1、Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Submersible Pump Cable Overview Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021INTRODUCTION TO ESP CABLEModular design many optionsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021REDA Production Sy
2、stems - LAWRENCERPS Lawrence is part of the Schlumberger GroupLocated in Lawrence Kansas since 1976Manufacturer of electric power cable and rubber molded components for ESPsProducer of more ESP cable than any other manufacturerCertified to ISO 9001 Includes All aspects of Cable ManufacturingM a c in
3、 to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Electrical Submersible CablePower is supplied to the electric motor by electric cable.Power CableMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Cable Selection
4、Electrical PropertiesPhysical DimensionsEnvironmental ResistanceMechanical StrengthTemperatureHandling ConditionsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Cable SelectionThe proper cable size is governed by the amperage, voltage drop, and space available between the tubing co
5、llar and casing.Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Cable SelectionA range of conductor sizes are available to meet application. requirements.Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Cable SelectionCables are available in either flat or round co
6、nfigurations. FLATROUNDMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Cables can be installed in wells where bottom hole temperature is excess of 300 degrees Fahrenheit.Cable SelectionMaci nt osh P
7、I CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021CONDUCTORINSULATIONBARRIER INJECTION TUBE (optional)JACKETARMORMacintosh PICTim age form atis not supportedCable ComponentsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021SIZEDAMAGE RESISTANCEFLEXIBILITYCOSTConductor SelectionM a
8、cintosh PICTim age form atis not supportedM a c in t o s h P IC Tim a g e f o r m a tis n o t s u p p o r t e dM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3
9、/2021ADHESION & STRAND BLOCKING- Downhole Performance- Gas transmission- Gas entrapment/corrosion- Corona dischargeCoating / AdhesiveCopperAlloy coatingAdhesiveStrand blockALLOY COATING- Chemical resistanceMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021All these calculations a
10、re based on extensive research and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of downhole cable system modelsConductor Size SelectionM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021TEMPERAT
11、UREPRESSURE CHANGESGAS TO OIL RATIO (GOR)CARBON DIOXIDE ATTACKOIL ATTACKInsulation SelectionInsulationMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Definite melt pointLimited by temperatureEase of processingSimple formulationsThermal failure is often dramaticTHERMOPLASTIC vs.THER
12、MOSETNo melting pointOften higher temperature ratingMore difficult to processComplex formulationsThermal failure is generally gradualMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f or mati s not suppor t edPolyproylene CoploymerTHERMOPLASTICEthylene Propylene Diene MethyleneTHERMOSETMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not
13、 support edInitials11/3/2021Excellent electrical propertiesLow costAvailable in three different colorsPOLYPROPYLENEM acintosh PICTim age form atis not supportedADVANTAGES Excellent resistance to well fluidsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Upper temperature range, sof
14、tens at 205F (96C)Subject to crazing in certain environmentsPOLYPROPYLENEDISADVANTAGESM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dM acin to sh P IC Tim ag e fo rm atis n o t su p p o rtedMa c i n t o s h P I C Ti ma g e f o r ma ti s n o t s u p p o r t e dMaci nt osh PI CTi mage
15、 f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Excellent electrical properties, although higher power losses (DLA) than polypropyleneAvailable in three different colorsEPDMADVANTAGESMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supported Excellent high-temperature stability, has been used at up to 550F (288C) in geo
16、thermal wellsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Susceptible to mechanical damage at elevated temperaturesEPDMDISADVANTAGESLimited well fluid resistance, oil swells EPDM compoundsMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/20213 kV: tested at 20 kV DC,
17、 7 kV AC4 kV: tested at 30 kV DC, 10 kV AC5 kV: tested at 35 kV DC, 13 kV ACVoltage Rating and Selection CriteriaM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dOPERATING VOLTAGEVOLTAGE SPIKES/TRANSIENTSMECHANICAL DAMAGEMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/20
18、21Surface Voltage is higher than motor Voltage (Voltage drop)Energy is required to push current through a cableOhms law; V = I(R+XL) = IrL/A+IXLVoltage DropMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f or mati s not suppor t edM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f orm
19、ati s not support edInitials11/3/2021M acintosh PIC Tim age form atis not supportedVoltage Drop GraphMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021TEMPERATURECHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTGASHANDLINGBarrier SelectionM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo r m a tis n o t s u p p o r te dMaci nt
20、osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Barrier TypesMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedTEDLAR TAPE - 300F (150C)TEFLON FEP EXTRUSION - 350F (175C)PROPRIETARY HIGH TEMPERATURE TAPE - 400F (205C)LEAD - 550F (288C)POLYVINYLEDINE FLUORIDE EXTRUSION - 300F (150C)Maci nt osh PI C
21、Ti mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021SUPERIOR HOOP STRENGTHHIGHER TEMPERATURETAPE vs. EXTRUDED BARRIERTAPE ADVANTAGEEXTRUDED BARRIER ADVANTAGES FASTER TO PROCESSM acintosh PICTim age form atis not supportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021TEMPERATURECHEM
22、ICAL ENVIRONMENTGASHANDLING CONDITIONSJacket SelectionJacketMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021185F (85C), HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE)250F (121C), NITRILE 1275F (135C), NITRILE 2350F (176C), NITRILE 3350F (176C), EPDMJacket TypesMacintosh PICTimage formatis not su
23、pportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021EPDM Rubber+ Oil =EXCELLENT HIGH TEMPERATURE STABILITYPOOR RESISTANCE TO OILMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021GOOD PHYSICAL PROPERTIESPOOR ELECTRICAL PROPERTIESPOOR RESISTANCE TO WATERNITRILE Rub
24、berMa c i n t o s h P I C Ti ma g e f o r ma ti s n o t s u p p o r t e dEXCELLENT RESISTANCE TO OILHARDENS AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE 275F (135C) SLOW DECOMPRESSION RATEMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021EPDM & NITRILE Jackets Offer Different AdvantagesM a c in to s h
25、P IC Tim a g e fo rm a tis n o t s u p p o rte dMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021DAMAGE RESISTANCEDECOMPRESSION CONTAINMENTCORROSION RESISTANCEArmor SelectionM a c in to s h P IC Tim a g e fo r m a tis n o t s u p p o r te dM
26、aci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021HEAVY GALVANIZED STEEL (0.034/0.86mm thick)HEAVY COATING CLASS II GALVANIZED STEELDOUBLE ARMOR (two layers)STAINLESS STEELMONELTWO DIFFERENT ARMOR PROFILES Armor TypesSTANDARD GALVANIZED STEEL (CLASS I)(GSA, 0.020/0.51mm & 0.025/0.
27、64mm thick)Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Armor Profile TypesMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedFlat profileStandard crown profile interlockedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021REDA Production SystemsCable OptionsMacintosh PICT
28、image formatis not supportedMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Macintosh PICTimage formatis not supported POLYETHYLENE: 185F (85C)REDA Production SystemsCable Families REDALENE: 205F (96C)Macintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedPOTBMacintosh PICTimage formatis not su
29、pportedPPEOMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021REDA Production SystemsCable FamiliesMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supported REDAHOT: 250-350F (121-177C) REDABLACK: 300-400F (149-204C)Macintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedEERMacintosh PICTimage formatis not suppor
30、tedETBEFMaci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021Macintosh PICTimage formatis not supported REDALEAD: 400-450F (203-232C)Macintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedMacintosh PICTimage formatis not supportedKELBREDA Production SystemsCable Families MOTORLEADS: 250-450F (121-232C)Maci nt osh PI CTi mage f ormati s not support edInitials11/3/2021FLAT CABLE EXTENSIONS (FCE) (Motorlead Pothead)MOTORLEAD - Typically smaller conductor than power cable, thus runs hotter. - KEOTB - 250F (121C)- KELB - 450F (232C)- KELTB - 450
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