1、 语法A fuel line connections to the cylinder injection valvesB gasket surfaces of the fuel oil filters C discharge fittings of the fuel injector pumpsD suction side of the fuel oil transfer pump1900如果怀疑柴油机不能发火是因为燃油系统中漏入空气,那么最先应该检查的是燃油滤器的垫圈密封。(此题答案不能定论) A having a shorter duration of opening B having a
2、 longer duration of openingC closing soonerD opening later1700 减小阀杆与摇臂之间的间隙会导致气阀开启期间延长。 A engine overloadB leaky valvesC stuck or broken piston ringsD low air injection pressure1688 柴油机突然失速,伴随着冒黑烟,燃油齿条在最大值,转速仍低于正常值。可能的原因是发动机超负荷。 A need to repairB need to be repairedC needs to repairD needs repairing
3、4633 淡水泵的马达需要修理。注意点:“need repairing”和“need to be repaired”都可以使用,但是“motor”为单数,故应选择“needs repairing”。 A actuationB sensitivityC compensationD promptness1364 并联运行的柴油发动机组,不管负荷如何变化必须保持一固定的频率。调速器用于实现这一功能的特性称为补偿。 A SensitivityB PowerC Speed droopD Compensation1372 调速器的速度降特性对并联的柴油发电机的负荷分配影响很大。 A react with
4、insufficient speed droopB fail to react to small speed changesC have excessive sensitivity to small speed changesD remain in the neutral position1375 调速器运动部件之间、连接装置和控制阀之间产生的摩擦将会引起调速器对于微小的速度变化不起作用(灵敏度变差)。 A governor sensitivityB exhaust temperatureC fuel injection pressureD speed of the cam shaft1549
5、 现代船用柴油机限制负荷的要素之一是排气温度。governor sensitivity:调速器的灵敏度;知识】:柴油机常用的负荷限制因素有曲轴转矩Me,过量空气系数和排气温度Tr。 A dead bandB control pointC deviationD offset3589 对应于某个给定值;控制值与被控变量之间的稳态偏差称为剩余偏差。dead band死区 offset 剩余偏差 A primary feedbackB deviationC sensitivityD dead band3590 输出对输入的给定变化作出反应的比值称为灵敏度。deviation:偏差;dead band:
6、死区 A speed droopB sensitivityC stabilityD promptness3650 在调速器能作出正确的行动之前所需要的速度改变量,被称为“灵敏度”。sensitivity:灵敏度 A governor sensitivityB governor promptnessC speed droopD isochronous governing1355 在调速器能够使燃油齿条作出矫正动作之前需要发动机速度有变化。这种调节的对应关系通常以百分数表示,称作调速器灵敏度。 A sensitivityB stabilityC promptness n. 敏捷D speed dr
7、oop1361 调速器能阻止柴油机速度波动的能力称为“稳定性”。 A Large misalignments can be tolerated between the shaft and engine coupling.B Slip is held to a minimum when reversing shaft rotation.C Engine torsional vibrations to the driven shaft are eliminated.D It aids in maintaining power factor.1365 采用电磁离合器的优点是可以消除柴油机驱动轴的扭转
8、振动。A Ship Survey BureauB CCSC Maritime Safety AdministrationD all of the above4528 中华人民共和国规定的合法检验机构是船检局。A surveyorB chief engineerC captainD chief mate4529 在第一次检验中,验船师汇总检验报告并签发证书。compile kmpal vt. 汇编;编辑;编制;编译 A thenB thanC whenD after 4577冷却水温度一上升到40度,就可以起动柴油机了。Hardly when:一就 A Did you have No.4 cyl
9、inder repairB Do you have No.4 cylinder repairedC Didnt you have No.4 cylinder repairingD Didnt you have No.4 cylinder repaired 4578 难道在最近一次(也就是上一次)修理中没有修复4号缸吗?这里讨论的是过去发生的事,用过去时态,其中还有“have+名词+done”的结构 A in whichB on whichC to whichD by which 4579 主机通过淡水冷却,淡水中已经添加了适量的化学药品以防止腐蚀产生。 注意“add to .”,故定语从句要用
10、“to which”引导。 A Any surge occursB Any surge occurredC Should any surge occurD Should any surge occurring4609 如果发生喘振,必须尽快采取措施解决。注意点:用颠倒主、谓语词序手段表示假设条件从句:假设条件从句中谓语有were, had, should时,则可去掉if,把这些词提到从句最前面,即可构成假设条件句的一种句型。正常语序为:If any surge should occur, remedies must be taken to stop it as early as possibl
11、e. A do B to do C done D doing 4612 这与工艺和装配质量差有关,不是吗? 注意点:“have something to do with”,与有关。 A representB representsC representingD being represented4600 用H来表示已经转化成为机械功的热量。注意点:let之后的动词不定式省略了“to”。 A has learntB have learntC learnD are learning4601这个年轻人和其他人都学会了操作分油机。注意点:在“单数+as well as+复数或单数”的结构中,动词的数要跟
12、随第一个单数,故应选“has learnt”。 A becauseB sinceC due toD owing4602 因为有摩擦损失,发动机的机械效率总是小于100%。注意点:“because”和“since”之后要求从句,而“owing to”缺少了“to”。 A can we solveB we can solveC we will solveD can be solved4603 我们已经试过许多方法,都失败了。只有这种方法才能解决问题,我确信。注意点:由于“only”开头引起的倒装,有强调的意思。 A examined / are not havingB had examined /
13、 would not haveC had examined / would not have hadD should examine / would not have4604 如果你在开航前检查设备更认真些,我们现在就不会有这么多的麻烦。注意点:虚拟语气,与过去事实相反的假设:这时从句谓语用过去完成时,主句谓语是“should或would(或其它情态动词could,might等)+现在完成时(后者一律用“have+过去分词”形式)”。A beforeB afterC whenD until4605排气阀开启,几乎与此同时进气口也打开。注意点:这里when,before和after都可以引导时间
14、的定语从句,但是由“about the same time”决定应选择“when A doingB makeC turnD operating 4585 无论什么型号的船用柴油机,在起动之前,都有一些基本的准备工作。 make在这里是品牌,种类,型号的意思。“make”在这里是“型号,构造”的意思。 A it difficult for them to finish the job in timeB difficult for them to finish the job in timeC they have much difficulty to finish the job in timeD
15、 that difficult for them to finish the job in time4622 我发现要让他们按时完成工作是很难的。 “it is + 形容词 + for sb. + to do sth.”为常用的结构 A Having adjustedB Being adjustedC To adjustD Adjusted 4576 调节倾斜盘或者浮动环是比较困难的。 动词不定式短语作主语。意思是“你想要是很难的”Moveable plate:倾斜盘; floating ring:浮动环 Athe second engineer had got into the engine
16、 roomBhe second engineer go into the engine roomChas the second engineer got into the engine roomDdid the second engineer get into the engine room4597 大管轮一到机舱他们就开始修理污渣泵.注意点:以否定词not, never, hardly, scarcely, no sooner than开头的句子,主语和谓语一般颠倒。 A either / orB neither / norC such / thatD so / that4630 轴承因缺乏
17、润滑油而变得干燥,电机轴可能会热到与轴承咬死的程度。注意点:“such+名词+that”和“so+形容词+that”都表示“如此以至于.”,在这里extent为名词,故选用“such that” A to sendB to be sentC for being sentD being to send4591 我们要求所用的备件在开航前送到船上。注意点:“prefer to be done”是“want”的委婉设法。 A To workB WorkingC Having workedD Worked4592 在机舱工作,机工们几乎互相不说话。 动词不定式短语一般表示“目的”,而这里是“时间”,故
18、A不合;having worked强调work和talk的顺序,即先work后talk,故C也不合题意;worked表示motormen是work的承受者,D亦不合题意;working表示motormen是work这个动作的发出者,故应选B A not to go againstB dont go againstC not go to againstD to not go against4593 告诉你的手下在拆卸设备时不要违章。注意点:“tell sb. to do sth.”和“tell sb. not to do sth.”为习惯用法,否定词not应放在to之前。 A To satisf
19、yB To be satisfiedC After satisfyingD After being satisfied4589发动机曲柄箱内一切正常、令人满意之后,起动曲柄箱的润滑油泵。注意点:注意本情况下-ing以被动态形式出现,这时主句中主语就是行为对象。但主句为祈使句,并无主语。 A to greaseB greasingC oilingD lubricating4574 齿轮装回原地后,不要忘了给它们上油。 forget to do sth.表示忘了要去做某事; forget doing sth.表示忘了做过某事。 AShould the engine stop without app
20、arent reasonBThe engine should stop without apparent reasonCThe engine stops without apparent reasonD The engine is stopped without apparent reason4575 如果发动机无故停车,应调查下列可能的原因。注意点:用颠倒主、谓语词序手段表示假设条件从句:假设条件从句中谓语有were, had, should时,则可去掉if,把这些词提到从句最前面,即可构成假设条件句的一种句型。正常语序为:If the engine should stop without
21、apparent reason, the following possible causes should be investigated. A take placeB take overC carry outD carry over4614 本月底将要进行本年度的年修,请准备好。注意点:carry out:进行;本句应改为被动语态为妥。The annual repair of this year will be carried out at the end of this month. Please get everything ready. take place:发生,从语法角度是可以的,
22、但意思上勉强。 A hold/responsibilityB ask/responsibilityC hold/responsibleD require/responsible4613 上述损坏源自不正确的安装,故此我们要你负责赔偿。;hold sb. responsible for :要某人负责,让(某人)对负责 A will doB has doneC had doneD will have done4619 到了明天这个时候,这艘船将已经结束机舱的修理工作了。注意点:由于“By this time tomorrow”,故应选择将来完成时。 A untilB not untilC not
23、beforeD not after4626 直到半夜我们才排除了故障回舱室休息。强调结构“It was not until that”,意为“直到才” A sendB sendsC was sentD were sent4627 已经派了一个轮机员和几个机工去帮忙修理了。注意点:“单数+ +复数或单数”的数跟随第一个单数,加上被动语态,故应选“was sent”。 A any problemB some problemC any problemsD some problems4625 如果在修理工作中有什么问题请立即联系我们的值班轮机员。注意点:“there is any problem”与“
24、there are any problems”对比 A hand it overB take it overC carry it overD carry it out4623 我们公司在汉堡建造了一艘新船,我就要飞过去接船了。 take over:接收,接手,接管 A did not interruptB were not interruptedC had not interruptedD had not been interrupted4624 如果验船师们的工作昨天没被打断,恐怕早就完成检验了。注意点:1. 与过去事实正相反的虚拟语气;2. 被动语态 A has finishedB fin
25、ishesC had finishedD would finish4598 在他完成了测试之后,轮机员记录了结果。在这里的put为过去式,如果是现在时的话应为“puts”,又由推理“put”动作发生在“finish”之后,所以应选用过去完成时。 A will setB shall setC setD sets4599 轮机长建议大管轮限期交上工作计划。注意点:suggest 之后的“should be”省略了“should”。 A operatedB madeC runD done4639 巡查过了,一切正常。注意点:1. Rounds made = Rounds have been made
26、;2. “to make (go) ones round”例行巡视,按户投递 A to pay attentionB paying attentionC pay attentionD your paying attention4640 我们刚修好马达,在你值班时别忘了多注意观察着点。注意点:“remember doing sth.”为记得做过某事;而“remember to do sth.”是记得去做某事。 A whichB whatC thatD whose4638 告诉值班轮机员密切注视那台机器,有时它的温度有点高。 whose = machines,引导定语从句修饰 the machine A stand byB stand forC stood byD stood for4641 大管轮似乎知道这个符号的意思。注意点:“
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