从句。如相信不说谎的人:不用:believe in people who doesnt lie而用:believe in who doesnt lie.l 同样表达“的办法”不要说“the way to/that” 或 “the way how” 直接用“how ” 形式的名词性从句。如知道解决问题的办法:不用:know the way to solve the
15、problem, 直接用:know how to solve the problem.l 同理:表达“。的原因” 直接用why 从句如:知道事故发生的原因:know why the accident happened. 表达“。的时间” 直接用when 从句如:我们开始旅行的时间还没确定:When we will begin our journey has not been decided yet.l 表达“。的地方”直接用 where 从句如: 这就是我们出生地地方:This is where I was born.练习:1. 我只想做自己喜欢的事。 2. 做自己喜欢的事是自由,喜欢自己做的
16、事是幸福。 3. 这就是我为之而活的东西 4. 谁将负责这项工作还没有定下了。 5. 我无法理解为什么你这么自私。 6. 这个工作是否能按时完成是个问题。 7. 你能教我说好英语的办法吗? 8. 请记得车停靠的地方。 9. 大家都不知道这家店开张的时间。 10. 我真诚的希望我能够得到这次机会去做我一直以来期望做的事当老师。 第二语言习得是指对一个人怎样获得第二语言的系统性研究。 用来解释这些的内容仍处于讨论和调查当中。 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么样的。 运用三大从句修改下面一段文章:The hunt for the puma began in a small village
17、. There a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. She saw it, and it immediately ran away. Experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being if it isnt cornered. The search proved difficult. The puma was often observed at one place in the morning
18、 and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. At these places it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places. Puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night. A businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma. They dont know the place it comes from? No pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country. This one must have been in the possession of
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