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1、Part TWO VOCabUlary and Grammar (第二部分词汇与语法)40%V. ChOOSe the right WOrd to COmPlete the sentences.(选择正确的答案,此大题做在答题卡21-25 ±) 5%21 The Iibrary is (A. near B. near to) the park.22. What (A. else B. Other) Can you see?23. AIbert hasn , t finished his homework. (A. already B. yet)24. PleaSe (A. find

2、B. find OUt) Wherl the ShiP SailS for NeW York.25. The SmithS have been (A. to B. in) Shanghai for five years.VI. ChOOSe the best answer.(选择最适当的答案,此大题做在答题卡26-44 ±) 19%26. I have already read the book twice. WhiCh Of the following is COrreCt for the Underlined WOrCl in the Senten ce?A. /red/ B.

3、/ri:d/ C. /r?d/ D. rad27. We Often have SPOrtS after SChOOl and I enjoy Playing basketball.A. a B. an C. the D. /28. SimOn goes to SChOOl .A. take a bus B. by a bus C. by bus D. takes a bus29. The famous SCientist WiIl give US a SPeeCh the halltwo thirty.A. in5 at B. on5 atC. in, in D. On, in30. A f

4、riend Of Will COme to See me tomorrow.A. me B. my C. mine D. he31 SOPhia is really nice. She always helps students.A. each Other B. Other C. OtherS D. the OtherS32. BefOre you enter the 、you ShOUlCl knock at the door first.A. teacher , S OffiCe B. teachers , OffiCe C. teacher OffiCe D. teachers Offi

5、Ce33. Catherine IikeSVery much.A. go ShOPPing.B. go ShOPS C. going ShOPPingD. to ShOPPing34. There a SPOrtS meeting in OUr SChOOl next Monday, SO I hope it WonA. WiIl haveB. is going to be C. are going to be D. is going to have35. the flight MH370 ?NO) not yet.A. Has, arrived B. Do5 arrive C. Will5

6、arrive D. Is5 arriving36. is your father?A dentist.A. Where B. What C. WhO D. HOW37. It r S Very COlCl outside. PleaSe tell the boythe door.A. CIon , t OPenB . not OPen C. ClOSe D. to ClOSe38. MOIIy has to Stay at home and her IittIe brother.A. IOOkS for B. IOOkS after C. IOOkS UP D. IOOkS OUt39. Sa

7、rah PrOmiSeCl OtherS about this accident第9页/共6页A. not tell B. not telling C. nOt told D. not to tell40. MiSS GUO asks US to keep OUr ClaSSrOOm A. CIeaning B. CleansC. CleanD. Cleanest41. going to See the film Ninja TUrtleS (忍者卞申龟) With US this weekend?A. Will you B. HOW about C. Why not D. Why don ,

8、t42. HOW much?A. does it COSt B. is it COSt C. are you SPend D. does it43. - The SOUP is Very delicious, Mrs. BrOWn.A. No, not at all. B. Thank you all the same. C. I, m glad you IikDe. ilt. doesn , tmatter.44. EdWarCl and I WiIl ViSit the museum this Weekend. WOUlCl you Iike to join us?A. Well done

9、.B. That ' S right C. YOU ' re wDel.c IOm, e. Cl IOVe to.VlL COmPlete the Sentences With the given WOrdS in their PrOPer forms.(用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,此大题做在AnSWer Sheet ± ) 6%1 We are going to have OUr EngliSh festival next month in OUr SChOOL (nine)2 FreSh air and enough exercise are to O

10、Ur health. (help)3 PatriCk Modiano, the NObel PriZe LiteratUre Winner is One Of the best in theWOrlCI. (Write)4 HaVe you got the to Ben r S birthday PartyJ Linda? (inVite)5 It is not good to USe ShOPPing bags OnlyOnce, SO everyOne ShOUlcl try tothemto SaVe OUr Earth. (USe)6 Many factories herethe ai

11、r With black SmOke IaSt year. (POIlUtiOn)VIlL ReWrite the following SentenCeS as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词»此大题做 在 AnSWer Sheet 上)10%1 Ben WiIl go to the Cinema this evening.(改为否定句)Ben to the Cinema this evening.2. He , d Iike to buy this black and White dog (.保持原句意思)Hebuy this black and W

12、hite dog.3. I WOUIeln ' t Iike to be a COOk because I don(对,划 t Ii 线 ke 部 C 分 OO 提 kin 问 g.) you Iike to be a cook?4. I help Tim StUdy ChineSe three times a week.(对划线部分提问)do you help Tim StUdy Chinese?5. SChOOI, Iike5 by, Lisa5 to, never, goes (连i司成句)Part Three ReaCling and Writing (第三部分 读写)35%I

13、X. ReaCling COmPrehenSiOn (阅读理解)COmPlete the following PaSSage With the WOrdS in the box. EaCh Can OnIy be USed once.(用方框中的词完成下列短文,每 词限用一次,此大题做 在答题卡45-49上)5%A. back B. Want C. HOW much D. WriteS AB. HOW many CD. anythingOne day, a Iittle boy COmeS into a ShOP and SayS to the ShOP assistant,U I Want

14、to buytwexercise books Of SiX CentS each and nine penCilS Of ten CentS each. 45 are theyaltogether? MThe ShOP assists nt46 these numbers down On a PieCe Of PaPer and thinks for aminute. Then She says, “One dollar 62Cents.nUIf I five you ten dollars, how much money WiIl I get47 ?''UYOUW ill g

15、et 8 ClOIlarS 38cents for Change. Here you are. TheSe are the things you 48 . M"No, thank you. I CIOn ,t Want to buy49. n The boy IOOkS at the PieCe Of PaPer andSayS POlitely,UThiS is my maths homework. Thank you Very much. Can I take it away?''BChOOSe the best answer.(阅读后选择最恰当的答案,此大题做在

16、答题卡50-55 ±)6%I , m Kate, a Iittle girl Of twelve years Olel- I IiVe in a building in a village. The building is not Iarge and has Only three floors. My Parents IiVe On the third floor. I IiVe On the SeCOnd floor and my grandparents IiVe On the first floor. I Iike my home Very much. When I am at

17、 home, I Can See green grass and beautiful flowers outside. I IOVe them Very much. I Often OPen the doors and WindOWS to enjoy the SCenery(风景).SOmetimeS I just go down to the outside. At this time, I Can touch the grass and the flowers. HOW glad I am!It is also Very quiet in my home. In my home I Ca

18、n,t hear any noise outside, because there areno buses Or CarS OUtSide and there aren,t any factories outside.I Iike my home, a beautiful and quiet place. YOU, re WelCOme to ViSit my home at any time.()50. Where does Kate live?A. In a town. B. In a city. C. In a Village. D. On a hill. ()51. Kate , S

19、grandparents IiVe On the floor.A. first B. SeCOnCl C. thirdD. fourth()52. Kate thinks it is OUtSide her home.A. noisy B. beautiful C. empty D. Clirty ()53. The WOrd them in the first ParagraPh refers to.A. green grass B. beautiful flowersC. VegetableS D. grass and flowers()54. What does the SeCOnCl

20、ParagraPh mainly tell us?A. Kate ,s home is quiet.B. Kate ,s home is beautiful.C. There are no buses in her village.D. There are no factories in her village. ()55. The IaSt Sentence ShOWS the Writer is the readers.A. excited about B. helpful to C. interested in D. POlite toCChOOSe the WOrdS Or expre

21、ssions and COmPlete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成 短文,此大题做在答题 卡 56-61 上)6%OnCe a rich WOman inViteCl Martin Brown, a famous Singer5 to Sing for her friends. BUt She 56 him to have dinner With them. She told him 57 eat With them but the servants.After the meal Martin StOOd UP and Said to the SerVants, U

22、Now3m y good friends, I58for you. , He Sang SeVeral SOngSanCl the SerVantS Were quite 59.Then the rich WOmarl asked60to COme to the Sitting room.UWe are Waiting foryour SOngs.61 you ready? V the WOman asked.fctI am sorry, ” Martin SaiCl Ul have Slmg already. I USUalIy Sing OnCein One night5 and I Ca

23、n Sing twice, n And With a POIite goodbye he Ieft the rich WOman t S house.56. A. doesn ,t inVite B. CIOn rt inVite C. didn ,t inVite D. haven ,t inVite57. A. don 't toB. don ,tC. not toD. not58. A. SangB. Will SingC. SingD. WaS Singing59. A. SadB. boredC. excitingD. happy60. A. the SerVantB. th

24、e friendC. the WOmanD. the Singer61. A. WereB . ISD. BeC. Are DReaCl the PaSSage and fill in the blanks With PrOPer WOrdS使其 在短文的空格内填入适当的 内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给,此大题做在 词,Malala YOUSafZai has b1 the Winner Of the 2014 NObel PeaCe PriZe (诺贝尔和平奖) The 17-year-old teenage girl is the y _ 2NOble PriZe Winner in

25、 history.Malala YOUSafZai WaS born in PakiStan (巴基斯坦).In her village, WOmen ShOUlCl not read, Write Or think for themselves. At the age Of eleven, She WrOte blogs about her Iife in PakiStan for the BBC (英国广播公司).She hoped that a 3 girls COUlcl go to SChOOl in her hometown.On JUly 12,2013. YOUSafZai&#

26、39;s 16th birthday, She SPOke at the UniteCl ( Na 联 tio 合 r 国 S ) for girlsa4the WOrlcI. She said,UA girl is nOt just a mother, a SiSter Or a wife. She has the rightto go to SChOOL She has the right to IiVe a h5 Iife.''ShOrtly after She WOn the NObel PeaCe Prize. YOUSafZai asked young WOmen

27、and girls in every COUntry to SPend One hour I 6 computers.U COmPUter SCie nce is imports nt to all StUde nts,She said. Her idea WaS SUPPOrted by U.S. PreSident BaraCk Obama (美国总统奥巴马).MiCroSOft and Google.EAnSWer the questions (根据短文内容,回答下列问题,此大题做在AnSWer Sheet ±) 12%What' S the most POPUlar

28、game this summer? It must be the ice BUCket Challenge (冰扌甬制匕占戈).ThiS game StarteCl in AmeriCa to raise ITlOney for ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化症).ALS is a SeriOUS muscle CliSeaSe (疾病).It Can CaUSe PeOPle to die. SO an AmeriCan Charity OrganizatiOn (慈善组 织)invented the game to help the SiCk PeOPle get money for their

29、 disease.Whatr S the rule Of the game? In the ice BUCket Challenge5 you Can POUr a bucket Of ice Water OVer your head Or give $100 to the ALS OrganizatiOrL When you finish it, you Can ChaIlenge three Other people. YOU are also WelCOme to give money even if you finish the Challenge. Many famous peopl

30、e, SUCh as MiCrOSOft ,s co-foUnder BiII Gates, NBA Star LeBrOn JameS and POP Singer JUStinBieber, have finished the ChaIlenge. Maybe you are the next! LetIS WOrk together and make theWOrlCl better.1. Where did the ICe BUCket ChaIlenge start?2. ALS Can CaUSe PeOPle to die, Can ,t it?AdditiOnal Part (

31、附加题部分)20%I. ChOOSe the right Word to COmPlete the sentences.(用方框中的词组前的字母填入空格'使句子完整、此大题做在AnSWer Sheet上)4%A a brown StUdy B a red CarPet C. a green hand D a blue moon1 We gave the guests 1 welcome.2. TOm is2in COmPUter OPeration, SO he asks JOhn for help.3. I haven , t Seen you in3 . Where have yo

32、u been?4. I Ieft him in4thinking OVer the question.II. ChOOSe the right PiCtUre to COmPlete the SentenCeS anCl then try to Write down Clifferent jobs (.选择正确的图片 完成 句子并且根据图片写出相对应的职业,此大题做在AnSWer Sheet上)4%ABCD1. TOdel is Very POPUlar in OUr SmaIl town. AS a , he always USeS WOOd to make SOmefurniture Ii

33、ke tables and ChairS for the poor.(A/B/C/D) .2 A: Woo, What a brilliant car!B: I , Ve got an excellent and he keeps my Car in order!(A/B/C/D) (在短文的空格内填入适III. Read the PaSSage and fill in the blanks With PrOPer words.当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给,此大题做在AnSWer Sheet ± ) 6%The 22nd ASia-PaCifiC ECOnOmiC

34、 COOPeratiOn (APEC) Ieaderr meeting COnClUded yesterday. 21members m 1 in the CaPital Of China Beijing. They CliSCUSSeCl the h 2issues related to the economic growth Of the ASia-PaCifiC regiOrLAPEC is Playi ng a more and more imports nt r _ 3 not only in the ASia-PaCifiC area,but also in the WOrId stage. It is founded to PrOmOte (促进)free trade and economic COOPeratiOn among the Asia- Pacific CoUn tries


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