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1、百度文库让每个人平等地提升自我2017学年徐汇区初三英语一模Part2 Phonetics>Grammar and vocabulaiy(第二部分 语音 词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案);(共如分)26.Many leaders from difierent countries attended the open ceremony of die G20 summit in Hangzliou in is correct for die underlined part?A./i/B./e/C./q/D./a/27.Our students

2、 had a lot of fbn on day of their New Year's Concert.A. a D./straight down die street and you'll see the post office on your right、die kmdergarten.manager is much better than other employees dealing with the customers' complaints.30 John is plannmg to take part in the coninig speech cont

3、est to prove.31 Some people prefer to pay by credit card. would like to pay tlirougli Alipay(支付宝)othersthe summer camp.we found that Ken was learner among all the boys.quickestneighbor has bought an electric self-balancmg scooler(平衡车),it is convenient for him to work.34. Amusing characters has creat

4、ed in the comic strip! a ailstudents are having a discussion and the answers to the problem after that.collecting be collectedcollectedkid's story sounded so that my daughter begged me to read it again for her.the help of Google Maps,peopleworry about getting lost in a foreign country.*,t,tTrump

5、 will take office on January 20,2017 Barack Obama leaves the White House.soon asWatson hid free books around London underground to encourage people the habit of readmgon the subway.formKim on the case for 3 montlis before he finally got the clues and successfully solved it.worked workedgrandmother t

6、o the hospital to have a physical checkup twice a year.gone gomg be afraid of questions if you don't understand what I've taught in today's lesson.raise43 .The little girl asked her mum.will her baby teeth start to fall outher baby teeth would start to fall outwould her baby teeth start

7、to fall outher baby teeth will start to fall out44 .ASorry I didn't finish my homework,5but I had a liigli fe'er last night.B: 's all riglit. you kidding?'t mention it riglit.45 .A:Would you imnd steppmg forward a bit?Lm afraid it's too crowded here.B: mmd. m sorry for that. cour

8、se. at all.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the can only be used once.Carl Joseph was bom without a left leg. He was raised by a single mom and grew up in Florida on a was the_46_of 10 so many difficulties that most people could only wasn't provided a chance for h

9、im to oveicome liis difficulties.In higli school,Carl played basketball.football and field track-all done without his prosthesis(假肢).In basketball.he could score_48_he was only 6 feet 1 inch fbotball,as a _49_of a teamjie played very even played college football at Bethune Cookman track,he once jump

10、ed 5 feet 10 mches higli in the high also did well in his subjects at school.than of E. hopeCarl was so good mamly_50_his said,My mom never felt sorry for me.aiid I never felt sony for you can do it.and God does the 51_Tlie Florida Higli School Athletic Association invited Carl mto the Hall of's

11、 statement(陈述) mcluded this liiie/'A one-legged athlete in The Hall of Fame gives 52_to disabled people. Anything is possible if you put your niind to it and never give up :Former football star, Dan Dierdorf, spoke_53_of Carls abilities when he called hinifcthe most amazing athlete I've ever

12、 seen:IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)54 The were surprised at the amazuig niglit views of the Blind. (German55 Jack lost liis way in the railway station and contacted a local agent for help (one)56 Many people that mobikes are too heay

13、 for them to ride(complaint)57 This bar of chocolate looks really big and it is 50 centimeters in(long)58 We are sorry for bringing you so much trouble during our stay here(tme)59 The teaimnates each other and always have argument, (like)60 Jennys gift was the most special one to her motlier althoug

14、h she spent the money(little)61 The school provides students with various after-school activities to their life(rich)V Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子 62-67 题,每 空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分)62 My brother seldom put his toys in die right place.(改为反义疑问句)My brother seldom put his t

15、oys in the right place,?63 Millions of people visited die website to purchase things at the shoppmg gala.(改为被动句)Tlie website by Millions of people to purchase things at die shoppmg gala64 Michael borrowed 3 books from the school libraryr last week(保持句意基本不变)Michael 3 books from die school library for

16、 a week65 We can make cartoon faces come to life by giving them different expressions.(又寸戈U线部分提 问)you make cartoon faces come to life?66 The tliief filially said that he stole die valuable necklace from tlie lady.(保持句意基本不变)Tlie thief finally the "valuable necklace from the lady.67 Did Maggie fl

17、y to New York on her own? He wondered.(合并两句为一句)He wondered if Maggie to New York on her own.Part3 Reading and Writingcomprehension the best answerSaint Maryas School LibraryOpening Hours:Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4;30pmResources.12,000 books6 net-worked computersNewspapers (Giiardian,starts,Tiines)

18、Magazmes(fbciis,digest.New Scientist)BorrowingStudents can borrow up to 2 books at a time.Students on die Learning Support List can borrow 5 books a a time.Students may renew books by brmgiiig them to the Library.Teacher may borrow up to 20 books at a tmie.Using the libraryTeachers are welcome to bo

19、ok the Library for classes Book Boxes for topics for use in die classroom can be prepared if it is not convenient to visit the Library.Small groups of pupils (at most 6)may be sent to the Library during the lesson to borrow/renim books or to ressearch a topic.Library RulesStudents must leave their s

20、choolbags in die bag store m the Library entrance.Food ,sweets,dniik are not allowed in the Library.Students are expected to behave nicely and respect other stiifents,need to study quietly.Library servicesThe Library has a photocopier for staff and students are:5 pence for A4 sheet10 pence for A3 sh

21、eet69 .We can know die passage it is.advertisement piece of news introduction D an instruction70 .Tlie Library is open to students and teachers.day at weekend hours a day school71 .which of the following resources is not provided by the Library?A. Books and magazines. and CDS. resources.72 .Ulike th

22、e students .teachers can borrow books at most.73 .Which of the following signs may not be the rules of die Library rule? picture74 .We can conclude that this Library is.A. In need of money because die use of a photocopier is not free of chargeB. Traditional because there is no signs of morden teclmo

23、logy to support learningC. Helpfill because it encourages students and teachers to make good use of itD. Strict with the students because they have to obey many luireasonable rules the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): (12 分)Every yearour school has a dance for all die

24、s a little fiiimy seemg friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorfill dresses.iiistead of die usual school rnufbnn.Most of us tluiik the dance is great fiin-even the teachers eiyoy being there 75 5two weeks ago someone said that there would be no live band tliis yearonly CDS.I don't believe i

25、t!Amy cried out during the lunch break/Someone said tlie school couldn't 76 a band,and they tlmik it's too noisy anyway, added Darnel."Well.I don,t tliiiik its good enough without a band!said Angela/aiid Lm gomg to see what can be done''Angela was as good as her the afternoon sh

26、e went 77 to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the situation some more he suggested that one possibility for having a band was to increase the price ticket fromS5 to$ had to find out whether the students would like to do that.need all of you to help me/ she told our group before school th

27、e next day.“gave me a list of all die nanies.and suggested we ask each other their 78 about the band and the extra cost."During the day we asked around as Angela suggested,aiid wrote down people's feelings about the band and tlie cost.We were amazed how much support tliere was for the band

28、and 79 agreed to pay the extra $5.Tm surprised'smiled jvhen we gave him tlie results/I really thouglit that only a few people wanted their band and that the cost would be too next task is to find a good band and line them up for die dance/Angela jiunped 80 and broke the news to Aniy and Daniel/Y

29、ou re amazing/smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.75 . B .However76 .77 .78 .79 .one80 . honor joysurprise angerC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)Witli smiluig eyes, quick

30、mmds and good humor, Jia Ling seems like a natural crosstalk performer (相声演员).Jia Ling was bom on April 29th, 1982 in die city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province. Having studied acting since she was 11, Jia Ling was admitted to the nation's top drama college -Tlie Central Academy of Drama when she was

31、 19, but she c 81 to learn crosstalk there.Jia Lmg is not an overnight success. After graduation ill 2003, she was living m a basement tliat was just eight square meters and witliout a bathroom. However. Feng Gong, who is one of the top crosstalk perfbnners in China, opened the door to her success.

32、He provided her witho 82 to perfbnn. Jia Ling seized(抓住)the chances she was offered and worked hard to improve her skills.As an excellent performer, the young lady first took part in die Spring Festival Gala m 2010. W 83 her unique (独特的) style and great sense of humor, Jia Lmg is loved by many peopl

33、e. Since her crosstalk is unique, fashionable and attractive, she becomes more and more p 84.Besides performing as a crosstalk perfbnner. Jia Ling is also a talented actress. She hass 85 acted in several TV series. "My acting experience has grven my crosstalk more creativity and inspiration广 Ji

34、a Ling said.Now, Jia Ling has become one of die top crosstalk perfbnners in China. She is trying so hard tliat crosstalk can s 86 to more people. She has founded her own club called New Laugliter Imi. There people can eiyoy traditional or m 87 crosstalk performances. She hopes it can mfluence her ge

35、neration and even the next generation and let more and more people fall in love with crosstalk.Jia Ling is proud of bemg a crosstalk performer and she says she is positive about the future of crosstalk because people will always want to laugh.D. Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分)If you speak

36、to Beiyamm on the phone, you would think you were talkmg to a person who had lived in a Chinese-speaking environment since childhood、as he uses Mandarin s four tones correctly.But Hammer started leanuxig Mandarin when he was a high school senior in San Jose.Califbrma. Since there were no Chinese-rel

37、ated courses at his higli school in die 1990s. Haimner studied Maiidarm in a community schoofs night classes.“In the United States, people are curious about Eastern culture, such as the culture of religion, Kung fb and traditional Clmiese medicine J Hanmier said.Hammer is one of the US citizens who

38、show a great mterest in Chinese addition to Mandarin, he learned Kung fti from a Chinese teacher when he was a student at American University m got liis Chinese name. Meng Weilong, from liis Kung fii teacherAt American university, Hanmier majored in (专业主修)international relations, and selected Climes

39、e as his foreign language without any hesitation. From then on. Hanmier spent more time and effort in leammg Climese than he did on liis major“Chinese and English belong to different language families. Leammg Cliinese is a great challenge, but I do like it. It's rare tliat a Western foreigner ca

40、n speak Chinese very well. I believe learning Chinese, ratlier than Spanish, can make me stand out from my friends. That makes me fel so great/' he said.Hanmier received his master degree in Chinese Classical Philology(中国古典文献学)at Shandong University and spent another four years gettmg his doctorate(博士学位)in the same major from Pekmg University.Now the 37-year-old man works as a teacher at the Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies of Shandong University in Jinan. He is also the assistant editor of die English version of the Journal of Chinese Humanities.88. Haim


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