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1、viii meaning and contextsuggested ways for the correct comprehension of word meaningcontexts contexts restriction to meaingrestriction to meainggoodgood1. this bike is good for twenty dollars 2. he is rich, so he is good for another one thousand dollars. 3. the old man is good for another thirty-min

2、ute walk. 4. this ticket of yours is not good for tonight. 5. these herbs are good for you.(高质量,符合标准的)(高质量,符合标准的)(赞同)(赞同)(健康的,强健的)(健康的,强健的)(特定的时间)(特定的时间)(有用的,有益的)(有用的,有益的)blitzhe made a blitz tour of asia. (n.n.闪电式行动)闪电式行动)there is no question that foreign tv producers have blitzed the us. (v. (v.用闪

3、电战空袭或毁坏)用闪电战空袭或毁坏) the blitz 1940年德国对英国的空袭年德国对英国的空袭ball (1). a round object to play in a game (2). dancing party”.a. the use of an up-to-date and adequate monolingual dictionary privacy (1)the state of being able to be alone, and not seeing or heard by other people (独处) eg: with seven people squashe

4、d in one house, you dont get much privacy. (2)the state of being free from public attention(隐私) eg: each individuals right to privacy impatient 1.not patient不耐烦 too impatient with slow learners对学得慢的人不耐烦 2.急于 impatient for ones dinner急于去吃饭/to see his wife急于见到他妻子。 _ longman dictionary of contemporary

5、english wise having or showing experience ,knowledge, good judgment, prudence 智慧的,聪明的(literally meaning intelligent; bright; clever) a wise man ( t) a wise boy ( f)orphan 英:the person (esp. a child) who has lost one or both of his parents by death 中:(1)死了父亲的儿童 (2)失去父母的儿童thanks to幸亏,由于幸亏,由于 either a

6、derogatory or appreciatory eg:(1)the august orgy of sun, fun and relaxation for millions of french men and women will cost a bit more this year thanks to increased gasoline and cigarette taxes. (2)thanks to your advice, we succeeded.气节气节 出处:史记古意:坚持正义、宁死不屈的品质。今意:气节是一个人的思想面貌和道德品质的最实在的最集中的表现和反映,是一个人的价值

7、观、人生观、世界观的最明显的最直接的反应。 integrity;moral courage;fine quality他铅笔盒里有五支笔他铅笔盒里有五支笔 。hes got two pencils, two ball-point pens and one pen in his pencil-box.铅笔铅笔 pencil钢笔钢笔 pen / fountain pan圆珠笔圆珠笔 ball-point pen 毛笔毛笔 writing brush 画笔画笔 painting brush鸭嘴笔鸭嘴笔 drawing pen / ruling pen蜡笔蜡笔 (wax) crayon 粉笔粉笔 cha

8、lk 上义词”(superordinate)“下义词”(hyponym)。 “车”(包括各种汽车、自行车、人力车、手推车、童车等) “牛”(包括水牛、黄牛、牦牛、奶牛等) “果品”(包括鲜果、干果、蜜饯等) “皮”(包括各种兽皮、树皮、果皮等) 单单/ /双语字典双语字典 oald: oxford advanced learners dictionary 牛津字典 necd: new english-chinese dictionary 新英汉字典 cod: concise oxford dictionary 简明牛津字典 ldoce: longman dictionary of contem

9、porary english 朗文当代英语辞典b:a good knowledge of the culture of the english-speaking people culture and religious connotations christmas wotou窝头窝头 vs mantou 馒头 she is my sister. (姐姐(姐姐? ?妹妹妹妹?)?)sibling ( (兄弟或姐妹)兄弟或姐妹)half brother/sister (同父异母或同母异父的兄弟姐妹)(同父异母或同母异父的兄弟姐妹)cousin uncle/aunt dog in different

10、 culturesin english culture: “love me, love my dog.”(爱屋及乌) “a lucky dog” (指称幸运儿) “every dog has its day.”(人人皆有得意日)in chinese culture: “狗头军师”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗急跳墙”、“狗仗人势”、“狗拿耗子”、“狗胆包天”、“狗腿子”、“狗日的”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”、“癞皮狗”以及“狗改不了吃屎”等等,把天下所有的狗都骂了个“ 狗血淋头”。bear in chinese culture - stupidity, clumsiness in russian cultu

11、re - friendlinesscalf in chinese culture - “初生牛犊不怕虎” in english culture - stupid young peoplered vs. 红色红色in english culture - misfortune, cruelty, disaster, passion, violence, etc. have red hands(犯杀人罪) red tape(官样文章) painted the town red(狂欢、胡闹) waving a red flag (to irritate sb.)in chinese culture -

12、 symbol of revolution, good luck 王维的诗相思:“红豆生南国,春来发几枝,愿君多采撷,此物最相思。”因此,“红豆”的英译不是red pea,而是love pea。ptrade union organization of workers formed to fight for their interests against the employers. pgonghui organization of workers under the leadership of party. no fighting! no negotiating!c: development

13、of the ability to determine the meaning of a word from its context copita : a little cuplaw: (1) the government(2) the police or a policemanin force: in large number a bishop on a red square: 棋盘红方格上的象棋盘红方格上的象 石室诗士施氏,嗜狮,誓食十狮。施氏时时适市视狮。十时,适十狮适市。是时,适施氏适市。氏视是十狮,恃矢势,使是十狮逝世。/氏拾是十狮尸,适石室。石室湿,氏使侍拭石室。石室拭,氏始试食是

14、十狮。食时,始识是十狮,实十石狮尸。试释是事。惜乎 提锡壶游西湖游西湖锡壶掉西湖锡壶掉西湖锡壶 一个夏天的晚上,苏东坡邀请一些朋友坐船游西湖。一位朋友手提锡壶想给苏东坡斟酒,不慎失手锡壶掉入湖中。站在旁边的另外一位朋友脱口而出:table vs desk coffee table 茶几茶几红红 蓝蓝 青青 blue / green“青天青天”是是 blue sky“青菜青菜”是是 green vegetables the blue nile习惯上译为习惯上译为“青尼罗河青尼罗河”cut “切”、“割”、“截”、“剁”、“斩”、“砍”、“劈”、“剖”、“剪”、“裁”、“刻”等 “剪”是cut with


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