1、职称英语完形填空题答题技巧1. 出题思路书内共编写15篇短文,每篇内有15个空白处,在短文的后面,每一个空白都列了4个被选答案,要求根据文章的内容选择适合的一项。其目的就是要考核学院对各类词(如实词,介词,副词,非谓语动词,连词)的理解与鉴别。要说明的是,试卷中只考一篇完形填空(15分),而且又肯定从书内出。其中没有记号的短文属于考C级学员重点学的文章;打号属于考B级学员重点学的文章;打“+”号属于考A 的学员重点学的文章。2. 解题思路(1) 先看短文,尤其是重点要看含有空白处的句子。(2) 后看相对应的4个备选答案。3. 解题的方法和技巧(1) 先要尽量看懂含有空白处的句子,尤其是重点盯住
2、空白处前面的词和后面的词。(2) 后要认真查看4个备选答案,当时就可断定所考“词的走向”(如:实词的鉴别,介词的搭配,非谓语动词的灵活使用,并列词的上下关联等);如果4个备选答案属于“主从连词”,就要从语法结构和连词的鉴别入手。(3) 完形填空题实词题解题技巧完形填空的实词题首先看构不构成固定搭配,如果不构成固定搭配则回原文读懂句子后选择答案。(4) 完形填空虚词题解题技巧完形填空虚词题首先看构不构成固定搭配,如果不构成固定搭配则回原文读懂句子后选择答案。(5) 完形填空连接词题完形填空连接词题首先看原文,了解句子之间的意思和逻辑关系,根据逻辑关系选择正确的逻辑连接词。(6) 注意:因为只考一
3、篇,又从书内出,因此有必要对重点短文要“死记硬背”。为防止考试时对更换书内原有的空白处,所以不要只背原有空白处的选项,最好要全面理解,掌握整篇短文。实例分析:第一篇An Early Form of Jazz Music Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the last century, _1_ jazz was born, America had no prominent _2_ of its own. No one knows exactly when wa
4、s invented or by whom. But it began to be _3_ in the early 1890s. Jazz is America's contribution to _4_ music. In contrast to classical music, which _5_ formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, _6_ the moods, interests, and emotions of the people.
5、 In the 1920s jazz _7_ like America. And so it does today. The _8_ of the music are as interesting as the music itself. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers. They were brought to the Southern states _9_ slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced t
6、o work long hours. When a Negro died his friends and relatives _10_ a procession to carry to body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the _11_. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. _12_ on the way home the mood changed. Spirits l
7、ifted. Death had removed one of their number, but the living were glad to be _13_. The band played _14_ music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes _15_ at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.练习:1. A) whileB) whenC) sinceD) as解题思路:
8、这道题是连接词题, when jazz was born是定语从句,修饰at the turn of the last century,所以这里需要填入的是一个引导定语从句的关联副词,只有when具有这一功能。所以答案选B。2. A) musicB) songsC) melodiesD) tunes解题思路:这道题为实词题,当时美国还没有明显属于自己的音乐,其他三个选项的词义为,歌曲,旋律,音调,都十分具体,美国不可能没有。所以答案选A。3. A) listenedB) noticedC) heardD) found解题思路: 这道题为实词题,爵士是音乐,所以noticed和found都不合适
9、,1isten是不及物动词,如果要用,也应该有个to,而这里是听到,不是听着的意思,所以应该用heard。答案选C,。4. A) classicalB) sacredC) popularD) serious解题思路:这道题为实词题,A选项意思古典,B选项神圣的,C选项流行的,D选项严肃的,爵士乐不属于古典音乐,也不属于严肃音乐或圣乐,只可能是流行音乐。答案选C5. A) introducesB) followsC) takesD) approaches解题思路:这道题为实词题,古典音乐发端于欧洲,所以它遵循的是欧洲传统。选项中只有follow是遵循的意思。所以答案选择B。6. A) discl
10、osingB) explainingC) expressingD) exposing解题思路:这道题为实词题,从跟后面这几个词moods,interests,emotions的搭配考查,只能选expressing这道题答案选C。7. A) soundedB) feltC) lookedD) seemed解题思路:这道题为实词题,爵士是音乐,是有声音的,所以只能选sounded,在二十世纪二十年代,爵士乐听上去就像当时的美国。这道题答案选A。8. A) discoveries B) originalsC) resourcesD) origins解题思路: 这道题为实词题,下面要讲的是有关爵士乐的
11、起源,所以只能选origins,其他选项的词义A 发现,B原形,C资源,都不对。所以这道题答案选D9. A) likeB) forC) asD) by解题思路: 这道题为介词题,黑人是作为奴隶被带到南方各州来的。选项中只有C选项as有作为的意思,所以答案选C。10. A) composedB) formedC) hostedD) demonstrated解题思路: 这道题为实词题,他们自发形成一支队伍,只能说formed a procession,其他三个词composed,hosted,demonstrated都不构成搭配,所以答案选B。11. A) bodyB) demonstration
12、C) processionD) march解题思路:这道题为实词题,由于上一句出现了a procession,这句的空格前出先了the,所以根据the+名词原则很容易就可以判断应该选procession。所以这道题目答案选择C。12. A) FurthermoreB) SimilarlyC) ButD) Therefore解题思路: 这道题为连接词题,这句说他们在回家的路上就会演奏一些轻快一点的歌曲和前一句演奏节奏慢的,严肃的歌曲形成对比,所以应该选B。13. A) liveB) aliveC) lifeD) there解题思路:这道题为实词题,与上一句的死death相对的是还活着,英语就是a
13、live。所以答案应该选择B。14. A) sadB) solemnC) happyD) funeral解题思路:这道题为实词题,可以想见,在回家路上他们演奏的音乐一定是比较轻快的,所以选happy,另外三个选项A sad 忧伤的,B严肃的,D葬礼的和happy的意义相悖。所以答案选C。15. A) sungB) showedC) playedD) expressed解题思路:这道题为实词题,能和tunes搭配的只有sung和played两个,但上文中提到在新奥尔良葬礼上总有一个乐队在演奏,所以这里应该选择played而不是sung。答案选C。第二篇Freezing to Death for
14、BeautyPeople in Beijing wear a lot of clothing during winter to fend off the cold. In the United States, however, people wear_1_, partly because the car is the primary mode oftransportation. Cars take_2_ straight to their workplaces, which are heated well. The American diet is full of calories, so t
15、heir_3_ can afford to burn heat more quickly.Fewer layers of clothing give people the opportunity to stay_4_. Lots of Yale girls wear skirts_5_ when it's 10 degrees Centigrade outside. Some of them at least wear boots, tights, and leg-warmers. Some, however, really just go for the look_6_ the ri
16、sk of health. These girls have nothing to prevent their legs_7_ the wind, and no socks toprotect their feet. A mini skirt and a pair of stilettos are all that they wear.Typically, the ones pursuing fashion are_8_, with little body fat. Just by the natureof their bodies, they are already at a disadva
17、ntage compared with normal people in_9_ weather. I have always_10_, whenever I pass these girls, how they manage to refrainfrom shivering and just smile like spring had arrived.And then there are the guys. The girls can be said to_11_ health for beauty. Butwhy do guys_12_ so little? It is not like,
18、once they shed some layers, they suddenlybecome better-looking. They are not exactly being fashionable when they_13_ wearsporty shorts and shower slippers in the midst of winter. It's not cute.Of course, people have the freedom to look whatever_14_ hey want. I am justsurprised that, given the va
19、st difference between winter and summer temperatures in Connecticut,they can still_15_ like they are partying on the beach in the middle of February.练习:(1) A) scarceB) lessC) littleD) least解题思路:这道题是实词题,上一个句子说北京人冬天要穿许多衣服以抵御寒冷。这后一个句子是跟上一个句子做比较,因此要用“little”的比较级形式“less”。答案选B(2) A) peopleB) studentsC) sh
20、oppersD) them解题思路:这道题是实词题,把“people”填入后生成的句子同样是正确的,但是跟前一一个句子放在一起时是不连贯的。这是蚓为在前一个句子中已经有了一个“people”。“them”是一个代词,代词的作用就是照应,这也就是为什么语言中需要代词。在这个句子中“them”就是照应前面的“people”。答案选D(3) A) armsB) heads C) legsD) bodies解题思路:这道题是实词题,“body”是“身体”,指人的物质结构。是“身体”产生热。而其他的3个选项胳膊,头,腿都不合适,所以答案选D。(4) A) bonyB) thin C) fashionab
21、leD) hungry解题思路:这道题是实词题, “stay”是系动词,跟形容闻连用,说明某种状态的存在。四个选项都是形容词,但只有“fashionable”是最佳选择。如果“穿得少”是一种时尚的话,那么只穿几件衣服当然是很时髦的。填入“bony”、“thin”、“hungry”在语义上句子都是不成立的,因为一种“瘦(bonythin)的状态”是营养差、节食或疾病造成的,跟穿多少衣服没有关系。“保持饥饿状态”跟穿衣服也没有关系。所以答案选C。(5) A) evenB) sometimesC) frequentlyD) occasionally解题思路:这道题是连接此题,“Fewer layer
22、s of clothing give people the opportunity to stay fashionable”是主题句。跟在主题句后面的句子是对这一命题的证明,这就需要有具体的事实。“even”诱发的是纽羽能性,而它引入的词语所指的可能性是在这一组中可能性最不容易发生的。尽管如此,它还是发生了。这样的证据是非常有力的。因此“even”是最佳的选择。所以答案选A(6) A) inB) for C) atD) on解题思路:这道题是介词题,4个介词中只有at 和后面的词构成搭配,“at the risk of health”是“有损健康的危险”的意思,所以这道题答案选C。(7) A)
23、 withB) against C) aboveD) under解题思路:这道题是实词题,4个选项中只有“prevent”是“防止”,可以和 agsinst构成搭配,所以这道题的答案选择B。(8) A) fatB) uglyC) shortD) skinny解题思路:这道题是实词题,该问题问:典型的追求时髦的人是什么样的人?“丑”(ugly)和“矮个”(short)显然跟追求时髦没有关系。有关系的是“fat”(胖)和“skinny”(瘦皮包骨)。“fat”可以排除,因为它跟后面的“with nttle bodyr fat”相矛盾。因此只有“skimny”是正确的选择。所以答案选D(9) A)
24、warmB) coldC) coolD) hot解题思路:四个选项都是有关不同温度的天气。由于本文讨论的主题是“为了漂亮冻得要死”,所以应该填入一个表示冷的词,选项中只有cold有这个含义,答案选B。(10) A) dreamedB) stated C) claimedD) wondered解题思路:这道题是实词题,第10空之后显示的是想的内容,选项中只有D选项可以表示想,所以答案选D(11) A) sacrificeB) devoteC) sufferD) endure解题思路:这道题是实词题,“sacrifice health for beauty”是“为了漂亮而牺牲健康”。中英语表达差不
25、多。所以答案选择A。(12) A) bear B) carryC) wearD) put on解题思路:这道题是实词题,“wear”和“put on”翻成中文都是“穿”的意思。前者是状态动词;后者由于其动作能瞬间完成而不具备延续性,因此不可能表达某种状态。而这个句子表达的完全是 一种状态,因此“wear”是合适的选择。答案选C。(13) A) onlyB) seldomC) rarelyD) hardly解题思路:这道题是实词题,前面句子讲到男人脱掉几层衣服并不突然显得更好看,那么下面的句子应该进一步具体化,因此用“only”是对的。填入该词后,句子说的是“当他们仅仅穿着花哨的短裤和洗澡用的拖
26、鞋时在确切意义上并不显得更时髦”。所以答案选A。(14) A) methodB) roadC) wayD) avenue解题思路:这道题是实词题,“way”有多种意思,包括“道路”、“途经”、“方向”、“方法”、“方式”、“样子“等。整个句子说的是:当然,人们有选择自己外表样子的自由。所以答案选C。15. A) seeB) resembleC) showD) look解题思路:这道题是实词题,look like 是“看上去是”。整个句子说的是:我只是觉得惊讶,在康涅狄格州冬夏温度相差很大的情况下,他们仍然看上去像似二月中旬的海滩上聚会。所以答案选D。第三篇The Ideal Husband S
27、cience now might be able to explain women's fascination with Brad Pitt's face and George Clooney's eyes. Women seem to _ 1_ potential mates by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, _2_
28、 those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates. In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US's University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of _3_ head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine tr
29、aits2 They then _4_ questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave. Most participants said that those with more masculine features were _5_ to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more femin
30、ine _ 6_ were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates. But, despite all the negative characteristics, when asked who they would choose for a short-term relationship, women selected the more masculine _7_ men. Brad and George, both chiseled jaws and well-defin
31、ed brows, then would be good for a _8_ romance, not for something longer. The study was published in the December issue of the US journal Personal Relationships. Kruger said that from an evolutionary perspective, this _9_ sense. The key is testosterone, the hormone responsible _10_ the development o
32、f masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics. It has been found to affect the body's ability to fight disease: men with high levels of the hormone are typically _11_ and healthy- traits women want to pass on to their children. However, increased testosterone has also been linked
33、to _12_ and violence in relationshipsSo,these men _13_ produce high quality offspring,but they don't always make great parents or faithful mates, Kruger says. The scientific community has _14_ skepticism toward physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits. But Kru
34、ger argues that the research is a valuable tool for understanding mating strategies. And, of course, for explaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female _15_. It might have to do with their genes. Or something to do with ours. 练习:1. A) makeB) judge C) date D) meet解题思路:这道题是实词
35、题,这四个词的意思是:make:做;judge:判断;date:约会;meet:见面。本文的主题是讲女人找伴侣。从所在句子的表示方式的介词短语by how masculine their features are(根据他们男性特征的情况),选择judge在语义上比较一致。答案选B2. A) where B) when C) while D) which解题思路:这道题是连接词题,这两个小分句分别表现出了可以作为短期男性伴侣的形象和作为长期男性伴侣的形象的对比,因为表达的是对比,因此用while是对的。答案选C。3. A) female B) beautiful C) attractive D)
36、 male解题思路:这道题是实词题,female:女性的;bea_utiful:漂亮的;a眦active:吸引人的;rhale:男性的。该题问的是:854个调查对象看了一系列什么样的头部镜头?在第一题的题解中我们说到,本文的主题是讲女人找伴侣,同时也说到女人是根据男性的特征来选择配偶的。因此在这四个选项中选maIe是对的。所以答案选D。4. A) answeredB) asked C) constructedD) built解题思路:这道题是实词题,answer:回答;ask:问;construct:构造;build:建造。该题问的是:这854个调查对象看完一系列的男性的头部镜头后还要做什么?
37、显然,应该是回答问题而不是提问题。因此选answered是对的。答案选A。5. A) likely B) possible C) probableD) necessary解题思路:这道题是虚词题,likely:可能的;possible:可能的;probabIe:可能的;necessary:必然的。合适的选项是1ikely。其它的选项填入后生成的都是错误的句子。所以答案选A。6. A) bodies B) hands C) armsD) faces解题思路:这道题是实词题,body;躯体;hand:手;arm:手臂;face:脸。由于调查对象看的是男士的头部,因此选face是对的。答案选D7. A) seeming B) appearing C) lookingD) pretending解题思路:这道题是实词题,seem:好
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