1、_Differences between Chinese and Western EducationBrief :As the matter of fact, the argument about advantages and disadvantagesbetween Chinese Education and Western Education is keeping on all the time.To find out the most suitable way for each individual,we shall gather moreinformation and compare
2、both matters in China and foreign countries.Keywords: Differences, Chinese and Western EducationThe basic issue of education is what kind of people we want to cultivate to be,and how to cultivate them. The concept of value, purpose of education andmethodofeducationbetweenChineseEducationSystemandWes
3、ternEducation System are differentiated in many academic fields.What are the significant characteristics of both Chinese Education System andWestern Education System? Lets have a compare and discuss as follows:1)concepts of education valueTeachingconceptis commonlyusedin ChinesefamilyeducationandChi
4、neseEducationSystem. Studentslearn knowledgethrough classes thatare conducted by teachers inside the classroom, and perceive knowledge bylistening to what the parents have told them and textbooks which parents askthem to read. It resultedthat Chineseprimaryeducationis with no doubtstrongly-built, es
5、pecially during primary school and middle school period.精品资料_Guiding is the main concept of education wildly used in western countries. Itemphasizes the rights and respects of children, which is base on a trust motion.Westernersintendto offerchildrenopportunitiesto developthemselves,discovering thei
6、r potential specialties and abilities. They encourage children tostudy with interest under pleasure, doing what they want to do and trying thebest they can. Thus western children are more responsible and confident; theyhave a higher grade of self-esteems because of the process of self-learning.Chine
7、seEducationSystemis goodat demonstratingandbuildingmoralstudentsalwaysfollowingtraditionalrulesandregulations.Butwesternchildren show more aggressivenessin personaldevelopment,they becomethe master of their own destiny. They are more ingenious and creative.2)Chance to enter high educationThe primary
8、 education in China is unilaterally seeking for the rate of upgrading.Only those high scored students have the opportunity to enter famous school.As a result of this, some of the students who have lower scores may not havea fair chance to develop. It causes huge stress burden on both schoolsandstude
9、nts shoulders.Schoolscareabouttheirreputation,certainlymorepressure is given to the students. Students care about are afraid of disciplineor elimination,with no choice, they have to tolerate the pressure. However,those high education properties such as colleges and universities still have alow perce
10、ntage of students among all the citizens in China.精品资料_In western,everystudentmayhaveachancetoenterhigheducationproperties.Theymainlyemphasizethepersonaldevelopmentskillsofstudents and set creativeness as a major purpose of education. In their opinion,personal development is according to personal ne
11、ed and demand. Every onehas their own characterand ambition, educate children toward their interestand specialty is helpful to discover their potential capacity and talent. It is notonlyfortheneedofpersonaldevelopment,butalsogoodforsocialdevelopment.3) Education methodsChina studentshave been told t
12、hat they should have the good mannerofstudyinghardtowardsgoalsas aChinesetradition.Mostparentsstartteaching children simple calculating and writing when they are 3 or 4 years old.Almost every Chinese have the memory of being forced to Chinese ancientpoems in their childhood.However,in the 21st centu
13、ry today, only recitingpoems and textbooks, expecting high scores in exam, studying without otheractivities are evidently limited for the multi-changed diversity world. It is evenharm for teenagers if dominate their life by studying only, because the ability ofinnovation is eradicated.In western cou
14、ntries, people more look intochildren s perceive abilities.Western students just have to keep sufficient attendance and points, they cangraduateeasily. Theyhave theopportunity tomanagetheir leisure time,developtheir interests.We couldobviously findout thatwestern people are精品资料_normally more positive and easy going. They have various knowledge aboutlife and nature which is out of textbooks, also they have better communicationskills to getting along with different people.To sum up, Chinese Education System and Western Education System havetheir own advantages anddisadvanta
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