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1、Lesson 41 illusion n. 错觉,幻想(可数名词) 因环境或其他条件的误导而导致认知上的错误 He is under the illusion that his position is secure. Extreme heat can create an illusion of water on the highway in summer. 盛夏的酷暑高温会造成公路上有水的幻觉。 delusion n. 错觉,妄想症(可数) 主观上的臆断,或有使之无效的证据也依然对某事坚信不已。或病理原因导致的认知能力失常。 Carson suffers from delusion. past

2、oral adj. 田园的 lead a pastoral life 过着田园生活 pastoral peace pastoral poetry 田园诗 Theocritus, idyllic adj. 田园诗的,宁静宜人的 an idyllic scene 田园诗般的情景 lyric adj. 抒情诗 (作复数时,指流行歌曲的歌词,情歌居多) epos (口头传诵的)原始叙事诗 narrative poem epics poem史诗(英雄) =heroic poem Homers epic 荷马史诗 Sonnet 十四行 Narrative poem 叙事诗 breed v. rise,br

3、ing up,educate 教养,培养;使长大;繁殖,培育,养殖,产生,造成 Northern countries breed people who can live in cold weather. 北方国家培养了人们在寒冷气候下生存能力。 Rabbits breed quickly. 兔子繁殖很快 Only the Chinese have successfully bred pandas. 只有中国成功地养殖了大熊猫。 Careless driving breeds accidents. 不小心驾驶会酿成交通事故 War breeds a series of unforeseen mi

4、sery and ruin. 战争带来了一连串不可预见的灾难与毁灭 rapture n. 强烈的欢乐情绪 Seeing the girl he loves filled the young man with rapture. 看到心爱的姑娘,那个年轻人激动不已 Go into rapture (变得)欣喜若狂, Men will go into rapture at the mere mention of basketball. Be in raptures 高兴之极 She was in raptures about her beautiful new house. 她看到她漂亮的新房子,高

5、兴极了。 extol v. praise highly 赞美,颂扬 Extol the virtues/ merits of 赞美优点,美德,功绩 Extol sbs virtues to the sky 把某人捧上天 People extolled the merits of the general who led them into peace 这位引导人民走向和平的将军备受称赞。 virtually adv. 几乎,差不多,实际上 大雪几乎把我们与城镇隔绝了。 We were virtually cut off from the town by snow. Virtual adj. 实际

6、(上)的 这场战斗赢了,但死伤惨重,实际上是失败了 Almost pretty well pretty much pretty nearly The two are pretty much/virtually the same 两者几乎一摸一样 My patience is pretty well、virtually、almost exhausted. Come near to 几乎,差一点就,接近于 She came near to tears. 她差一点就哭了。 glint v. n. 闪烁,发微光;(人的眼睛里)闪烁某种情绪 The gold glinted in the sunligh

7、t. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。 Eyes glinting with mischief 闪烁着调皮眼光的双眼。 Glisten v. (湿的东西,仿佛湿的东西)闪闪发光 Grass glistening with dew-drops 青草上闪闪发亮的露珠 Faces glistening with sweat 汗珠闪烁的面孔 glistening with oil 油光发亮的头发 Gleam v. n. =shine softly 隐约闪光 Moonlight gleaming on the water 水面上闪烁的月光 Eyes gleaming with anticipation/excit

8、ement 期望的目光,兴奋地目光 Glitter v. 闪闪发光,灿烂的光辉 他身边坐着个珠光宝气的阔太太 Beside him sat a rich lady glittering with jewels Glow v. 发炽热,发光辉,无焰燃烧 广告灯箱发出的暖光 The warm glow shed by advertisements dubious adj.=doubtful 可疑的,怀疑的,没把握的 Be dubious about/of 对怀疑 I am dubious of his chance of passing the exam. 我怀疑他能够通过这个考试。 Be dou

9、btful of/about be doubtful that 不能肯定,没有把握,怀疑 It is doubtful if we can get the engine working before morning. 我们还不能肯定是否能在上午之前修好发动机。 Suspicious adj. 猜疑的,可疑的 Its very suspicious that she was in the house when the crime happened. 她当时就在案件发生的那所房子里,这非常可疑 Suspicion n 疑惑,疑虑 treat n. 难得的乐事,享受;请客 what a treat

10、to get into the peace and quiet of the country! 沉浸在乡间的悠然与宁静是多美的享受啊 Its my treat;what would you like? 我请客,你喜欢吃什么? dweller n. 居住者 resident,dweller,inhabitant,occupant resident: 较长时期的居住者,(反义。Visitor) local resident 当地居民, foreign residents 外侨 dweller: 侧重于居住的地点或处所,主要用于复合词 inhabitant: 侧重于某一地方的居民或动物 the in

11、habitants of the town 城镇居民 an island inhabited only birds 一个只有鸟居住的岛 exotic adj 外来的,异乡的,异乎寻常的 exotic words/styles/articles/items 外来词,国外的款式, descend v. 下落,降临 darkness descends on the city. 夜色笼罩这座城市 descend on sth 笼罩,袭来 the robbers descended on the lonely house 抢劫犯袭击了那栋偏僻的房子 Visitors descend on Beijing every summer. 每年夏天,游客大批来


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